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In Sporting Gender." Women Athletes and Celebrity-Making During China's National Crisis, 1931-45, Yunxiang Gao argues that standards of waif-like beauty in the 1920s gave way to a new aesthetic of robust and athletic femininity (jianmei) in visual media in the 1930s. Female athletes challenged traditional norms by exposing themselves and bearing their skin in public, but they navigated between the politically acceptable "New Woman" model and the socially subversive "Modem Girl" model.  相似文献   

In Legal Transplantation in Early Twentieth-Century China: Practicing Law in Republican Beijing(1910s-1930s), Michael H.K.Ng explores the process through which the new legal institutions, practices, and ideas of Western countries and Japan were introduced to late Qing and early Republican China and negotiatedwith older imperial traditions of policing and law.  相似文献   

This paper follows the life of an idea, a fundamental concept in modern Chinese intellectual life: socialism. It explores this idea as an alternative form of Chinese cosmopolitanism, drawing from Pheng Cheah's identification of two kinds of Chinese cosmopolitanism: mercantile and revolutionary. If part of what we mean by cosmopolitanism is the local use of an external, or international, or otherwise "independent" (relative to local power and practice) ideology or discourse to promote an agent's sense of social good at home and connection to the world, then the ways that socialist thought, ideology and praxis have been employed in China in the twentieth century constitute one such strain of cosmopolitanism. Shehuizhuyi (socialism) meant related but significantly different things to Chinese in the twentieth century. This essay argues that Chinese socialism can be viewed as a version of vernacular cosmopolitanism through two examples: Wang Shiwei in the 1940s and Deng Tuo in the 1960s, as well as the discourse of Pan-Asianism before and after the Mao era. Chinese socialism was as much a terrain of debate and contestation about what it means to be "Chinese and modern" as it was a shared vocabulary and set of aspirations. All along it has been able to play the role of cosmopolitan thought for some influential Chinese thinkers and doers--connecting China to the world in order to pursue universal values.  相似文献   

After over a decade of civil war, the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek established something of a national government in 1928. This marvelous book explores how they built up Nanjing as China's new capital city over the following decade. Musgrove argues that the Nationalists' city planning, public building architecture, mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen and other memorials, and new state rituals all promoted the new government's legitimacy, even though that government remained relatively weak and divided. In line with more favorable views of the "Nanjing Decade" that have come to replace an earlier generation of historiography, Musgrove believes that the government's accomplishments in building up Nanjing were real and significant, albeit limited.  相似文献   

Previous scholarship has made it abundantly clear that the Taiping War impacted urban hierarchies in the Yangzi delta region, wreaking havoc in economic, commercial, administrative, and cultural centers like Hangzhou, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Changzhou, and Wuxi, thereby hastening the rise of Shanghai. But how did this war affect cities beyond the core Jiangnan region? In a case study of the prefectural city of Hefei (Luzhou), this article explores the ways in which war led to the reconfiguration and reimagining of urban space, both through wartime destruction and the patronage of post-war reconstruction.  相似文献   

While David Pankenier has since the early 1980s made outstanding contributionsto the scholarship of ancient Chinese cosmology, astrology, and their politico-cultural consequences with his many fruitful articles, this is his first single-authored monograph incorporating major discoveries and insights accumulated over the decades. The book is groundbreaking, not only in the sense that the particular topic is examined with unprecedented intensity and profoundness, but also because it provides "an introduction to diverse aspects of an understudied field" (p. 5), making the frameworks, terminologies and sources of early astral sciences in China more accessible.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the migration of middle school students to the interior of China after the Japanese invaded in 1937. It argues that the Guomindang (GMD) central government was generally successful in handling the 500,000 displaced students, making substantial efforts to monitor, register, educate, and provide training for them, as well as establishing government-run "national middle schools" during the war. Meanwhile, the GMD also exerted a strong influence on course curriculum, instructing educators how to implement the Three People's Principles and other party doctrines in classrooms. These processes expanded the state's hand in secondary education and allowed the GMD to include refugee students and schools in its wartime narrative of progress, praising the students' patriotic participation in defying the Japanese occupiers and their contribution to "national reconstruction" (jianguo). However, there were still many challenges. Refugee students, teachers, and principals forcibly converted Buddhist temples into schools and clashed with local monks, farmers, villagers, and even the GMD military. With schools merging and moving inland, relocation also provided opportunities for unscrupulous administrators and teachers to exploit the situation for themselves, as government reports reveal many cases of corruption in the wartime schools.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the investigators of rural society in the Republican period,specifically research made through fieldwork on the Gowned Brothers (or,Paoge) in 1940s Sichuan.It takes up one such investigator,Shen Baoyuan—a student at Yenching University;her youthful work never became published or recognized.The present study reveals how the pioneers of Chinese sociology and anthropology,who called themselves "rural activists," tried to understand rural China.It argues that the developments in those fields in China of the 1920s and 1940s made it possible for us today to have a better understanding of the contemporary rural problems.The investigators played an important role in the Rural Construction and Rural Education Movements in Republican China.They show us how Western sociology and anthropology were localized in order to answer "Chinese questions" and to solve "Chinese problems." As source material,these investigations have given us rich records,which in turn have become precious sources and historical memories of rural China's past.  相似文献   

