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In England, between 1305 and 1311, all prices rose significantly. Historians have generally assumed that these high prices led to high profits that enabled landlords to enjoy a period of unparalleled prosperity. A detailed study, however, of the manorial and central accounts of Canterbury Cathedral Priory suggets that this traditional view may not be altogether correct.Inflation did bring with it increased revenues and stimulated extensive investment in agriculture and building. But the priory's regular expenses increased as fast, and, at times, even faster than the extra revenues. Consequently the financial situation of the priory slowly deteriorated. Before the inflation set in, the priory had more than one year's revenue in hand. By 1318 this surplus had been wiped out. Financial equilibrium was finally restored only by the massive sale of relics and the high receipts from oblations. Yet, once prices began to fall after 1326 the priory found that, although its receipts dropped, so did its expenses and it was able to keep within its income.  相似文献   

It is suggested that Sir Howard Colvin's theory about the origin of the chantry as a response to liturgical overloading of the regular monastery with commemorative liturgy is not the full story. The chantry was preceded by institutions more obviously its precursors than the monasteries: secular colleges and the chapels of manorial precincts. It is suggested here that the chantry arose out of a more complex cross-fertilisation of ideas and institutions than Colvin suggests, and also that the laity had as much a part in the process as the monks. The article also points to particular moves towards the individualised mass of commemoration within the Angevin royal family in the 1170s and 1180s as an impetus to the evolution of the chantry.  相似文献   

In England, between 1305 and 1311, all prices rose significantly. Historians have generally assumed that these high prices led to high profits that enabled landlords to enjoy a period of unparalleled prosperity. A detailed study, however, of the manorial and central accounts of Canterbury Cathedral Priory suggets that this traditional view may not be altogether correct.Inflation did bring with it increased revenues and stimulated extensive investment in agriculture and building. But the priory's regular expenses increased as fast, and, at times, even faster than the extra revenues. Consequently the financial situation of the priory slowly deteriorated. Before the inflation set in, the priory had more than one year's revenue in hand. By 1318 this surplus had been wiped out. Financial equilibrium was finally restored only by the massive sale of relics and the high receipts from oblations. Yet, once prices began to fall after 1326 the priory found that, although its receipts dropped, so did its expenses and it was able to keep within its income.  相似文献   

Few sources have survived relating to the borough of Sunderland in the seventeenth century. However, during the Civil Wars Sunderland was noticed for its support of Parliament and the Scottish Covenanters. A Puritan elite, led by George Lilburne, had established Sunderland as a radical borough by the 1630s. Good relations between Sunderland and the Covenanting Scots began in 1639 and continued throughout the Bishops’ Wars (1639–41) and the first British Civil Wars (1642–46). This was unusual in the North East of England as most of County Durham, Northumberland and Newcastle upon Tyne would remain loyal to King Charles I. A trade blockade of Newcastle, Sunderland and Blyth during 1643–44 was quickly lifted at Sunderland after the Scots garrisoned the town in March 1644. This gave Sunderland a temporary, but advantageous, lead over their rivals in Newcastle. Sunderland’s port was crucial for supplying the Scottish Covenanting army and Parliamentarian forces during 1644–46, and the coal mines along the River Wear proved a vital source of revenue for paying the army. The borough’s leaders were well rewarded for their loyalty and, unlike other leading supporters of Parliament in the North, they did not object to paying for the Scottish occupation of the North East.  相似文献   

Was Derry's independent city police force wholly inadequate, was it just inefficient for the suppression of riots; or was it the demonstration of politico-religious partisanship that ensured the force's abolition in 1870? This paper will attempt to explore and answer these three questions. It will also look at the borough force in some detail, examining issues with regard to the force's pay, discipline, its duties and conditions of service. It will not attempt to analyse Derry's nineteenth-century riots or the political and sectarian issues surrounding these riots, except where aspects of these directly affected the borough police.  相似文献   

This article examines the political history of the parliamentary borough of Ripon between the Great Reform Act of 1832 and the Second Reform Act of 1867. It challenges the notion that Ripon remained a ‘pocket borough’ during this era; rather, the Reform Act rendered Ripon's politics much more open, vibrant and participatory than they had been during the ‘unreformed’ era. In demonstrating this, the article calls into question the alleged prevalence of ‘pocket boroughs’ in the reformed era.  相似文献   

