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Golden tiled roofs are typically seen on the halls and dagobas of monasteries. They are a lofty and luxurious building decoration made of bronze with gold gild.This building decoration and building style is an exclusive possession of Tibet. The gilded bronze.tube-like tiles used to form the roof have upturned eaves at four comers each has an open-mouthed huge legendary turtle.The roof is decorated with Buddhist umbrellas and bottles and reclining deen.And the eaves are carved with such patterns as Dharma wheel.  相似文献   

ALL OF THE KNOWN medieval tin-glazed tiles from NW. Europe beyond the Mediterranean littoral are discussed. They appear first c. 1290 in the Toulouse region and 14th-century examples are known from scattered sites in southern France, from the lower Loire valley and SE. Brittany, and from Flanders and Holland, with related material in Hamburg and East Anglia. The tiles are generally painted in green and brown and were locally produced. There is extensive documentation for the manufacture of such tiles for the Duke of Burgundy's chateau at Hesdin in French Flanders in the 1390s, and documentary evidence also records two Spanish tilers working for the Duke of Burgundy and the Duke of Berry at Dijon and Poitiers in the 1380s. Extant fragments from these sites and from Bourges and Mehun-sur-Yièvre include for the first time some with designs painted in blue. There is as yet no evidence for the continuing production of tin-glazed tiles in any of these areas during the 15th century or for locally-produced tin-glazed pottery before the late 15th or 16th century.  相似文献   

2001年到2003年期间,在集安国内城和高句丽王陵及贵族墓葬的发掘中,新发现了一批文字瓦当,大体上有五种类型:大吉瓦当、泰字瓦当、大字瓦当、己字瓦当等等.原报告在瓦当文字的隶定、释读的顺序等方面存在一些值得商榷的问题,本文对几种典型瓦当的文字重新释读,并进行解释.  相似文献   

云纹瓦当在洛阳地区的发展与演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓦当,作为一种建筑构件,其外形或当面图案纹饰在不同时期有着明显的变化,是现代考古发掘与研究工作中确定某一城址或建筑基址时代的可靠标志物。本文通过对洛阳地区出土的东周──魏晋云纹瓦当进行收集与整理研究,确定时代并总结出发展演变规律。  相似文献   

洪梅 《东南文化》2008,(3):70-76
兽面纹与人面纹是先秦时期非常有特点的瓦当图案。本文通过对兽面纹的来源、分类及兽面纹与其他瓦当图案组合的研究,阐明了兽面纹演变过程中的简化规律。并通过分析兽面纹与抽象人面纹的异同点,以及二者在发展演变规律上的一致性,论证了抽象人面纹与兽面纹之间的承继关系及这种变化与当时历史背景的关系。  相似文献   

房树辉  马国利 《文物春秋》2005,(6):64-65,67
坐落在正定县城东隅的隆兴寺是国内著名的佛教寺院,其主体建筑大悲阁始建于北宋开宝四年(971年),1997年8月24日~1999年9月20日,经国家文物局批准进行了落架重修。在拆除抱厦时发现带铭文的望砖15块,其中阳文砖8块,阴文砖7块,另有部分划刻纪年瓦。现分别介绍如下:  相似文献   

Recent excavation at the ancient city of Gordion in central western Turkey has recovered part of the collapsed terracotta tile roof of a large Hellenistic building built in the third century BC. The roofing system consisted of large rectangular pan tiles and long half-round cover tiles. The evidence from ethnographic and historical accounts of tile production, forming and finishing methods, and chemical composition determined by neutron activation analysis has yielded insights into the organization of this coarse-ware ceramic industry, its use of local resources, and its relationship to the other ceramic industries serving the city and the local economy.  相似文献   

秦汉文字瓦当当面结构形式,主要承继于战国图案及图像瓦当,而变化更富,主要有无界格式、十字四分式、×形四分式等多种。秦汉匠师们,灵活运用文字、纹饰、图像以及当心凸堆、界格、线栏诸因素,大胆创新,巧思迭出,依据均齐与平衡、动与静、统一与变化等形式法则,创造出千姿百态、丰美瑰奇的文字瓦当,并对后世瓦当及形式艺术产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

周公庙遗址位于岐山县城西北凤凰山下的周公庙东南西三面缓坡台地上,遗址东侧面积较大,约40万平方米,西侧面积约10万平方米。遗址北高南低,广布仰韶、龙山、西周时期的文化遗迹、遗物。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代,六朝瓦当已有零星出土,但直到20世纪90年代,学术界才真正建立起六朝瓦当的学术体系。迄今,六朝瓦当已成为东亚地区多个国家考古学者关注的话题,其造型、类别、年代、特征、技艺、分区、分期、传播、地位等一系列问题得到了广泛的讨论,从而建构了一个跨文化的学术话语体系。总结六朝瓦当的发现和研究过程,有助于推动这...  相似文献   