A common view of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is that it is a recent invention of the twentieth century, even though many of its practitioners claim that it is a continuation of a tradition lasting thousands of years.In an ambitious book, Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei uses a new perspective to explore the history immediately prior to the invention of TCM.During the Republican era the status and future of Chinese medicine faced serious threats from supporters of Westernmedicine.  相似文献   

Much of the existing scholarship on the universalization of nineteenth-century international law has framed it in terms of the imperial West's domination of non-Western societies.This article complicates and qualifies this conventional state-centric narrative by investigating the juridical,capitalist production of China as a "semi-civilized" international legal subject.It examines the foundational modem Sino-British/Westem commercial and extraterritorial treaties,as well as the treatises of a new professional class of British international lawyers-James Lorimer (1818-90),John Westlake (1828-1913),William Edward Hall (1835-94),T.E.Holland (1835-1926),Thomas Lawrence (1849-1920),and Lassa Oppenheim (1849-1920).The juridical production of China as a "semi-civilized" legal subject throws into relief the dual capitalist nature and significance of the universalization of nineteenth-century international law.On the one hand,this "civilized" legal discourse underwrote a novel liberal conception of a universal international law (jus publicum universal) within which China was formally included as a quasi-legal subject.On the other hand,it also underwrote a particularistic,Euro-centric international law,which excluded China from its global domain and denied it basic sovereign fights.In this way also,"civilized" international law justified both formal equality in Europeannon-European treaty relations,as well as the real substantive inequality of these international exchanges of rights and obligations.Building on the critical theoretical work of Evgeny Pashukanis (1891-1937),this article argues that a non-orthodox Marxist social theory of legal forms is best suited to explain the abstract,liberal universalism of nineteenth-century "civilized" international law and the contradictory forms of legal and jurisprudential discourse it made available and rendered normatively meaningful to international law practitioners.Through this Marxist theory,moreover,I shall relate said contradictory discourse to modern commodity exchange practices.  相似文献   

Li Huaiyin's new book deals with the dialectic and competing processes ofwriting the history of "modem China" in China during the past century. Li presents the writing of history as a literary genre that has produced multiple narratives in different periods, narratives that corresponded to or were instigated by particular socio-political (especially political) circumstances of the protagonists of his story. In general, Li depicts these narratives as "romantic," "optimistic," or "pessimistic," based on two major conflicting paradigms (or "grand narratives"--Li often uses "narrative" and "paradigm" interchangeably): "modernization" and "revolutionary."  相似文献   

This lecture is concerned with some historical issues of "China," "territory, culture" and "identity" that are placed against the background of politics, culture and scholarship in contemporary China. I want to draw attention to the question of how historians understand and interpret "China." It addresses the following questions. First, where did the idea of "China" come from? and how did it become a topic of scholarly research? What kind of dilemmas does "China" confront in its current condition and historical interpretation? Second, how do various new historical theories and methods in international academic circles enrich our understanding of "China"? Third, how does China's history and reality challenge the theories of "empire" and "nation-state"? Fourth, is it possible to write "East Asian history"? Does "national history" prove still effective in describing China or East Asia?  相似文献   

