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地方文献中心建设是山东史志系统"三个中心"建设的重要组成部分,主要以各级方志馆为依托,以收藏地方志书为主要任务,并在此基础上,将一个区域内其他各类地方文献通过各种途径和手段汇总起来,经过加工、整理和利用来服务于社会。实践证明,建设好各级方志馆,使之集研究、收藏、服务等功能为一体,就能成为地方志事业实现长远发展的一块稳固的基地。  相似文献   

叶建 《史学理论研究》2013,(1):64-71,159
20世纪初,中国近代学人从译述日本的西方哲学史著述开始,初步介绍了分析的历史哲学的代表人物及观点,而后梁启超、李大钊等人又有更进一步的阐释。自20年代中期起,一批史学家、哲学家不满足于二手材料,强调从原著入手加以研究,这推动了西方哲学在国内传播高潮的到来。由此可见,西方分析的历史哲学俨然成为西学东渐中不可或缺的一道风景。因它与实证主义史学理论等存在差异甚至是对立,故其传播对当时占主导地位的进化史观、史学性质科学说等关键命题都有相当多的回应,这引发了时人的深入反思,推动了中国近代史学理论的深化。  相似文献   

分析西部新兴工业城市的中心区与东部老城市区的相同之处与明显差别。结合攀枝花市东区的特点,在修志实践中初步确定“立足小东区,着眼大东区”的方针,结合实际探索经验。  相似文献   

This paper explores rural Australian settler historical narratives through an examination of the landscape of public history in the northwestern Queensland city of Mount Isa. In various sites of public history, including the city's 75th anniversary festivities, tourism sites, and popular historical literature, certain narrative themes are predominant. Themes of ‘discoverers’, ‘firsts’, and ‘pioneers’ coalesce into a ‘timeline’ approach to history, in which the past is ordered sequentially in a linear pattern of development and progress. Aboriginal people are incorporated into linear histories in various ways, notably through the concept of ‘the last of the tribe’, which separates an aboriginal past from a European, colonial present and presumes colonial authority to be effectively established. Aboriginal people, particularly the Kalkadoon, are also incorporated within a second narrative tradition, the Anzac legend, for their heroic, desperate and failed battle in 1884 against European invaders. Aboriginal leaders in Mount Isa use these settler narrative traditions to advance native title claims and to create a respected public space for Aboriginal people in the city. In short, settler historical narratives, while being conservative in language, are continually being reshaped and metaphorically extended to new contexts, and are mobilized for both conservative and critical political agendas..  相似文献   

张俊峰  李杰 《民俗研究》2022,(1):94-108
隋唐以降,"江南"不仅是地域概称,亦作为一种美称在北方地区广泛流行。根据各地被称为"江南"的缘由,可大致分为水利型、稻作型、文化型、富足象征型以及景观型。各种类型的"江南"并非泾渭分明,北方各地之"江南"多是几个类型的集合体,是为复合型"江南"。北方"江南"多位于自然条件优越之地,多数"江南"指代地域为一县之隅。"江南"本是对某地社会之赞美,但美称亦会转化为"实累",明代宁夏即为此例。综合来看,传统时代北方民众对"江南"美誉的认可,缘于江南地区的繁荣兴盛,其本质上体现的是对于富足美好生活的向往与追求,亦是传统时代北方民众对于"何谓江南"的理解。  相似文献   


Fiji's much anticipated election was held in September 2014, returning Frank Bainimarama's Fiji First Party to power under a proportional representation open list system sanctioned by the decreed 2013 constitution. It marks an important step on a long and fraught journey back to parliamentary democracy. A new start has been made, but a lot will depend on how deeply Bainimarama's publicly declared multiracial vision is shared by his own supporters, including the military, overwhelming Indigenous Fijian, which has a proven history of being a friend neither of multiracialism nor of democracy. Whether this turns out to be a pyrrhic victory for one man or a turning point in Fiji's modern history remains to be seen.  相似文献   

巫濛  白藕 《东南文化》2022,(1):178-184+191-192
历史博物馆展览作为被观看的客体,以历史遗存为基础、以叙事为核心、以沉浸式体验为吸引观众达成展览目标的途径。历史博物馆展览中的景观意味着由文物展品与多种媒介物构成的具有一定叙事与意义表达的空间图示,并具有“器-象-道”三个层面。景观化可以广义地理解为将零散的元素组织成为具有意义指向的整体。“象”作为蕴含着“器”与“道”的感知整体,是营造体验、让观众形成第一印象的关键所在,因而景观化建构应以“象”为先,根据各自的基础条件运用不同的建构途径--利用天然的历史景观、重构历史场景、景观化的文物组合,从而有助于历史博物馆打造更具吸引力与更具传播效能的展览。  相似文献   

地方史研究与国史研究同为历史研究的组成部分 ,是局部与整体、个性与共性的关系 ,地方史的研究是开展国史研究的基础和前提。现在在国史、地方史的研究质量、深度、范围上仍存在许多不尽人意的地方 ,如何把国史、地方史研究向纵深方向推进 ,是国史、地方史研究人员同样面临的问题  相似文献   


This article first describes the prime movers surviving in three Irish distilleries, and shows how steam and water power were used in conjunction at two of them. The second section describes surviving stationary steam engines in other industries, and these are described in order of technological development, so giving an indication of the evolution of the stationary steam engine between about 1895 and 1940.  相似文献   

在历史的建构中,人的思维与意志占据着重要位置。通过对历史进行建构,今人将自己的意识写进历史之中。当代贵州地方志中对南明史的叙述,恰恰正是历史与建构之间的一种复杂反映。编撰者在编写南明史时其实就是对贵州安龙的南明史进行重构,从某种程度上说,被建构了的历史已经不完全是原来意义上的历史,字里行间,历史建构者的褒贬之意、好恶之感贯穿历史的始终,溢于言表,袒露无遗。  相似文献   

西方文化史研究的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王林 《史学月刊》2007,(6):111-116
当代国外的西方文化史研究具有实用性、多元化、国际化的特点,研究内容从单纯的政治文化、军事文化、宗教文化扩展到经济文化、社会文化、比较文化、心理发展文化以及影视文化等领域,研究视角大体包括概览性研究、分类性研究、阶段性研究、国别性研究、比较性研究、理论性研究。中国的西方文化史研究是随着西方文化在近代中国的扩张和传播而兴起的,上个世纪90年代以来成为一门重要的学科并取得了丰硕的成果,有关的著述大体可分为综述性、专门性、比较性和理论性四类。无论是国外的还是国内的西方文化史研究,许多涉及“西方文化史”本体的问题迄今仍未得到很好的解决。  相似文献   

In the summer of 1996, excavations outside the Chapter House at Worcester Cathedral revealed a chamber filled with animal bones and a considerable quantity of artefacts. Analysis of this material suggests that this deposit constituted the remains of one or more high status meals, probably a feast, which were disposed of in the seventeenth century. These archaeological findings are supported and amplified by the extensive documentary evidence, which not only includes historical anecdotes but also primary source material. In combination, the historical and zooarchaeological evidence sheds light not only upon the feasting practice of the ecclesiastics at Worcester, but also on the condition of the Cathedral at the end of the seventeenth century in the aftermath of the Civil War.  相似文献   

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