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核心价值概述 嵩山位于河南省郑州市所辖登封地区内,登封“天地之中”历史建筑群遗产区面积825公顷,缓冲区面积14940公顷,历经汉、魏、唐、宋、元、明、清,绵延不绝,“天地之中”历史建筑群构成了一部中国中原地区上下2000年形象直观的建筑史,是中国先民独特宇宙观和审美观的真实体现.该组建筑群包括周公测景台和观星台、嵩岳寺塔、太室阙和中岳庙、少室阙、启母阙、嵩阳书院、会善寺、少林寺建筑群(常住院、塔林和初祖庵)等8处11项历史建筑.  相似文献   

嵩山地区位居中华民族腹心重地,在中华文明发轫、形成过程中,一直处于政治、经济、文化活动的核心地区。周公旦在此“测土深,正日影”,确立了以此地为“天地之中”的宇宙观,从而巩固了嵩山地区在中华文明起源中的核心地位,并进一步对中华文明的发展和延续产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

公元前110年,汉武帝巡狩天下,亲自登临嵩山,将太室山更名为“嵩高”,立为“中岳”。2010年8月第34届世界遗产大会上,“登封天地之中历史建筑群”被正式确立为世界文化遗产。作为中国人的古老圣山,嵩山得到了世界的认可,被奉为人类共同的文化遗产。前后相隔两千余年,历史在嵩山完成了一个轮回。何谓“天地之中”?申遗的成功给嵩山带来的是机遇?还是压力?  相似文献   

嵩山建筑群具有重要的科技文化价值,代表了优秀的建筑文化,成为中国乃至世界的独特文化景观。其历史价值、艺术价值、科学价值、文化价值在人类文明发展史上都是不可替代的。本文力求从九个方面对嵩山建筑群进行审美守望,促进人们对它的保护与珍爱,以弘扬美轮美奂的建筑文化。  相似文献   

中国古代审判机关的称谓很多,叫法多样,有时同一名称的机关在不同朝代,实际职权也不一样。  相似文献   

谢建平 《文史天地》2012,(11):94-94
秀才是古代中国对某些土大夫的称呼。明清时,一般指通过了科举中院试的生员,属士大夫中的最基层。 秀才一名在隋朝科举开始以前已有。在汉朝使用察举制时,由各州推举的民间人才称之为“秀才”。东汉时为避汉光武帝刘秀之讳,将秀才改名茂才,或称茂材。茂才科主要是选拔奇才异能之土,所以通常称“茂才异等”或“茂才特立之士”。秀才最初为特举,在西汉后期成了岁举,举主为刺史,遂形成州举秀才、郡举孝廉的体制。  相似文献   

陶易 《文史天地》2013,(11):52-55
古代的“衙内”们仗着有权有势的爹,为非作歹,欺男霸女,无恶不作。但愿现代版的“衙内”不再粉墨登场,让它永远成为一个历史名词吧。  相似文献   

品评历史人物的理论与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品评人物,古称“方人”或“品藻”。自史官设置和史学产生之后,论载人物一直为史家所重,且被叹为难事。正因为如此,中国古代产生了大量品评人物的史论,同时也积累了丰富的理论与方法。  相似文献   

无论你是八旬老翁,还是80后新生代,回忆起来,您所经历的每一天都是中国社会发生天翻地覆变化的时刻。为此《文史天地》杂志“百姓人生”栏目特向您征集个人亲历回忆文章。可以是记忆中铭刻心间的瞬间,也可以是萦绕长久的故事;可以是衣食住行之类的生活琐事,也可以是亲历的惊心动魄的家国大事,只要在当时的时代背景下展开,真实感人、贴近生活、故事性强,细节生动,无论是自己撰写还是口述经他人整理都行。  相似文献   

中国封建皇帝封禅略论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在祭教合一的封建时代,皇帝举行隆盛的封禅典礼,既是构成皇权存在合理性、合法性的普遍逻辑性法则和终极依据,又是皇位正统和大一统所必须的文化表征.在儒学思想演绎和阐释下的封禅仪式过程和象征意义,不仅是一种政治秩序和制度模式的构建,而且也是一种意识形态和价值观的展示.  相似文献   

刘栋臣,抗日将士,原中国远征军第8军82师直属工兵连连长,松山坑道大爆破战术方案提出者及实施者,为全歼松山日军作出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   

