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秦岭 《华夏考古》2007,58(3):133-137
墓葬是考古学研究中十分重要的一个内容,运用合适的统计学方法来量化墓葬的内容,继而进行相对客观的比较,一直是研究者理想的分析模式。本文主要介绍了丹麦学者Jorgensen的定量研究方法(墓葬价值与类型价值)和成果;并同时比较一项发展Jorgensen方法所做的中国考古学研究个案;希望这些能对我们今后的墓葬研究工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

The extraordinary record of prehistoric funeral activities in Russia’s Cis-Baikal region provides an opportunity to study changes in political strategies that boreal forest hunter–gatherers employed at these events in the Middle Holocene. I use published data on burial treatments (quantities of grave goods, presence of exotic materials, burial layouts) from 10 Late Neolithic (henceforth referred to as “LN,” 4000–3000 BC) and 11 Early Bronze Age (“EBA,” 3000–2000 BC) cemeteries to explore important and previously undetected shifts in the ways that funerals during these periods articulated with political life. LN groups used funerals to emphasize affiliation with corporate institutions, while EBA funeral participants employed political strategies focused on displaying wealth. Current evidence indicates that groups on the western peripheries of the Cis-Baikal started employing semi-nomadic pastoral subsistence practices at the time of the LN-EBA transition, and I suggest that these groups presented new opportunities for Cis-Baikal inhabitants. Interactions with mobile, food-producing groups may have indirectly stimulated indigenous populations to redefine funeral gatherings as venues appropriate for cultivating long-distance economic and political support through competitive displays of wealth.  相似文献   

今年四月九日,小泉首相在东京曾举办过一场盛大的赏樱会,出席者近九千余人之众,除了政府官员、海内外新闻媒体外,还有各国驻日本的外交使节等。当时,患有严重花粉过敏症的小泉用手绢捂住鼻孔,在樱花丛中显现出痛苦的表情,表示“今天要忘记让人心烦的政治”。这位首相确实面临不少让他心烦意乱的事,比如,包括中国、韩国在内的亚洲国家和地区不断出现所谓“反日示威”的群众运动,这些自发的群众运动抗议日本右翼势力篡改历史教科书,抗议小泉接二连三地参拜供奉甲级战犯的靖国神社。在日本国内,由加藤周一、大江健三郎、井上厦等九位贤达发起的日本“九条会”则抗议日本政府以及右翼势力试图篡改和平宪法第九条,以在日本全面复活超国家主义乃至军国主义,等等。  相似文献   

王宏 《四川文物》2021,(2):74-81
瓶是常见于先秦至汉代文献中的一种器物,出土青铜器中也有若干自名或者被学者定名为"瓶"的文物,但是这些器物要么名不符实,要么形制特殊,并未呈现出有规律的形制特征。1986年湖北荆门包山2号楚墓出土的青铜直颈平肩器,为解决"瓶"的定名问题提供了重要的线索。从器物的形态、功用以及在墓葬中的组合等方面综合分析,可以证明该类器物应该就是文献中所说的"瓶"。这种青铜瓶目前所见有16件左右,主要流行于战国时期。西汉早期以后,青铜质地的瓶走向了消亡,汉代的瓶多以陶质为主,为生活实用器,往往与井、灶等配套出土。另外青铜瓶在青铜礼器中的地位很高,其在形制上与战国秦汉时期流行的蒜头壶、青铜锺、投壶、等也有着明显的区别。  相似文献   

本文对一件东汉时期铜鼓的保存状况和病害进行了初步调查,并采用金相显微镜、X-射线荧光光谱分析仪(XRF)、X-射线衍射仪(XRD)等仪器分析了铜鼓本体材质及其腐蚀产物。结果表明,该铜鼓本体材质为典型的铜锡铅三元合金,推测为泥范法铸造:铜鼓锈蚀产物主要是孔雀石,此外夹杂有针铁矿和石英。根据检测结果,结合局部实验效果,对铜鼓采取了表面清理、脱盐清洗、缓蚀、封护等针对性的保护处理措施。历经三年多沿海地区馆藏环境的考验,铜鼓保存状况稳定。  相似文献   

