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北石窟寺现存大小窟龛296个,其中石雕造像2126尊,唐代造像约占整个窟群的三分之二,222窟是唐代开凿的规模较大、造像最多、保存较完整的一个洞窟,堪为唐代石雕艺术的珍品。  相似文献   

北石窟寺创建于北魏宣武帝永平二年(509年),历经西魏、北周、隋、唐、宋至清代的增修和扩建,现存大小窟龛307个,石雕造像2126尊。现就北朝时期的86个窟龛及造像特点略作浅析。  相似文献   

甘肃天水的麦积山石窟,无论是窟龛数量和类型,还是造像和壁画,在中国北朝石窟寺的研究中均占有重要地位。155窟在麦积山北魏早期窟龛向中期窟龛演变过程中具有特殊地位和作用。  相似文献   

徐胭胭  王磊  李耘燕  谭浩源 《四川文物》2015,(3):23-31,100,101
2014年7月,西南民族大学石窟艺术研究所对四川安岳县茗山寺石窟及周边遗迹进行了调查。茗山寺石窟现存造像12龛,其中较完整的龛窟6座。还有碑刻12方、题记11则和石塔残迹1处等。主要窟龛的开凿时间在北宋后期至南宋前期之间。  相似文献   

北石窟寺,位于西峰市西南25公里处的覆钟山下。蒲、茹两河似银带般结汇于寺前,翠柏丝桐掩映于寺周,无论是朝霞洒露,还是夕阳泼照,都会把这座古寺装点得紫气缭绕、金光万道。古人曾用“岚戏翠黛逸轩出,水弄丝桐绕寺流”的诗句来描绘这坐的景色,这是十分贴切的。北石窟寺足全国重点文物保护单位,是甘肃四大石窟之一。窟群密集地分布在长110米、高20米的岩面上,共有295个窟龛、2126身造像。窟龛总数超过了麦积山和炳灵寺石窟,仪次。二敦煌莫高  相似文献   

石拱寺石窟位于甘肃省华亭县上关乡半川村北侧山梁崖面上。是陇东地区北朝时期重要的佛教石窟寺遗存。石窟距地表5~10米,东西长120米,从西向东排列,共有15个窟龛。其中2、6窟造像被砸毁,1、12、13、14窟大面积塌毁,4、5、7龛风化严重。其余大部分洞窟内曾经住过人,洞窟壁面及其造像表面结有很厚的一层古铜色烟垢。  相似文献   

庆阳北石窟寺文物保管所简介宋文玉北石窟寺位于甘肃省西峰市董志塬西侧的覆钟山下,蒲、茹二河交汇的东岸。石窟创建于北魏永平年间,兴盛于唐代武后时期,废弃于清末同治之后,上下延续近1500年,现存窟龛296个、造像2126身、碑碣7块、历代游人题记150余...  相似文献   

陕西省麟游县是该省佛教石窟造像地点相对集中的地区。特别是在隋唐皇室夏宫九成宫周围.分布着一些唐代的石窟造像。以慈善寺石窟与麟溪桥摩崖造像为代表。是我们分析唐代长安佛教造像样式的重要参考资料。慈善寺石窟包括3所大窟与10个造像龛。麟溪桥则有18个造  相似文献   

北石窟寺是北朝时期陇东地区最大的佛教石窟,造像数量众多,题材丰富。供养人像是现实中的善男信女为表功德将自己的形象雕刻在自己供奉的窟龛内,其服饰具有鲜明的时代特色,反映社会政治、经济、文化变迁以及生活习惯等诸多方面。目前对于北石窟寺供养人像服饰研究成果较少,本文对北石窟寺北朝时期的供养人服饰进行了调查分析,结合相关文献并参考同时期考古发掘实物,对北石窟寺供养人服饰名称、款式、风格、特点及其形成原因进行论述。  相似文献   

卜小翠 《丝绸之路》2013,(22):10-11
北石窟寺现存的隋唐窟龛261个,占窟龛总数的80%以上。其造像形式多样,造型精美,雕刻技巧达到了极高的艺术水平,佛与菩萨、弟子、力士、供养人都雕造得丰满圆润,生动健美。其中有四处窟龛以阿弥陀佛为主尊,从窟内题记可以看出,阿弥陀造像的功德主都是地方的中例、官史和一般平民百姓,他们显然都有超生西方净土的强烈愿望,足见在隋唐时期阿弥陀净土信仰已被社会各阶层人士普遍接受。  相似文献   

