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Throughout the course of time, environments built within landscapes have been transformed into conserved archaeological heritage sites through natural, but mostly anthropogenic, forces. Today, cultural heritage is the product of visual and spatial features of architectural material and landscapes created through conservation, but also through social and economical needs and interests. In Western Anatolia, archaeological heritage sites with ecologically rich areas, countryside, coastlines and seascapes are the most essential visual, spatial and structural features of cultural (historical) landscapes. Moreover, western Anatolian landscapes have retained their authentic character regarding intangible cultural diversity, ecology, rural traditional systems and agricultural practices. However, rapid changes and developments due to urbanisation and mass tourism have made their impacts on cultural historical landscapes in recent years. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the cultural heritage within the evolution of cultural archaeological landscapes in Western Anatolia and to propose a sustainable approach for development and conservation options for cultural heritage and their landscapes.  相似文献   

每一批国保单位受当时的社会背景、文物保护理念等的影响,都有其鲜明的特点和时代烙印,都在不断地借鉴和融入新的文物保护理念。本文对第一至六批国保单位公布的历史背景进行回顾与综述,以期探讨国保单位的发展脉络,以及国保单位在社会历史影响下所形成的特点。  相似文献   


It is not a novelty for art to come under attack: cultural heritage has always been endangered by wars, conflicts and political violence. Since the last century, the international community has started reacting, moved by the concern that these threatened monuments be protected. Lately, cultural heritage can be seen to undergo a veritable crescendo from politicisation to criminalisation and securitisation. Accordingly, this article seeks to analyse the pathway that characterises the international protection of cultural heritage in crisis-torn contexts, employing a discursive lens and mapping the narrative threads that the main international actors have constructed in reaction to recent attacks on archaeological sites (i.e. Palmyra) and historical artefacts, especially in the Middle East (namely Syria and Iraq). After having traced this process, we will offer a tentative explanation of what we consider a process of securitising an under-researched field (i.e. cultural heritage).  相似文献   

Large debris flows have destroyed the infrastructure and caused the death of people living in the Moxi Basin (Sichuan Province, Southwestern China). Inhabitants of the Moxi Basin live on the flat surfaces of debris-flow fans, which are also attractive for farming. During the monsoon season debris flows are being formed above the fans. Debris flows can destroy the houses of any people living within the fan surfaces. In order to prevent the adverse effects of flows, people plant alder trees (Alnus nepalensis) at the mouths of debris flow gullies running above debris flow fans. Alders are able to capture the debris transported during flow events. Trees are well adapted to surviving in conditions of environmental stress connected with abrupt transport and deposition of sediment from debris flows. Numerous wounds, tilting and bending of alder trees caused by debris flows only very rarely cause the death of trees. By dating scars and dating the time of alder tilting (through the analysis of annual rings), we have determined the frequency of debris flows occurring at the mouth of the Daozhao valley. In 1980–2012 within the studied debris-flow fan and the Daozhao gully, 2 large debris flow events occurred (1996, 2005) and some smaller events were probably recorded every 2–3 years.  相似文献   