考古出土的漆器中,除木胎之外,有自铭“革园”的皮革与麻布为胎的漆器,有自称为“布”“绪”“纻”的麻布胎漆器,有自铭“布缯”的麻布和缯帛(一种丝织物)为胎的漆器,以及麻布夹贴于木胎之上的“木侠纻”漆器。作为夹纻胎漆器其中的一种类型,“木侠纻”漆器与“布胎”漆器在制作工艺上是否不同,二者之间是否存在技术演变关系的问题值得深入探讨。 本工作以2011年10月淮北市出土的一件东汉时期的耳杯为例,采用超景深视频显微镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪(SEM-EDS)等测试手段进行研究,深入了解汉代“木侠纻”漆器的工艺特点。显微结构观察发现在器物木胎与外层漆灰之间有着清晰的织物平纹组织结构,织物层的厚度仅占整体厚度的11.4%,远低于同尺寸“布胎”耳杯织物层所占的比例(后者一般在50%以上)。成分测试分析结果显示,髹漆材料为传统的中国大漆,红色漆膜呈色颜料为朱砂,织物材质可能为苎麻纤维,漆灰成分为SiO2、NaAlSi3O8和Ca8H2(PO4)6H2O等常见物质。上述研究结果说明,比较汉代“木侠纻”漆器工艺与“布胎”漆器,在髹漆材料、呈色颜料以及漆灰中矿物质成分等方面并无区别,仅在织物层的厚度所占胎体尺寸比例等方面有着明显差异。同时,本研究中发现“仅在木胎一侧贴附麻布”的做法与文献记载的“两麻布夹贴于木胎之上的木侠纻”工艺并不完全一致。 文章首次采用科技手段从制作材料、髹漆工艺等方面揭示了汉代“木侠纻”制作技术。事实上,从厚木胎斫制到薄木卷制成型,再到以布为胎,胎骨的变化见证了古代漆器水平的进化历程。从考古出土的漆卮、樽可以发现,薄木卷制而成的器型在两端的连接处仅依靠生漆或其他材料,其本身的结构并不牢固。古代漆工们为了防止木胎开裂,在接口处的木胎之上粘贴织物。这种借助于植物纤维的拉力增强木胎牢固性的技术即为“木侠纻”。当然,“木侠纻”工艺是否直接催生了“布胎”漆器还有待进一步讨论,但至少从传统手工业技术发展的规律可以进一步窥探两种工艺之间的借鉴或启示。时至今日,这种工艺在今天的家具、屏风制作中依然广泛使用。  相似文献   

The option of aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) poses a continuous challenge to any attempt to forge a diasporic version of Zionist ideology. This challenge grew twofold during the years immediately preceding and following the founding of the State of Israel. The article examines this challenge through the lens of Abba Hillel Silver, the leader of American Jewry during the period in question. While the Israeli leadership saw aliyah as a litmus test, indicating the degree to which Zionist leaders abroad were committed to the cause, for Silver the question was not one of dual loyalties between competing American and Israeli citizenships but a dilemma of inner American-Jewish identity. It is through this American-Jewish perspective that Silver's grappling with both the option of his own aliyah, and the importance of aliyah per se in American Zionism should be seen. An analysis of his views on the matter may illumine the evolving relations between diasporic transnationalism and homeland nationalism during the critical years when the homeland gains independence and sovereignty.  相似文献   

Fraser Sugden 《对极》2019,51(5):1600-1639
This paper engages with the long‐running debate on the transition from farm‐based livelihoods to capitalism in the context of labour migration. Tracing the historic evolution of modes of production in the peripheral Mithilanchal region of the Eastern Gangetic Plains, it notes how the economic processes which are today driving the peasantry into the labour force through migration are not directly connected to the process of capitalist accumulation in the diverse locales where labour is employed, as is somtimes implied in the research on classic situations of “accumulation by dispossession”. The entry of the peasantry into the surplus labour pool is instead linked firstly, with a complex convergence of internal changes within a non‐capitalist feudal mode of production on an economic, cultural and political level, and secondly, with the stresses brought about in the wake of expanding capitalist markets. The paper notes however that migrant labour still generates substantial profits for capitalism with a sharing of surplus between the latter, and landlord‐money lenders. It argues that the relationship between modes of production in this context, is neither functional nor coincidental, and is linked instead with larger – at times opportunistic – class alliances which have evolved to fit the current political‐economic conjuncture.  相似文献   


