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江苏连云港将军崖旧石器晚期遗址的考古发掘与收获   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2006年在连云港将军崖旧石器晚期遗址的发掘,主要收获包括人类石铺生活面1处和可能属于灶坑的遗迹2处,以及1500余件石制品。工具类型以刮削器为主,以小型为主,石片石器和细石器各占一定比例。石器工业早期为华北主工业类型——石片石器工业,晚期以细石器为主。主要文化层的地质年代为晚更新世晚期至全新世早期。  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a palynological study conducted at the Middle Paleolithic site of Chagyrskaya Cave (Altai). Sediments containing the technocomplex of the Sibiryachikha facies of the Altai Middle Paleolithic accumulated at the end of MIS 4 which corresponds with the final stage of the Ermakovo glaciation. The results of the palynological analysis indicate that during the period in question, predominantly steppe landscapes existed in dry, cold climate conditions.  相似文献   

The area of the Middle and Upper Yenisei is one of the most important concentrations of Paleolithic sites in Northern Asia. More than 200 localities, belonging to various stages of the Paleolithic, are now known. The initial phase of the Late Paleolithic is represented by Malaya Syiya, which is dated to approximately 34,000–33,000 B.P. The middle phase of the Late Paleolithic is marked by the blade industries of Early Sartan age (24,000–18,000 B.P.), as at Shlenka, Tarachikha, Ui I, and elsewhere. At 18,000–16,000 B.P., these were replaced by the Final Paleolithic Afontova and Kokorevo cultures, although some of the earlier blade industries continued into this period (Golubaya I).  相似文献   

Early Upper Paleolithic sites are known in various parts of Eastern Europe, but the two main concentrations of them are the Prut-Dniester basin and the middle Don. The flint industries are divided into archaeological cultures (cultural traditions), of which some show clear archaic features (Kostenki-Streletsian, Gorodtsovian, Brynzenian, etc.), while others have no Mousteroid characteristics (Spitsynian, Telmanian, etc.). Both types of culture coexisted throughout the Early Upper Paleolithic. In some cases, it is possible to trace genetic links between archaeological cultures and to follow the transition between the Middle and the Upper Paleolithic. The radiocarbon age of the oldest Upper Paleolithic sites in the Russian Plain is about 40,000 B.P., but some sites may be older. The Early Upper Paleolithic ended about 24,000–23,000 B.P. In the Crimea, the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition appears to have taken place at about 20,000–18,000 B.P.  相似文献   

2019年5月至6月,为配合天府大道北延线(德阳段)建设,四川省文物考古研究院对道路施工区域进行了考古调查,共发现5处新石器时代晚期至商周时期遗址、1处汉代遗址、1处宋代遗址、7处汉代至宋代墓地以及27处零星遗存点,其中5处新石器时代晚期至商周时期遗址是此次调查最重要的收获,对于认识三星堆遗址周边区域的聚落形态及其与三星堆遗址关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A methodology is described by which spatial patterns of land use were reconstructed from pollen analyses on anthropogenic sediments at a recently excavated early Neolithic timber ‘hall’ in north east Scotland. The anthropogenic sediments were from a deep, small diameter pit within the building. They present numerous taphonomic and interpretative challenges to the analyst, but from this type of deposit, the power to estimate quantitatively the vegetation structure around the archaeological site makes such difficult deposits very significant. A rigorous methodology is firstly described, therefore, by which confidence in ecological interpretation can be established. Secondly, the source of pollen in the deposit is evaluated. Thirdly, the possible pollen source area and structure of the surrounding vegetation are estimated by quantitative simulation modelling. Finally, these analyses are compared with region-scale pollen analyses from nearby conventional wetland deposits with much larger pollen source areas. The pollen assemblages recovered probably reflect land uses adjacent to the ‘hall’ and up to 2.5 km around. Cereal cultivation was the most important land use immediately around the ‘hall’, possibly grown between stands of scrub Corylus (hazel) woodland. These intensive but local-scale land uses cannot be discerned in region-scale pollen analyses.  相似文献   

