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For the purposes of simplicity, short-run cost functions are widely used in spatial markets literature, even when the long-run effects of entry are in question. In this paper, I show that if a long-run cost function is incorporated into a Löschian model, counter-intuitive and novel performance characteristics can result. Under some circumstances welfare per area can decrease as cost levels decrease.  相似文献   

非摩擦经济是不同于传统经济模式的一种低成本、无摩擦、高效率的全新的经济形态。网络经济是一种典型的非摩擦经济。非摩擦经济不仅对传统的经济学理论提出了严峻的挑战,而且以最为鲜明的力量对社会制度、法律、政府和人们的观念形成巨大冲击,尤其是对企业的运作机制和竞争策略提出了更高要求。因此,现代企业应遵循非摩擦经济的运行规律,重视新技术的应用,提升经营理念,以增强竞争能力。  相似文献   

上海市就业市场状况与城市犯罪的空间计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严小兵 《人文地理》2013,28(3):85-90,69
基于2008年上海市经济普查数据和城市犯罪数据,改变以往学者以失业率描述就业市场状况的做法,构建就业市场状况指数,并将其扩展到所有行业;同时,构建空间计量模型,研究上海市就业市场状况与刑事犯罪率之间关系,结果表明:1)就业市场状况对刑事犯罪率影响显著,不同行业的影响并不相同;其中,批发零售业、租赁和商业服务业、居民服务和其他服务业、公共管理和社会组织业就业的集中会引发犯罪活动的发生。2)空间计量模型在解释就业市场状况与刑事犯罪率之间关系时,计量效果良好。3)"空间效应"是影响刑事犯罪率的重要因素,其影响来自"空间邻近效应"和"空间误差效应"。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper integrates the theory of segmented labor markets with the Ranis-Fei model of dualism to analyze two types of unemployment; disguised unemployment in the rural sector and urban unemployment. The major results obtained are (1) sector-specific accumulation in the urban area may raise unemployment and lower welfare and (2) sector-specific accumulation in the rural sector always raises welfare but increases disguised unemployment. These results highlight the importance of regional resource allocation and the role of the agricultural sector in reducing urban unemployment.  相似文献   

T he major raison d'ětre of democratic governments, local and otherwise, is to provide public goods and services that their citizens wish to have and for which they are willing to pay taxes. However, it is not feasible or expedient for individuals to choose types and amounts of public goods that they wish to "consume" at a given "price" as they would for products sold on the market place-because public goods are non-rival and/or non-excludable, and/or they generate externalities. Therefore, decisions regarding public goods and the taxes to pay for them have to be placed in the hands of representatives who are entrusted with the task of articulating the citizens' collective will.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Due to strong local competition in the broadband access market, strategic locational planning is very important for service providers. In this paper, we explore locational equilibria in a competitive broadband market under several situations: with and without customer loyalty and under different initial market conditions. To do this, we propose a competitive broadband location model based on probabilistic patronage behavior, explicitly considering the characteristics of the broadband market and competitive structures. Also, we suggest iterative algorithms to identify spatial equilibria. We show that competing location strategies may lead to a stable spatial configuration of market share.  相似文献   

新经济时代我国特大城市发展与空间组织   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
吕拉昌 《人文地理》2004,19(2):17-21
新经济的发展将会全面提升我国特大城市的发展,影响城市的空间组织。本文认为,新经济对我国特大城市发展的主要影响有:促进城市的产业结构提升;促进新经济时代的城市基础设施"数字城市"的建设;促进城市创新环境--生产服务业发展。在新经济推动下,建立有效的知识通道将成为我国特大城市空间组织的一个重要原则,因此,知识源的选择、知识传导的路径及通道,知识使用地的吸引构造以及与软要素构成创新环境的规划、协调、共生将成为城市规划的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Transport firms compete over space. We develop a dominant firm model of transport services wherein one firm (the railroad) has market power, but competes in space with a competitive alternative (truck‐barge). When constrained, the dominant firm prices to “beat the competition”, which impedes efficiency when demand has some elasticity. We extend the basic model in a number of directions that include the relationship between monopoly prices and the generalized concavity of the shipper demand functions, the effects of multiple terminal markets, the role of joint production (fronthaul–backhaul markets), and the effects of capacity constraints.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new approach is proposed for calculating the expected market share. It is assumed that consumers patronize a facility according to a utility function, selecting the facility with the highest utility value. However, consumers'ratings of the utility components are stochastic by some random distribution. Therefore, the buying power of customers located at the same point is divided among several facilities. A probability that a consumer patronizes a certain facility can be calculated. Consequently, the expected market share by competing facilities can be estimated. This calculation is more than 1,000 times faster than repeating a simulation enough times to achieve a reasonable accuracy. The distance decay calculated using the new approach is approximately exponential. A procedure for finding the optimal location anywhere in the plane for a new facility that maximizes the market share is also introduced.  相似文献   

