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吴欧 《华夏地理》2007,(7):16-16
雄性大熊猫“祥祥”是人类首只被放归野外的圈养大熊猫,六岁时祥祥承载了人类用圈养大熊猫补充野外濒危种群的梦想,被放归在卧龙自然保护区的核心区域。  相似文献   

万伟 《旅游纵览》2010,(2):72-73
<正>黑鹳具有较高的观赏和展览价值,为国家一级重点保护动物,由于近年数量急剧减少,已被《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》列为濒危物种,珍稀程度不亚于大熊猫。  相似文献   

我怎么也想不到,我可以这样近距离无间挡地看着"国宝"熊猫吃早餐! 成都熊猫生态公园在成都市北郊,进入公园,在门口左边小山坡上的那栋建筑,是大熊猫博物馆。大熊猫馆汇集展示了迄今为止人类对大熊猫的认识、考察、研究的成果。这里展示有近300幅珍贵精美的有关大熊猫照片和科学翔实的图表,展示了古今中外有关大熊猫的文献专著,展示了大熊猫从化石到各局部解剖、粪便及主食竹等实物标本,同时营造有远古大熊猫生态环境、大熊猫濒危处境、以及秦岭、凉山、相岭、岷山、邛崃山大熊猫生态环境等多个大型的生态景箱,模拟自然,造型生动。  相似文献   

祥祥死了,放归继续雄性大熊猫"祥祥"是人类首只被放归野外的圈养大熊猫,六岁时祥祥承载了人类用圈养大熊猫补充野外濒危种群的梦想,被放归在卧龙自然保护区的核心区域。然而祥祥在野外生存了近一年之后,不幸身亡。今年1月,研究人员在通过无线电跟踪祥祥时,发现信号消失。2月19日下午,搜寻人员在雪地中发现了祥祥的尸体,它佩戴的无线电颈圈已损坏。  相似文献   

<正>2019年8月,由四川省人民政府新闻办公室指导,四川省地方志工作办公室、四川省林业和草原局联合编著,方志出版社出版的《大熊猫图志》(中英文版)正式面世。该志是全球首部以大熊猫为记述对象的官修图志,旨在以通俗简洁的语言和丰富精美的图片与画作,向社会各界全方位展示大熊猫的起源、生态、研究、保护和文化等内容。《大熊猫图志》分物种、生活、环境、研究、保护、文化6个篇章,近400页,约25万字,收录近500幅珍贵图片,全景展现大熊猫由濒危到"易危",与人类渐行渐近、日益亲密的历程。  相似文献   

<正>在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区的原始森林里,生活一群群长着"朝天鼻子"、身披金色皮毛的野生动物——川金丝猴。它是中国特有的、与"国宝"大熊猫同属国家级Ⅰ重点保护动物的濒危野生动物,也是卧龙原始森林动物  相似文献   

谢海云  李虎 《丝绸之路》2003,(10):10-13
普氏原羚大多栖息在半荒漠的草原地带.因奔跑速度极快,被誉为“高原舞”。过去曾频频出现在我国西北地区的新疆、青海和内蒙等地。可近年来由于人类的捕杀、狼群的攻击及围栏的阻截等,失去家园的普氏原羚已面临生存绝迹,成了比大熊猫更加濒危的物种。  相似文献   

莽山烙铁头蛇,全世界仅有不足五百条,是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,和大熊猫同属“国家特危一级”珍稀保护动物。1998年,该蛇被国际保护组织列入IUCN (世界自然保护联盟)红色名录后,黑市价格曾一度飙升到每条100多万元。这种蛇的发现和人工繁殖与一位莽山中的“蛇博士”有关。  相似文献   

耿栋 《旅游》2012,(3):64-69
在美丽的青海湖畔,生活着一种中国特有羚羊——普氏原羚。它们比"雪域精灵"藏羚羊更稀少,比"东方宝石"朱鹮更濒危,比国宝大熊猫更珍贵,然而世人却对它知之甚少。吕植教授对自己头一次看见普氏原羚的情景一直记忆犹新:"我记得特别清楚,凌晨的时候趴在沙丘后面等着羚羊,一缕清晨的阳光照在沙丘  相似文献   