Employing a wealth of detailed evidence, the author of the book portrays an ambitious picture of gender relations in the roughly five centuries from late-Tang to late-Yuan. In order to make the incredibly complicated picture more organized, Bossier divides the book chronologically into three time periods, the Northern Song (with a little part touching on the late Tang), the Southern Song, and the Yuan. Within each time period, Bossier analyzes three major categories of women---courtesans, concubines, and wives--in that sequence. Such arrangement is a clear sign of her argument: from Song to Yuan, writings on men's romantic relationship with courtesans gradually gave way to wives' fidelity and obligations, which was being applied more generally to all women, including courtesans, courtesan-concubines, and concubines. The application of wifely virtue to all women promoted the status of concubines within the family, as they were expected to behave and be treated like respectable wives. As a consequence, wives' authority declined, especially when sons produced by wives and concubines received equal treatment. Such a practice stressed the importance of paternal side while ignoring the maternal one, hence greatly intensified the patriline.  相似文献   

The Shanghai tabloid press has gained growing scholarly attention in the recent decade. Wanxiao xiaobao (All-Seeing Tabloid) is another major publication to deal with this fascinating form of popular print press that flourished in late Qing and Republican China. Earlier studies have explored the Shanghai tabloid press as a platform for popular literature (Li Nan 李楠, Wan Qing, Minguo shiqi Shanghai xiaobao yanjiu [A study of the Shanghai tabloid press in the late Qing and Republican period], Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2005), as an important part of media history in modem China (Hong Yu 洪煜, Jindai Shanghai xiaobao yu shimin wenhua yanjiu, 1897-1937 [A study of the tabloid press and popular culture in modem Shanghai, 1897-1937], Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 2007), as a mirror of a flowering Shanghai-based entertainment culture (Catherine Yeh, "Shanghai Leisure, Print Entertainment, and the Tabloids, xiaobao," in Rudolf G. Wagner, ed.,  相似文献   

In JAC 16 I have discussed the development of the House of the lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called "reforms of Urukagina" in Lagash and Girsu. That was the first part of my studies on the administrative texts from Girsu. In JAC 19 I have investigated, according to the donkey fodder rations which are recorded in the first part of the List of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (ξe-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), the sorts, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the last years of Urukagina and found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2nd month), the daily fodders and the number of various donkeys were greatly reduced.  相似文献   

In Stefan Kroll's book Genesis of Norms via Re-Interpretation, the authoranalyzes the reception and adaptation of the European discipline of international law during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in China. Combining philological methods taken from sinology with methods in the fields of legal history and sociology, he is able to create an analytical framework that describes the genesis of international norms as a process of isomorphic strategy, a term that is discussed in what follows.  相似文献   

In JAC 19, I investigated Lists of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (se-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), with regard to the types and amount of fodder provided to donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina. In this paper, I found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2^nd month), the daily fodder for donkeys, and the number of types of donkeys, were greatly reduced. Economic decline occurred in the reign of Urukagina, king of Lagash, from the fifth year on, possibly as a result of political decline. The fact that the archive of the House of The Lady ends in Urukagina's seventh year may imply that it is in this year that Lugalzaggesi, king of Umma, captured Lagash and Girsu.  相似文献   

Exile of Litterateurs and Literary Creations: New Literary Orientation from the Years 1067 to 1162
Shen Songqin ( p. 1 )
During the hundred years between the reigns of Shenzong and Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, thousands of litterateurs were put in exile. These exiled litterateurs were the major players in the literary creations in the Song period In the times of exile or imprisonment, they were fraught with desperation and sorrow of life. In the face of the life blow, they strove to practice the teaching of inward sagehood of Confucianism and cultivated their mind and nature. In this way, they were able to remove the burden of sorrow and came to terms with themselves. Thus, they experienced the' spiritual progress from sorrow, transcendence to yearning for home. The spiritual progress dictated that the exiled group proceeded from the "outward" to the "inward"in literary creations. This turn to the sentimental poetry was a thorough one. The desperation and sorrow of life were transformed into the songs of ease and leisure. Thus,  相似文献   

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