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Wonders of Namco LakeWondersofNamcoLake¥byCeringYuzhoinTheresidentdivinityoftheNamcoLakeissaidtobeadragon'sdaughter,amerciful...  相似文献   

BirdsIsletonBanggongLakeCHENGWEIDONGNagriistheRoofoftheRoofoftheWorld.Howcoulditbepossibletohaveabirdsisletonalake?Ididmybest...  相似文献   

Thefollowingisagroupofmonkswhoworkhardtobringlucktothepopulace.Risingandgoingtobed.withtheringingofmonasterybells,theyareversedinBuddhistknowledge.Withalmsraised,theyhavesetupschoolsandworkshopsforself-sufficiency.Withmoneythusmade,theysettoassistpeopleresidingaroundtheirmonasteries,"bringinglucktothepopulace".JigmeiGyamcainWiththeLhagyiaMonasteryNGADAINGYIAAboybabywasbornintoaherder'sfamilyinDawuTownship,MaqinCounty.GologTibetanEthnicGroupAutonomousPrefecture,in1965.Heisnoneotherb…  相似文献   

Archaeological investigation of the Caribbean region has generally incorporated unquestioned assumptions about the nature and scale of the context. Most work has been done in the Anglophone Caribbean, and has implicitly taken the English colonial world as the normative context for comparative analysis. This view leaves out a significant portion of the Caribbean colonial world—that of the French imperial program. The French colonial venture in the Caribbean has, until recently, been overlooked by historical archaeology. Recent survey and excavation of sugar, indigo and coffee plantation sites, as well as urban archaeological work, has begun to shed light upon the nature of French colonial life as distinct from that in the Anglophone Caribbean, and also on the ways that the experiences on specific French islands were different from each other. The individual histories of Martinique and Guadeloupe are contrasted in this paper, with reference to the nature of the archaeological record that has been explored, and that remains to be investigated.  相似文献   


The surface lithic scatters at two areas around Soda Lake were intensively surveyed and 3133 artifacts were analyzed in the field using four main variables to infer how Terminal Pleistocene–Early Holocene foragers organized lithic technology around pluvial Lake Mojave, California. Results indicate that early stage bifaces and flake tool blanks were created at a fine-grained volcanic (felsite) quarry/workshop complex in the Soda Mountains survey area and transported elsewhere. In addition, fine-grained volcanic bifaces were reduced and bifaces and flake tools of cryptocrystalline silicates and obsidian were finished, used, and/or discarded at a habitation area on the ancient shorelines near Little Cowhole Mountain. Comparisons with nearby sites of similar ages (at Ft. Irwin and China Lake) reveal many similarities in lithic technological organization. Lake Mojave—an important locus of prior research—can now be integrated into recent Mojave Desert and Great Basin technological organization studies.  相似文献   

Archaeological and ethnohistorical investigations were conducted in the area around the town of Ngala in Borno State, Nigeria, situated immediately south of Lake Chad. Four mounds were excavated. Comparison with data from excavations and ethnohistorical studies provided a fairly complete picture of the settlement and cultural history of that most environmentally peculiar region. It is now evident that Late Neolithic settlers established themselves around 1000 CalBC in permanent hamlets with year-round occupation and a subsistence based not only on gathering, hunting and fishing but also on cattle herding and probably the cultivation of domesticated Pennisteum. Certainly, cultivation is attested after the onset of the Early Iron Age around 500 CalBC. Although from then on we see a steady development toward further complexity with the establishment of compact villages during the middle of the first millennium CalAD and the foundation of local principalities during the fourteenth century AD it was not before the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries AD, that the mode of subsistence and the political and societal structure typical for the area today was fully developed. By then, the wider region came under control of the Borno Empire, a situation which lasted up to the early colonial days at the onset of the twentieth century. Des recherches archéologiques et ethnohistoriques ont été conduites dans les environs de la ville de Ngala (état du Borno, Nigeria) située immédiatement au sud du lac Tchad. Quatre tertres d'habitat ont été fouillés. La comparaison des matériaux excavés avec ceux des fouilles antérieures, complétée par des analyses ethnohistoriques, a permis de reconstituer de manière assez complète l'évolution du peuplement et la succession des cultures dans cette zone qui se distingue par des conditions environnementales particulières. Il est clair aujourd'hui que les colons du Néolithique récent se sont installés, vers 1000 CalBC, dans des hameaux permanents occupés toute l'année, et que leur subsistance n'était pas uniquement basée sur la chasse, la collecte et la pêche, mais probablement aussi sur l'élevage et la culture du Pennisteum domestique. Certainement l'agriculture est attestée au début de l'Age du fer Ancien, vers 500 CalBC. A partir de ce moment, on observe certes une évolution régulière et soutenue vers plus de complexité, avec l'apparition de gros villages dans le courant du premier millénaire CalAD, et la fondation, au quatorzième siècle, de principautés locales, mais ce n'est pas avant les quinzième et seizième siècles que le mode de subsistance et la structure socio-politique qui caractérisent cette région aujourd'hui se sont véritablement mis en place. A partir de ce moment, la zone à laquelle appartient notre domaine d'étude a été intégrée dans l'empire du Bornou, une situation qui s'est maintenue jusqu'au début de la période coloniale, à l'aube du vingtième siècle.  相似文献   

