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THE EMERGENCE OF FORMAL CEMETERIES is one of the most significant transformations in the landscapes of 1st millennium ad Scotland. In eastern and northern Scotland, in the lands of the Picts, square and circular burial monuments were constructed to commemorate a small proportion of the populationperhaps a newly emerging elite in the post-Roman centuries. This paper presents the results of a project that has consolidated and reviewed the evidence for monumental cemeteries of the northern Picts from Aberdeenshire to Inverness-shire, transcribing the aerial evidence of many sites for the first time. In addition, the landscape location of the cemeteries is assessed, along with their relation to Pictish symbol stones, fortified sites and settlement landscapes of the 1st millennium ad. Two particular elements of the burial architecture of northern Pictland are highlightedbarrow enlargement, and the linking of barrows through the sharing of barrow/cairn ditches. Both of these practices are suggested here to be implicated in the creation of genealogies of the living and the dead during an important transitional period in northern Europe when hereditary aristocracies became more prominent.  相似文献   

高永丽 《文博》2001,(2):60-65
陪葬于汉武帝茂陵的霍去病墓前的大型石雕,人们都知道是汉武帝为纪念霍去病的战功而刻置。但是只要对这些石雕的内容及形象仔细观察和分析,就会发现,这些石雕并不只是为纪念霍去病一人,而是有多方面多层次的含义。一是纪念霍去病在反击匈奴战争中的巨大功绩,二是以霍去病的去世为一段落、以霍去病的墓地为舞台而举行的一次表功大典——它用艺术的语言,形象地说明了取得反击匈奴胜利的多种因素和条件,凡做出重大贡献者都登上了历史的领奖台,并被刻石立像永记其功。三是汉武帝为巩固反击匈奴的战果借霍去病的墓地和葬礼树大汉天威,震慑属国。  相似文献   

An extensive Late Iron Age settlement (SP 842430), with Middle Iron Age predecessor, was succeeded by an early Roman land management/drainage scheme accompanied by roads, and a timber bridge. This was followed by the construction of storehouse and barns adjoining a timber wharf, the whole encircled by an engineered river channel enclosing at least three ha, with an outlying cemetery. In the early/mid second century at least four, and possibly six, separate substantial stone buildings, all apparently of villa quality, were constructed over an area more than 250 m across. There were hints of a late Antonine destruction. Subsequently structural additions were made up to the early third century. Decline in the mid third century was followed by extensive rehabilitation in the late third/early fourth century, succeeded by slum/industrial conditions in the mid fourth, with iron working and smithing. Notable finds include parts of an early black and white mosaic, rib vault voussoir tiles, stamped tegulae, part of a luxury bronze folding tripod, a lead coffin, an anvil and a coulter. The pottery series extends from the middle Iron Age to the seventh century A.D., with a gap in the late fourth. Coinage extended from a stater of c. 40–20 B. C. to issues of the House of Valentinian, c. A.D. 375.  相似文献   

In the framework of the EU–UNDP project ‘Rehabilitation of Old Nicosia’ (Cyprus, 2004–9), a high‐resolution geoelectrical survey has been performed inside the partially ruined monumental complex of St Nicholas of the English, now called the Bedestan, which was designed to become a venue space for cultural activities. The aim was to detect buried traces of a Byzantine basilica of the sixth century, on the ruins of which, according to tradition, the construction of St Nicholas was begun in the 12th century. The survey has been conducted on the floor of the monument, using a dipole–dipole electrode array along two perpendicular sets of profiles. In order to model the resistivity distribution, the probability‐based electrical resistivity tomography inversion (PERTI) method has been applied. Sets of aligned blocks with resistivity in the range 100–400 ohm·m, bounding a three‐room rectangular space, and traces of a rounded structure with mean resistivity about 150 ohm·m, appearing at one extremity of the central room, are the main resistive features recognized down to 4 m depth, within a conductive background with resistivity in the range 20–40 ohm·m. Altogether, these resistive features, showing in plan the shape of a church characterized by a central nave with an apse and two side aisles, have been interpreted as an evidence of the existence of remains of the earlier Byzantine basilica. Moreover, small volumes with resistivity in the range 10–12.6 ohm·m have been found, scattered underneath the whole surveyed area. Taking into account the PERTI results, ground‐truth has been performed in two sites, designed to become two permanent protected exposures of the archaeological findings beneath the floor of the newly restored Bedestan. At one site, excavations detected remains of masonry in correspondence of the alignment of resistive blocks at the left margin of the left side aisle of the churchlike structure. At the other site, graves, entirely filled with wet debris in an alluvial soil matrix, have, instead, been found in correspondence with the greatest conductive volume, detected outside the perimeter of the churchlike structure. Both findings have been dated back to the sixth century. Since the Bedestan case‐history is one of the first applications of the PERTI algorithm to real field data sets, its performance has been tested using the well‐known ERTLabTM commercial software as benchmark. The comparison has shown a general consistency between the two inversions, and also confirmed the much higher computing speed, better filtering capacity and greater versatility of the PERTI algorithm, already outlined in a previous paper where only synthetic models were tested.  相似文献   

