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洪梅 《东南文化》2008,(3):70-76
兽面纹与人面纹是先秦时期非常有特点的瓦当图案。本文通过对兽面纹的来源、分类及兽面纹与其他瓦当图案组合的研究,阐明了兽面纹演变过程中的简化规律。并通过分析兽面纹与抽象人面纹的异同点,以及二者在发展演变规律上的一致性,论证了抽象人面纹与兽面纹之间的承继关系及这种变化与当时历史背景的关系。  相似文献   


This article examines how allotments fitted into the overall context of a range of paternalistic provisions; attempts to identify the extent to which workers' demand for allotments was a factor in their provision, and argues that the provision of allotments played a significant part in the shaping and development of some industrial communities. The review concentrates on five industrial communities in Derbyshire, although comparisons are drawn with similar establishments in other parts of England.  相似文献   

ALL OF THE KNOWN medieval tin-glazed tiles from NW. Europe beyond the Mediterranean littoral are discussed. They appear first c. 1290 in the Toulouse region and 14th-century examples are known from scattered sites in southern France, from the lower Loire valley and SE. Brittany, and from Flanders and Holland, with related material in Hamburg and East Anglia. The tiles are generally painted in green and brown and were locally produced. There is extensive documentation for the manufacture of such tiles for the Duke of Burgundy's chateau at Hesdin in French Flanders in the 1390s, and documentary evidence also records two Spanish tilers working for the Duke of Burgundy and the Duke of Berry at Dijon and Poitiers in the 1380s. Extant fragments from these sites and from Bourges and Mehun-sur-Yièvre include for the first time some with designs painted in blue. There is as yet no evidence for the continuing production of tin-glazed tiles in any of these areas during the 15th century or for locally-produced tin-glazed pottery before the late 15th or 16th century.  相似文献   

Reginald Taylor and Lord Fletcher Essay Prize Winner

One of the most architecturally stimulating features of the Old Town Bridge Tower in Prague is the net vault over the ground level, designed by Peter Parler. Often assumed to have been built after the net vault of Prague Cathedral’s choir, this article looks more closely at the masonry, the heraldry and the sculptures of the Tower to suggest that the Bridge Tower vault predates the choir vault. After setting this vault as the first net vault in Bohemia, the article examines how this particular formt fits within the evolution of Parlerian vault designs in Prague. In addition, the article explores the larger implications of a design process where smaller spaces are used to experiment and develop new designs before utilising those designs on a larger scale.  相似文献   

The article describes the preliminary results of an archaeological survey of a protest camp occupied since 1999 in Derbyshire, England, and reflects briefly on the role of archaeology in researching contemporary activism and protests. The camp is structured by the everyday activities involved in living in the landscape, by the ‘manufactured vulnerability’ created using characteristics of the environment to contest an attempted eviction, and the public statements of protest that symbolise the campaign to the wider world. Through its longevity and the high profile of the wider anti-quarry campaign the camp is now a key element in the history of its landscape, and it is on these terms that it became the subject of archaeological research.  相似文献   

The remains of a 19th-century find of a medieval clinker-built vessel have been subject to modem examination and radiocarbon and dendrochronological dates obtained.  相似文献   

Notices of Books     

The three greatest German buildings of the first half of the eleventh century were of an ambition not to be found elsewhere in contemporary Europe and were modelled directly on Roman Imperial prototypes. They demonstrate a new grandeur of spirit that is typical of German architecture of the time, but in their precise forms, remarkably enough, they remained unique in that country. Archbishop Heribert's huge rotunda at Deutz was partly inspired by the Pantheon, and since Heribert had been Otto III's chief politician and Italian Chancellor for the previous six years the building was an important monument of Otto III's political policy of ‘Renovatio Imperii Romanorum’. The re-creation of Roman Imperial grandeur that these and other German buildings represent is essentially Romanesque and to call them anything else is not to do them justice. The idea of an Ottonian style of architecture has not been helpful.  相似文献   

W. H. Gunner 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):214-222
In February 1995 Cleveland County Archaeology Section (now Tees Archaeology) carried out a small scale excavation at the rear of 23 Baptist Street on Hartlepool Headland prior to the construction of a garage (Illus. 1). The site lies in the immediate vicinity of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery which contained ‘inscribed stones’ and which is believed to belong to the Anglo-Saxon monastery of the seventh to eighth centuries A.D. (see Daniels forthcoming for the most recent discussion of the monastery and Okasha forthcoming for that of the cemetery). The cemetery was located in the mid-nineteenth century during house construction and there has been no previous opportunity to undertake archaeological investigation in this area. A proposal to build a garage in this area was therefore seized upon as a chance to examine the stratigraphy and establish further details of Anglo-Saxon activity in this area.  相似文献   

梁会丽 《文物》2020,(4):51-58
城四家子辽金城址位于吉林省白城市。2013~2014年,在城内中轴线上的一处建筑台基的考古发掘中,出土了带有墨书文字的瓦片40余件,瓦上的文字书写于绿釉筒瓦内表面,记录了佛教信徒的"施瓦"情况。通过对文字内容的初步研究,可以推断使用这些文字瓦的建筑的性质为佛教寺院,所处年代为辽代晚期,并对施瓦者身份、施瓦缘由、施瓦数量、施瓦时间等当时佛教寺院的佛事活动有了一定的认识,也充分体现了城四家子城址的宗教影响力,表明其很可能是当时东北地区佛事活动的中心地区。同时,文字瓦中关于中央职官尤其军事部门官员的施瓦记录,反映了城四家子城址在辽代具有重要的政治、军事地位。  相似文献   

长江流域以及广东地区等南方地区的衙署、寺庙、居址、城址、墓上建筑等遗址中出土了一定数量的唐宋元时期滴水,其中以峡江地区及长江下游地区分布较密集。出土滴水整体呈长条弧形和弧边三角形两种形状,大致可分为唐-五代时期和宋-元时期两个阶段。唐-五代时期主要流行长条形滴水,饰几何形图案;宋-元时期沿用长条形滴水的同时,主要流行弧边三角形滴水,纹饰图案较为丰富。对比宋金西夏时期北方地区的滴水,可知其时南北地区滴水呈现出鲜明的地方特色,尤其是纹饰相差较大;元代后趋于一致,历明清沿用至今。  相似文献   

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