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A CEMETERY uncovered during roadworks at High Wycombe in ig86 confirmed the location of the medieval hospital of St Margaret. Examination of the skeletal remains suggests that several of the individuals excavated had suffered from leprosy.  相似文献   


Several alternative schemes for the dating if Pictish relief sculpture have been advanced during the last century. Representations if artifacts which can be dated archaeologically, decorative devices associated with the Viking Period and details if animal ornament are used to provide new date-ranges for some stones usually dated earlier. The early dating often advanced for some low-relief sculptures is accordingly questioned, and a tentative scheme for the dating if Pictish relief sculpture proposed.  相似文献   

郑绍宗 《文物春秋》2003,(4):1-6,12
本文对平泉茅兰沟一带发现的石围墙、石城遗址作了重点介绍,并以此作为切入点,对我国北方夏家店下层文化的石围墙、石城聚落遗址进行了全面的分析,认为夏家店下层文化的石围墙、石城构成的“城堡带”,集中在内蒙古的赤峰、辽宁的朝阳、河北的承德一带,分布直径在400公里左右,可能是当时“古国”的所在。  相似文献   

南宋宫廷绘画中的“谍画”之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据宋代的文献材料,从大量的宋人册页中甄别出一些在军事上具有特殊功用的绘画。据考,在南宋出使金国的使团人员中,潜藏有擅长山水画、人马画的画院画家,他们奉命描绘金国的山川地形和女真人的军事活动,笔者称此类带有间谍用途的南宋宫廷绘画为“谍画”。本文阐述了“谍画”的发展历史,特别是南宋出现”谍画“的政治、军事等方面的历史原因,对此类“谍画“进行了详细的剖析,发现宇文虚中、萧照和陈居中等是可知的南宋”谍画“的作者。此种从军事角度认识某些宫廷绘画,尚属尝试。  相似文献   

This paper, based mainly on hitherto unpublished material, describes the building-activities of the Duke of Lauderdale in the years following his second marriage to the Countess of Dysart. During this period the Duke's three northern houses, comprising Thirlestane Castle, Lethington, and Brunstane, were extensively remodelled under the direction of the Scottish Surveyor-General, Sir William Bruce. Bruce also played a part in the alterations and additions carried out at the Lauderdales' principal English seat, Ham House, the main responsibility in this case, however, being undertaken by the gentleman-architect William Samwell. The Scottish houses were fitted out and decorated by a team of Anglo-Dutch craftsmen recruited chiefly in London, while another Dutchman, John Slezer, was employed as surveyor and draughtsman both in Scotland and at Ham.  相似文献   

墨了 《华夏地理》2004,(8):124-133
在敦煌壁画里,没有一幅作品留下画师的名字,甚至,没有记载他们; 事实上,只有临摹壁画的画师们才能真正读懂敦煌壁画;现在,终于可以听他们说说……  相似文献   

Area excavation of five Middle Bronze Age Round Houses at Black Patch, Alcisten, E. Sussex, has conclusively proved that the house terrace itself was a major structural element in the house construction. The position of storage pits and artifacts confirms that the house floor consisted of the whole house terrace. The precise recording of the position of every artifact was used to define activity areas which indicate the possible function of individual houses. From this evidence it is possible to suggest the likely social organisation of the excavated compound.  相似文献   

阿勒泰山旧石器时代洞窟彩绘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“在新疆阿勒泰山中早已发现的洞窟彩绘,其主体部分,可以肯定,是旧石器时代的遗存。”这是一份晚了34年、完成得过分迟缓的研究结论。  相似文献   

In June 2008 a team of artists began the gargantuan task of creating the series of Armada mural paintings for the house of lords. They were embarking on a two-year project, which would bring to completion the original decorative scheme planned for the prince's chamber by the Royal Commission on Fine Arts 1 during the 1840s. This, in turn, would reconnect the original historical association, which the Armada tapestries had held with the house of lords since the mid 17th century until their destruction by fire in 1834. This article places these Armada mural paintings within the historical context of this project at the Palace of Westminster and documents some of the methodology behind the programme of work to re-create this celebrated series for the walls of the house of lords.  相似文献   

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