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作为公元4—5世纪罗马帝国的多神教知识精英,朱利安、里巴尼乌斯、阿米安、攸纳皮乌斯、克劳迪安、奥林匹奥多鲁斯等六位作家在表达各自历史观念的作品中不约而同地采取了高度相似的叙述模式。他们以罗马城为帝国的文化象征,赞美罗马往昔的文治武功,谴责当前的道德没落,坚信某位杰出的精英人物能够带领罗马再造辉煌。这种再造罗马的模式继承了帝国早期的意识形态传统,并在基督教势力相对忽视世俗历史的背景下得以生存。这些多神教知识精英的历史撰述为后世留下了重要遗产,它们反映了古典文化的强大生命力,并与同时代的基督教文化产生了互动,对中世纪基督教政治理论和历史观的形成起到了推动作用。  相似文献   

The identification of an eighteenth-century plan and a set of nineteenth-century photographs, in conjunction with a new survey of its remains, has permitted the reinterpretation of an early eleventh-century building at Avranches, in the Département of Manche, Normandy. This has shown that it measured 37 m by at least 27 m, was at least 16 m high, and that it can be considered as a donjon or ‘keep’, or, as now more usually termed, a ‘tour maîtresse’ or ‘great tower’. The remains of the building and its interpretation are described, with the aid of plans and the key material referred to above. Among the largest ‘great towers’ known (at least in plan) and one of the three known pre-Conquest examples in the Duchy, it is of great significance to the rapidly advancing study of this class of building.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Jean-Yves Grenier, Claude Grignon, and Pierre-Michel Menger, eds., Le Modèle et le récit  相似文献   

作为工业化程度较低的非都市郡,英国北约克郡保存着完好的乡村景观和历史建筑。自19世纪,英国便出现乡村生活的博物馆化,在保护乡村景观的同时也致力于收藏、保存乡村记忆。北约克郡乡村博物馆的产生和发展植根于英国社会和文化情境。乡村博物馆实践不仅是国家价值的体现,也是调节社会结构和社会关系的重要机制。在国家话语体系内界定"乡村"的同时,也承担起塑造地方感和地方认同。反观我国乡村博物馆,其实践以20世纪90年代的生态博物馆建设为肇始,秉承对村落景观进行整体性保护的理念。然而,在具体建设中仍然面临激发村落居民文化自觉性,建立有效的运营、管理机制的挑战。  相似文献   

This article reflects on three Arctic shipwrecks currently being reclaimed for future exhibition. Two are icons of polar exploration. Maud was built for Roald Amundsen's North Pole expedition (1917–1925) and Belgica was used in the first Antarctic overwintering expedition (1897–1899). The salvage of Maud in Canada and the ship's return to Norway in 2018 was privately financed. Raising Belgica has been the goal of a Belgian non‐profit organization. The third is a medieval Norwegian wreck excavated in 2017 with community funding. The role of each ship as icon and archaeological heritage is assessed and framed within a broader discussion of museum narratives.  相似文献   

Several authors have written about the clash of civilizations and have described it as the main form of conflict in today’s world. My thesis is that the clash of epochs is far more fundamental. It is the hitherto insufficiently noted ground on which different forms of conflict can take place. The clash of epochs, in the form of a conflict among traditional society, modernity, and postmodernity, has led the West to be internally torn apart and increasingly incapable of withstanding new emerging challenges. I argue that to reverse this trend, the Western world has to reconstruct itself again as a civilization. It needs to rediscover the value of its classical moral and intellectual traditions. This should be not merely a return to the past but a creative return that will initiate evolutionity—a new evolutionary epoch, which would replace modernity and postmodernity.  相似文献   

Ron Johnston 《对极》2000,32(3):271-291
Textbooks are presented, by their authors and publishers, as authoritative statements regarding the nature of a scientific discipline or sub-discipline: in Kuhn's words, they are the "vehicles for the perpetuation of normal science." One of the main contributions of postmodern and poststructuralist thought, however, has been to challenge the nature of power and authority in the academy, a challenge that has been widely taken up in contemporary geographical research. There has been much less impact on textbook production and other teaching resources, however, where the "authority of the disembodied scholar" still holds sway. This is illustrated with respect to readers, collections of both original and reprinted pieces (the latter often in abridged form) where editorial authority ("this is what I think you should read") is frequently as firm as its predecessor, authorial authority. The reasons for this are sought in contemporary developments in higher education.  相似文献   

突尼斯城不远的杜加古城遗址,看着那些石头一粒粒破碎下来,曾经蔚为壮观的古罗马剧场暴露在阳光和风雨中,坍塌的残垣上,高低不平的砖块结构从斑驳的灰泥表面下挤了出来。然而,我的注意力却被墙角处蔓延开去的常春藤点缀着的野菊花、紫罗兰花吸引过去,那些壮实的野花向着天空怒放,灿烂,顽强,站在鲜花丛中,从来没有一个废墟遗址像现在这样打动我……  相似文献   


This article analyses the inter-relationships among food consumption practices, marketers' representations of sugar, and the history and political economy of sugar production. It focuses on the 'supermarket narratives'--stories regarding place and production that appear on commodity packaging--used to market sugar in the USA. It explores how competition within the sweetener industry, as shaped by the material qualities of sweeteners, has given rise to supermarket narratives that seek to differentiate sugars on the basis of ideas of place, freshness and environmental sustainability. It also examines how, at the same time, sweetener users have co-operated to maintain and increase consumption in the USA. The article begins with a discussion of historical patterns of sweetener consumption in the USA, and then looks at the genesis of the primary sugar industry lobbying organization. The case study of Florida sugar producers is used to demonstrate the historical antecedents of supermarket narratives and the contemporary geographical specificity of the political economy underlying supermarket narratives.  相似文献   

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