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回族是我国土生土长的有着悠久历史的回鹘人.唐代迁往葱岭以西,和中亚、西南亚信仰伊斯兰教的阿拉伯人、伊朗人、伊拉克人、阿富汗人以及中亚其他各族人在融合过程中,遇到成吉  相似文献   

B.B.巴托尔德是俄国著名的东方学家.他运用历史批判的研究方法,率先将中亚历史地理问题研究纳入科学轨道,成为中亚历史地理学的奠基人.他以解决实际问题为目标,以考古学、阿姆河流向、人工灌溉和政权更迭等问题为导向,对中亚区域史地问题进行研究,构建了他的中亚区域历史地理观.开启了中亚历史地理研究的先河;他的中亚区域历史地理观...  相似文献   

1500年布哈拉汗国的建立拉开了中亚近代史的序幕。乌兹别克人的南下加快了河中地区游牧文明与农耕文明的交往,促使汗国经济发展步入转折期。在继承和变革帖木儿王朝经济制度的前提下,16世纪汗国的农牧经济得到恢复和发展,手工业进一步完善,对外贸易重新活跃,从而对中亚近代文明交往产生了深远影响。乌兹别克人在与河中地区各民族频繁交往的过程中,其经济生活逐渐转向农业,并接受中亚传统的伊斯兰教,从而实现了中亚农耕文明和伊斯兰文化的传承与发展。  相似文献   

本文认为,新疆古称西域,其实西域常指包括新疆及其以西的中亚广大地区。“中亚”亦有广义和狭义之分,是见仁见智的近代地理概念。此外,古今中外还有一些与新疆和中亚有关的地理概念,都有一定的历史文化背景,系统考察之,那就是一部亚洲腹地地缘政治文化史。近年美国人提出Greater Central Asia(大中亚)的概念,另有一番政治含义。  相似文献   

哈萨克、布哈拉和希瓦三个汗国在16~17世纪期间加强了与俄国的联系,除了继续以往的经济交往外,中亚与俄国开始了正式的使者互访.双方交涉的问题有释放在中亚的俄国奴隶、中亚居民假道俄国去麦加朝圣、双方侨民居住自由,以及俄国假道中亚通往印度等问题.除了最后一个问题得到解决外,在16~17世纪,其余三个问题都没有得到彻底解决.  相似文献   

18世纪中后期,清朝主动搜集信息,了解浩罕、哈萨克、布鲁特等中亚部族政权的动向。往返于中亚各商镇与喀什噶尔之间的贸易商队和投归清朝的厄鲁特逃人,向清朝提供了关键信息。这些信息的内容包含中亚费尔干纳盆地、塔什干及河中地区的政治、军事、外交动态。文章呈现清代西北边疆信息搜集机制的运作实态,进而探讨清朝对18世纪中后期中亚政局的认知情况等问题。  相似文献   

浅析中亚国家的社会分化与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中亚国家独立十年来的民族社会结构分化与社会整合等问题的探讨 ,揭示了中亚各国在独立道路上所遇到的困难与波折 ,分析了中亚各国的社会发展情况。从社会结构的分化上来说 ,中亚各国独立十年来体现在各领域的分层十分明显。从社会整合方面来讲 ,由于前苏联人为地造成的资源分配的不平衡 ,导致中亚各国资源利用上的匮乏 ,致使其政治系统的正常运行受到严重的打击 ,结果给中亚各国的社会整合带来了较大的困难。目前中亚各国的社会整合任重而道远 ,需要社会各部分力量的相互协调与合作。  相似文献   

孙洁 《黑龙江史志》2014,(5):265+267
塞人无论是在古代中亚历史舞台上,还是在古代西域史中都曾有着举足轻重的地位。他是古代欧亚草原杀不过最活跃的游牧部落联盟之一,是欧亚及世界其他文明在中亚相互交换的不可缺失的桥梁。近年来,对塞人的研究著作主要有《塞种史研究》余太山先生著于1992年,由中国科学出版社出版。本书旨在探讨贵霜王朝兴起以前的中亚史,重点在塞人的活动,本书也是我国第一部有关塞种史的专著。笔者只是想利用中外历史文献对照,对塞种人进行另一种诠释,如有与前辈得出结论相同,纯属偶然,绝无抄袭,剽窃。  相似文献   

