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The settlement of Le Yaudet, in northern Brittany, occupies a prominent position on a headland dominating the estuary of the river Léguer. It is the focus of a long-term research excavation, now in its tenth year, designed to study continuities and discontinuities in the occupation sequence from the Iron Age to the late medieval period. The paper focusses on late Roman and early medieval occupation. Tenuous evidence for late fourth- to early fifth-century military use is considered. Thereafter, fields worked by the ‘lazy bed’ method were laid out: contemporary corn-drying ovens have produced dates in the sixth and seventh centuries. The results are discussed in the context of the sparse historical evidence and other contemporary finds from Brittany.  相似文献   

Edward Hawkins 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):111-130
The remaining gatehouse of Rye House, or Rye House Castle, in Hertfordshire—part of an originally much larger complex—is an early dated example of brick building in this country and possesses a number of interesting and significant features, notably in its very early employment of moulded bricks for various decorative features. Despite this fact, the building has never been fully described or discussed, and it is the object of the present paper to fill this lacuna. The paper is the result of a survey and study of the site carried out during 1972 with exemplary help from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, the present owners of the site.  相似文献   

意识形态工作是党的一项极端重要的工作,事关党的前途命运、国家长治久安和中华民族的凝聚力与向心力。A中共十九届四中全会通过的《决定》,首次把“坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位”明确为一项根本制度。B这一根本制度根源于马克思主义科学揭示人类社会发展规律,集中反映了党在中国革命、建设和改革中发展社会主义先进文化的前进方向、发展道路与基本经验,是建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态、巩固党和人民共同思想基础的根本政治前提、制度基础与保障。  相似文献   

夏商时期的戈与野战方式浅说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戈是车战的产物,二里头出土青铜戈说明车战最晚始于夏末。夏商时期是戈发展的早期,其使用范围随着野战方式的演变而扩展到步兵。  相似文献   

冯时 《中原文物》2020,(1):63-70
西周霸伯铜器铭文显示,位于今山西翼城大河口的霸国伯主不仅有为西周王室治盐之责,而且兼有御戎守护盐池安全的使命。霸伯簋铭文记载了井叔专来霸国辨定盐卤的种类和等级,并命霸伯征伐,提供其美田一百井之井田中央百亩公田所产的两种谷物作为军粮,补其军资。文章结合相关铭文资料讨论了西周井田制和军賦,并就与井田相关的官制官氏等问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

郭亮,与南坪、罗姐寨在海拔1700米的太行山深处,组成了一道靓丽的风景线。它最初闻名是出于谢晋导演的一部电影《清凉寺的钟声》,后来郭达、潘长江在这里拍摄了中国版"虎口脱险"——《举起手来》。但对于我们来说,它的诱惑可不止这些,开凿在万仞峭壁上的挂壁公路,是对驾车族的巨大诱惑,而一场意料之外的大雪,更让我们体会了雪地自驾的惊险与乐趣。  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between the novísimos poets—Pedro Gimferrer, Luis Antonio de Villena, Leopoldo María Panero, and Guillermo Carnero, among others—and the avant-garde movements in Spain. If during the forties the garcilasismo opposed the avant-garde, in the seventies, with the novísimos, the -ismos returned to be considered not as a radical change but as one more stage in the evolution of Spanish poetry. The -ismos are now considered not as a subversive departure from the past, but as part of Spanish artistic heritage and tradition, thus reconciling tradition and modernity or even converting the vanguard into literary tradition. The -ismos are described not as an absolute novelty but simply as a process of innovation in the same way, with their own poetic precedents, as the garcilasistas and the neoromantics of the past.  相似文献   