The wooded valley of Eller Beck at Skipton in North Yorkshire became the focus for the early industrialisation of the town during the 18th century, as the Earls of Thanet pursued improvement of their estates. Initially, investment was directed towards the quarrying of limestone and its export via the Springs Canal. The quarrying interest had shifted further east to Haw Bank by 1785, and a network of dams and watercourses was then constructed to power a new cotton mill. The canal was extended concurrently, and a railway from Haw Bank to a new canal terminus was constructed, transforming the historic landscape in the valley beneath the north walls of Skipton Castle. Downstream from the cotton mill, enterprising new industry was established at the former manorial corn and fulling mills. Recreational use of the woodland has since become a significant component within the regional tourist economy, thereby initiating a discrete new industrial phase.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a society experiencing significant change, an industrializing society. Throughout the South Wales coalfield in the second half of the eighteenth century, rural structures were being supplanted by urban-industrial structures, traditional modes of landuse were being dislocated by new enterprises and the former pastoral landscape was being invaded by the paraphernalia of mining and manufacturing. The old cultural region, “Blaenau Morgannwg” was being transmuted into the new cultural region, “The Valleys”.More particularly, this industrializing society experienced a significant change in the attitudes of landowners to their estates and also a change in both the mechanisms and intensity of control. With the recognition of the opportunities for industrial development, many lords evinced an increased concern for the integrity of their manorial perquisites, particularly those related to minerals and their access to them. The assertion of neglected rights, the institution of rigorous estate management and the prosecution of previously neglected abuses constituted a dislocation of local landuse practices and traditional ways of life. To some extent, the experience was similar to that of other areas experiencing increased industrial activities at this time, although the effect of certain local cultural influences may be recognized in the particulars of the response.The specific focus of this study is on the important roles which manorial wastes were to play in these new industrial enterprises. Whereas in the past the wastes had been but peripheral elements of the total estate economy, the industrial demand for minerals, fuel and land occasioned a radical reappraisal of their contribution. Many studies have considered encroachments and enclosure in the context of agricultural systems but it is argued here that in certain parts of Britain, industrial considerations were of paramount importance. The primary challenge to the very existence of manorial wastes and commons, the Enclosure Movement, was contemporaneous with the initial stages of the industrialization of this region. But rather than expediting the elimination of these lands, several factors caused manorial wastelands and commons to bulk large in the early industrialization of the South Wales coalfield.The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to attempt a better understanding of the impact of industrialization upon the wastelands of the South Wales coalfield and of the society formerly dependent upon them. Particular attention will be focused upon the way in which this process affected the attitudes of the various interested parties towards mineral rights, encroachments and parliamentary enclosure, and which in turn required reappraisals of a way of life by an old social order.  相似文献   

When Bro Hof Slott Golf Club – a high‐end, highprofile golf development in Upplands‐Bro, northwest of Stockholm – opened, the Brogård manor house became its clubhouse. Here a recent history of Bro Hof Slott as leisure space intermingles with a much longer history of Brogård as a landscape shaped through 400 years of nobility ownership. In place‐marketing and in short accounts, the estate's history is frequently reduced to merely a succession of names, sometimes combined with an appraisal of the scenic setting manorial ownership produced. The many hands, hooves and struggles historically shaping this landscape thus go missing, necessitating a more sustained focus on landscape morphology. How the estate landscape could be turned into an upmarket golf development is unintelligible without scrutinizing the nobility as a structuring force and the manorial landscape's current place in planning politics. Nobility power translated into extensive control of what could take place in the countryside. Brogård waschaped by crofters, tenant farmers and statare (labourers paid predominantly in kind) subordinate to the will of the estate owner, but also by all those processes resituating the nobility as class. Shaping the countryside, the nobility was in turn shaped by social movements, macro‐economic shifts and political decisions, together resulting in the particularities of the space now handled by municipal planning and appropriated to become Bro Hof Slott Golf Club. Through telling this story, I reconnect to a plea for acknowledging politics and political economy in analysing tourism and its spaces, while focus simultaneously lies on the dialectical entanglement of material landscape and its present‐day valuation.  相似文献   