Reported are the results of a multivariate analysis, here called multivariable analysis, of an Italian Late Neolithic archaeofauna. The technique adopted is that proposed by Behrensmeyer (1991), adapted to the needs of zooarchaeology. It is tested on an inter-hut bone accumulation from the target site of Offida, near Ascoli Piceno, Marche region, in central eastern Italy, which is characterized by vertebrate remains, invertebrates, stone implements, and ceramics. The typology of the ceramics date the site from 3800 to 3100 B.C. Offida's subset was chosen not only for its rich and varied information, but also for its containing both domestic and wild mammalian remains. The multivariable method is tested on these two faunal components both separately and jointly, with the addition of the undetermined specimens. The results are then compared with those obtained plotting the variables of the bone accumulations of two open-air Neolithic settlements, a small, temporary one in Italy, Mulino Sant'Antonio, and a large one in Israel, Hefzibah 7–18. The first is an Italian Neolithic site typologically and dimensionally similar to Offida; the second is outside Italy and much larger than Offida. Offida's domestic assemblage results more fragmented than its wild animal component. It shows evidence of intense elaboration by the villagers, low richness and a relatively higher amount of sheep/goats and cattle, no bone articulation or sorting, as well as the effects of moderate exposure and prolonged trampling. The wild animal component, in contrast, shows rather high equitability and a lower overall body size. The analysis proves that wildlife already was a minor resource for the Late Neolithic people in this part of Italy. The multivariable approach also shows that a backyard or pathway assemblage such as Offida's is more similar to the overall bone accumulation of a small-sized, temporary settlement than to that of a larger site, and that this particular kind of assemblage is characterized both by a patchy distribution of the bone fragments and by a relatively high incidence of trampling.  相似文献   

2013年7~8月,广东省文物考古研究所在揭西县河婆镇乌岽岭,抢救清理了一处新石器时代晚期虎头埔文化遗址,遗址内遗迹多为灰坑,出土了较多陶器、石器,还有少量炭粒和果核,为研究粤东地区新石器时期的考古学文化提供了一批新材料。  相似文献   

The initial Late Paleolithic, said to appear between 40 and 30 kya in eastern Asia, is defined by the appearance of many innovations. These archaeological indicators include the appearance of more refined stone tool making techniques (e.g., include the appearance of blade and microblade technology), complex hearth construction, use of pigments and personal ornamentation, as well as worked faunal implements such as bone and antler tools. We report here new findings from a multidisciplinary research project conducted at the Shuidonggou (Choei-tong-keou) site complex in northern China, a series of localities that date from the initial Late Paleolithic to the Neolithic.  相似文献   

In the northern part of the Netherlands (defined here as the area situated above the river Rhine), the Late Mesolithic is dated to the period between ca. 8100 and 6000 BP, and is characterised by the occurrence of trapeze shaped flint tips. Trapezes continue to be in use during the Swifterbant culture (ca. 6000–4800 BP), including the ceramic Mesolithic phase (Early Swifterbant) which is dated between 6000 and 5600 BP. During the Funnelbeaker culture or TRB (ca. 4800–4100 BP) transverse points dominate. With the onset of the Single Grave Culture (SGC) transverse points are no longer the ‘preferred weapon of choice’; they are replaced by surface-retouched (tanged) points. In this paper some of the basic premises of the typological development of trapezes (narrow to broad) and the chronological relevance of ‘subtypes’ (symmetric, asymmetric, right-angled and rhombic) are discussed based on analyses of trapezes from four excavated Mesolithic and Swifterbant sites. For comparison a random sample of TRB transverse points was included in several analyses as well. One of the main conclusions of this paper is that it is possible, based on analyses of metric and non-metric traits of trapeze shaped flint tips, to distinguish between true ‘Mesolithic’ trapezes, trapezes belonging to the (Neolithic) Swifterbant culture, and transverse points of the TRB. The outcomes of these analyses may help in obtaining a relative date for undated (surface) assemblages, and may furthermore lead to the positive identification of Swifterbant settlements in the higher (situated above the present-day sea level) Pleistocene areas in the northern and eastern part of the study area which are so far unknown. The results presented here will be put to the test in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

Recently, two Late Neolithic skeletons belonging to the Single Grave Culture (ca. 4500 BP) were discovered in the province of North-Holland. It is the first time that such complete and well-preserved skeletons of this age have been found in The Netherlands. Both skeletons were subjected to an extensive and close examination in order to gain more information about these two individuals and their way of life. Application of different methods resulted in the determination of the sex (a male and a female), the age at death and the stature of the skeletons. Pathological features could be established in the female skeleton by means of radiography. The male skeleton was incomplete owing to animal scavenging. The tooth marks on the bones were studied in an attempt to discover the circumstances of death. In order to obtain information about the diet of the two individuals, the dental microwear and the remains of plaque and calculus were investigated. This investigation demonstrates the importance of physical anthropological studies with regard to the reconstruction of life in the past.  相似文献   