LE ROND DES SORCIERS. Par CLAUDE SEIGNOLLE. Éditions des Quatre-Vents. Paris. 1945. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

TRINIDAD VILLAGE. MELVILLE AND FRANCES HERSKOVITS. Published by Alfred A. Knopf. 1947. $4.75. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

PAPAGO INDIAN RELIGION. By RUTH M. UNDERHILL. Columbia University Press. New York. 1946. London, Geoffrey Cumberlege. 25s. 6d. net. pp. 359. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

An unusual combination of environmental factors has brought about the excavation of a series of classical cauldron‐shaped potholes in a dissected lake‐shore platform of peat on the shore of Loch More, Halkirk, Caithness. The potholes have both been eroded by, and now contain, ‘cobbles’ of peat. Some potholes are obviously currently active during periods of heavy rain, while others are abandoned or at least less active, being filled with a growing layer of grass. The platform has been deeply dissected by water erosion along contraction joints which formed as the peat dried out ('nagging') and it now generally resembles a karst‐like miniature ‘bad‐lands’ topography with small ‘mesas’ and ‘buttes’.  相似文献   


The Early Metal Period (1800 cal BC–AD 300) of the Finnish inland regions is characterized by a scarcity of archaeological remains. Its latest stages, in particular, have proved to be difficult to interpret. This paper discusses the continuity of settlement in the Early Metal Period as indicated by archaeological survey and pollen-analytical data. The study area is situated in Repovesi National Park in southeastern Finland. The pollen analysis was constructed from a sediment sequence taken from Lake Katajajärvi. The archaeological survey data from Repovesi National Park supports earlier hypotheses of the small number of Early Metal Period sites. In the pollen data, the first anthropogenic impact is recorded from about 2600 BC onwards, with weak signs of cultivation around 2370 BC. From around 1900 BC onwards a clear change in tree, shrub and herb pollen percentages indicates anthropogenic impact, possibly grazing, in the area. The pollen-analytical results also revealed a cultivation period of about 900 years at the end of the Early Metal Period, providing proof of continuity in settlement during a period characterized by a scarcity of archaeological material. A new beginning of cultivation from cal AD 1160 to 1250 onwards can be considered as indicating population growth, developing settlements and the colonization of new areas. The results from Repovesi are challenging from an archaeological point of view, because they represent slash-and-burn cultivation that appears to have been practised in total wilderness conditions. Comparison of the Lake Katajajärvi results with other areas raises new questions that call for a discussion of early slash-and-burn cultivation in new perspective.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the evidence for the extraction of silver from lead ores in Iron Age and Roman Britain. Analysis shows that many of the lead objects from the Somerset Lake Villages were made from Mendip lead, but their chemical composition suggests that they were not produced from lead that had been de‐silvered, but from smelted galena with variable silver content. Furthermore, analysis of a Roman lead pig, made from Charterhouse lead ores, shows that it was made of chemically identical lead. Does this mean that silver was not extracted from British lead in the Iron Age and Roman periods? The evidence discussed and the results of the analyses suggest that silver was not always extracted from lead even when it was economical to do so. This was a cultural choice and not a technological limitation, one also found in other times and places around the world.  相似文献   

For more than 30 years, numerous research projects have revealed the dense and complex human settlement of the lacustrine basin of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru. Physical evidence of such establishments has been discovered in plains, valleys, and highlands connected to the lake. These remains confirm human occupation and development in this environment, particularly during the Tiwanaku (AD 500-1150) and Inca (AD 1400-1532) Periods. The research project discussed in this paper includes consideration of submerged areas through underwater archaeology. This investigation involves analysis of two areas that have evidence of ancient human occupation but are poorly documented: the coastal and lacustrine regions. Due to its dominance in the landscape, Lake Titicaca has always been a major feature in the life and identity of populations of this vicinity. These inhabitants have developed socio-economic and ritual behaviours directly associated with the lake that have left cultural and material prints that are the foci of the present study.  相似文献   

<正>In July of 2005,the holy lake Namtso welcomed several special guests who were subsequently stationed there to start a long-term observation of the Lake.They were to carefully watch changes around the lake,including the glaciers,rivers and plants in the peripheral area.To date,they have been stationed there for about four years and achieved much in terms of collecting valuable information from their observations of Lake Namtso and Mts.Nyangchen Thanglha.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(2):73-91

Many social commentators of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, notably those influenced by Romanticism, were keen to highlight the historical stability of agrarian life in the northern uplands. Founded on the supposed existence of an egalitarian ‘republic’ of smallholding yeomen, this stability was then contrasted to the apparently inexorable erosion of the economic position of such farmers around 1800. The present article uses records from the central Lakeland manor of Grasmere (with a comparison with the neighbouring manor of Langdale) to explore the agrarian social structure of the uplands between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries. It argues that while a stable core of farmers can be found in the early modern period, there is also clear evidence of greater social differentiation amongst the customary tenantry by the third quarter of the eighteenth century, well before the process began to be noticed by social commentators and Romantic writers.  相似文献   

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