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Prestige goods, in various combinations and permutations, feature prominently in anthropological and archaeological templates of the emergence of social inequality and early state formation in premodern societies. In Africa, discussion of the contribution of prestige goods to the evolution of cultural behaviours such as class distinction and statehood has been conducted primarily through theoretical lenses that allocate significant weight to the proceeds of external long distance trade. The major outcome is that archaeologists have rarely paused to evaluate not just the definition of prestige goods but also the congruity between global ‘universals’ and African ‘particularities’. Using empirical evidence from the southern African historical and archaeological records, this paper seeks to evaluate the concept of prestige goods and to assess their contribution to the evolution of Iron Age (AD 200–1900) communities of different time periods, from locally centred positions. It reveals that the distribution, use and deposition of exotic imports in southern Africa is not compatible with the pattern suggested by the prestige goods model, and points towards their valuation as embedded within situational contexts of meaning. In fact, hinterland elites controlled neither the source nor the distribution of exotic goods from producer regions, making them a volatile source of power and prestige. While local elites used exotic imports when available, and imposed taxes on their citizens—payable in both local and external goods—land, cattle, religion and individual entrepreneurship were far more predictable and stable sources of prestige, wealth and power. This provides the basis for reassessing the development of complexity in the region and potentially contributes towards global debates on the impact of long-distance trade in the development of complex states.  相似文献   

Recent research on Old World chiefdoms and states has largely retreated from the general comparative explanatory paradigm of the 1970s and has focused instead on more historically oriented analyses of culture-specific developmental trajectories. Both theoretical and empirical work tend to emphasize a heterogeneous, conflict-based model of complex society and political economy. This analytical framework has been quite successful in documenting variation and historically determined patterning in the organization of urbanism, craft production, specialization, and exchange. I present an overview of this research and argue that we now need to reintegrate culturally specific analyses within a modified comparative/generalizing perspective on complexity.  相似文献   

在现代社会的民主法制建设中宪法的制定是核心环节.共和国历史上有过4部宪法,1954年宪法在其中占据着重要地位.它不仅在人民群众参与的深度和广度上以及采纳意见的实际效果上创造了世界制宪史上的壮举,而且在继承和发展<共同纲领>的基础上确立了中国式宪法的基本结构和规范.  相似文献   

魏玛宪法二元制与希特勒的上台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中外学术界对魏玛共和国灭亡与希特勒上台原因的研究中,人们一般都强调魏玛宪法二元制中总统权力的作用。本文认为,希特勒不仅是依靠以总统兴登堡为旗帜的德国保守势力,更是依仗着国会不可动摇的宪政地位上台的。魏玛宪法中国会与总统之间是势均力敌、难分难解的二元关系,正是这种二元制促成了希特勒的上台。  相似文献   

One of my strongest memories of law school remains the first class in “Federal Courts.” The teacher began by asking if anyone could explain the holding in Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins (1938).2 Several students raised their hands, and the answer was soon forthcoming. Federal courts were bound by the decisional rules of the state courts in the states in which theywere located; there is no federal common law. “Very good,” the teacher said. “If you know that, why are you taking this course?”  相似文献   

7月1日,我们将迎来中国共产党成立80周年.80年来,中国共产党肩负人民的希望,带领全国各族人民英勇奋斗,取得了革命、建设和改革的伟大胜利,实现了民族独立,国家富强和人民幸福.  相似文献   

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