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明代是中国古代金银钱铸造较多的历史时期。据史籍记载和考古资料 ,其时官炉金银钱由内府银作局与金银矿坑冶主管部门所主铸 ,民间金银钱则由金银铺或富豪私家铸作。一、明代内府银作局铸造的金银钱史述明官制设有职掌“打造宫廷金银器饰”的“内府银作局” ,为明代宦官十二监之一 ① 。万历朝任内府司礼监要职的宦官刘若愚在其所作之记录中 ,述内府银作局事颇详。其云 :银作局“专管造金银铎针、枝个、挑杖、金银钱、金银豆、叶。……以备钦赏之用”② 。明代用内府金银钱、豆于钦赏的史录不少。如明人记述正统间“英宗初开经筵 ,每讲毕 ,…  相似文献   

对中国当代金银币的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1979年中国发行当代第一套金币——纪念中华人民共和国成立30周年纪念币开始,至2005年为止,当代金银币已发行了27年。中国当代金银币的发行丰富了中国货币的品种,通过这些货币展示、宣传了我国的政治事件、历史人物、艺术文化、科学技术、自然风光、民俗民风等。当代金银币作为中华人民共和国货币的组成部分,作为向国内外公开发行的重要货币品种,作为受到人们重视的收藏、投资门类,金银币的设计、生产、发行受到社会很大的关注。  相似文献   

马涛 《中国钱币》2002,(2):53-55
中国现代金银纪念币伴随着我国的改革开放政策的发展而发展已走过了二十年的路程,经历了从无到有,项目品种从较单一到较众多,反映和表现了中国历史文化和当代社会发展的方方面面,拥有了一定的国际地位,并在经过数年的市场洗礼和随着新世纪的到来已走向了成熟与发展调整的最好时期。  相似文献   

1997年10月国际邮票钱币博览会在上海展览馆隆重开幕。人头攒动的观众争相购买虎年1盎司彩色银币(封底图1),这是中国第一枚生肖彩色银币(在此之前,刚发行了熊猫彩色银币1997年版)。自此之后,以生肖彩色金银币为长期定型产品的我国彩色金银币相继发行,几乎占据了中国金银币  相似文献   

A series of silver coins was analysed for silver and gold contents by three methods—chemical wet analysis, activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence using a point source linear spectrometer (milliprobe). The results indicate that while the X-ray fluorescence technique gives better agreement with chemical analysis for major components the use of activation analysis with automated equipment results in a considerable saving of time and has a high sensitivity for some minor components.  相似文献   

李伯琦《中国纪念币考》手稿中的民国初年金银纪念币   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
清末民初时期中国不仅币制紊乱,政局更是动荡不安,加以军阀争战连年,因此许多事件未能忠实地记载,资料常也未能妥善保存,使中国泉币爱好者对这段期间产生的纪念币,缺乏完整的了解。在众说纷纭的情况下,多数钱币书刊仅能作图片的收录,部份叙述则是以讹传讹,代表性的例子就是“上五星开国纪念币”;现在虽已对其制成时间有了正确的考证,  相似文献   

The treasure of Guarrazar, found in the 19th century in Spain, is the most important illustration of the high level of Visigothic jewellery in the Iberian Peninsula. The votive crowns and crosses of this treasure are an arrangement of pierced gold in a Byzantine–Germanic style, decorated with emeralds, garnets, sapphires and other materials. In order to establish the provenance of the gold, we analysed a group of 46 minute samples from the most important pieces kept in Spain for major and trace elements. The combination of PIXE and PIGE with an external 3 MeV proton µ‐beam was used to analyse the samples. Considering the gold sources cited by Pliny the Elder and the composition of contemporary Visigothic coins, we suggest the exploitation of south Iberian mines. Using the same set‐up, we complemented these results with the analysis of 11 emeralds inlaid in items from the Guarrazar jewellery that is kept in France. We suggest the use of European sources unknown to the Romans for these gemstones.  相似文献   

