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An analysis of the structure of archaeological textiles can give an insight into different traditions, geographic origins or technologies associated with the textile production. An important parameter in this context is the level and direction of yarn twist. In this paper a new quantitative method of yarn twist measurement is described. Using image analysis techniques a measure of the mean twist level and the variation in twist can be determined. The technique is applied to a selection of woven woollen textiles from the first-century Roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England.  相似文献   

In 2008 a fragment of a time‐reckoning device was found at Vindolanda. This fragment has been interpreted as part of an anaphoric water clock. There are important differences between this fragment and other objects thought to come from anaphoric water clocks. This article seeks to reinterpret the fragment in terms of a broader array of Roman time‐reckoning tools than anaphoric water clocks and also in terms of the archaeological context of Vindolanda in which the fragment was found. The emphasis on cultural context in interpreting this fragment reveals much about the temporal consciousness of its possible users and maker.  相似文献   

Wool fibre measurements defining fleece type are described from local cloth remains excavated at Vindolanda, a roman fort at Chesterholm, south of Hadrian's Wall. Most of the fleeces were of the primitive types known as hairy medium and generalized medium, the latter being the fine wool of antiquity.  相似文献   

Previous studies of colourless Romano‐British vessel glasses have suggested that, regardless of vessel type, they show considerable compositional homogeneity. Intriguing differences in variability (as opposed to mean composition) have, however, also emerged. This paper reports on a compositional study of 243 vessels, that is larger and more carefully controlled than in previous studies of this kind. Unexpected compositional differences have been found both between and within the four vessel types studied. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of different models that have been proposed for glass‐making and glass‐working in the Roman world.  相似文献   

James Talbot 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):101-109
In 1957, gravel-digging exposed a previously unknown Roman fort and during the following five years this was destroyed. Observation during soil stripping, together with some manual excavation, recovered most of the plan and history which may be summarized as follows:

(a) Slight remains of occupation earlier than the first Roman fort; these were not fully worked out, and are not necessarily all of one period.

(b) A Roman auxiliary fort, founded c. A.D. 80 and destroyed after less than twenty years occupation. Most of the fort buildings were deliberately burnt, apparently after evacuation; it seems a little more likely that this was the work of the Romans themselves rather than of the natives, but there is no definite evidence.

(c) After an interval probably of a few years a ditch was dug along the line of the via principalis, as if intended for a fort of reduced area, as at Castell Collen or Tomen-y-Mur; this was unfinished, and after remaining open for a short time seems to have been deliberately refilled.

(d) A fortlet was built over the north quarter of the auxiliary fort. The meagre evidence available for dating would be consistent with a short occupation in the early or middle 2nd century.

(e) Finally, after a considerable interval, an irregular oval was enclosed by a light palisade. Full details of this occupation were not recovered. It seems to have begun about the end of the Roman period and may have continued into the 5 th century.  相似文献   

The influence of the ancient Greek world on Hannah Arendt’s thought is well documented, yet her interest in the politics of the Roman Republic is often considered less central to her work. This paper explores Arendt’s analysis of both these political worlds, with a particular emphasis on what this comparison can tells us about her understanding of the role of violence in politics. Arendt has generally been understood to structurally exclude violence from the political, in part due to the claims she makes in her later essay ‘On Violence.’ Yet in her portrayal of Roman politics, and her preference for this political system above the Greeks’ (in certain respects), a genuinely political engagement with violence can be discerned. The paper claims that this particular case study indicates the framework of the vita activa, set out by Arendt in The Human Condition, should be reinterpreted, particularly insofar as ‘fabrication’ or ‘work’ here appears as something that is legitimately part of the political, and incorporates within it some forms of violence. The claims that violence is structurally anti-political, this paper concludes, are temporally specific to a twentieth-century context, rather than constituting a foundational ‘rule’ of political practice for Arendt.  相似文献   

Summary More than 250 Roman coin types bear ships as their principal motif. These depictions cannot be assumed to be literal copies of Roman vessels. Their consistency and accuracy within each type and period must be tested to validate their use as historical documents. This having been done, a comparatively detailed picture of the form and development of Roman ships can be constructed from numismatic evidence. The closely datable nature of the evidence allows a more accurate assessment of the evolution of Roman vessels than is possible using any other data, and suggests that significant alterations need to be made to the accepted chronology of changes in Roman craft. Such alterations also have consequences for our understanding of the changing role of the Roman navy.  相似文献   

A category of small vessels fashioned in samian ware has conventionally been interpreted as representing inkwells. This identification seems valid given their typological characteristics. The type is fairly rare in Roman Britain, as in other western provinces. Nonetheless, it is well known through illustration and is sufficiently frequent to be familiar to those who study the period. Given the likely close form-function relationship of this type, its distribution is assessed in this paper as an archaeological index of the locations of writing and recording in Britannia using ink. Indeed, study of samian inkwells offers a seemingly reliable indicator of such activity. This prospect is almost unique given the rarity of other types of direct and indirect evidence for writing in ink from Roman Britain.

