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近日,全方位介绍新兴县悠久历史文化的地情书《新兴风物》由中华书局出版发行。 《新兴风物》一书以类系篇,以事成章。全书共设地情篇、人物篇、六祖惠能篇、风景篇、文物古迹篇、民俗风情篇、传说故事篇、物产篇和附录等9部分。分章介绍了新兴县建置沿革、州县志的变迁、城池的变化、  相似文献   

一、问题的提出史记屈原列傳是一篇好文章,但是读起来却是不好懂的。其中最主要的問題,也就是最主要的矛盾,是它不像一篇传记,而像一篇講述离騷写作經过及其內容大意的文章?痪湓捳f,它像是一篇解释离騷的文章,而不像一篇以屈原一生事迹为中心的传記。我們承认离騷是一篇空前也几乎絕后(从这类体裁上講)的抒情詩、离騷是屈原的代表作,但不能由此說屈原一生的大事就是作了一篇离骚,——这是不合理、不合乎常識的想法。但史記屈原  相似文献   

在诸多曾经参加过中考语文命题的老师帮助下,我们收集精选了南京市近四年来的中考精品作文100篇,并划分成四大板块,分别是记叙篇、议论篇、夹叙夹议篇和另类篇,每一板块前安排一  相似文献   

以往省志的经济类专志,记述重点在生产发展、技术进步、管理等方面,每个方面设置一篇或几篇,每一篇都有一条兴衰起伏的发展线索,唯独政府对这个行业的决策没有独立的篇章,没有一条政府决策的线索,这条线索被分散在各篇,或成为生产发展、技术进步的背景。《广西通志·农业志》第五篇农业发展与创新把30年政府对农业的重大决策集中为一篇,记载决策的背景、过程、实施及效果,为经济类志写政府决策探索了一条新的思路,为经济类志提高资政功能作了一次有益的尝试。  相似文献   

每一个孩子都是特殊的“这一个”,因此针对不同天资、个性的孩子,应采取适合于“这一个”的相应方法。没有一种方法是万灵的,是对所有的孩子都适用的。但是,是否有共同的规律和一般的方法可寻呢? 这里,向父母们推荐徐静蕾父亲的育女之道。徐静蕾是近两年出道的青春偶像,她认为自己的素质跟父亲徐子健有着很大的关系。女儿上学时,父亲就为她拟定了《蕾蕾上学后的学习安排》,内容如下:一、每天读英语一小时,以跟录音机读《跟我学》为主;二、毛笔字每天临摹各一篇,大字一篇,亦可大小字两篇;三、每日写日记一篇,一般一百字左右。一周一篇周记,五百字;四、星期天读范文一篇(一周背诵一篇),诗五首;五、作业按时做,改错本两个(语文、算术);六、晨跑20  相似文献   

为了推动历史教学改革,提高教育质量,开展历史教教研活动,最近郑州市历史教学研究会举行了一次评选优秀论文活动。这次活动共征集了教学教改经验、专题论著、教学参考资料、爱国主义教育、乡上历史教材、第二课堂活动以及辅导高考复习等方面的文章一百余篇。经过评选小组认真审阅和讨论,评出优秀论文41篇,其中一等奖四篇,二等奖九篇,三等奖十六篇,荣誉奖一篇,纪念奖十一篇。通过这次评选活动,既活跃了历史教研的空气,又激发了广大历史教师钻研教材和进行  相似文献   

王志强 《福建史志》2023,(6):34-41+76
我国方志中保存了大量的历史文献,其中不少文献为文人别集所遗收。笔者于各地方志中发现漳州大儒黄道周集外佚文11篇,其中墓表四篇、记两篇、序两篇、书信两篇以及代崇祯帝写的诰制一篇,将其整理,可补《黄道周集》之遗。  相似文献   

《旅游篇》编写二题沈雪岩做为以旅游为主的城市而言,一部完整的旅游篇是不能缺少的。旅游篇直接反映一地之山川景色和名胜古迹,同时也包括吃、住、行、娱乐和购物等于旅游有关的内容,是志书中其它篇、章难以替代的。由于旅游篇涉及的门类众多,编写中如何处理交叉重复...  相似文献   

清代徽州族谱中的张廷玉佚文一篇、汪由敦佚文二篇有一定的史料价值。张廷玉为济阳江氏作谱序,反映其史学观。汪由敦所作谱序一篇,反映其谱学观,并记述了相关宗族人物行迹;所作胡集行状一篇,反映徽商对宗族及社会的参与及控制。  相似文献   

本刊一九七八年第一期发表了两篇文章,一篇是傅孙同志的,一篇是延陵同志的。两篇都谈到“孔丘杀少正卯”的问题。细心的读者发现两篇文章的论点不一致:一篇说历史上真有这回事,一篇说很可能没有  相似文献   

This article contends that rumour—the circulation of unverified information —is an important form of political communication which deserves more attention from political scientists. To illustrate this claim a study is made of the part played by rumour in the ‘destabilisation’ of Malcolm Fraser's position as leader of the Liberal Party in August to October 1981. Health is a natural subject of rumour, and rumours about Mr. Fraser's health were used as the basis for speculation about a possible leadership challenge by Mr. Andrew Peacock. The collective character of parliamentary party politics, the artificial nature of media ‘facts’ and the predominance of certain types of news value in the media all encourage such rumours to flourish. The rumours had the effect of destabilising Mr. Fraser's position by creating and then enlarging a climate of uncertainty and anxiety within the Liberal Party and the electorate. Mr. Peacock was thereby enabled to test the strength of his potential support without being obliged to risk an open challenge. The author concludes that the most apt model of rumour to this case is that of ‘milling’, on the analogy of a ‘milling crowd’.  相似文献   