旅游业给遗产保护与遗产地管理带来了机遇与挑战。旅游业对维护文化和自然遗产价值,对社会、当地群众及非物质文化遗产均有影响,也给当地遗产设施发展与保护带来机遇。联合国教科文组织始终致力于文化与自然遗产的保护与弘扬工作,开创有前瞻性的旅游业,承认文化多样性原则,强调旅游业在促进遗产保护等方面的有效作用。其创意城市网络主推的"善行旅游",严格遵循原真性与完整性的原则,通过对世界文化遗产、纪念碑、历史建筑、国家公园、博物馆等各类景区定期评估,提升公众关于新旅游产品及旅客稀少遗址的意识,提升参观者体验感受等多种行动,改善人群福利,保护自然和文化遗产,促进经济和社会发展,从而有利于文化遗产保护与旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Many government and non‐statutory registers utilise point datasets to represent cultural heritage places. An effect of this approach is to emphasise that cultural heritage comprises a series of spatially discrete material remains or ‘sites’, suggesting discrete locations which are somehow disconnected from their broader historical and landscape contexts. We advocate an alternative in which spatial representation of heritage is set within a cultural landscape framework, acknowledging that all parts of the landscape have inter‐connected cultural histories, associations and meanings resulting from long‐term and ongoing human–environmental interactions. Results from a collaborative cultural heritage research project undertaken at Culgoa National Park in Australia demonstrate the advantage of this approach. The mapping products produced by the work comprise an interactive electronic DVD Atlas and hard copy maps. Both focus on meeting the management needs of field‐based park staff.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory of the relationship between policy disasters and political institutions. Policy disasters, defined as avoidable, unintended extreme negative policy outcomes, are important political, and historical events above that receive relatively little attention from political scientists and scholars of public policy. Using the predictions of punctuated equilibrium theory, I argue that systems with higher error accumulation will experience more policy disasters. Systems with more veto players and weaker information flows will experience more policy disasters, but information flows will have a stronger impact than veto players. I test this theory using data on financial crises and natural and technological disasters across 70 countries over 60 years. I find strong evidence that systems with weaker information flows and more veto players tend to have greater policy disaster risk.  相似文献   

Increasingly, archaeologists are opting for on-site examination, reinterment, and in situ preservation of underwater cultural heritage sites as the first option in the management of sites at risk, as opposed to the more traditional excavation, recovery, conservation, and display/storage methods. This decision will inevitably be based on significance assessment, degree of perceived risk, and resourcing issues. However, long-term monitoring must become an integral part of these management programmes in order to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of the in situ preservation techniques employed. In 2012 the Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project (AHSPP) was awarded a large Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant, enabling ten partner organizations and three Australian universities to collaborate in one of the largest multi-organizational maritime archaeology projects to be undertaken in Australia to date. One of the major aims of the project is to develop a protocol for the excavation, detailed recording and reburial of significant shipwrecks under threat, fostering a strategic national approach for the management of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) sites at risk. Two historically significant shipwreck sites that are considered under threat were chosen for this longitudinal comparative study — the Clarence (1850) located in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria; and the James Matthews (1841) which lies in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia. Both sites have been preserved in situ using two very different but innovative remediation strategies. More importantly, long-term monitoring programmes have been implemented on both sites, which will characterize changes in the reburial environment and the effect on the reinterred materials. In this way, the efficacy of both in situ preservation techniques will be systematically tested, providing a comparative analysis of practical protocols for the long-term protection and management of underwater cultural heritage.  相似文献   

旅游发展背景下的中国世界遗产(地)研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨效忠  陆林 《人文地理》2006,21(4):51-57
近年来,在遗产旅游快速发展的背景下,中国世界遗产地保护和开发的矛盾愈加显现,遗产研究明显滞后于遗产实践发展需要。该文综述了20年来我国世界遗产(地)研究,研究内容涉及遗产旅游、遗产价值和景观特征、遗产管理和制度、遗产保护利用和可持续发展、遗产营销和形象传播、遗产法律和教育、遗产研究方法和遗产保护技术等。研究进展划分为起步阶段、发展阶段、拓展提升阶段,阐述了各阶段的研究特征。分析认为,旅游发展背景下的中国世界遗产地保护和经营管理体系研究是今后遗产研究的焦点,并提出相应的研究框架和理论方法。  相似文献   

论西安历史文化名城的可持续性保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范少言 《人文地理》2003,18(5):31-33
保护历史文化名城已为人们所普遍关注,可持续发展理念是处理发展与保护过程中矛盾的基本手段,为克服城市诸多矛盾与问题提供了基本的思路。文章分析了西安历史文化名城保护中的主要问题,指出西安应从城市的发展战略、规划布局、城市设计等方面统筹历史文化名城的保护,综合协调城市社会经济发展和历史文化遗产保护的关系,现代城市建设有机承继城市的历史文化精神。  相似文献   


