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DOJECERINGTeaisindispensablefortheTibetans.PictureshowsloadsofteabeingshippedtoTibet.Theauthor,alsonamedMaHongji,wasactiveont...  相似文献   

甲申年(1644年)八旗人关,从而影响了中国历史发展近三百年之久。八旗人关给中国社会带来了一系列变化,首先八旗在清初多种势力角斗中控制了局势,实现了统一。其次八旗成为维护国家统一的基本力量。第三八旗人关打破了中原传统的“华夷之辨”思想定势。第四八旗成为多民族友好相处的典型。第五八旗中涌现出众多人才,为社会进步做出了贡献.第六八旗对其他民族化采取尊重态度,使各民族化得以传承。当然八旗制度也存在弊病,这是清代中叶以后八旗衰落的主要原因。  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2):68-95

Museum education has undergone a profound transformation from the ideals of the Enlightenment through modernism to those of postmodernism. Museum visitors are no longer perceived as passive receivers of information provided by experts but as active learners who freely construct their own meanings, driven by their personal motivation. Museum education is no longer about educating the masses but facilitating learners in their individual learning processes. Learning outcomes are no longer to be measured by the amount of new information absorbed in an exhibition but by more abstract things: improved quality of life, increased awareness of one's own identity, and better self-esteem or increased ability to cope in society. The question is: how can museums provide their visitors with such learning possibilities? This article presents three projects that have been carried out at the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum in Turku, Finland, to test methods and models for increased personal experience and involvement, especially in facilitating interaction and understanding between cultures. As a result of this it is proposed that exhibitions and their related activities should be planned in such a way that they facilitate the self-on — the individual's projection and associations through involvement of emotions — thus facilitating connections between the exhibition and contemporary life.  相似文献   

It was a fine day in Kathmandu when I walkedalong the major streets of the capital of Nepal.Unlike my friends, who went shopping or sightseeing, I was looking for Tibetan language bookstores.Before I set foot on the Nepalese soil, my friendsat the Sino-Nepalese border told me: "One fully loadedNepalese truck coming from Lhasa tumbled at the ZamPort, and what fell out was nothing but newly published Tibetan language books !"My friends with the Tibet People's PublishingHouse revealed tha…  相似文献   

XERABGYAMCOThefolowingarenewspaperspublishedbeforethefoundingofthePeoplesRepublicofChinaonOctober1,1949.(1)TibetVernacularPa...  相似文献   

对中华书局标点本《史记》中的6条标点和3条校勘提出讨论并加以辨明。  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region,which practices ethnic regional autonomy. During this 40-year period,what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans? Dainzin Lhunzhub,with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies,once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa.Beginning with this issue, we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

本文以平安堡遗址提供的层位关系为依据,结合对其他遗址、墓地出土陶器的型式学分析和比较,将高台山文化居址材料和墓葬材料各自划分为三个发展阶段。其中遗址一段和墓葬一段应为高台山文化早期的第一段,遗址Ⅱ段和墓葬Ⅱ段为高台山文化早期的第二段,遗址Ⅲ段和墓葬Ⅲ段为高台山文化的晚期。高台山文化早期年代大致与辽西山地地区的夏家店下层文化并行,时间跨度约为夏代中晚期至商代早期;高台山文化晚期与辽西山地地区的魏营子文化并行,整体年代相当于商代晚期。  相似文献   

Modern-day engineering can be a useful tool to help understand the technological changes which led to the development of the three-masted ships of the modern age of sail, in the beginning of the 15th century. Recent finding and excavation of an increasing number of medieval shipwrecks offers the opportunity, and the authors propose to build a database with technical characteristics of late-medieval vessels in the hope of finding patterns that will help understand the relatively-quick technological evolution of Mediterranean merchant craft of the 14th and 15th centuries.
© 2008 The Authors  相似文献   

本在前人研究的基础上,探讨了17世纪70年代西域和卓家族的重要人物阿帕克和卓因失势而被迫离开天山南路的流亡路线。认为其可能到过克什米尔等地,后东行经哈密至河州、西宁一带传教,由此进入西藏,求援于达赖喇嘛,1680年返回喀什噶尔。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the recent wave of historical studies that have examined the immediate social transformations implied by slavery abolition on gender relations. It highlights slave women's attempts to alter their status and the personal agency they displayed in the immediate post‐proclamation period in the Gold Coast (present‐day Ghana). During this very early period (1874–1877) women were quite an active presence in the colonial court and the percentage of cases discussing the right of women to leave their husbands increased. Traditional and colonial powers soon reacted to this changing situation. There were two main constraints to women's emancipation. On one hand there was a general confusion on the legal status of wives within traditional family, and on the other, the logic of debt concealed within the repayment of dowries tried to force women back into bondage even when they succeeded in changing their status from slaves to free women.  相似文献   

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