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The article seeks to place the unusual entry for 757 in the Parker Chronicle into the context of eight- and ninth-century controversies about hereditary succession in the Kingdom of Wessex: The argument proceeds in three steps. Firstly, I try to differentiate between the level of the recorded events and the level of the record and argue that a complicated process of transmission from the first to the second level may have to be assumed. Secondly, I seek to show that the entry displays a critical attitude against Ine's eighth-century successors in Wessex. Thirdly, I link such criticisms to the dynastic politics of Ine and the descendants of Ine's brother Ingeld, who ruled Wessex throughout the ninth century.  相似文献   

James Bynon 《Folklore》2013,124(2):152-174
In many parts of the world one encounters a disapprobation of living beings, either animals or humans, walking, jumping, or otherwise crossing a corpse. Nearly as widespread as aversion to the act is one supposed consequence: the corpse is believed to become reanimated. Drawing on a variety of cases, this article describes the distribution of the idea both in ritual practice and myth and establishes its fundamental form. Consideration is given to how far the representation can be traced to cross-culturally common features of mortuary ritual and common ideas about spiritual entities and non-human animals. As none of these approaches sufficiently accounts for the disapprobation or the concomitant belief in reanimation, it is then shown how an explanation can be found in equally widespread and possibly universal tendencies of human cognition, including an experience of newly deceased persons as incompletely dead and therefore transitional between life and death, and an association, expressed in many different languages, of traversal with transgression.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the question: why is the archaeology of English historic landscapes apparently so provincial? Inevitably the response must be that matters are more complex. In this paper, I examine the work of W. G. Hoskins, the “father of English landscape history,” and draw attention to: the complex way in which landscape is embedded in nationalism; the relations between locale, province, and nation; and the way wider tensions, in particular of colonialism are embedded within Hoskins's own discourse. In conclusion, I examine ways in which this problematic continues to structure enquiry into the English landscape today and to inhibit a genuinely international and comparative approach to historic landscapes.  相似文献   

语言是反映社会文化生活的一面镜子,而英汉两种语言中都存在性别歧视现象。本文拟从历史文化渊源、排列、顺序、称谓和俗语等方面来探讨英汉两种语言反映妇女地位的共同之处  相似文献   

郭丽敏 《神州》2013,(35):160-161
随着经济的发展和全球化的深入,中西方文化交流的方式日趋多样化,凭借着能反映西方国家语言与文化的特点,英文电影成为国人了解西方国家的一个窗口和文化载体。电影翻译的研究拉近了两种文化间的距离,有助于更好地体现两种语言的特点和差异,从而激起人们对电影事业的兴趣和关注。〈br〉 本文从结构上总共分为三部分。第一部分为引言,介绍了电影和字幕的重要性。第二部分是主体部分,分析了论文的主导策略---归化与异化,以及在字幕翻译实践中,具体翻译方法的选择。第三部分为结论部分,总结并对未来进行字幕翻译实践的建议。  相似文献   

他,仍活着他的身影穿梭在老屋各个角落终于累了,靠着一根树桩,一根极粗的树桩喘息着,在暮色中模糊这时刻,我瞥见,停下脚步,把他端详他真的老了,皱纹侵占了他的脸庞眼珠不再黑亮,但我却被善良与光明融化  相似文献   

Yu Liu 《European Legacy》2008,13(2):143-159
In the early eighteenth century, English landscaping noticeably shifted its model from the regularity of art to the irregularity of nature. Even though this stylistic change contradicted the most elementary principles of the classical European aesthetic tradition, its proponents almost perversely cited ancient European writers in its support and justification. To understand the peculiar promotion of the new as the old in the English landscaping revolution, the involved history should be studied in a larger international and cross-cultural context than Europe. This larger context, I argue, will disclose an intricate assimilation of the new into the old, a process which enabled the early English garden reformers to change the reading of tradition and to gain legitimacy for their otherwise potentially unacceptable ‘beauty without order.’  相似文献   

老巴州是一匹马,一匹枣红色的骟马。我知道的时候它是我父亲车上的辕马。辕马驾在辕里既要承担车前部的重量,又要担任舵手,还要给前面搭梢子的牲口助力拉车。可见这是一个重要的岗位。因此,车户在他驾驭的三四匹牲口里最看重辕马,经常给它喂偏食,车鞭也很少落在它身上。  相似文献   

Old Oslo     
DURING an excavation outside the NW. corner of the defences of Winchester, Hants., an object was discovered which careful conservation proved to be an early medieval burse-reliquary. It has a wooden core, to which are tacked thin, gilt copper-alloy metal sheets, with embossed decoration. The context of the reliquary suggests its loss in the late 9th or early 10th century, and its art-historical associations indicate that it had been made at some time in the previous hundred years. It is the first early medieval reliquary of this type to have been found in England.  相似文献   

王娜 《神州》2012,(15):80
Mood is the kind of contrasts which are of-ten shown by the form of the verb and which express the speaker’s or the writer’s attitude to what is said or written. There arethree kinds of mood of the finite verbs in English. The papermainly deals with the use of the subjunctive mood.  相似文献   

Single‐sheet charters and coin epigraphy provide valuable evidence for the development of representations of the Old English dental fricative in the seventh and eighth centuries. This evidence indicates differing Kentish and Mercian practices up to the 780s, when scribes in both areas rapidly adopt <ð> to represent this sound. In Kent, occasional experimentation with this character from perhaps as early as the reign of Eadbald (616–40 ad ) may suggest a lengthy period of gradual adoption prior to the rapid increase. Mercian practice instead shows an abrupt adoption, which is perhaps the result of reform according to external (perhaps Kentish) models.  相似文献   

定海由于其特殊的地理气候条件以及文化背景,古民居建筑有较明显的地域特征,反映在屋脊上主要有坚实厚重的屋脊、装饰卷草纹的脊翼以及佛教文化思想等。  相似文献   

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