西部地区农户经济的空间差异及其发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范建刚 《人文地理》2002,17(3):63-65
西部不同地带生态条件的优劣差异决定了西部地区农户经济的空间差异,劣等、中等、优等三类生态条件相应地发育出贫困、温饱、富裕三类群落的农户经济。西部各类农户经济的发展有着不同困难,贫困群落农户脱贫面临人口压力大与生态环境脆弱矛盾突出,及农户人均财政负担重,财政支农能力差的困难,已得温饱的农户面临收入与文化素质低、可带动农户从事产业化经营的企业少的困难,富裕农户面临生产要素流失严重,制度创新滞后的困难。由政府主导,以多种手段、方式带动贫困农户脱贫致富;扶持建立农业合作经营组织,促进已得温饱农户发展农业产业化经营;以制度创新推动富裕农户经济的进一步发展,是应采取的针对性对策。  相似文献   

本文在总结建国以来我国经济地理学发展特征的基础上,分析了市场经济条件下我国经济地理学所面临的理论、实践和研究者专业素养等方面的种种挑战。为适应新的社会经济体制及我国现代化建设的需要,文章认为我国经济地理学发展必须走创新之路,并就学科发展的指导思想、研究主题、理论建设及研究者知识结构改善和思维定式转变等提出了创新思路。  相似文献   

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) assigns the Environmental Protection Agency responsibility for protecting the public from hazards created by industrial wastes. The Agency has understandably used its mandate to construct cradle to grave regulation of waste substances that pose health hazards. The regulations, however, are likely to hike costs of legal disposal by increasing the demand for disposal sites, while at the same time reducing the supply. The higher cost of disposal may give an advantage to larger, existing firms, may deter entry of new firms to both waste generating and disposal industries, and promote illicit disposal. RCRA therefore may have the paradoxical result of increasing public exposure to hazardous wastes.  相似文献   

Despite the wealth of empirical and theoretical literature on transnational corporations, little has been written about the spatial consequences of changes in the ownership of forest-based industries. These types of tnc embrace a broad range of activities, formerly based solely upon forest raw material, comprising sawmilling and pulp and paper manufacturing. In Sweden, these industries were mostly located near raw material supplies and concentrated on export production for the European market. During recent decades forest companies such as sca (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget) have invested in or acquired production and sales units in most of the traditional market countries. This has involved a substantial increase in the numbers of foreign employees, new commodities and raw materials, and a shift in the centre of gravity of production and employment. The aim of this article is to investigate and model the locational changes in sca 's ownership (of production, sales, and administrative units) and in its organizational structure within and outside Sweden, from the 1950s to the present.  相似文献   

胡秋灵  姚文辉 《人文地理》2005,20(6):42-44,10
本文从微观经济学角度,利用Pip-pow-Schoder模型详细分析了消费者、商家和银行选择现金与借记卡的成本及银行的收益,从利益最大化行为角度,进一步分析了各方偏好的借记卡交易域,在此基础上,提出银行应根据借记卡市场推广度的不同,细分客户与地区,分阶段采取不同的收费策略。  相似文献   

Spatial pricing models have been used to illustrate a tariff's asymmetric effects on consumers located at different points in the protected economy, and to demonstrate that the optimum tariff for a small open spatial economy may be positive. In these models, the distribution of households has been taken as uniform and fixed. We extend the spatial model by allowing households to optimally locate and consume variable amounts of land, as well as the domestic- or foreign-produced good. Land consumption, location rents, and the distribution of consumers are endogenous, responding to tariff-induced changes in the delivered prices of the domestic and foreign goods. Within this limited general equilibrium framework, a neoclassical result resurfaces: from the perspective of private consumers, the optimum tariff in a small open economy is zero. The possibility of a positive optimum tariff, however, may remain intact in a more integrated model where domestic profits and tariff revenues are redistributed within the spatial economy.  相似文献   

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