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基德 《旅游纵览》2013,(9):58-65
追星·续Ⅰ 把车辙留在云之彼端的帕米尔高原 我们一行过喀什而不入,直接朝西边的帕米尔高原前进.这个一直让我魂萦梦绕的云之彼端,远远望去,高原群峰已耸立在天边.帕米尔高原,地处中亚东南部、中国的西端,横跨塔吉克斯坦、中国和阿富汗,是亚洲多个主要山脉的汇集处,古丝绸之路在此经过.中国古代称其为“不周山”,支撑着天地.“昔共工与祝融争为帝,怒而触不周之山,天柱折,地维绝.天倾西北,故日月星辰移焉;地不满东南,故水潦尘埃归焉”,而后女蜗娘娘采七色石补天.  相似文献   

本期,我们所呈现的是四条精彩纷呈的自驾线路。四条线路,四个方向,总行程8600多公里,沿途有雪山、草原、森林、冰川、峡谷、湖泊、村庄、沙漠、海洋……如果可以,请搭上我们这一趟车:我们一起去东北,那里有辽阔碧绿的草原,有苍凉悠扬的马头琴,有俄风荡漾的满州里;我们一起去东南,那里有奇幻莫测的滩涂,有宁静古朴的渔村,有神秘美丽的惠安女;  相似文献   

王磊 《风景名胜》2013,(5):30-49
本期,我们所呈现的是四条精彩纷呈的自驾线路。四条线路,四个方向,总行程8600多公里,沿途有雪山、草原、森林、冰川、峡谷、湖泊、村庄、沙漠、海洋……如果可以,请搭上我们这一趟车:我们一起去东北,那里有辽阔碧绿的草原,有苍凉悠扬的马头琴,有俄风荡漾的满州里;我们一起去东南,那里有奇幻莫测的滩涂,有宁静古朴的渔村,有神秘美丽的惠安女;  相似文献   

This paper explores how the drastic landscape changes that took place in the North Sea basin during the Holocene affected the lives of those dwelling in that area. Previous contributions to the discussion of the Holocene inundation of the North Sea have tended to concentrate on the timings. This paper discusses the ways people could have perceived and responded to these events, emphasizing that climate change should not be viewed apart from social factors. It is also argued that sea-level rise was not something externally imposed on communities but an integral part of their world.  相似文献   

关于建设我国北方集装箱枢纽港问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
集装箱运输是世界交通运输发展的趋势,在这一进程中,集装箱枢纽港与支线港的形成与分化日益明显,它是集装箱运输规模效益发展的必然结果。随着我国集装箱运量的增加,合量布局我国集装箱枢纽港和支线港的问题日益突出,目前,香港和上海作为我国南方和中部集装箱枢纽港的地位已确立,而北方形成了大连、青岛、天津三足鼎立格局,合理布局北方集装箱枢纽港是我国北方各省区社会经济发展的客观要求。文章深入分析了北方主要集装箱港口的现状和潜力,并提出了我国北方集装箱枢纽港未来的发展战略。  相似文献   

This article is work‐in‐progress, an orientation of thought towards possibilities for individual human beings to diminish the distance between outer and inner landscapes imposed by cultural norms and happenstances such as exile. The dominance of visual landscapes and visual perceptions is seen as a pivotal problem, to be solved by the engagement of all the senses in landscape discourse and formation. All the senses are engaged in earliest childhood, as they have been in ‘primitive’ societies. While returning to either a state of childhood or primitivism is an impossible dream, it is possible to edge closer to human nature by engaging and honing all the senses, especially the ‘earth‐bound senses’ of feel, smell and taste. Cultivating those senses and developing discourse about them, and incorporating them into landscape formation and enjoyment, is much more difficult than having a discourse about sight and hearing, for which there is a rich and well‐developed symbolic language and which can be shared through various types of media. The way towards a deeper discourse about the earth‐bound senses, and the way out of the tyranny of the visual, is to be found in stories, as several thinkers suggest. The story told is autobiographical and literary – a mode of geographic writing that I developed in a 2004 book (Bunk?e 2004a), in which the complex dilemmas of home and road were explored. This article shows how in the early 1970s I defined the individual's landscape as ‘a unity in one's surroundings perceived through all the senses’, with imagination as the key human faculty. And I tell the story of how through complex circumstances, a visually and emotionally repugnant landscape became emotionally and intellectually attractive, with a scent, not a picture or image causing the initial attraction. The external and internal landscapes are thus unified, resulting in a sense of timelessness and placelessness of deep existential significance for the person.  相似文献   

From October 10th to 19th in 2006,the First China Tibetan Culture Forum was held at Beijing and then at Lhasa. Over one hundred of scholars,experts,intellectuals,and board members of the China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture attended to forum. Participants were from Mainland China,Hong Kong,Taiwan,and twelve other countries.  相似文献   

地理想象是通过文化媒介对特定地方的地理“现实”的转录与重构,而博物馆是达成地理想象的一个代表性媒介。博物馆不只是一个展品陈列的空间载体,其中还包含着地理知识的生产。本文以南海博物馆为例,采用参与式观察、半结构式访谈、话语分析方法,探讨中国(海南)南海博物馆对“南海”的呈现。研究表明,南海博物馆对南海的地理想象不仅是话语建构,同时也是一种国家领土主权在话语层面上的实践。地名、地物、地图、地景是南海地理想象的构建基础,中国(海南)南海博物馆通过对“过去”资源的空间组织,构建了“南海”的地域想象、边界想象以及地缘想象。  相似文献   

Although “home” is an established topic in the literature, what home means for an in situ, non‐travelling population that nevertheless is confronted by the influx of great numbers of tourists and migrants is an important question that has not been widely researched. This article examines the construction and practice of home in a highly mobile world, in the case of Lijiang Ancient Town, a World Heritage site in Yunnan, China. Situating Lijiang in the context of China's emerging consumer society, this article has two objectives. First, I will sketch a conceptual framework within which to address the construction of home in relation to mobility, displacement and socioeconomic changes. The second objective is to examine the multiple ways in which Lijiang's town residents dwell in displacement. Even as Lijiang ancient town largely falls into the hands of migrant businesspersons, town residents employ spatial strategies to maintain a public–private boundary, reconcile themselves to living under the same roof with tourists, or forsake their homes for economic benefit. Hence, this article contributes to the geographies of everyday life by illustrating individuals' multiple forms of strategic rationalization in handling socio‐spatial transformation.  相似文献   

<正>Even in my very early days in Tibetan Buddhist art circles,art auctions and even academic circles, I had not only heard the name Yesi but I also read his ill...  相似文献   

王波  雷雅钦  张琪 《人文地理》2022,37(1):164-170
本研究收集2000、2010、2018年环南海区域各国家/地区间国际机场的跨境客运、货运航线和航班数目,探究近20年该区域跨境航空客运和货运网络的整体结构与空间格局演化特征,并综合客运和货运网络分析枢纽机场体系演化。研究发现:①该区域跨境航空网络的整体结构具有覆盖范围扩大、“小世界”效应明显和“无标度”特征显著的特点,但客、货运网络的演化存在差异。②该区域跨境航空客运网络具有明显的轴—辐组织结构特征,并呈现“多核心化”的演化趋势,而货运网络中以香港、新加坡为枢纽的轴—辐组织结构与局部性的“点—点”航空货运联系并存,尚未形成全局性的轴—辐组织结构。③该区域的区域客、货运枢纽机场发展呈现综合化、专业化趋势,香港(HKG)和新加坡(SIN)长期以来保持优势地位。  相似文献   

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