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牡丹社之役事发后,沈葆桢奉命巡台,提出"开山抚番"。沈葆桢治台期间的抚番思想由"民番皆赤子"、"怀以柔德"、"恩威咸宜"三部分组成。其中,"民番皆赤子"是其抚番思想的核心;"怀以柔德"是其抚番思想的基本方针;"恩威咸宜"是其抚番思想的重要组成部分。沈葆桢在台湾时期的抚番思想既受到传统处理民族关系思想的影响,又与其早年的戎马经历和对时局的认知有关。  相似文献   

王博文 《文博》2023,(1):66-70
本文依据文献及考古资料,重新探讨了西汉安定郡彭阳、安定、抚夷县治的具体位置,认为彭阳县治在今甘肃省镇原县太平镇茹河北岸的阳湾遗址,抚夷县治在今三岔镇蒲河北岸的梁台遗址。笔者认同《中国历史地图集》关于彭阳、抚夷两县治所方位的标注,并为之提供了新的考古资料进行佐证,且进一步确认其位置。本文对标注在今泾川县的安定县重新进行了考证,认为县治在今镇原县东南10千米处城关镇茹河北岸的后河遗址。  相似文献   

《北宋经抚年表》续补正李之亮吴廷燮所编《北宋经抚年表》,于北宋诸路帅臣搜求甚众,功不可没。然此书之编纂尚存在某些问题。如北宋诸路帅臣之设并非均始于宋初,而吴表均自宋初编年,有扩大化之嫌。又如此书漏收、误收及讹例舛错之处所在较多,这就易使读者对该书的可...  相似文献   

去岁五月,四川省音协组织一批理论家、作曲家赴历史名城三台县召开音乐创作会议,其间,我们参观了梓州历年出土文物。我赫然发现其中有数尊红陶泥涌,均作啸歌状(如图)。余当既谓之“啸涌”,遂得到同行的音乐史学家朱舟先生的首肯。对于抚耳之状,我专门请教了省音像江的汪静泉同志,他是民族多声音乐专家。他也认为,抚耳肯定是歌唱的辅助动作,其目的在于主动和有效地控制歌者的发音。这在川北藏族、羌族地区至今仍可见到。看来,抚耳这一动作有两个目的:一是使发音的状态更加主动、积极;二是便于有意识地对发声加以控制。我也曾在…  相似文献   

哈密国"三立三绝"与明朝对土鲁番的政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
明朝前期的哈密地区哈密国与哈密卫二制并存。由于土鲁番与哈密国国力强弱悬殊、明朝在哈密卫尚未驻军与当地无险可守、哈密国与哈密卫远离内地及在遇到紧急情况时难以救援、明朝对土鲁番政策有失误尤其土鲁番的一再入侵等,致使哈密国“三立三绝”与哈密卫徙址。土鲁番之所以敢于“三绝”哈密国,从根本上看,与明朝严加防御北元、对边疆其他各族推行“抚绥”的安边思想与政策有关。若究明朝对土鲁番政策实质,无疑在于“羁縻”了。  相似文献   

本通过对一些重要史料的解析,对引起颇多争议的“铁岭”的位置重新进行了探讨,并分析指出:明朝立卫的本意既是对以鸭绿江为界的东北边界的确认,也是对朝鲜半岛东北部女其居民进行沼抚的初步行动;双方东北边界的最终确立是在永乐年间;出师攻辽是高丽历来存在的扩张倾向及其内部亲元与亲明两派矛盾激化的结果,“铁岭立卫“事件的发生为其提供了借口。  相似文献   

从《抚豫宣化录》看田文镜抚豫张民服田文镜,清汉军正黄旗人,为雍正朝三大宠臣之一,在清代政治舞台上曾产生过较大影响,同时,在其后的清代政坛及当今的学术界中,又是一位颇有争议的人物。他为政期间的所作所为,究竟应当如何评价,迄今尚无定论。《抚豫宣化录》一书...  相似文献   

本文研究的是康熙年间吕抚所绘《三才一贯图》,探讨该图受到西方传教士影响较深的《天地全图》、《南北二极星图》这两幅分图及图序的内容。重点在于梳理两幅分图的知识系统,拟构它们与明末清初时期在华西方传教士所绘诸种地理图与天文图之间的关系,得出结论认为吕抚受南怀仁图的影响最大。此外,结合全图其它表现中国传统知识的内容,讨论中西两种知识体系如何在普通士人中实现榫接和重构。最后,从吕抚这幅图的丰富内容注意到"图"在历史时期的多样性,提出地图史研究应拓宽视野,打破现代学科界限的观点。  相似文献   