长江流域以及广东地区等南方地区的衙署、寺庙、居址、城址、墓上建筑等遗址中出土了一定数量的唐宋元时期滴水,其中以峡江地区及长江下游地区分布较密集。出土滴水整体呈长条弧形和弧边三角形两种形状,大致可分为唐-五代时期和宋-元时期两个阶段。唐-五代时期主要流行长条形滴水,饰几何形图案;宋-元时期沿用长条形滴水的同时,主要流行弧边三角形滴水,纹饰图案较为丰富。对比宋金西夏时期北方地区的滴水,可知其时南北地区滴水呈现出鲜明的地方特色,尤其是纹饰相差较大;元代后趋于一致,历明清沿用至今。  相似文献   

郑州商城宫殿区商代板瓦发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1986年以来在郑州商城宫殿区三个地点的考古发掘中曾多次发现弧形板状陶器残片,本文对此进行了报道,认为这类遗物极有可能就是早期的建筑材料——板瓦。不仅从层位上推定了板瓦的确切年代,从制作工艺上也进行了相对准确的定位,同时对板瓦的用途也做了大胆推测。这些板瓦从出土位置和形制看,与两周时期发现的板瓦有许多相似之处,但也有较原始的特点。  相似文献   

梁会丽 《文物》2020,(4):51-58
城四家子辽金城址位于吉林省白城市。2013~2014年,在城内中轴线上的一处建筑台基的考古发掘中,出土了带有墨书文字的瓦片40余件,瓦上的文字书写于绿釉筒瓦内表面,记录了佛教信徒的"施瓦"情况。通过对文字内容的初步研究,可以推断使用这些文字瓦的建筑的性质为佛教寺院,所处年代为辽代晚期,并对施瓦者身份、施瓦缘由、施瓦数量、施瓦时间等当时佛教寺院的佛事活动有了一定的认识,也充分体现了城四家子城址的宗教影响力,表明其很可能是当时东北地区佛事活动的中心地区。同时,文字瓦中关于中央职官尤其军事部门官员的施瓦记录,反映了城四家子城址在辽代具有重要的政治、军事地位。  相似文献   

本文以北京明、清典型官式琉璃构件的黄釉为研究对象,利用EDXRF分析了釉料的化学组成,结合文献记载初步研究了北京明清官式琉璃构件釉料的变化规律。研究结果表明,明清琉璃黄釉的主要元素(硅、铅、铝、铁)含量在一定范围内稍有波动,氧化铅含量有逐渐降低的趋势。此外,明清釉料中氧化铝含量变化大体经历了由低到高,再由高到低的过程。从氧化铁的变化趋势来看,明代的釉料大体稳定,而清代则经历了由低到高的过程。这表明古代琉璃釉料的配方并非墨守成规、因循守旧,而是受技术进步、窑炉、政治经济等级审美观念的多重影响,古代匠人在不断的摸索中改进配方。  相似文献   


Different grouting and repair mortars were developed and evaluated for the conservation and restoration of fragmented bricks in the walls and floors of the remaining cellars underneath the Aula Magna, the palace’s main banqueting hall, and to fill the lacunae and perform edge repairs of red and blue-grey ceramic floor tiles in the remaining cellars underneath the chapel of the former Palace of Coudenberg in Brussels, Belgium.

To prevent the deposition of lime bloom at the surface of the masonry and to achieve an acceptable colour match of the grout in harmony with the bricks of the Aula Magna, the effect of brick powder added to natural hydraulic lime was studied. The pozzolanic properties and colour match of several historic and modern powdered bricks were investigated. Surprisingly, ancient bricks do not seem to possess higher pozzolanic properties than the more modern ones, although it is supposed that they were fired at lower temperatures. Additional evidence for the pozzolanic reaction of the different brick powder materials was obtained from a simple visual observation of stored samples. After eight weeks all of the samples containing brick powders, fired at low and high temperatures, added to putty lime had hardened under water and were transformed into a remarkably tough material. These results are important, as modern bricks are readily available in large quantities and different colours, which are hence in favour of being used instead of historical material from the site.

For the repair of the ceramic floor tiles different mortars were investigated with mixtures containing talcum, stone or brick powder, pigments, and chalk added to an epoxy binder. The mortars were tested in the laboratory and in situ for their workability and resemblance with the historic floor tiles. The finished mortars showed excellent aesthetic properties with the tiles in situ and good properties to prevent further loss due to human interaction.  相似文献   

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