提到大熊猫,在中国可谓家喻户晓、妇孺皆知。大熊猫,亦称“熊猫”、“猫熊”,为我国乃至世界各国人民所钟爱的的一种以食竹为主的食肉兽,其性情温和,憨态可掬。现今只分布在我国的四川西部和北部、甘肃南部、西藏东部及陕西西南部海拔2000——4000米的高山竹林中,是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,被列为国家一类保护动物,素有“国宝”之类称。由于它的古老、独特、珍贵、稀有,世界自然基金会(WWF)不仅以其作为会徽、会旗,还将它作为保护一切野生动物的象征。我国政府多次将其作为“和平使者”赠与一些友好国家,所到之处,无不轰动…  相似文献   

Panda politics     
This article argues that China's agreement in 2012 to loan Canada two panda bears is emblematic of animals’ simultaneous material‐symbolic inclusion and exclusion in contemporary politics. Employing a material focus, this article draws a connection between the panda gift and the promise to which it is attached: a promise of material flows; of Chinese access to Canadian resources, especially; and controversially, tar sands oil. Common to geographical flows of both pandas and oil is a devaluation of nonhuman life. In one flow, two pandas cross the Pacific for a decade of captivity at the Toronto and Calgary Zoos, where visitors will pay to view the permanently visible pandas. In the other instance, oil will be shipped across the same ocean, oil whose production comes at great cost to wildlife, including caribou, birds, and fish, and whose spill at any point along its journey to China would devastate marine and terrestrial wildlife populations. Stark power imbalances between species are at the heart of both of these flows and their material consequences. This article argues that, in emphasizing what the pandas symbolize, the extent to which their own and others’ lives are materially affected is elided.  相似文献   

本文以震后赴川入境旅游者为研究对象,采用因子重要性排序、配对样本t检验及重要性-绩效感知模型揭示了震后赴川入境旅游者的真实满意度感知。研究显示,入境游客对四川旅游经历的整体满意度较高;地震遗迹、大熊猫诸因子期望值与满意度之间的距离存在较大的差距,在排除前期望值过高的干扰后,得出大熊猫因子最终满意度较高的结论;民俗文化、历史文化、自然景观、当地人友善度为主要吸引要素;多数因子的重要性及满意度均较高,仅有城市基础设施一项因子重要性低而评价高,没有因子的重要性高而评价低。  相似文献   

During the Middle Ages and the early modern period the cultivation of the chestnut tree became dominant in various mountain regions in Western Europe. Large numbers of giant chestnut trees have been reported throughout the continent that may be considered the living heritage of this period. In this paper we used a systematic inventory of giant chestnut trees in southern Switzerland for reconstructing the eco-cultural niche related to the long-term cultivation and conservation of such remarkable trees. To this purpose we implemented a retrospective logistic modelling approach with the presence of giant chestnuts as response variable compared with 65 environmental and cultural predictors. We performed different logistic regression analyses using untransformed and transformed variables. Out of the 42 models produced, we finally selected two models, on the basis of their parsimony and accuracy. Many of the selected predictors, such as distance from the lake, abundance of small livestock or number of secondary settlements, reveal that former local and regional socio-economic conditions and environmental constraints have considerable explanatory power. The approach allows us to detect several aspects of the targeted eco-cultural niche that may have acted in the distant past to support the development of the traditional fruit chestnut culture, as well as more recently, to preserve the giant chestnut tree population during the disruption phase of this culture. Most results are in line with the historical documentation, while others go beyond the dictates of written history and reveal interesting traits of the past economic and cultural systems.  相似文献   

From 1865 to about 1910 studies of the chemistry of the brain were afflicted by the hypothesis that cerebral lipid matter consisted of a giant molecule from which all the simpler lipids were derived as breakdown products. In successive periods the main proponents of this 'protagon' theory were Oscar Liebreich, Arthur Gamgee and William Cramer. The theory was disproved by the careful and detailed studies of JLW Thudichum whose work on the brain was described in many papers, government reports, and two outstanding monographs. The controversy involved rough moments, generated by both sides, but by 1910, a few years after his death, Thudichum was fully vindicated in his opposition to the protagon concept and his classification of brain lipids became the accepted standard for biochemistry as a whole.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on a paradigmatic moment in neurobiological studies of invertebrates: the research on the nervous system of cephalopods carried out by Enrico Sereni at the Naples Zoological Station between 1925 and 1931. Although he remained unknown on the historiographic scenario, probably due to his early death, he contributed to Italian science of the first half of the twentieth century. In my paper particular attention will be given to Sereni's study on the pigmentary-effector, neurohumoral, and peripheral nervous systems, since they also accounted for the historical foundation of the experimental vein that, through the years, would lead John Zachary Young, Sereni's follower, to the most well-known discovery of the giant nerve fibers.  相似文献   


