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Ancient Tibetan CultureAncientTibetanCulture¥byLobsangDainzinTibethasawrittenhistoryofsome1,300years,anditsnumerousBuddhistsc...  相似文献   

Wecaneatnothingexceptdrinkingtea."Forhundredsofyears,Tibetanshavedevelopedthehabitofsippingtea.SOURCEOFTEA.Althoughteais,forTibetans,indispensable,Tibetan-inhabitedareasproducealmostnoteaatall.Thisiswhy,forinstance,TibetanhorseswereusedtotradeforteaproducedinChina'shinterlandinancienttimes.Inthe4thcentury,troopsoftheTuboKingdomcapturedsomeprefecturesofChina'shinterland.Theyfoundteabuthadnoideahowtousethese"driedtreeleaves."Gradually,however,theylearnedtomakeanddrinktea.Theyevenaddedbu…  相似文献   

EDITOR'SNOTE:KnivesareindtwnsabletotheTthetanraceindsilyngAllTrketans,maleandfemale,canyknives.Indeed,kniveshavebecomeakindofdeco~nlovedbyboysandgthe.SheathsarealsomadtocommandhguaPPrectahonandvalue-ORIGINOFTIBETANKNIVESlnthefaceofafiercenaturalenvironmentwithwildanimals,theancestorsoftheTibetanracelearnedtomakestoneweapons,andlateraddedblades.ManystonechipsandstonekniveswereexcavatedfromtheancientruinsinQamdoandLhasa.oRlGlNoFKNlVES.onesegmentoftheConCISeHistOryoftheBonR…  相似文献   

2018年11月,藏医药浴法被联合国列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。随着这一消息,藏医药浴走进公众视野,被国内外所熟知。在西藏范围内,藏医药浴认知度、普及度颇高,但是对于它的前世脉络,人们却知之甚少。刘英华是中国藏学研究中心北京藏医院特聘专家、副研究员,通晓古藏文,研究藏医药学已有20年,2007年至2017年10次赴印度、6次赴尼泊尔学习梵文和梵文医典《八支心要集》。  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Glossy Ganoderma (Ganoderma Lucidum) was traditionally taken as "fairy glass" or "auspicious grass." Many believed it would help prolong one's life. The author worked in Tibet and the areas inhabited by people of the Tibetan ethnic groups in Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces, and therefore had chances to observe and gather materials related to Glossy Ganoderma.China abouds in Glossy Gan-oderma ,and is there fore referred to as the "Kingdom of lossy Ganoderma." It ha…  相似文献   

The Forum was held on December 19-20,2007 in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and a Photo Show of Picturesque Tibet opened at the same time. A group of Tibetologists from China and the Tribune University of Nepal jointly held a discussion meeting. The two sides believe that such event can promote friendship and mutual understanding between the people of China and Nepal.It also offers a rare opportunity for Nepalese people ofvarious circles to know more about the socio-economic progress and development in the past decades, and provides a wide range of information regarding the protection and development of brilliant and colourful traditional Tibetan culture.  相似文献   

<正>This series of papers is the phasic result of a research program entitled A Study on the Relationship of Tibetan Buddhism and Ethnic Tibetans, conducted by the"985"Research Center for Contemporary Key Ethnic and Religious Issues of the Central University for Nationalities.Professor Palpal Dorje and his graduate students have worked strenuously for up to 5 years in sociological studies to achieve remarkable results.All papers were published in The Journal of Northwest University Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science,issue 3,2009).We herewith express our appreciation to Professor Palpal Dorje for his permission to include excerpts from a couple of the papers in this journal.  相似文献   

Dondrup Lhamo,from Sichuan Province,is the first famous female Professor in the early of 20 century in China.She was then called"a cruising eagle over the Tibetan Plateau"Prof Yang Enhong,a scholar of oral epic King Gesar. interviewed her two years ago.Here are excerpts from their talks.  相似文献   

All the ethnic groups of China together have created Chinese culture as a whole over its long historical development. This rich and colourful culture now spread before our eyes is the result of the distinctive cultures of various ethnic groups gradually merging.Without cultural exchange and cross influence between  相似文献   

吐蕃占领时期的敦煌宗教文明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在李唐王朝处于平定安史之乱时期 ,吐蕃乘机占领了河西北广大地区达七十多年。在此期间 ,敦煌呈现出佛教、景教、摩尼教、苯教、祆教多种宗教共存的局面。本文援引大量文献资料 ,对上述宗教的基本状况及相互关系作了论述  相似文献   

Mountain and Water Deities on the Tibetan Plateau In Tibetan Buddhism,all aspects of this earth's physical environment are alive,for example,mountains,rivers,the grass,birds,fish and insects are all considered living organisms deserving of respect.Although these are not human life,according to the Dharma,all lives are equal.To take life is considered the action resulting in the worst karma.Similarly,if someone does good things,they will have a good karma resulting in a good rebirth.While it is permissible to kill a domestic animal for family consumption,hunting of wild animals for any reason is not acceptable.A person who does this will go to hell in his or her next life or be reborn as an animal.  相似文献   

麦积山石窟素以大量中国早期泥塑艺术品著称于世 ,其馆藏文物也非常丰富。本文简要介绍了该馆所藏文物的数量、种类、价值和一定数量的精品。作者认为这些丰富的藏品为研究麦积山石窟的历史沿革及艺术价值提供了珍贵的实物资料  相似文献   

正Although I have been working as a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist for the past 30 years,I have never visited China until recently.On December 15th 2015,I arrived in Beijing.The English newspapers had been full of how Beijing is suffering from deadly smog.To my surprise I emerge from my Air China flight into cold but brilliant sunshine and a clear blue sky,the clear weather lasted until  相似文献   

March 10,2004 was an unusual day. A King Gesar singing party was being held in a packedhall. Inside, the balladeers were singing and King Gesar experts were making explanations, while, outside, many others, including foreign embassy officials, were waiting for a chance to enter.This reminds me of two events that took place in 1999, both to Tibet:The first event was the Snowland Pearl-Tibetan Culture Exhibition held early in that year in Beijing; the second was the performance of a full-length dance named Qomolangma held in the  相似文献   

Kvaerne  Per 《Indo-Iranian Journal》1974,16(2):96-144
Indo-Iranian Journal -  相似文献   

Indo-Iranian Journal -  相似文献   

王川  刘波 《民国档案》2006,4(3):87-94
西藏自治区文物管理委员会现存多块清代、民国木匾,曾在内部刊物披露其简况,只是未引起学术界应有的注意。事实上,这些近代木匾,不仅是先民开拓边疆地区、促进民族文化交流的产物,而且是民族团结的见证,蕴涵着丰富的历史信息。本文以现存的“中夏民国二十年”等两块民国木匾为中心,试作一述论。  相似文献   

FOREIGNPROFESSOR,TIBETANSCHOLAR:TibetanCultureIsUnique¥//OnefemaleTibetanfarmersaidsheworshippedtheDalaiLamaand,ofcourse,hope...  相似文献   

西藏文化、文物是中华民族文明的重要组成部分。中国政府历来重视西藏文化、文物的保护工作,将其纳入国家发展战略,投入大量的人力、物力和财力进行全面保护。西藏文化、文物的保护,成效显著,举世关注,意义重大。  相似文献   

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