近年来,不少地方陆续有早期明刀、尖首刀出土。由于多属偶然发现,又多为罐装,一次出土数量不大,刀币出土之时也就成为流散之日,不无遗憾。为不使具有研究价值的材料销声匿迹,现将了解到的几次发现情况和有关实物简介如下,供学术界研究、参考。  相似文献   

Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) has been used in analysis of ink and paper of the 42-line Bible and other early printed works. Results are reported and their significance discussed.  相似文献   

一、金银纪念币在当代钱币中的位置从文化的视角看,当代钱币可以分为两大类,即:币和章。所谓币,就是货币,物物交换的媒介,其基本的责职是要满足市场交易流通的需要。就目前的现状,币又可以分为三类,即:普通流通币、流通纪念币和贵金属纪念币。其中普通流通币是当代货币的主体,市场交易需要的货币主要依赖普通流通币来完成;流通纪念币从理论上和法律上讲,是流通币的一种,它们可以和普通流通币等值交换,行使货币职能,但是由于发行量少,具有相当的收藏价值等种种原因,目前我国的流通纪念币实际上几乎没有参与市场流通,用金融界的行话说,它们都…  相似文献   

This project follows on from an initial study of Celtic gold coins from the Middle Rhine/Moselle region, which was based on material found at the Martberg, a Late Iron Age/Roman sanctuary and settlement (River Moselle, western Germany; Bendall 2003 ). The earlier work was expanded to encompass over 100 examples of various other regional Celtic gold coinages from the collection of the Römisch‐Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz. The alloy (Au–Ag–Cu) and trace element compositions (in particular Ni, Sb and Pt) were determined by EPMA and LA–ICP–MS, respectively, and their Pb isotope signatures were measured by LA–MC–ICP–MS. Of the 28 trace elements measured, only Ni, Sb and Pt were found to show meaningful variations and so only they are presented here. In particular, differences in the Pt/Au ratios between various groups of earlier coinage (imitations of Philippus and Alexander/Nike staters, Sch. 23 and some early Boian coins) on the one hand, and the majority of the Boian and the southern rainbow cup coinages on the other, indicate a significant difference in the gold sources exploited for these regional coinages. The Pb isotope data confirm previous conclusions that the contribution of gold to the total lead in the Au–Ag–Cu coin alloys can be detected, especially for coins with over 70% gold, and show that possible gold sources include both eastern Mediterranean and Alpine sources. Combining the Pb isotope data with the Pt/Au ratios allows the potential gold sources to be further differentiated.  相似文献   

简述在中国发现的拜占庭帝国金币及其仿制品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止在中国境内已经出土发现了36枚拜占庭帝国金币及其仿制品,这36枚所发现的拜占庭金币及其仿制品都是通过当时的丝绸之路流入,它们是当时东西方商品相互交易流通的必然产物,且根据它们的铸  相似文献   

洛阳新发现的战国钱币及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2006年4月,洛阳市第二文物工作队在洛阳市洛南新区王圪墙中石油大学学生公寓的发掘过程中,发现一批战国时期的平首布和圜钱,现将这批铜钱的相关情况简报如下。  相似文献   

记新见数枚削刀和原始刀币   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来,在山西、山东和河北一带陆续见到一些实用削刀和原始刀币。这些刀对于探讨实用刀削和原始刀币之间的关系以及货币的起源问题具有参考价值。现选择数枚简要介绍如下,以飨读者。一、削刀下面介绍的6枚削刀,根据其形状特点,我们暂且将其分为背直首翘式、背弧首翘式、背弧式三种。背直首翘式此式的主要特点就是背部相对较直,刀首上翘(后仰)。山东德州发现一件(图一:1)。背直,首翘。色黑,绿锈。体大,重110克。柄部厚实。刀脊背下部与柄交接处宽厚,往刀首方向逐渐变窄。柄部正背中间各有一条线。柄与刀身衔接处呈一直线形。环厚,环孔小。通…  相似文献   

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