富裕佃农:英国现代化的最早领头羊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农业是英国资本主义发生的策源地,而不是商业或者手工业,后者要以农业的发展为前提和基础。英国原始积累成功的秘密,在于农民个体的普遍积累,在于大规模的圈地运动以前,英国农民已经经历了长时期、普遍的积累,并在此过程中产生了一批殷实的、又有一定社会地位的富裕佃农。他们一心扩大耕地和牧场,或买卖或转租或垦殖,很早就一直以零敲碎打的方式进行“圈地”;更重要的是,富裕佃农最早创立了工资雇佣生产方式。它有着一套全新的游戏规则,不承认等级,漠视身份,最大限度地追求市场利润,完全不同于庄园经济。富裕农民经济在市场上击败了领地经济,迫使领主不断肢解领地地产,进一步扩大富裕农民经济的规模,资本主义租地农场主阶级逐渐形成。显然,农业资本主义是富裕佃农推动的,领主不过是被佃户逼上商品经济的“贼船”。是约曼——富裕农,还有他们的延伸体乡绅,而不是领主或新贵族,成为英国现代农业的发起人。  相似文献   

In this study, it is argued that Medieval Icelandic society fitted the ideal model of the peasant mode of production, as defined by Chris Wickham in the book Framing the Early Middle Ages. Until the 12th century, it seems that landed property was relatively evenly distributed amongst farmers in Iceland, at least when compared to the general situation in Europe. Leadership in society was also often based on factors other than wealth, as the local lords were dependent upon support from their followers and had to reciprocate their loyalty. There was competition between farmers over status, and it was important and necessary to stand guard over one's honour. Around the year 1100 there seems to have been a turning point in society. A group of farmers, church owners, formed a union with the Church to levy payments on others and thus create a surplus of wealth, which they could redistribute within society. At the same time slave holding was on the wane and tenancy farming was increasing. The position of the poorest amongst the group of farmers deteriorated, as chieftains began to accumulate farms, although not as yet in large quantities. In the 13th century, the Norwegian king introduced a system of legal ranks, and for a time the group of domestic courtiers played a key role in society, but such divisions seem to have been on the wane by 1320. Accumulation of property by magnates and churches gained momentum, and a manorial system based on tenant labour became the norm within the agricultural system of production. This was not least due to the king's need for reliable collection of taxes and other dues. The Icelandic peasant economy thus developed into a type of manorial society within the span of a few centuries.  相似文献   


This article looks at the imaginaries of progress through technology and new activities by tracing the emergence of Baltic Moorkultur in Estonia and Livonia from the 1850s to the early 1910s. Baltic Moorkultur, a set of modern drainage and peat extraction techniques, has been viewed as part of a modernisation process and evolving visions of future, which touched the identity of Baltic German landowners, scientists and entrepreneurs. General reasons for an impetus for the large-scale reclamation of peatlands were the growth of population, economic liberalisation, growing demand for fuels and the fact that the basis of manorial economy gradually crumbled and led to increasing urge to modernise its source of livelihood. Baltic Moorkultur can be thought as a high-tech response of that time to the exploitation of peatlands. This article explains why it became adopted and how it altered the appraisal of environments that had been perceived as suboptimal.  相似文献   

The concept of community as a way of describing a particular social reality has fallen into general disfavour, and geographers appear to have dropped the term almost entirely. Certain historians have refused to abandon it however, since “community” retains its popular emotional legitimacy and its meaning remains a central site of political struggle. To these writers, community is an imagined but none the less powerful discursive reality with material consequences too important to be ignored. Exploring this argument, this paper recovers the senses of community of people living in the east London borough of Poplar in the interwar period. Their strong attachment to neighbourhoods as communities is described and some explanations for it offered, and the political processes leading to a brief period of identification with their borough as a community are examined. The conclusion stresses the specificity of these imaginings of community, their precariousness and their politics, and notes the need for geographers not to work with definitions of a community meaningless to its inhabitants.  相似文献   