Experimental transit voyages along the Northern Sea Route to the north of Russia are breaking new ground each year and the route is already significant for the export of raw materials from Russian ports. National and corporate interests are now driving Russia's Arctic policy, rather than, as formerly, an exclusive focus on security, and the Russian government has ambitious plans for the development of the route. Future regular transit of the Northern Sea Route between Europe and Asia, at present facing serious obstacles, could be accelerated not only by climate change, but by overload on, or interruptions to, the existing route through the Suez Canal, which passes through some of the world's most volatile regions. Despite the formidable impediments to regular year round transit of the Northern Sea Route, governments of the non‐Arctic states with most at stake, particularly Germany and China, appear to be taking no chances, and to be jockeying for influence in the Arctic region. The interests of the non‐Arctic trading states, and of the European Union, more inclined to view the Arctic Ocean as part of the ‘common heritage of mankind’, are however potentially different from those of Russia, and indeed of Canada in respect of the North East passage, both determined to maintain their exclusive national jurisdiction over emerging sea lanes through their territorial waters. Great issues are at stake here. The emergence of new sea lanes has historically impacted heavily on the international balance of power. Where the merchant fleets go, navies will shortly follow.  相似文献   

宋元八年十月至绍圣元年四月,苏轼任职定州知州,由此与北岳恒山结下了不解之缘。他多次赴曲阳祭祀北岳恒山,并曾乞降度牒修葺北岳庙;他以北岳松膏酿酒,并创作《中山松醪赋》,给后人留下了精美的书法佳作;他于中山后圃得北岳恒山雪浪石,遂建斋刻铭,为历史增添了一段千古佳话。  相似文献   

Aboriginality and the Northern Territory Intervention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Architects and supporters of the Northern Territory Emergency Response (the intervention) mobilised a range of ideas about Aboriginality to introduce and justify the policy program. These representations link Aboriginality to abuse of Aboriginal children, establishing a debate about the nature and future of Aboriginality in a context that limits the discursive authority of Aboriginal people. Aboriginality is represented as savage and in need of settler-imposed control, and also primitive and in need of development. These constructions understand Aboriginality temporally, situating it in the past but providing moral justification for coercing Indigenous people into the settler present. Aboriginality is also constructed spatially in this discourse, with prescribed communities framed as the location of both authentic Aboriginality and of threatening disorder. The intervention is framed as extending settler authority over this troubling terrain, containing and redeeming Aboriginality through inclusion in the settler nation's moral order.  相似文献   

Employment Equality in Northern Ireland, vols I‐III Eithne McLaughlin (series ed.), 1997 Belfast, Standing Advisory Committee on Human Rights ISBN 0.9527.5280.8

Vol. I. Fair Employment Law in Northern Ireland: Debates and Issues Denise Magill & Sarah Rose (eds) pp. 202

Vol. II. Policy Aspects of Employment Equality in Northern Ireland Eithne McLaughlin & Padraic Quirk (eds) pp.197

Vol. III. Public Views and Experiences of Fair Employment and Equality Issues in Northern Ireland John McVey & Nigel Hutson (eds) pp. 170  相似文献   

在中国的版图上,那昂首挺立的雄鸡之冠有一片神奇的黑土地,这就是黑龙江省. 半个多世纪以前在黑龙江省境内,有一块面积约五百四十万公顷的大荒原,自古以来,草莽丛生,沼泽密布,野兽出没,人迹罕见.古籍上记载为"漠漠大荒,苦寒绝寒",人称北大荒.这是由松花江、黑龙江和乌苏里江三条大江冲积形成的低平原,是我国最大的淡水沼泽湿地.  相似文献   

Religion matters in Northern Ireland because it shapes social and personal identity and influences the very different worldviews of people within the two cultures of the province (Protestant and Catholic). Because religion matters so profoundly, no long-term solution to the political problems of the province will be possible without acknowledging its impact on values and thinking. The significance of the expressions "the Catholic community" and "the Protestant people" is explored as is the impact of religious ideas on current policy issues. A comparison of Northern Ireland and the United States is offered as a way of suggesting the effect social and economic mobility will have on attempts to resolve the province's political troubles.  相似文献   

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