This article examines how two generations of a large Polish landed family from the Grodno governorate in the Russian Empire were affected by the political and social upheavals brought about by World War One, the Russian Revolution, the threat of Bolshevism, and the rebirth of a Polish state. The Protassewiczes, like other landed noble families in the region, despite their Polish- Lithuanian identity, enjoyed a privileged social status in tsarist Russia. Marriage and work took many of the family’s members to Wilno (Vilnius) and Siberia, while a younger member studied in Austrian Galicia where he joined Pi?sudski’s organisation. The article describes the evacuation to Taganrog in 1915 of the senior Protassewicz and his subsequent return to Borki in 1918 to face the ensuing Polish-Soviet War. Two members of the family who were engaged in railway building in Siberia met a tragic end. The younger generation participated in Polish military efforts in the east in 1919–21 and adapted successfully to life in restored Poland. Attention is paid to issues of national identity raised by rival Polish and Lithuanian claims to Wilno in the context of the fall of empires and the emergence of new national states.  相似文献   

There is a tendency in policy to reduce the complexity of planning and decision-making by simplifying both the process and the scope of projects. However, by framing a planning project's scope or process in a narrow way at an early stage, the possibility of adapting to changes in the context, and thus dealing with unexpected challenges, is limited. This paper explores the mechanisms that enhance or limit the adaptive capacity within the process of decision-making and planning. We develop the concept of adaptive capacity using organizational learning theory and use empirical data from a mega project in The Netherlands to identify the moments of adaptation and to discern these mechanisms. Mega projects are especially useful objects of analysis as the complexity of their planning and decision-making is extreme, with characteristically very long and controversial processes dotted by recurring deadlocks. In this empirical research we find that incremental adaptations such as mitigation measures are the initial response to deadlocks, but that for deadlocks caused by strong opposition, radical adaptations are needed. A more proactive approach to enhancing adaptive capacity is desirable and might paradoxically even lead to cheaper and more relevant projects and faster planning and decision-making.  相似文献   

18世纪末英国马戛尔尼使团访华,是中英关系史上重大的历史事件。英国国家图书馆保存有随团制图员亚历山大绘制的一份完整的访华见闻图。由于绘图者视角的特殊性,这批绘画成为研究当时中国社会不可多得的形象史料。画家描绘了各个阶层、各种职业的人物肖像,也描绘了交通工具、建筑、军事、运河等场景。从社会学角度反映了当时中国的生活状况,以及中英在军力、船舰、生产方式、宗教风俗等多方面的差异。  相似文献   

David Rindos' coevolution theory remains the most comprehensive application of Darwinian theory to issues of prehistoric agriculture evolution. While his theory has drawn attention, there has been a lack of subsequent development of the application of Darwinian theory to prehistoric agricultural evolution. Combining Sewall Wright's shifting balance theory of evolution with aspects of Rindos' coevolution theory provides important new insights into the processes of crop transmission between regions. Using these theories, a model is developed for the adoption and subsequent evolution of maize agriculture in the Eastern Woodlands of North America.  相似文献   

Nel, A. & Weis, R. March 2017. A new Early Jurassic damselfly from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Odonata: Campterophlebiidae). Alcheringa 00, 000–000. ISSN 0311-5518.

André Nel [], Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB-UMR 7205CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie, F-75,005, Paris, France; Robert Weis [], Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Luxembourg, Section Paléontologie, 25, rue Münster L-2160 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Gallodorsettia kronzi gen. et sp. nov., the first representative of the damselfly family Campterophlebiidae from the Toarcian of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is described herein. Its closest relative is the genus Dorsettia, known from the early Lower Jurassic of UK and China. The Campterophlebiidae seem to be rare in the Early Jurassic of Western Europe, despite being one of the most diverse odonatan families at that time, especially in Asia.  相似文献   

This study reports on the first attempt that determines the diet of a small but conceivably representative section of Rome's early Christian community by means of δ13C and δ15N measurements on collagen extracted from twenty-two samples of human bone. Samples derive from the Liberian Region in the catacombs of St. Callixtus on the Appian Way—an area that has been radiocarbon dated to the period from the mid-3rd through early 5th century AD. Comparing our results to those produced for several other sites, we argue that this population's typical diet included freshwater fish. We also briefly discuss breastfeeding and the freshwater reservoir effect, to then explore the dietary, art historical, and possible sociological ramifications of our results.  相似文献   