From 1865 to about 1910 studies of the chemistry of the brain were afflicted by the hypothesis that cerebral lipid matter consisted of a giant molecule from which all the simpler lipids were derived as breakdown products. In successive periods the main proponents of this ‘protagon’ theory were Oscar Liebreich, Arthur Gamgee and William Cramer. The theory was disproved by the careful and detailed studies of JLW Thudichum whose work on the brain was described in many papers, government reports, and two outstanding monographs. The controversy involved rough moments, generated by both sides, but by 1910, a few years after his death, Thudichum was fully vindicated in his opposition to the protagon concept and his classification of brain lipids became the accepted standard for biochemistry as a whole.  相似文献   

哈大巨型城市带要素集聚分异与空间极化格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在界定空间极化概念的基础上,应用均匀度指数、基尼系数、崔王指数分析城市带内部要素集聚程度分异及空间极化格局,结论如下:①1990-2014 年哈大巨型城市带要素集聚程度时空分异明显,"核心-边缘"结构逐步显现,城市带内部基于要素集聚程度的哈长与辽中南次区域逐渐发育;②城市带内部要素集聚存在显著的空间极化,空间极化的"四城市"格局已经形成;③城市发展内源力是哈大巨型城市带整体空间极化的主要影响因素,城市投资强度和经济发展水平对城市带空间极化格局演变的影响也较显著。城市投资强度与吸引力差异是哈长次区域空间极化分异的重要影响因素,而城市发展内源力是影响辽中南次区域空间极化的主要因素。  相似文献   


The celestial universe and the mode of action of YHWH are sometimes depicted by metallurgy. This figuration is generally understood as a picturesque representation devoid of theological significance, introduced only for describing the infinite powers of the god of Israel using the extreme physical conditions characterizing metallurgy. This explanation is however contested by: (i) the many allusions to metallurgy encountered in Biblical theology, (ii) the detailed mention, in the divine context, of all the stages of metal production: mining, ore roasting, smelting, metal purification and even of furnace re-melting, (iii) the representation of the firmament and the earth as two giant pieces of metal, (iv) the vision of the holy domain of YHWH as a giant celestial furnace. These features attest the existence of a substantial metallurgical component in Biblical theology. Furthermore, the strong bias towards copper metallurgy suggests that these representations were anchored in Bronze Age metallurgical traditions. It is concluded that Israelite theology encompasses an important metallurgical component inherited from the pre-Israelite cult of YHWH.  相似文献   

Employing and extending Hans-Jörg Rheinberger's analytical concept of epistemic things, this essay proposes one reason why squid giant axons, unusually large invertebrate nerve fibers, had such great impacts on twentieth-century neurobiology. The 1930s characterizations of these axons by John Zachary Young reshaped prevailing assumptions about nerve cells as epistemic things, I argue. Specifically, Young's preparations of these axons, which consisted of fibers attached to laboratory technologies, highlighted similarities between giant axons and more familiar ones via lines of comparative study common to aquatic biology. Young's work convinced other biologists that the squid giant fibers were, in fact, axons, despite their unusual fused (syncytial) structures, thereby promoting further studies, such as intracellular measurements, made possible by the fiber's size. Tracing direct relations between preparations of squid axons and broader interpretations of neurons as epistemic things, this paper renders an actors’ category, “preparations,” into an analytical one. In turn, it offers glimpses into how aquatic organisms shaped twentieth-century neurobiology and how local experiments can drive broader, disciplinary changes.  相似文献   

New bird fossils from the Santa Cruz Formation (lower–middle Miocene), Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina, are described. They represent an indeterminate species of the extinct anhingid Macranhinga and a new genus and species of basal Anatidae Ankonetta larriestrai. The record of the giant darter Macranhinga constitutes the southernmost record for the family, and expands the known stratigraphic range of the genus, previously restricted to the upper Miocene. Based on an analysis of the fossil anhingid record from South America, we hypothesize that giant darters disappeared from South America in the early Pliocene due to climatic deterioration, regression of marine and freshwater environments, the arrival of placental carnivorous mammals, and also probably by competition with phalacrocoracid cormorants. The new anatid Ankonetta is based on an incomplete but informative tarsometatarsus, with superficial similarities to extant Dendrocygna. A brief overview of several fossil ducks from the Patagonian Cenozoic concludes that most pre-Pliocene examples belong to non-anatine taxa, indicating that plesiomorphic ducks were the dominant anseriforms in those times, a pattern also evident on other continents.  相似文献   

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