Here we describe the properties of a debris flow apparently generated by a warm phase El Niño event that buried an intermittently occupied Late Pleistocene forager site located in the southern coastal desert of Peru. Although the event deposited roughly one meter of sediment over the initial occupation, our analyses of debris flow dynamics and data from large scale archaeological investigations indicate that the earliest anthropogenic deposits at the site of Quebrada Tacahuay were preserved intact as a result of the burial episode; there is no evidence that the debris flow scoured or disturbed the cultural deposits. The event that buried the oldest archaeological contexts at Quebrada Tacahuay differs from other flood events that are characterized by turbulent, fast-moving floodwaters. Our data on debris flow dynamics and our results from excavation have implications for identifying, investigating, and interpreting other deeply buried archaeological sites both in the central Andes and in other geographic regions.  相似文献   

Historic Fort Wayne is located on the Detroit River in a landscape of heavy industry and marginalized urban neighborhoods (figure 1). Geophysical survey south of the Fort Wayne Mound—a Late Woodland Period burial mound enclosed by the Fort—indicates that pre-contact residential structures may be preserved at the site. Residential sites with mortuary monuments are uncommon in southeastern Michigan and represent an opportunity to better understand variation in Late Woodland settlement. Our approach combines existing archaeological research, historical records, and non-invasive geophysical survey in a culturally sensitive Native American site context presently unavailable for conventional archaeological excavation. We examine archaeological and historical records from Springwells and Late Woodland period settlements in the region to contextualize geophysical evidence from the site. The research prioritizes protection of Native American heritage sites in urban contexts together with ongoing archaeological interpretation of the Late Woodland cultural Landscape.  相似文献   

从长远看,创建与保护中国历史文化名城对保护城市风貌、延续城市文化以及发展城市经济都具有重要意义。本文对中国历史文化名城的创建和保护中的几个关系问题进行了阐述探讨,提出历史文化名城的发展必须在保护的基础上发展;发展旅游业必须处理好文物古迹保护和利用之间的关系;城市的建设和发展必须克服长官意志,注重长远利益和整体利益,保护好城市中的文物古迹和历史文化氛围。本文还针对山东省泰安市创建中国历史文化名城过程中的问题和对策进行了剖析。  相似文献   

Since the concept of sustainability (or sustainable development) became famous through its adoption in the UN’s report, ‘Our Common Future’ in 1987, it has travelled widely to become a global and omnipresent key concept also in the field of heritage. The inclusion into this field was facilitated by the understanding of heritage as resource, which has become the norm within cultural heritage management discourses and strategies. This understanding is increasingly sustained by an associated vocabulary of concepts that promote cultural heritage sites as economically and socio-politically beneficial, emphasising their value as resources for us. This paper explores what happens when this conceptual repertoire of resource thinking is applied to WWII Wehrmacht sites in northern Norway, a heritage that previously has been othered and excluded. How does it impact on the understanding of this particular heritage and how may it be challenged and transformed through encounters with an unruly heritage that potentially defies and distances such conceptualisation?  相似文献   


There are roughly 2300 recognized archaeological sites in Taiwan. Under the Cultural Properties Preservation Law (CPPL) of 1982, archaeological heritage falls under the category of 'historic relics'. However, archaeological sites are not designated as such until they have been excavated and studied to prove their cultural value. Protection of the archaeological heritage has been reinforced through the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIAA), which regulates all environmental management plans. These study and determine the degree and scope of the potential impact of development on the cultural environment.

