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<正>每个人的童年都住在一个城堡里,或者是王子和公主幸福的生活,或者是变幻无穷的魔法世界,亦或者是斗智斗勇的地球保卫战……随着年龄和阅历的增加,也越来越有机会去触碰童年时的梦想,走过一座座城堡,寻找一个个或凄美、或感人、或惊奇的故事……  相似文献   

寒江 《旅游纵览》2016,(6):88-95
正每个人的童年都住在一个城堡里,或者是王子和公主幸福的生活,或者是变幻无穷的魔法世界,亦或者是斗智斗勇的地球保卫战……随着年龄和阅历的增加,也越来越有机会去触碰童年时的梦想,走过一座座城堡,寻找一个个或凄美、或感人、或惊奇的故事……  相似文献   

By the middle of the twelfth century Poitou had been divided into small units of local control, known as castellanies. A castellany was the territory surrounding a castle; within it the castellan exercised military, judicial and economic powers. Between 1152 and 1271 the control of castles in Poitou experienced a development of three stages, moving from single-castellany holdings by the province's fifty leading families via regional lordships pieced together by four of these families to country-wide hegemony by the count. The progressive consolidation of castle-holding corresponded to the development of political life. The chaotic political conditions of the second half of the twelfth century were replaced by the leadership of the regional lords after 1200, which in turn gave way to the unchallenged authority of the count after 1242. The logic of this tripartite development explains the achievement of Alphonse of Poitiers, count from 1241, in turning Poitou from a region of chronic turbulence into a well-governed country. This paper emphasizes the role of the regional lords as the bridge between extreme fragmentation of authority and effective centralization.  相似文献   

Rachel Swallow 《考古杂志》2016,173(2):288-341
Along the valley … of the Dee and their mountain tributaries, where they begin to open towards the English plain, mottes and ringworks succeed one another like beads on a string. There was no overall plan of defence …. They served only for local protection against an enemy who came by stealth and at night to forage and to loot … (Pounds 1990, 70)  相似文献   

历史遗存是一个城市的脉与个性特点之所在。  相似文献   

顾方哲 《史学集刊》2013,(1):122-128
中世纪城堡依历史条件不同而有不同的主导功能。大体说来,9至13世纪,因战火连绵而以攻防为主;13世纪末,城堡开始作为地方政治经济中心扮演政府角色而以协调管理为主;约一个世纪后,因堡主追求排场享受转而以居住为主;15、16世纪,城堡不再适应新的变化,逐渐淡出历史舞台。  相似文献   

《Medieval archaeology》2012,56(2):338-374
THIS PAPER EXAMINES the ways in which the siting of castles in England was influenced by the remains of monuments and landscapes from the prehistoric and Romano-British periods. It explores the character, distribution and scale of ancient monument reuse as evidenced through the archaeological and documentary record, in an attempt to discern patterns in peoples’ responses to monuments from the ancient past. It considers the ways in which these places were perceived by both the ruling elite and the local community: exploring how inherited landscapes were used in castle building to structure concepts of belonging, constituted through memory and genealogy. The conclusion is that ancient places were reused by castle builders from the 11th to the 14th century as part of an evolving narrative aimed at enhancing rights to people, place and power.  相似文献   

在配合扬州蜀岗古代城址城壕整治的考古发掘工作中,为了明确西城门外(西)侧瓮城墙的时代、瓮城墙与瓮城壕的距离及其与瓮城壕、主城壕的关系等问题,在2013~2015年期间,由中国社会科学院考古研究所、南京博物院、扬州市文物考古研究所联合组成的扬州唐城考古工作队,在扬州宋宝祐城西城门外侧瓮城墙上及瓮城墙北部东端各布设探沟1条,在瓮城墙外侧弧形低洼地带布设4条探沟进行了发掘,6条探沟合计发掘面积约300平方米,清理出了南宋晚期修建开挖的瓮城墙和瓮城壕,三期瓮城墙从早至晚分别厚约15.65、16.25、19.75米,瓮城壕宽约23.5米,瓮城墙外边缘距离瓮城壕内边线约26.8米。瓮城壕与主城壕不连通,瓮城墙和主城墙或互不连接。  相似文献   

孙华 《世界遗产》2013,(1):62-64
羁縻·土司制度是古代中国中央王朝分封少数民族地方首领世袭官职、由他们代理中央王朝统治当地人民,达到国家和平统一的特殊政治制度。在实行这一制度的时期,被授予土司之职的中国西南族群的首领,  相似文献   

发展电子政务很有必要。电子政务有利于减少政务成本、改变粗放的行政管理模式,有利于转变政府职能、促进廉政建设。针对当前我国电子政务中存在的问题,应加强信息基础建设、提高社会化信息程度,建设一只高素质的公务员队伍,统一电子政务的标准,完善电子政务的安全系统。  相似文献   


The latter part of Psalm 24 describes the personified gates of Jerusalem as raising themselves up in order to allow the King of Glory to en-ter. This, in addition to the rest of the strong mythical overtones of the psalm, creates an image of architecture coming alive to join in the celebratory entry of the divine ruler.

There are numerous, but no definitive, suggestions as to the identity of who or what is supposed to be entering the gates and under what circum-stances as well as how the raising gates are to be understood. In this essay it is argued that the psalm only supplies half the data and that it forms the optimis-tic complementary ending to the anguished cry of despair of Lam 2,8–9. Ap-plying critical spatial analysis to these two texts, in addition to other support-ing material, will not only show that one is a response to the other, but may also provide a more secure dating for the psalm and its social setting as well as a clearer understanding of the specific metaphor of personified architec-ture.  相似文献   

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