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As the sobriquet «Zweistein» suggests, within the theoretical physics community Wolfgang Pauli came to be regarded as second in eminence only to Albert Einstein. Over a period of thirty-five years, they interacted both intellectually and personally. This paper focuses on four interrelated topics of their discussions. 1) The theory of relativity: at the age of twenty, Pauli prepared the definitive survey of relativity, a survey which he revised near the end of his life and which remains invaluable to physicists and historians of physics. 2) Unified field theories: although initially sympathetic to Einstein's search for a unified theory of electromagnetism and gravitation, and having made important contributions to the subject, Pauli came to regard such efforts as fruitless. 3) Foundations of quantum mechanics: Pauli's negative evaluation of Einstein's program grew out of their sharply differing evaluations of the role that quantum mechanics would play in the future, development of theoretical physics. 4) Quantum gravity: Pauli recognized that, until the achievement of a successful reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity — an achievement that still eludes us — Einstein's challenge to quantum mechanics could not be laid to rest.  相似文献   

During the 19th century, the question of the relation between the soul and the body was deeply renewed by German psychological studies. The new elaborated conception of the relationship between the psychical and the physical coincides with the appearance of a cognitivist paradigm, in which mental phenomena are considered as entities that may be individualised, isolated, and then correlated with the activity of specific neural substrates. German psychologists were confronted with the problem of the correlation between psychical life and the nervous system (localisation of mental phenomena and nature of this correlative relationship), and propose an extensive analysis on the neural conditions and the emergence of psychical processes.  相似文献   

Sans résumé ? Lève la peau, dissèque: ici commencent les machines. Puis, tu te perds dans une substance inexplicable, étrangère à tout ce que tu sais et qui est pourtant l’essentielle. ? Paul Valéry, Tel quel, Cahier B 1910 Ses recherches portent sur l’épistémologie, l’histoire des sciences et l’histoire de la philosophie à l’age classique (xvi e-xvii e siècles). Elle a notamment dirigé avec Walter Roy Laird, Mechanics and Natural Philosophy before the Scientific Revolution (Dortrecht/Boston/Londres, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2007), puis, en collaboration avec Massimo Bucciantini et Michele Camerota, Mechanics and Cosmology in the Medieval and Early Modern Period (Florence, Olschki, 2007).  相似文献   

This article examines Montaigne’s contribution to the sixteenth-century European debate about the utopia as a form of political thinking concerned with the creation of a better society. It argues that Montaigne participates in that debate, as he does in others, by retreating to the margins. It explores the form this retreat takes in book III of the Essais. The suggestion is that, by retreating to the margins of political debate, the author creates a textual space open to a virtual community of friends, among them the author and the reader, who have in common a mode of free and frank discussion as a truth-seeking and quarrelsome “exercise of minds”. Montaigne is thus able to conduct an unresolved quarrel with others, and with himself, as he weighs in the balance the value–and vanity–of utopias.  相似文献   

The concept from Germany permits us to reveal, in keeping with a “misological” approach, the amplitude of the disagreements which presided over the definition of the concept of State in France. From the latter we approach diverse usages which illustrate models of State. The “germanic model” thus operates in a debate which is the crucible of modern political knowledge, with its paradoxes: those with reference to external soveignty to interstate order, to confederation. The article then exposes the relation between the theories of public law and the “continuity of assemblies”; in a certain manner, the foudation of political order. In fine, public law appears as the transfert of temporal power to the institution, to the collectivity, and its weakening as the reason of being of statism.  相似文献   

In his Sociology of music, Max Weber stressed the importance of the invention of notation on lines by Guido of Arezzo (c. 990–1035). This article traces the beginnings of musical notation. Although Guido of Arezzo proposed a system of lines in which each note is always in the same place, he also placed the neumes invented before him on these lines. The first annotators sought to note with precision the rhythmic nuances and ornaments of the melodies; but those subtle indications disappeared little by little from the notation, betraying an inflexibility of the tradition, which contributed to the orientation of western music towards paths which did not know other music of oral tradition.  相似文献   

This study concerns the moral regulation of the Person in Brazil from the twenties to the end of the forties, from the point of view of the intense academic relationship between anthropology and psychoanalysis. It deals with the conditions under which that dialogue took place: the general crusade for the «civilization» of the country, between the central State initiatives in the promotion of hygiene and education and the medical, intellectual debates about the «African» heritage and the possibility of surmounting cultural «backwardness».  相似文献   

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