中亚是一个极不确定的概念,本文所说的“中亚”是“历史含义的”中亚,它大致包括乌兹别克吉尔吉斯塔吉克叶库曼和国和哈萨克共和国南部、阿富汗北部与伊朗东北部(即历史上称为“吐火罗斯坦”和“呼罗珊斯坦”的地区)。在海陆未发达之前,东西方的物资、文化交流都要通过这一地带,容易受到外来影响,所以经济、文化都比较发达。在古代,中亚地区基本上是一个“大国争霸”的舞台,各种民族在这里来来去去,出现过各种战争和动乱。阿拉伯人的入侵,伊斯兰教的传入促进了中亚封建制的确立和发展,中亚成了阿拉伯帝国的一部分。  相似文献   

欧美学界尝以为,自16世纪始,中亚于内陆国际贸易的重要地位趋于衰落,并将其影响因素归结为两个层面。一是乌兹别克等部族的入侵,造成中亚统一帝国的分崩离析;二是受到地理大发现后全球化进程的冲击。实际上,在16-17世纪,中亚的传统商业城镇依然保持着一定的繁荣。其中,以"布哈拉人"为主体的商人群体起着尤为关键的作用。"布哈拉人"作为一个泛化的商业群体,这一时期通过教缘与地缘关系,将中亚诸城镇、草原以及印度、波斯、俄国、中国连接在一起,构建起了一个颇具规模的欧亚内陆贸易网络。正是由于"布哈拉人"长期把持对远东贸易的控制权,从而迫使俄国政府自16世纪下半叶始,积极开拓西伯利亚新商道,以摆脱"布哈拉人"主导下的远东贸易体系。由此说明,在新航路开辟后的一、二百年间,中亚商队在欧亚内陆依然保持着自身的贸易地位。  相似文献   

由于异常激烈的生存竞争和有利于革新的思想文化背景,当世界其它地区军事上还在缓慢发展时,欧洲在14—17世纪发生了一系列军事革命,其军队在陆地和海上的作战能力得到了稳步提高。这使欧洲人在与世界其它地区的对抗中逐渐取得了越来越明显的军事优势。尽管欧洲的崛起是由政治、经济、军事、文化及社会等各个领域的许多复杂因素相互作用共同促成的,但在多数情况下军事优势是其征服过程中必不可少的条件。  相似文献   

To understand more fully contemporary forms of colonialism in PNG I argue we need to move our analysis beyond local narratives of encounters with Europeans to include narratives about non-Europeans. Through a consideration of Kamula accounts of Europeans, especially missionaries, and Chinese I show how the Kamula model two quite different experiences of colonialism. In one, local people are able to transform Europeans into analogues of themselves and in the other, currently more associated with the Chinese, the emphasis is on difference, rather than on commonalities. These interrelated representations of two distinct kinds of colonialists are, in part, complex signifiers of national, and especially local, concerns about ‘development’ based on logging. I outline how these accounts of Europeans and Chinese express the different forms of power which are currently deployed to transform space in the Western Province. I conclude by speculating that to understand these powers adequately we may need to follow Latour and Callon and extend our analysis of colonialism to include non-human agents.  相似文献   

结合19世纪末华侨因为参与鸦片税收承包与鸦片走私成为社会舆论批驳焦点的史实,阐述和分析了爪哇鸦片的输入与鸦片包税制的确立、爪哇鸦片走私的兴起以及华侨鸦片包税商在走私中所扮演的角色及其原因。认为华侨并不是爪哇鸦片走私的唯一参与者,欧洲人、欧亚混血儿及爪哇本土人常常是他们的合作伙伴;无论鸦片税收承包还是鸦片走私,最终的受益者都是荷兰殖民统治者;华侨包税商在荷属印尼历史上所扮演的任何角色都是由荷兰殖民统治的利益所决定的。  相似文献   