The appearance of the first farming groups on the North European Plain was the turning point for the Mesolithic foragers who had inhabited that region for almost 7000 years. Interrelations between these two very different communities are fascinating for archaeologists interested in the northern European Stone Age. Research at D?bki in Poland provides elements for a discussion of the Neolithic transformation along the southern Baltic coast. Pottery from the regions inhabited by Danubian societies has been found in a hunting-gathering context (), a fact that sheds light on relations between local Late Mesolithic communities and early farmers. Imports from the Linear Pottery Culture, the Stroked Pottery Culture, the Lengyel Culture, and the Ertebølle Culture are found associated with Late Mesolithic layers, while pottery of the Bodrogkeresztúr Culture is related with the local Funnel Beaker settlement. This imported pottery reflects long lasting contacts between Mesolithic and those Neolithic communities that promoted the neolithization of the coastal region.  相似文献   

河北省中南部地区现今发现的新石器时代遗址多分布太行山东麓的低山河谷地带及山前洪积冲积平原区,东部平原发现的则很少,这一分布特点的形成极可能是平原地区深厚的黄土淤积及考古踏查的局限性造成的,广袤的河北平原也应是新石器时代人类的主要活动地区之一。  相似文献   

An exceptional discovery was made in 2013 in the northern French Alps, at the Grande Rivoire site in Sassenage (Isère department): an obsidian bladelet from Sardinia was found in a cultural horizon dated to about 5360–5210 cal b.c. The abundant arrowheads found with it are characteristic of the Early Neolithic in the South of France (Cardial/Epicardial). Yet there was no pottery or domestic fauna, and only discrete markers of farming. The typological, technological and micro-wear analysis of this bladelet, as well as the determination of the origin of the raw material, open new avenues of reflection for the neolithization of the northern Alps, in particular concerning the role played by the Early Neolithic cultures of northern Italy.  相似文献   

During the past decade research into the German Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic has experienced an important revival. One clear sign of this renewed interest in the periods are the annual meetings of the Arbeitsgruppe Mesolithikum (Mesolithic Working Group) which have taken place every spring since 1992. At these meetings, which take place at changing venues, topical themes of Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic interest are presented by informal lectures and it is also possible to study regional collections (artifacts, raw materials) at first hand. Numerous contributions were subsequently published together in one volume (Conard and Kind (1998) Aktuelle Forschungen zum Mesolithikum/Current Mesolithic Research, Mo Vince, Tübingen). The present paper intends to complement that collection of papers with a synthesis of developments and perspectives and to present recent research highlights in the German Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic, together with a comprehensive bibliography, to a wider international audience.  相似文献   

新郑唐户新石器时代遗址调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新郑唐户新石器时代遗址的仰韶文化内涵丰富,依据采集的大量陶器的器物特征,可分为早、中、晚三期,这对于解决遗址性质、区分区域类型、排列文化谱系以及今后这一带新石器时代的考古发掘与研究,都具有重要的参考价值.众多文献记载,新郑是传说中的黄帝故里,该遗址的南部传为"黄帝口",其仰韶文化遗存又十分丰富,这可能与传说时代黄帝氏族的重要中心聚落有关.  相似文献   

杨治国 《华夏考古》2011,(2):43-45,53
胶东半岛是一个相对独立的地理单位,目前,对于半岛地区新石器时代的早期文化,存在着不同的认识.通过考察白石文化的文化特征及其与周边文化的联系,可以推定白石文化是胶东半岛新石器文化的源头.  相似文献   

The pre-Neolithic history of the Tibetan Plateau is virtually unknown. Test excavations of Late Paleolithic sites, described here, provide preliminary evidence that the initial occupation of the plateau's extreme environments was by small groups of foragers probably traveling from lower elevation plateau margins. These foragers occupied very short-term camps focused on the procurement and extensive processing of small-to-medium mammals. Five separate occupations date to 13–15,000 Cal yr BP, but limited survey data suggest mid-elevation locations may have been temporarily occupied as early as 25,000 years ago. Full-time, year-round occupation of the plateau probably did not take place until the early Neolithic advent of domesticated animals.  相似文献   

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