Every nation-state has a capital city from where the central government's institutions operate and where the past of the nation is remembered monumentally. Following unification in 1870 Rome became the capital of the new Italy. Turning it into a singular site to represent the aspirations of the regimes that came to power, however, proved an impossible task. Not only did the Liberal and Fascist regimes of the period 1870-1943 have contradictory intentions and goals, they also ran up against the complexities of Rome's own history in trying to establish their own. This paper contends that there are important similarities between the two regimes in their approaches to making Rome a capital for the new state and that contemporary cultural analysis of the Fascist regime misses this continuity when it takes the regime's claims to aesthetic novelty and architectural innovation at face value. In the end, Rome resisted attempts at using its monumental space to symbolically unify a country that remained materially and culturally divided.  相似文献   

中国社会科学院近代史研究所组织编撰的《中国近代通史》近期已由江苏人民出版社出版。全书共10卷,约550万字,各卷名称如下:第1卷《近代中国历史进程概说》,第2卷《近代中国的开端(1840—1864)》,第3卷《早期现代化的尝试(1865—1895)》,第4卷《从戊戌维新到义和团(1895—1900)》,第5卷《新政、立宪与辛亥革命(1901—1912)》,第6卷《民国的初建(1912—1923)》,第7卷《国共合作与国民革命(1924—1927)》,第8卷《内战与危机(1927—1937)》,第9卷《抗日战争(1937—1945)》,第10卷《中国命运的决战(1945—1949)》。本书的出版,完成了近代史研究所几代人的夙愿。对于1840—1949年完整的中国近代史来说,本书的撰写还是一个尝试。本刊特别约请我国近代史学界几位著名学者通过笔谈的形式发表看法,以期引起关注和讨论。  相似文献   


This work investigates the use of an advanced long-term vibration-based structural health monitoring tool to automatically detect earthquake-induced damages in heritage structures. Damage produced in a monumental bell-tower at increasing values of the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of the seismic input is predicted by incremental nonlinear dynamic analysis, using a Finite Element model calibrated on the basis of experimentally identified natural modes. Then, predicted damage effects are artificially introduced in the monitoring data to check for their detectability. The results demonstrate that a very small damage, associated to a low intensity and low return period earthquake, is clearly detected by the monitoring system.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the study of the ideological production of urban space through the analysis of the meaningful structure of the early-20th-century new plan of the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, and an examination of the ideological function of the plan for its producers as well as for the Greek public. The plan was prepared by a team led by the French architect Ernest Hébrard working in close connection with Greek government officials. It was partially implemented, and has been considered the first major urban intervention in Europe after World War I. The paper combines a historical geographical perspective with insights from the theory and methodology of semiotics. Through a holistic and meticulous analysis of the plan, its urban, aesthetic, nationalist and orientalist aspects are retraced and compared to the identity notions of the Greek politicians and the public.  相似文献   

W. Haslam 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):302-313
The building history of Colchester Castle is reconsidered in the light of previously unpublished evidence from excavations, 1931 to 1977. The Norman castle is seen as a development from a late Saxon villa regalis, constructed in two phases, the first beginning c. 1074 × 1076 (by the crown) and the second c. 1101 (by Eudo Dapifer). It was strengthened in the mid-thirteenth century and maintained into the early fourteenth but thereafter declined, its main function being as a prison. The upper storey of the keep and the southern bailey defences were demolished late in the seventeenth century.  相似文献   


The paper analyzes the static behavior and the seismic vulnerability of the “San Francesco ad Alto” building in Ancona (Italy), which is currently used as a Regional Headquarter of the Marche Region by the Italian Army and was formerly a monastery. The global static structural behavior and the dynamic properties have been evaluated using the Finite Element modeling technique, in which the nonlinear behavior of masonry has been taken into account by proper constitutive laws. The concepts of homogenized material and smeared cracking are used to evaluate the capacity of the monastery to withstand lateral loads together with the expected demands resulting from seismic actions (N2 method), using a nonlinear static analysis (pushover). The comparison of seismic demand and capacity confirms the susceptibility of these types of buildings to extensive damage and collapse, as frequently observed in similar buildings. This paper aims to point out that advanced numerical analyses can offer significant information on the understanding of the actual structural behavior of historical buildings. It is believed that the methodology and the overall conclusions of this case study are valid for many historical monasteries in Europe.  相似文献   

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