The call for a common US–European approach to the multiple problems of the wider Middle East region has become the latest truism of the transatlantic circuit. But the Middle East is also the region that has historically most divided Americans and Europeans. Steven Everts argues that, despite the different reflexes and assumptions, a joint transatlantic effort is both necessary and feasible. But it will only work if both sides are prepared to adjust policies, allocate sufficient resources and, most of all, take political risks. He sketches a joint strategy based on four pillars: a new international bargain for Iraq; keeping the two-state solution alive in Israel–Palestine; preventing the next transatlantic bust-up over Iran; and with regard to the crisis of governance, taking concrete steps to promote political reforms throughout the region. The author concludes that in the Middle East, Europe must be more strategically daring while America must be more politically astute.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increased historical interest in the way in which Western militaries have understood, interacted with and represented Oriental native peoples. However, the influence which the Western perception of the Orient had on the British officers seconded to reform and lead the Egyptian Army between 1882 and 1899 has been overlooked. This oversight is particularly surprising since the reformation the Egyptian Army and its use in the re-conquest of the Sudan between 1896 and 1899 constituted one of the main British military commitments to the Middle East at the height of Empire. Consequently, an examination of the reformation of this force offers the opportunity to examine not only the construction of British racial ideas and their influence on imperialism, but also how they directly affected British actions in Egypt and Sudan. In order to fill this gap in the historiography, this article examines how Western ideas on race, masculinity and imperialism affected the British reformation and leadership of the Egyptian Army as well as how the Europeans attached to the force represented the region in their writing. It argues that the notion of Oriental inferiority quickly became institutionalised amongst the British officers seconded to the force and this not only had a major influence on how the Egyptian Army was both reconstituted and led, but also on how those Europeans attached to the force wrote about their experiences.  相似文献   

北宋中期,兴起于庆历之际的学术变革运动,使学者们得以逐渐摆脱经传注疏的束缚,整合儒、释、道三教思想,构建出具有新内涵的儒学,在此过程中,为了强化儒家的伦理道德观念的至上性,学者们不仅试图将其解释为决定历史发展的根本力量,而且还以其为准则评判历史人物事件的是非,同时以其为指导思想对历史进行大规模的编纂或重构。  相似文献   

This paper is an historical archaeological examination of the socioeconomic relations of the Chinese and European communities of Cooktown in north Queensland during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It looks at the social landscape and production, exchange and consumption of material culture to show that the Chinese were not a disengaged group, as depicted in conventional understandings of colonial life, but integral to the town’s socioeconomic fabric. This close relationship arose out of a process of negotiation between Chinese and Europeans which responded to the strengths, weaknesses and resources of their individual business networks, and the particular conditions of Cooktown’s frontier environment.  相似文献   

抗战胜利后,中国面临民族复兴的重要时代机遇,自由主义者以"中间道路"相号召,形成了不同于国共两党的民族复兴的蓝图设计。本文以自由主义政论期刊对中共的评价为切入点,从分析共产党的社会主义理论与新民主主义路线、共产党的性质、共产党现行政策及其政绩三方面展现自由主义期刊中的中共形象,并以此为视角,从一个侧面彰显和印证自由主义者特有的民族复兴的路径选择。  相似文献   

In 1969–70, a single Tang dynasty blue‐spotted Gongyi sherd was found at Siraf, Iran, the main trading port on the Persian Gulf in the early Islamic period. This is the only known example of Chinese blue‐and‐white ware, whether low‐ or high‐fired, found in the Middle East from such an early date. The sherd provides direct archaeological evidence for the Indian Ocean trade between China and the Middle East in the ninth century ad . The body paste, clear glaze and blue glaze or pigment were analysed by thin‐section petrography, scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometry (SEM‐EDX) and X‐ray fluorescence (XRF). The technological analysis reveals the different steps of the chaîne opératoire: clay mixing, slip and glaze application, and decoration with the cobalt blue glaze before high‐temperature firing. These steps are characteristic of Tang stoneware production at Gongyi in Henan province, China. The use of cobalt blue pigment as part of a simple spotted decoration scheme on the Gongyi sherd, and its find context within the Middle East, provides evidence for the complex interplay and influence occurring between Chinese and Middle East ceramic industries at this time. Closely comparable examples of contemporary low‐fired earthenware ceramics with cobalt blue decoration on a white tin glaze manufactured within the Middle East also occur within the same assemblage from Siraf.  相似文献   

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