In the post-imperial world of sixth-century Gaul, the Church found itself competing for allegiance with strengthened local family groupings as well as royal households. In this milieu the fragmentation of power and the propensity for spoliation of church lands posed a severe problem for ecclesiastical survival. An answer might be found in a competing kindred structure: the family of the saint. Such an entity would have the benefit of building a support group for the Church that could cut across the existing family lines and thereby weaken their impact. As a voluntary association based on the celestial it would have the added benefit of being a familia everlasting, and endlessly elastic.The works of Gregory of Tours contain such an idea built around his patronus, St Martin. Gregory's preface to Book 5 of his History, and his frequent pleas against feuding, show his concern as to how the familia Sancti Martini could perform an annealing function for society, mitigate the more rebarbative elements of the feud, and leave the Church in a strengthened position in society.  相似文献   

In the post-imperial world of sixth-century Gaul, the Church found itself competing for allegiance with strengthened local family groupings as well as royal households. In this milieu the fragmentation of power and the propensity for spoliation of church lands posed a severe problem for ecclesiastical survival. An answer might be found in a competing kindred structure: the family of the saint. Such an entity would have the benefit of building a support group for the Church that could cut across the existing family lines and thereby weaken their impact. As a voluntary association based on the celestial it would have the added benefit of being a familia everlasting, and endlessly elastic. The works of Gregory of Tours contain such an idea built around his patronus, St Martin. Gregory's preface to Book 5 of his History, and his frequent pleas against feuding, show his concern as to how the familia Sancti Martini could perform an annealing function for society, mitigate the more rebarbative elements of the feud, and leave the Church in a strengthened position in society.  相似文献   

The second half of the 19th century, along with the first three decades of the 20th, saw the building of hundreds of flour mills in Spain, all based on new milling and sieving machinery developed after the industrial revolution. Unfortunately, very few of these early mills are now in use: most have disappeared, and many of those that are left have been abandoned. The present work examines the growth of the flour-milling industry in Spain from the mid-19th century, and discusses the typology, design and constructional features of its associated buildings. The information presented is the result of the study of a representative sample of these mills in central Spain, and could serve as a basis for the conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of this important agroindustrial heritage.  相似文献   

少林寺,以其历史悠久,禅宗祖庭,少林武术发源地而驰名海内外。兴盛时期,曾规模宏大,下院数十,僧众数千。历史上虽数经磨难,但仍能以文物丰富、禅林懿范、武术渊薮,保持着香火旺盛,高僧云集,游人如织的名寺地位。  相似文献   

青海湖位于西宁市以西100公里,是我国海拔最高、面积最大的内陆咸水湖。1994年,青海湖被列入国际重要湿地名录。青海湖鸟岛。它不仅以辽阔、明媚、恬静、雄伟、神奇而著称于世,而且以其丰富的水中矿产资源和鱼类资源吸引着人们。在这里,人们可以泛舟湖面观看一望无际的湖景,也可以漫游草原享受大自然的风光。  相似文献   

历史分期的概念与历史编纂学的实践   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
历史编纂学中对历史的分期有自然的或技术性的分期与理论性的分期两种。中国和西方传统时代的历史学家都不注重运用历史的理论分期来编纂历史。对理论化的历史分期的热情是启蒙时代以来社会、自然和历史观念变化所激发起来的,对于中国历史学家说来是外来的。凡理论化的历史分期,其理论的根据都远远超出历史学之外,所以对于历史编纂学来说是无法从理论角度判断的,而只能从其对历史编纂学的实际产生怎样的作用来判断。任何理论模式都具有主观性。所以理论性的历史分期对于历史编纂学说来是假说、工具和方法。  相似文献   

宋山墓是马鞍山市迄今发现规模最大、结构最复杂的一座砖室墓葬,它填补了该地区六朝考古的多项空白,高浮雕变形龙纹把手石门和假窗的设置,是目前长江中下游地区六朝墓葬中最早的实例。虽被盗严重,但仍出土一批珍贵文物。墓葬形制与湖北鄂州鄂钢饮料厂一号墓极为相似,但规模比后者大,显然墓主身份也更显贵。通过和朱然墓等六朝大型墓葬比较,并结合现有的史料分析,此墓可能是吴景帝孙休的定陵。  相似文献   

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