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In the framework of the EU–UNDP project ‘Rehabilitation of Old Nicosia’ (Cyprus, 2004–9), a high‐resolution geoelectrical survey has been performed inside the partially ruined monumental complex of St Nicholas of the English, now called the Bedestan, which was designed to become a venue space for cultural activities. The aim was to detect buried traces of a Byzantine basilica of the sixth century, on the ruins of which, according to tradition, the construction of St Nicholas was begun in the 12th century. The survey has been conducted on the floor of the monument, using a dipole–dipole electrode array along two perpendicular sets of profiles. In order to model the resistivity distribution, the probability‐based electrical resistivity tomography inversion (PERTI) method has been applied. Sets of aligned blocks with resistivity in the range 100–400 ohm·m, bounding a three‐room rectangular space, and traces of a rounded structure with mean resistivity about 150 ohm·m, appearing at one extremity of the central room, are the main resistive features recognized down to 4 m depth, within a conductive background with resistivity in the range 20–40 ohm·m. Altogether, these resistive features, showing in plan the shape of a church characterized by a central nave with an apse and two side aisles, have been interpreted as an evidence of the existence of remains of the earlier Byzantine basilica. Moreover, small volumes with resistivity in the range 10–12.6 ohm·m have been found, scattered underneath the whole surveyed area. Taking into account the PERTI results, ground‐truth has been performed in two sites, designed to become two permanent protected exposures of the archaeological findings beneath the floor of the newly restored Bedestan. At one site, excavations detected remains of masonry in correspondence of the alignment of resistive blocks at the left margin of the left side aisle of the churchlike structure. At the other site, graves, entirely filled with wet debris in an alluvial soil matrix, have, instead, been found in correspondence with the greatest conductive volume, detected outside the perimeter of the churchlike structure. Both findings have been dated back to the sixth century. Since the Bedestan case‐history is one of the first applications of the PERTI algorithm to real field data sets, its performance has been tested using the well‐known ERTLabTM commercial software as benchmark. The comparison has shown a general consistency between the two inversions, and also confirmed the much higher computing speed, better filtering capacity and greater versatility of the PERTI algorithm, already outlined in a previous paper where only synthetic models were tested.  相似文献   

More iron objects have been found in East Yorkshire than in any other part of Iron Age Britain of comparable size, largely in the burials of the Arras Culture, named after the excavations at Arras near Market Weighton (1815–17). The region also contains one of Britain's largest prehistoric iron production centres, contemporary with the Arras Culture. This article aims to contribute to re-establishing early iron production and consumption, and its social and economic significance in the archaeological mainstream, and demonstrate the importance of understanding ironworking for the Iron Age landscape.  相似文献   

安图沙金沟旧石器遗址发现的石器研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安图县沙金沟遗址于2006年发现,遗址位于沙金河右岸第Ⅲ级阶地上,在地表和含角砾的黄色亚黏土层中共发现石器82件,原料以黑曜岩为主,包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶、二类和三类工具(刮削器、雕刻器、尖状器和砍砸器等)。遗址的地质年代推测为晚更新世的晚期,即旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

Im Australischen Busch, und an den Küsten des Korallenrneeres ; Reiseerlebnisse und Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers in Australien, Neu Guinea, und den Molukken. Von Richard Semon, Professor in Jena. Mit 85 Abbildungen und 4 Karten. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1886. Pp. xvi + 569. Price M. 15 ; bound 16"50.

Monomotapa (Rhodesia). Its Monuments and its History from the Most Ancient Times to the Present Century. By the Hon. A. Wilmot, Member of the Legislative Council, Cape of Good Hope. With Preface by H. Rider Haggard. Maps and Plates. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Pp. 260. Price 6s.

In New South Africa: Travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. By H. Lincoln Tangye. London : Horace Cox, 1896. Pp. viii + 432.

Der Amazonas: Wanderbilder aus Peru, Bolivia, und Nordbrasilien. Von Damian Freiherrn von Schütz‐Holzhaiisen. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herdersche Verlagshandlung, 1895. Pp. xix + 444. Price 7M

Streifzüge durch Grossbritannien. Von Gustap F. Steffen. Aus dem schwedischen von Dr. Oskar Keyher. Stuttgart: Hobbing und Büchle, 1896. Pp. 387. Price 7 Marks.

Autour du Tonkin. Par Henri Ph. D'Orléans. 4me édition. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1896. Pp. 535. Price 3.50 Frs.