This article critiques the liberal and state‐centred view of morality and governance as applied to immigrants. It argues that the alternative perspective provided by some moral philosophers and political theorists can be combined with analysis of the current global economic and political order to outline a framework for protecting the welfare and human rights of the immigrants. It also argues that this framework brings out the commonality of interests of workers in host countries and immigrants in re‐empowering the state to provide for the comprehensive social security that the neoliberal state has trashed.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):464-478

Recent experiences of terror, violence, and catastrophe, such as the terror attacks in Norway in 2011 or the Peshawar School Massacre leaving 132 children and nine staff dead on December 16, 2014, strengthen the sense of the fundamental vulnerability in human existence. In this article, it is argued that political theology, in responding to such experiences, should aim at perceiving and protecting vulnerability as a value. For this purpose, basic propositions for a theological anthropology of vulnerability are put forward. Likewise, propositions for interpreting God as vulnerable are presented, criticizing the traditional theistic concept of God as immutable and hence unable to suffer. The relevance of these propositions for political theology is finally addressed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the (ambiguous) relationships between nationalism and international regulation of historic buildings, namely, the activity of UNESCO in this field. It studies two different forms of UNESCO intervention: the creation of a list of world heritage sites of outstanding universal value, which includes several historic cities and buildings; and UNESCO Recommendations aimed at protecting historic urban landscape. The article shows that UNESCO seems to favour both political and cultural forms of nationalism and can significantly affect the nationalistic use of historic buildings and, more broadly, affect on the very idea of Nation and nationalism.  相似文献   

This article adapts the theoretical construct of ‘policy entrepreneurship’ in political science to an analysis of one important initiative in policy‐making in Australia between 1992 and 1994, the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools Strategy (NALSAS). Originally an initiative of the Queensland Government, NALSAS sought to advance the teaching of Asian languages and studies of Asia in Australian schools. The then Director General of the Queensland Office of the Cabinet, Mr Kevin Rudd, was its key protagonist. The article identifies and analyses Rudd's adroit policy entrepreneurship that was needed to overcome significant resistance and deliver the subsequent policy outcomes. It does this by carrying out a two‐level analysis that considers individual and contextual factors and concludes that, even though Rudd displayed many of the individual characteristics of a policy entrepreneur, his actions were heavily mediated by contextual factors. The article also demonstrates how a concept developed elsewhere, in this case North America, can be applied in other contexts, and calls for more scholarship on policy entrepreneurship in contemporary Australia.  相似文献   

The Shi‘a militias that have been involved in the war in Syria since 2011 were dispatched by Iran from neighboring countries, and they have exploited their position as aid‐givers by implementing a long‐term scheme of Iran regarding Syria. This article seeks to define the purpose and modus operandi of the involvement of these militias in Syria, as a case study of Iranian policy throughout the region. The essence and purposes of this regional policy has been analyzed using realistic and soft power approaches, alongside political thought from the Sh'ia Islam and the fundamentals of the Islamic Revolution; the reflection of this policy in Syria is identified by tracing reports and publications regarding the complicity of the Shi‘a militias in the war. The article claims that war‐racked Syria is a sort of test case for Iran protecting itself by attempting to spread its hegemony — and thus deterrence — across the region, a plan that is combined with and carried out through an ideological Jihadist promotion of an Islamic order. Accordingly, the Shi‘a militias are striving to ensure a lasting foothold for Iran in the areas in Syria that are essential to Iranian regional aspirations, by imposing Iranian political, military, and religious influences among these territories and populations.  相似文献   

This article examines the role assigned to culture in general and to cultural industries and diversity in particular by the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). Although it pursues further economic liberalization, the arrangement is about much more than trade: its preamble, for instance, contains a reference to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Nevertheless, the text lacks a general exception clause protecting culture. This paper examines the consolidated CETA text from the perspective of political economy to clarify to what extent this is an opportunity to reconcile rules of free trade with cultural policies aiming to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, especially when the latter derive from cultural industries in both analogue and digital scenarios.  相似文献   

评耿云志先生的《黎昔非先生与〈独立评论〉》一文   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《安徽史学》2 0 0 3年第 1期所刊登的耿云志先生《黎昔非先生与〈独立评论〉》一文 ,明显存在至少三个方面的问题 :一是偏离文章主题与中心 ,意在维护胡适 ;二是以己意曲解、推测史实而为胡适辩解 ;三是有不符合学术规范之处。  相似文献   

The death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004 left much more than a set of job vacancies: as ‘Mr Palestine’, Arafat had come to embody the Palestinian cause, but also, due to the nature of his rule, left his successor Mahmoud Abbas with a list of major political and economic challenges. Chief among these is the Palestine Authority's relations with Israel and the need to return quickly to the negotiating table. But linked to the peace process are the conflicting challenges from Abbas's various domestic contenders, including from a new ‘young guard’ in the territories, a predominantly ‘old guard’ in the diaspora, and from Islamist groups—not to mention the problems stemming from the dire state of the Palestinian economy. This article examines these issues as both a legacy of Yasser Arafat and as a set of interconnected problems that will complicate Abbas' political manoeuvring in the coming months and years.  相似文献   

胡逢祥 《中华文史论丛》2012,(3):373-381,401
本文刊佈已故陳訓慈先生保存的友朋書札二通,一爲顧頡剛先生所作,一爲傅斯年先生所作。前者反映了1943年重慶中國史學會成立之後與四川成都地區學術界的關係,後者可見1930年代中研院史語所與浙江省博物館在文化上的協作。文中引證相關資料,對書札的確切寫作年代、具體背景及内容作了分析說明。  相似文献   

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