清代抚民厅制度形成过程初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
抚民厅是清代独有的地方行政制度与行政区划,由明代的派遣厅(府同知、通判的派出机构)演变而来。这两种厅在清代长期共存,需要有一个标准将两者区分开来。区分的标准应该由清代官方文献的记载和现代政治地理学理论结合而成。在此标准之下,通过对《清实录》、地方志中相关记载的疏理,认为抚民厅制度萌芽于明代末期,在清代设立新厅的过程中不断得到完善,乾隆十二年(1734年)潼关抚民厅的出现,标志着抚民厅制度的全面形成。  相似文献   

一、“抚夷局”的迷雾与奕訢的办抚机构 清季的总理各国事务衙门,简称总理衙门,又称总署、译署,是第二次鸦片战争的产物,它是由清政府在1860年所设的办理“抚局”的临时机构演变而来。 在总理衙门的起源问题上,史学界一直没有深入地予以研究。许多学者相信,在总理衙门设立之前,有一个名曰“抚夷局”(或“抚局”)的机构,它乃是总理衙门的前身。史料的记述也不尽详确,个别的官私文献又把一些错误的提法流传下来,使研究者真假难辨。  相似文献   


This paper offers a critique on state formation theories used in the explanation of the rise of the biblical United Monarchy. The last three decades of archaeological and biblical research have shown that there is no firm evidence for speaking of a kingdom or empire of David and Solomon in ancient Palestine. Thus what is proposed here is to evaluate the archaeological record through the data provided by the ethnological record of the Middle East, keeping the biblical stories apart from this interpretation. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of Middle Eastern “tribal states” and “chiefdom societies”, including here the practice of patronage bonds, gives us important keys for understanding Palestine's societies. The historical perspective that appears then is one different from the Bible's stories and from modern ideas such as “states” and “nations”, offering us instead a better methodology for reconstructing ancient Palestine's historical past.  相似文献   

In Changtang Prairie, thenomadic natures of wild, unrulyand doughty are always inpeople's blood vessels. However, withthe intrusion of modern civilization,the wildness and unruliness mostlystay in elder people's memories.Every single wrinkle on the foreheadof a weather-beaten old man is arecord of an unforgettable history.Every old man would speak proudlyto his offspring about the tribe hebelongs, the history of its "bonefamily" and great achievements ofhis tribe leaders. The elders still takedelight in talking about the legendsof their bone family ancestors.  相似文献   

TaboosofTibetanNomadicTribesAOHONGTibetanfolkloreincludesvariouskindsofcelebrations,sacrificialOfferings,andweddingandfuneral...  相似文献   

In this paper, I use ethnography from the Kaliai area to explore the social and political relationships which underpin memory and forgetting. I analyse the relationships of hegemony and resistance which are inscribed and articulated in a context of missionising where villagers and missionaries enter into an uneasy alliance to control what should be remembered so that people emerge as particular kinds of subjects. In exploring the social and political organisation of memory, this paper does not treat memory and forgetting as opposites, for people are also taught how to forget. Indeed they are caught in the paradox of always needing to remember that they have to always try to forget. Here the need to forget has the paradoxical effect of keeping alive the content of what must be forgotten. In a strange sort of way the need to forget sustains the need to remember what must be forgotten. I explore the political implications of these paradoxes and ambiguities for sustaining a place outside European hegemony whilst still inscribed in it.  相似文献   

准噶尔汗国时期的卫拉特蒙古诸部联姻是卫拉特历史和诸部关系史上重要一章,对清朝统一多民族国家进程具有深远影响.本文利用汉、蒙、藏文资料,特别是我国尚未翻译出版的俄文档案资料,通过梳理联姻史实,归纳联姻特点,进而指出诸部联姻在加强土尔扈特和祖国联系及维护多民族国家统一具有重要历史作用.  相似文献   

2002年9月15日,笔者利用赴山东参加"第三届全国环境考古学大会"之际,就当前中国考古学的若干热点问题如史前城址、文明起源、苏秉琦先生的考古学遗产、省级考古所的性质与任务等,对前山东省文物考古研究所所长张学海先生进行了一整天的访谈.本文是据访谈内容和张先生提供的一些书面资料综合而成.(提问部分以楷体标出)  相似文献   


The Age of Catastrophe (1914–1945) has long been considered a crisis of liberalism. As a political platform and moralistic worldview, the hollowness of liberalism’s promise was exposed when total war struck at the heart of Europe, undermining its presumption of imperial hegemony over much of the world. What emerged in its wake, amid the swells of irremediable nationalisms, is the subject of this article. Blinded by the fog of war and bright lights of modernity, historians often fail to catch the glimpses of alternative aspirations, which escaped the age’s ruptures so as to reinvent and redeem humanity from the depths of its bloody past. Against a backdrop of neglected case studies from Britain and elsewhere – from the Luddites to the Kindred of the Kibbo Kift – this article seeks to show how the spectre of death inspired new ideals of youth and civility that rejected the arrogance of imperial masculinity and industrialised oppression, turning instead to visions of global kinship that were socialist and anarchic, romantic and utopian, primitive and piratical.  相似文献   

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