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我国现存大多数不可移动文物饱经历史沧桑,有的失去了原有的使用功能,有的甚至连主体建筑也不复存在,而古迹遗址是构成我国古代文明史迹的主体,年代久远、地域广阔、类型众多、结构复杂.特别是城池、楼阙、宫殿、庙宇、街市、里坊等遗址,作为历史文化遗产的重要代表,反映了当时城市建设、建筑艺术的水平,也见证了社会变迁和自然变化.  相似文献   

IN THE LAST decade knowledge of Salin's Style I Ornament in East Scandinavia has increased through the studies of Erä-Esko and through the remarkable finds at a workshop site at Helgö in Uppland. A characteristic feature of East Scandinavian Style I is the frequent use of small ornamental fields bordered by high ridges. In this article it is suggested that the ridges served to canalize the heat of the melted bronze during casting, and so prevent the mould from cracking. This was specially important in East Scandinavia where high-tempered bronze seems chiefly to have been used. That the fragility of the moulds was a real problem is hinted at by the relative numbers found at Helgö. The majority are for casting relief-brooches—which are comparatively rarely found cast. There are fewer moulds for the more frequently found cast bronzes, such as clasp-buttons; because the moulds for these were smaller, they were probably less prone, to damage during casting.

Because of the small size of their ornamental fields and the extensive corrosion which characterizes the bronzes found in East Scandinavia the ornament has often been misunderstood and described as highly degenerate. Through the systematic work of Erä-Esko we now know that East Scandinavian Style I was highly developed and deliberate. The rich finds from Helgö when fully interpreted will probably emphasize further the international character of this style. This appears of greater importance when it is realized that the style seems to have flourished at a time immediately preceding the Vendel period, which is specially rich in East Scandinavia.  相似文献   

During 1984 and 1985 an area of over 1500 sq. m was excavated on Hartlepool Headland (NZ 528 336) by Cleveland County Archaeology Section. The results of this work will be presented in two parts, the Anglo-Saxon first, followed by the Medieval in a later volume of the Journal.

The excavations revealed two periods of Anglo-Saxon occupation, defined by a change from earthfast to free-standing structures. The earlier period, of earthfast construction, has been divided into four phases ranging in date from the mid seventh century to the first quarter of the eighth Century. Associated with the earlier period was a boundary complex of two phases of construction. This has been interpreted as a ‘vallum monasterii’. The backfill of the boundary was radiocarbon dated to c. ad 690 and contained metalworking moulds and crucibles. The latter included three decorated pieces which have added materially to the knowledge of early Northumbrian art and metalworking.

The later period of occupation saw the construction of free-standing, stone-footed structures. In some cases the footings had been inserted into earthfast structures of the earlier period. This site is interpreted as part of the Anglo-Saxon double monastery of ‘Heruteu’, comprising an area of workshops and living quarters. Occupation ceased in the last quarter of the eighth century.  相似文献   

E. P. S. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):44-49
The discovery is reported of a timber from North Ferriby here interpreted as a piece of boat-planking and therefore the fourth boat-find from that intertidal site. The implications of its radiocarbon age are discussed. Although only a small fragment, the find has some highly significant features and it is argued that it is a piece of a sheerstrake of a boat, conceivably of a late version of the Ferriby-type hitherto represented by the three examples dated to the second millennium B.C. On the strength of the arguments put forward the first author has incorporated key-features into the hypothetical design for a complete Ferriby boat recently developed in collaboration with J. F. Coates.  相似文献   

郑立新 《文物春秋》2011,(1):67-69,78
1981年,河北滦平县金山岭明长城砖垛口一侧发现一块残碑,碑上文字多漶泐不清,本文对能识别的一些文字内容进行了分析,认为此碑是隋修长城的明证,具有非常重要的历史、文物价值。  相似文献   

路智勇  惠任 《华夏考古》2012,(1):148-152
纺织品纤维所含有的亲水基团是纺织品文物吸湿回潮处理的前提。纤维回潮后塑性变形能力增加,进而可借助一定技术条件对糟朽、干燥脆弱织物进行保护修复处理。在操作完成后,纤维内部分子链被重新排列,所吸收的水分会逐渐释放出来,直到与外界保存环境保持平衡。在此过程中形成的新的次级化学键将阻止纤维内部被重排的分子链回到回潮前的状态,这就使得纺织品文物回潮后的处理效果得以保存。  相似文献   

Before the 1978 excavation of the chapter-house site directed by Martin Biddle and the late Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle, nothing was known about the 15th-century building, beyond the brief documentary references in the Register to its remodelling during the second half of the century in the time of abbots John of Wheathamstead and William Wallingford. However, the exceptional quantity of late Gothic masonry fragments uncovered during the excavation has made it possible to attempt to reconstruct features of its design, particularly the vaulting, and has transformed our knowledge of this important building. This article reviews the information derived from the study of the fragments of the vault, assesses its significance in the development of late Gothic vaulting, and speculates on the identity of its designer.  相似文献   

Documentary theatre, as a theatrical genre, has not maintained a continuous presence in Irish theatre. The Darkest Corner series, produced in 2010 by the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, Ireland's National Theatre is, therefore, one of the first examples of Irish theatre using the genre to address political and social issues. Presenting three plays, Gerard Mannix Flynn's James X, Richard Johnson's The Evidence I Shall Give and Mary Raftery's No Escape, the series examines the widespread abuse of children in state institutions. Before analysing the documentary play commissioned by the Abbey, Raftery's No Escape, this article will begin with an exploration of documentary theatre in Ireland. It will then examine the material used for the play, the Ryan Report, published following the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, something of great political and social interest to contemporary Ireland and, finally, the play itself.  相似文献   

The presence of the remains of a Tudor cupboard displayed at Cotehele (Cornwall) has for many years been explained by the marriage of Catherine, the widow of Sir Gruffydd ap Rhys (the son of Sir Rhys ap Thomas, a leading figure in south Wales during the reigns of both Henry VII and Henry VIII) to Sir Piers Edgcumbe in 1523; thus dating this piece of furniture to the 1520s. By contrast, costume experts have always considered that the piece should date to the middle or later sixteenth century. This paper links the Cotehele cupboard to other pieces of carved work from the Welsh March in Shropshire—at Lower Spoad Farm, near Clun and in the church at Llanfair Waterdine—suggests an association with two of the major landowners there, the earls of Arundel and Shrewsbury; and places the cupboard in the context of Queen Mary's reign.  相似文献   

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