The CPPL was extensively amended and promulgated in 2005, and in this recent document discussed archaeological heritage in a distinct chapter (Chapter 3 with 16 acts). Furthermore, three regulations have been issued concerning the examination of designations of archaeological sites, qualification standards for excavation, as well as the administration and protection of archaeological sites. The newly enacted Cultural Law and Regulations confer competent authorities at all levels with all powers to supervise, administer, and then protect valuable buried cultural property. Although the protection of archaeological heritage has been better enforced since 2005, archaeological remains in Taiwan are still under various threats. Preservation of the cultural heritage is threatened by development, in many cases resulting in impasse. This paper discusses several recent examples of such dilemmas and presents a personal opinion on a better way to settle the controversy.  相似文献   


This teaching exercise for increasing awareness of, and sensitivity to, issues in cultural heritage management addresses the significance attached to cultural icons associated with the past. The exercise uses representative places from the non‐indigenous Australian historical landscape as cultural analogues to introduce non‐indigenous Australian students to issues of indigenous cultural heritage. Assessment of student response suggests that the exercise serves its purpose in increasing awareness of both issues of cultural significance and difficulties in cultural heritage management.  相似文献   

在21世纪,加快城市化、现代化建设与保护历史文化遗产的矛盾日益突出.历史文化名城是历史文化的重要载体,一个城市的历史文化遗产通常显示着这个城市既往文化创造的极致.泉州作为国务院首批公布的24个历史文化名城之一,是世界多元文化的汇合之地,而泉州老城区是泉州历史文化名城的最好见证.泉州高度重视历史文化名城保护工作,切实加强历史文化遗产的保护,成绩斐然,但也存在较多问题.研究采取相应对策乃是当务之需.  相似文献   


Maya archaeological heritage continues to be a victim of looting, urbanization, and development despite the increased visibility of the issue within the field of archaeology. This article provides a generalized network analysis of the destruction of Maya cultural heritage in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, western Honduras, and EI Salvador based on interviews conducted in 2006 by the Maya Area Cultural Heritage Initiative (MACHI) with archaeologists, government officials, non-governmental organizations, and Maya leaders. According to informants, interest among local people to conserve archaeological sites has been deeply affected by a lack of education about both Maya archaeology and the national and international laws assuring protection of cultural heritage; many local people, including members of modern Maya groups, see little value in the conservation of the Precolumbian past. MACHI suggests that an effective way to mitigate looting and the wanton destruction of Maya cultural heritage is through the promotion of a variety of educational initiatives (ranging from informal to institutional, for both children and adults) that seek to combine the knowledge of Western archaeological science with indigenous ways of knowing the past. Such initiatives could encourage the construction of positive relationships between indigenous and other local peoples and archaeological remains.  相似文献   

The bodies charged with identifying and protecting England’s built heritage have not addressed the needs and aspirations of ethnic minority groups, thus marginalising their cultural identity. The Bangladeshi (Bengalee) community is the largest minority group in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and it has developed a distinct cultural and commercial identity within a defined geographical area. New and adapted buildings and streetscapes give a physical expression of British Asian culture in streets such as Brick Lane. Through consultation with community workers and leaders within the Bengalee community key areas, sites and buildings of significance are examined. Comparisons are drawn between those buildings and areas identified as being of special interest by English Heritage and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets with the Bengalee community’s values and view of built heritage. Possible mechanisms for the identification and protection of sites of importance to the Bengalee population are put forward.  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore the ‘Preservation/Heritage Values/Management’ triptych, and we propose a new method for addressing the values attributed to cultural heritage sites. Combining multidisciplinary and cosmopolitan approaches, we propose a way of moving beyond the traditional lens of assessing significance within the imposed categorical framework of ‘aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual values’. We provide an example of our new approach through a worked case study in the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (South African section). Our case study concerns the values associated with the world famous San (Bushman) rock art of this mountain area. Through a thematic analysis of data collected in this area from 2009 to 2017, six cross-cultural interest points are identified and are discussed. Building upon the history of values-based heritage management, we argue that our multidisciplinary and cosmopolitan method is transferable and can be applied to heritage sites around the world. It can facilitate the construction of heritage management plans that are more in tune with local actors and that will therefore prove to be more effective and sustainable.  相似文献   

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