A History of Egypt during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Dynasties. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, D.O.L., LL.D. With 160 Illustrations and 4 Maps. Pp. 353. London : Methuen and Co., 1896. Price 6s.

The History of Mankind. By Professor Friedrich Batzel. Translated from the second German edition by A. J. Butler, M.A. With Introduction by E. B. Tylor, D.C.L., F.E.S. Vol. I. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896. Pp. xxiv+486.

Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Kartographie in tabellarischer Darstellung. Von Dr. W. Woleenhauer, in Bremen. Breslau : Ferdinand Hirt, 1895. Pp. 93.

Complete Geography. By Alex. Everett Frye. Boston, U.S.A., and London: Ginn and Co., 1896. Pp. 208. Price $1.25.

Man and Ms Markets: A Course in Geography. By Lionel W. Lyde, M.A. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896.

Chamonix and the Range of Mont Blanc. A Guide by Edwaed Whymper. London : John Murray, 1896. Pp. xiv + 189. Price 3s. net.

Western Australian Year‐Booh for 1894–95. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser, Registrar‐General of Western Australia, F.R.G.S., F.R.C.Inst. Perth: Richard Pether, Government Printer, 1896. Pp. 393.

The Island of Capri: A Mediterranean Idyll. By Ferdinand Gregorovius. Freely translated by M. Douglass Fairbairn. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1896. Pp. 155.  相似文献   

云南个旧黑玛井发现的东汉铜博具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南个旧黑玛井古墓群采集的方形铜案应该是东汉时期的博具,该博具明显是当地受汉文化影响产生的.  相似文献   

出土于2000年的正定巨碑,经考证为五代时期成德军节度使安重荣的德政碑。本文在此基础上,引述史籍中的有关资料,对该碑的名称、立碑时间、历史背景及残碑文字等再作探讨,并就碑文中所反映的五代时期真定的政治、军事、历史情况及成德军与后唐、后晋、契丹的关系进行了论述。  相似文献   

陕西绥德县四十里铺画像石墓调查简报   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1997年7月16日,绥德县四十里铺前街村民李君旗修建住宅窑洞挖土时,发现一座东汉画像石墓。时隔半年之余。绥德县博物馆方获悉。即派人专程前往调查。惜墓葬已回填夯实。仅将李君旗拆取的画像石9块。石灶、陶罐(残破为数块)各1件以及20余枚钱币征集回博物馆收藏。  相似文献   

自 198 8年始 ,在配合鹤壁城市建设中 ,先后发现了一批不同年代的古代陶窑遗址 ,对认识古代中原地区的社会经济和古代鹤壁地区的制陶、制瓷等手工业的发展 ,有着极为重要的意义  相似文献   

郝柯羽 《文博》2021,(1):70-73,20
《三门峡庙底沟唐宋墓葬》公布了M254出土的一件青瓷钵,关于该钵的年代似有可商榷之处。本文在原报告基础之上对其年代进行再探讨,认为其相对年代为金元时期,而非报告中公布的唐代。同时,推测其生产窑口可能是汝州东沟窑。  相似文献   

陈畅 《华夏考古》2021,(1):74-81,113
鹤壁刘庄墓地布局分为东西对称的五个层级,布局轴线与商代墓葬和建筑定位方向一致,体现先商人群和白燕四期文化人群、东下冯文化人群共建的五个层级的社会关系,并提出白燕四期文化人群的族属为有娥氏.结合社会分层研究,认为基地人群社会组织是由亲属关系构建的、有一定地缘性质的、具有社会分层的两合组织,体现了二里头时期亲属关系和礼制同...  相似文献   

A furnace built in 1618 by Abraham Bigo and Sir William Clavell for the manufacture of window glass was excavated at Kimmeridge, Purbeck, Dorset (SY 909788) in 1980–81. Local oil-shale was used as a fuel in the furnace, whose central fire was fed with air by means of two passages below ground level, as found at other seventeenth-century furnaces and indicated in contemporary sources. The above-ground structure comprised sieges and wings whose plan resembled those of sixteenth-century forest-glass furnaces. Vessel glass was produced at Kimmeridge in traditional forms for sale in the south-western counties, by agreement with Sir Robert Mansell, patentee of the monopoly for glass manufacture. Trade beyond the designated area led to legal action which resulted in the demolition of the furnace in 1623. The excavation showed that the product of the furnace was green vessel glass of good durability, melted in crucibles made from high-quality refractory clay derived from Purbeck sources.  相似文献   

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