Thousands of earthen mounds of varying sizes, presumed to be funerary monuments, occur throughout a 32,000 km2 area of western Senegal. Previous inventory work and extremely limited excavation have not adequately addressed basic questions such as the relation of tumulus sites to habitation sites, the relative chronology and cultural affinities of the tumulus phenomenon in the northern and southern parts of the tumulus zone, and the temporal and cultural relationship of the southern tumuli to the megalithic monuments whose distribution they partially overlap. We describe here the results of a field survey designed to provide preliminary data relevant to these questions. In addition to locating previously unreported habitation sites in several sectors, analysis of surface pottery has permitted recognition of several temporally differentiated assemblages associated with different types of sites encountered during the survey. The distinctive assemblages of the northern and southern tumulus zones indicate that mound construction should not be considered a unitary, homogeneous phenomenon in Senegal.
Résumé Des milliers de monticules de terre de dimensions variées, que l'on suppose être des monuments funéraires, sont éparpillés dans une zone de 32.000 km2 à l'ouest du Sénégal. Auparavant, des travaux d'inventaire et d'excavation extrêmement limités n'avaient pas suffisamment tenté de répondre aux questions fondamentales telles que le rapport des sites de tumulus aux sites d'habitation, la chronologie relative et les affinités culturelles du phénomène des tumulus au nord et au sud de la zone des tumulus, et le rapport temporel et culturel des tumulus du sud avec les monuments mégalithiques dont ils recouvrent partiellement la zone de répartition. Nous décrivons ici les résultats d'une étude sur le terrain conçue pour fournir des données préliminaires ayant trait à ces questions. En plus de déterminer des sites d'habitation non-signalés auparavant dans plusieurs secteurs, l'analyse d'objets en terre cuite trouvés en surface a permis de reconnaître plusieurs assemblages temporellement différenciés, associés à différents types de sites rencontrés au cours de cette étude. Les assemblages distinctifs des zones de tumulus au nord et au sud indiquent que la construction de monticules ne doit pas être considérée comme un phénomène unitaire et homogène au Sénégal.

<正>耕地又称为农田,在地理学上是指可以用来种植农作物的土地。耕地与人们生活密切相关,唐诗中有"借牛耕地晚,卖树纳钱迟"和"耕地戒侵连冢土,伐薪教护带巢枝"等广为人知的名句。老百姓称之为"吃饭田""保命田",耕地是人类社会赖以生存的重要生态系统。  相似文献   

In the Cantigas de Santa María, King Alfonso X unveils an intricate cultural, political, and economic system that defines the relationship between Christian society and religious minorities. This article illustrates that the Cantigas must be understood as an ideological instrument of cultural codification that reaffirms the established Christian social order in relation to three principal groups: heretics, Jews, and Muslims.  相似文献   

北庄场是故乡的一面大旱场。早先,故乡所在的小镇由东街、西街、北庄、南庄四个庄子组成,大旱场属北庄,所以叫北庄场。后来,四个庄子撤并为东街、西街两个村,大旱场划分给东街村,说得更具体些,就是划分给我家所在的生产队里了,但北庄场的称谓一直被沿用着。那时候,我们生产队里的三十几户人家都居住在北庄场附近,队里打碾粮食,各家各户晒粮食、簸粮食什么的都很方便。但除了打碾时节外,北庄场差不多是属于全村的,甚至是属于整个小镇的。因此,北庄场一年四季都不曾寂阒寥落过,尤其是在茶余饭后、农闲之际,北庄场上总是人声鼎沸热热闹闹。你看…  相似文献   


With the growth in interest in collective biography as a historical technique, many predominantly qualitative historians find themselves faced with large amounts of information. These data, collected from a variety of sources, are often highly irregular, making statistical analysis extremely problematic. Current practice is to ignore these problems and proceed with quantitative analysis suitable only for much more regular data. It is argued that a more satisfactory approach is to ascertain and directly confront the difficulties of analyzing such information. The three central problems are identified as missing data, systematic bias, and the lack of a representative sample. Using a practical example, the author explores the relationship between gender, the family, and political socialization within the Communist Party of Great Britain and shows how each of the issues can be dealt with in turn. The author first distinguishes truly missing data from “negative information,” which commonly appears to be missing in historical sources. He then stratifies the data to remove systematic biases relating to the issue at hand. Finally, he divides the sample into different populations, on the basis of the sources from which individuals are known, and compares the results obtained to examine whether his conclusions appear to depend on quirks of populations contained in the sources. These ideas open a new range of sources to quantitative analysis and raise the possibility of allowing new types of evidence to count in historical inquiry.  相似文献   

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