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耿超 《南方文物》2009,(4):83-86,91
甲骨刻辞显示,殷商时期,贵族妇女拥有较高的政治权力与地位,她们可以直接参与国家政治事务的管理,对此学者多有文章述及,本文主要从性别角度入手,通过分析“王妇领兵”等现象,来探讨殷商政治领域中的性别差异,并进一步剖析性别差异形成之根源与影响,错误之处,祈请方家指正。  相似文献   

Hipotermia by the Mexican author Álvaro Enrigue was published in 2006. Even though it is considered an example of the most recent Latin American narrative, reflecting on the effects of globalization and neoliberalism in Mexico, the most evident effect of which is a blurring of the idea of nation, it has not been well acknowledged for depicting the incertitude of our days in a more social way. In this article I read Hipotermia as a novel where the Writer (as a social representation of the intellectual) deals with a creative block as a result of his anxiety regarding the traditional concept of an author in the boom period (1970s). The way he works through it consists in a fictional project about non-epic characters. As a result of this, the book creates a mosaic of voices that can be identified as experiences of the middle class in the context of a global society. I try to prove that the concept of “Global Class,” developed by Saskia Sassen, describes Enrigue’s conception of both the exile’s experience and the middle class’s subjectivity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the mutually constitutive relationship between the context of film production and the composition and content of images produced. Singapore film director Eric Khoo is central to our investigation, and his 2005 film Be With Me is a key example of how Singapore's ongoing urban redevelopment to become a world city reflexively shapes the style and appearance of the city‐state projected in the film. Singapore's history as a developmental state, its pervasive influence on the public and private spaces of its citizens, and recent state‐led initiatives to nurture the arts and media sectors all make it an ideal site to examine the relations between the cinema and space. Be With Me also lends itself to spatial analysis as its mise‐en‐scène is a geography of the life course: particular parts of the city are ‘cast’ as spaces of youth, middle, and old age. We elaborate how the landscapes deployed in the film are simultaneously constituted through state policies, mise‐en‐scène, and gender/age/class considerations. In so doing we show how Khoo's vision of the city‐state has altered since his emergence as a film director in the 1990s: from an oppressed site of hyper‐modernity to a more ambivalent ‘globalised’ built environment in which marginalised or liminal urban spaces for sensuous life and hope for human connection can be experienced.  相似文献   

An advocate of a unified geography adopts a biosocial, or natural-social, approach to the definition of several concepts in geography, distinguishing the landscape sphere and the geographical environment. The landscape sphere of the earth consists of the sphere of the natural landscape (comprising both untouched and man-altered nature) and the sphere of human activity, or sociosphere, which includes the sphere of the cultural landscape (agrosphere plus technosphere) and mankind itself. The geographical environment includes the natural environment (man-altered nature plus parts of untouched nature), the material results of the labor of past generations and geographical manifestations of the social environment.  相似文献   

World Youth Day 2008 was the largest public religious gathering in Australian history, which proudly celebrated Catholicism in the streets of Sydney. This article argues that the organization and outcomes of World Youth Day 2008 were significantly shaped by the perceptions of Catholic Church leaders and officials who were determined to present the Catholic Church as a powerful opponent of the trend toward secularization. The organizers of World Youth Day 2008 achieved significant success in overcoming the legacy of sectarianism, the fears of secularization, the problems of internal division and scandal, and distrust and suspicion in the media prior to the event. The event showed that the Catholic Church was very capable of negotiating the Australian public sphere, and successfully marketed an energized and inclusive brand of Catholicism to the broader public.  相似文献   

对《马可波罗游记》Bangala史实的考释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《马可波罗游记》对Bangala的记载多有疏漏讹误之处,国内外学者对Bangala的考释众说纷纭,而在马可波罗出使云南时是否到过Bangala问题上尚有较大争议。笔者发现《马可波罗游记》并未记载缅城至Bangala的日程,从而对学界较为流行的马可波罗出使Bangala说提出了质疑。本文以《马可波罗寰宇记》及《马可波罗注》为主要参考依据,在前人研究的基础上考证出Bangala即孟加拉,而马可波罗并没有到过其地,并指出了《〈马可波罗行纪〉云南史地丛考》所谓马可波罗1287年出使Bangala说值得商榷之处。  相似文献   

Guven Arif Sargın 《对极》2013,45(1):140-160
Abstract: The intricate relationship between the cinematic representation of modernist ideologies and their spatial attributes is part of any political program and finds its concrete manifestation in Modern historiography. The new capital city of the Turkish Revolution renders a similar trajectory through which the city itself, Ankara, becomes almost an instrument of that ideological construction through the gaze of revolutionary cinema. However, what is most striking in this historical remaking is the intrusion of the third party, that of the Soviets of the 1920s. Playing a central role, the Soviets not only politically anchor into the Anatolian geography but also aid the ruling elite in their collective effort to fabricating an amnesic environment, all embedded in Modernist architecture and urbanism. Filmed and directed by Yutkevich himself, Türkiye’nin Kallbi Ankara, in this respect, revisits half a century long debate on how representation and ideology coexists in urban space.  相似文献   

Ziemann  Benjamin 《German history》2006,24(4):562-586
In the aftermath of the Katholikentag in Essen in September1968, conflicts about various issues of religious practice andchurch activities became visible in the Catholic Church in theFederal Republic. These conflicts, and the growing demand forparticipation in the preparation of the Würzburg synodof the West German dioceses (1971-1975), provided the contextfor the first large-scale application of opinion polling inthe Catholic Church. In the spring of 1970, twenty-one millionquestionnaires were distributed to all German Catholics, accompaniedby a survey based on a quota sample of interviewees. The discourseabout the implementation of polling techniques in the churchwas structured along the lines of binary dichotomies. Whereassome theologians and grass-roots activists demanded the inclusionof taboo topics such as the abolition of celibacy, many bishopsand a conservative current feared that the questionnaire wouldallow for new vistas and hence deliberately liberalize and diluteessential elements of Catholic doctrine. Another controversialtopic was the possibility of responsiveness, that is the extentto which decisions of church bodies should react to public opinionas it was reflected in the polls. Not only grass-roots activists,but also the renowned theologian Karl Lehmann were scepticalthat the poll could be used to manipulate public opinion aboutpastoral issues and to gloss over substantial problems. Butthere was also substantial concern about the possible use ofthe polls in a plebiscitarian manner, which would charge factsabout the state of public opinion with normative power. In thecontext of the preparations of the Würzburg Synod, thepolls worked as a technology of the public sphere. In the aftermathof Essen 1968, the politicization of conflicts brought the questionof responsiveness to the forefront. It would be misleading,however, as this example makes clear, to equate the reflectionof public opinion in the polls with a ‘critical’public capable of exercising democratic oversight.  相似文献   

健讼之人与地方公共事务--以清代漕讼为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果说清代社会存在所谓公共领域的话 ,那么健讼之人就是这个领域的积极参与者之一。他们挺身抗帮 ,包揽词讼 ,以独特的方式承担了地方公共事务。这一点 ,在层出不穷的漕案中有相当明显的表现。  相似文献   

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