Few medieval historians have turned their attention to the history of families in urban England. But the groundwork for such studies has been laid in previous scholarship on the merchant class, on women and work in towns, and on borough law and customs. Future studies, more specifically focused on families in towns, will draw upon a wide variety of sources including wills, property records, marriage litigation, coroner's rolls, poll taxes, borough customs, and, most importantly, borough plea rolls. These studies should allow us to explore how the special characteristics of the medieval urban environment – continual in-migration, economic opportunity, commercial and industrial diversity, extremes of wealth, high population density, and borough legal structures – affected family formation, life-cycle, demography, and domestic life in medieval towns.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore aspects of peasant community policing and keeping order in two fourteenth-century villages. The raising of the hue and cry was not only an important tool for policing local communities, it was also a communal ritual. The cases which caused the hue and cry to be raised, and which were then recorded in the manorial court rolls, can reveal a great deal about peasant attitudes to different types of offending behaviour, as well as local mechanisms of social control. At the same time such cases can be explored for peasant attitudes to gender, gender roles as well as peasant attitudes to seigniorial authority. Discrepancies in offending behaviour between men and women can be evaluated and compared between two manorial communities. Similarly peasant communities appear to have applied some degree of discretion in their dealing with particular offences, by, for instance, not drawing attention to some of them by raising the hue and cry. These issues allow us important insights into peasant mentalities and attitudes to order, disorder, gender and seigniorial authority.  相似文献   

以徐州市城乡交通网络数据为数据源,利用GIS空间分析技术,选取长度-半径维数、分枝维数、距离可达性、时间可达性和可达性系数5个指标对该区交通网络的空间形态、空间分布、距离关系、时间关系等进行多角度分析。结果表明,徐州市城乡交通网络长度-半径维数呈现明显的空间分异,徐州市区及周边地区交通网络密度最大,其次是东部,西北部县域交通网络密度最小,分枝维数和长度-半径维数的空间分布基本一致。区内各节点的时间和距离可达性均随距离徐州市区的增大而增大,通达性高于全区平均水平的节点有徐州市辖区各节点,接近全区平均水平的节点有邳州市、沛县和睢宁县,而丰县和新沂市的通达性水平则低于全区平均通达性水平。  相似文献   

EXCAVATIONS at Addingham in Wharfedale uncovered part of a cemetery which, on the evidence of radiocarbon analysis, can be dated to the 8th to 10th centuries A.D. At that period Addingham was an estate of the archbishops of York, and it was to here that Archbishop Wulfhere fled in 867 to escape the Danes. A total of 55 graves were investigated, yielding the remains of perhaps 80 individuals. Of these, about 40 wert undisturbed primary interments; the rest had been reburied in whole or part, leaving some graves empty and others containing several individuals. Later features included a ditch and a drying kiln which belonged to a post-Conquest manorial complex. Further details on the layout and components of the settlement have been gleaned from earthwork survey, geophysical prospection and documentary research, as well as from earlier excavations which until now remained unpublished.  相似文献   

工业化时期,英国形成了以大地产为主的土地结构。由于享受城市生活、参与政治、处理地产上日益增多的事务的需要,地主因袭中世纪以来土地管理方面的庄官制度,发展出地产代理制度。一般而论,代理人负责勘查地产,管理地产经济,定期向地主汇报地产事务,参与教区社会活动。地主则选拔代理人选,干预代理人的经营策略,对地产事务发挥间接的影响。代理人、地主相互协调,使工业化时期英国农业经济的运行趋于高效。  相似文献   

Margery Jourdemayne, the ‘witch of Eye next Westminster’, Eleanor, duchess of Gloucester, and three scholars of the ducal household were foremost amongst those accused of treasonable witchcraft in 1441. The paper explores Margery's part in this episode, and then examines her background: her husband William came from a prosperous Middlesex yeoman family living at Acton, and he himself was a manorial official on Westminster Abbey's Ebury (Eye) estate.  相似文献   

Alternative food systems (AFS), which are known for their reduced food supply chain and have positive benefits for health, the environment, and local communities, offer an alternative to the conventional (industrialized) system of quality food. However, several studies question the accessibility to these food systems, especially when food insecurity remains a significant issue for many communities in North America. This article examines the accessibility of AFS among lower-income populations by taking into account the urban context, including the food environment and proximity to production areas. Using the case of a borough of Montreal and the medium-sized city of Victoriaville (Quebec), we carried out a mixed methodology combining mapping and observation of the food environment and semi-structured interviews. We show that the price of AFS (economic dimension of its access) is moderated by factors specific to each territory such as temporality, relationships to food and agriculture, and proximity to producers. The Montreal borough and the medium-sized city also stand out for their way of (re)connecting to agricultural producers. These results could help optimize public policies that focus on access to quality food and thus make AFS more accessible.  相似文献   

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