说花园庄东地甲骨卜辞的“丁”——附:释“速”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近公布的殷墟花园庄东地甲骨卜辞中,多次出现一位当时还活着的、称为“丁”的人物,从卜辞内容可以看出其地位甚高。本文主要通过指出这批卜辞中与历组一类占卜同事的一组卜辞,肯定了“丁”就是当时的商王武丁。以“丁”称呼时王武丁,究竟应该如何解释尚待进一步研究。同时,也可以进一步推定这批卜辞的时代,当为武丁晚期而非整理者认为的“武丁前期”。此外,这批卜辞中多次出现的一个整理者隶定作“”的字,应释为“速”,意为“召”、“召请”。旧有殷墟卜辞中一个或释读为“眚”、“软”、“喘”等的字,应释为“” ,读为咳嗽之“嗽”。  相似文献   

The town of Labuan Bajo in Western Flores, Eastern Indonesia has experienced rapid changes in the past decade, primarily associated with the development of tourism. This paper engages with the ideas of Jacques Derrida on hospitality and sovereignty, to explore the shifting landscapes of hospitality in this Manggaraian town. His musings on ‘the question of the foreigner’, the ‘conditions’ of hospitality, and the idea of the threshold are used to capture the way that hospitality is experienced as a struggle, as a contradiction, as an ‘aporia’.  相似文献   

Wang, B. & Gai, Z.K., 2014. A sea scorpion claw from the Lower Devonian of China (Chelicerata: Eurypterida). Alcheringa 38, XXXX. ISSN 0311–5518.

An isolated chelicera (claw) of a pterygotid eurypterid is described from the Lower Devonian Xitun Formation of Yunnan Province, China. It is different from chelicerae of other pterygotids in having four principal denticles and at least four intermediate denticles between the principal denticles on both rami. This Chinese pterygotid, estimated at about 70 cm long, was a top predator that probably hunted small, primitive fishes, such as galeaspids. This discovery represents the first record of Pterygotidae from Asia and the third fossil eurypterid from China.

Bo Wang (corresponding author) [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; Steinmann Institute, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany; Zhikun Gai [], Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044, China. Received 22.10.2013, revised 15.11.2013, accepted 20.11.2013.  相似文献   

Zheng, D., Wang, H., Nel, A., Dou, L., Dai, Z., Wang, B. & Zhang, H. 27 June 2019. A new damsel-dragonfly (Odonata: Anisozygoptera: Campterophlebiidae) from the earliest Jurassic of the Junggar Basin, northwestern China. Alcheringa XX, X–X. ISSN 0311-5518.

A new genus and species of campterophlebiid damsel-dragonfly, Jurassophlebia xinjiangensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation in the Junggar Basin, northwestern China. Jurassophlebia differs from all other campterophlebiid genera in having PsA in the same orientation as the distal branch of AA, and in its uniquely open subdiscoidal cell with very acute apical angle in the hind wing. The new discovery adds to the Asian diversity of damsel-dragonflies in the earliest Jurassic.

Daran Zheng* [], He Wang [], Bo Wang [], and Haichun Zhang [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; André Nel [], Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB-UMR 7205-CNRS, MNHN, UPMC, EPHE, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 50, Entomologie, F-75005, Paris, France; Longhui Dou [], Comprehensive Geology Exploration Team, Xinjiang Coalfield Geology Bureau, West Mountain Road, Ürümqi 830000, PR China; Zhenlong Dai [], No.9 Geological Team, Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Ürümqi 830011, PR China; Daran Zheng also affiliated with Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PR China.  相似文献   

LI, Y.J., HAN, G., NEL, A. REN, D., PANG, H. & LIU. X.L., September 2012. A new fossil petalurid dragonfly (Odonata: Petaluroidea: Aktassiidae) from the Cretaceous of China. Alcheringa 36, 321–324. ISSN 0311-5518.

The new petalurid species Pseudocymatophlebia boda is described from Lower Cretaceous strata of Inner Mongolia, China. It provides additional morphological characters for this genus, which has been previously recorded from the Lower Cretaceous of England. Together with Aktassia, it is the second aktassiid genus with a very wide distribution, even though this family remains known only from Eurasia. Furthermore, a new name, Brachaktassia gen. nov., is proposed to replace the brachiopod genus Aktassia Popov, 1976.  相似文献   

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