Analysis shows, for the first time, that there is a clear pattern to the occurrence of samian inkwells. Most examples come from sites associated with the Roman military, with a sizeable proportion also recorded from major civil centres; elsewhere they are particularly infrequent. Examination of the spatial occurrence of these finds from within sites reveals a notable pattern. Many come from contexts at or close-by to locations where writing in ink might be expected. This is testimony to the rich potential of the archaeological record of this era to inform upon cultural practices.  相似文献   

This article considers the incorporation of part of Britain into the Roman empire in the context of globalization theory and world-systems history. Emphasis is placed on the local effects of the expansion of global systems and their impact on the social practices of eating and drinking at a range of settlements in the southeast of Britain in the Iron Age to Roman transition, c. 50 BC–AD 200. Through the analysis of consumption practices via quantitative pottery assemblage data, it is argued that globalization offers a more sophisticated framework to describe change than current archaeological approaches to Romanization and identity. The results show that while much of the populace was subject to a progressively homogenizing supply of food-related pottery vessels, the use of such technologies was negotiated within social practices drawing on the integration of both local and global cultural elements. Such findings highlight the potential of critical applications of globalization theory to conceptualize economic, social, and cultural changes in Roman provincial societies.  相似文献   

Recent analysis of a large faunal assemblage from a Roman roadside settlement at Ware, Hertfordshire has indicated potentially strong links between the nature of animal exploitation on site and its location on Ermine Street. Animal husbandry was focused on the production of cattle and sheep, both of which had experienced stock ‘improvement’ by the late Roman period. Relatively high proportions of horse, and the presence of young horses, suggest the importance of this animal and the potential for its local breeding; the site could have acted as a station for changing or selling horses. The presence of marine fish and black rat also indicate clear links to the wider trade network. This was not an isolated settlement, outside the sphere of Roman influence, as rural Roman sites are often considered to be, but well‐connected to wider economic networks. This paper places these new results in context, by providing a review of faunal assemblages from Roman roadside settlements across Britain. The review indicates that most of the characteristics of animal exploitation at Ware are shared with other roadside settlement sites, though interesting differences also emerge.  相似文献   

Changes in the material culture of the late Roman army in Britain mean that it is often difficult to identify archaeologically. Some of these changes have in the past been taken as symptoms of decline, without attempt at further explanation. This paper aims to explore these changes and their deeper significance, within a theoretical framework which stresses the importance of the use of material culture in the expression of identities. Building from a detailed case study of fourth century occupation at Caerleon, it will be suggested that categorising material as ‘civilian’ or ‘military’ obscures complex patterns of both uniformity and variation between different kinds of site. These have implications not only for our understanding of the army in fourth and fifth century Britain, but also for society in general at this time, as it is within this wider context that the army should be seen.  相似文献   

The Roman sites of the Cheshire Plain have, with the exception of Middlewich, received little excavation in recent years. Indeed there has been no previous excavation at Northwich. Despite a very large degree of disturbance and other archaeological difficulties, the excavations established the existence of a two-phase auxiliary fort of Flavian origin on the site. After abandonment in the mid-2nd century, part of the area examined was occupied by furnaces associated with probable metal working. Rescue work during redevelopment also led to the discovery of a pottery kiln with stamped mortaria of the potter concerned, and an iron helmet from the military period. The coarse pottery and samian are also of particular interest. The former included several groups of fairly localized material from the Cheshire Plain an area from which comparatively little stratified coarse-ware has been published; the latter includes a group forming, it is suggested, the repertoire of a South Gaulish potter or workshop of the Domitianic—Trajanic period.  相似文献   

The lifecycle of a Nabataean and Roman community shrine at Humayma, Jordan reflects the evolving values of the town's inhabitants from the first to the third century CE. This paper reviews the evidence for the shrine's appearance and significance over this period, as well as the nature of the cult practised there. Beginning its existence as a Nabataean shrine, whose design incorporated the rising sun and the town's primary peak, the building was damaged when the Romans converted Nabataea into Provincia Arabia. The Roman garrison initially dismantled the shrine to build their fort, but a few decades later the shrine was restored with a centrally placed Nabataean betyl and legionary altar symbolising harmony between the garrison and the town. The garrison's god, Jupiter‐Ammon‐Serapis, and possibly Isis, were now worshipped alongside the town's Nabataean deity. This shrine stressing military‐civilian harmony was later deliberately damaged, most likely during Zenobia's revolt.  相似文献   

The presence of the osseous remains of at least four mules in a garbage dump at the Roman fort of Biriciana near the town of Weißenburg, Upper Bavaria, dating to c. 160 AD, raised the question as to whether mule breeding was already performed to the north of the Alps during the Middle Roman Empire, or whether these animals still had to be imported from the Mediterranean. Serial analyses of the dental enamel and dentine of a lower fourth premolar and the surrounding alveolar bone of a mandible of a mule in terms of stable strontium isotopic ratios of the apatite, and stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the structural carbonate, were carried out to test whether this individual moved long distances during its lifetime. Since isotopic ratios obtained by serial analysis can be correlated with consecutive ontogenetic stages, it can be assumed that this particular individual experienced significant changes in terms of diet and environmental parameters after its eighth year of life. These changes included a period of residence in a region of high altitude, most likely the Alps considering the location of the Roman fort where the mule was found. The isotopic data obtained do not contradict the assumption that this animal was bred and raised in northern Italy, to frequent later in its adult life the Alps and finally perish at Biriciana/Weißenburg. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper reviews late Roman 'nail-cleaner strap-ends', a group of objects first discussed by Hawkes and Dunning (1961 ). The precise function of these objects is unclear as their shape suggests use as toilet instruments but the split socket suggests that they were part of belt-fittings. We suggest a detailed typology and discuss the dating evidence and the spatial distribution of the type. Regardless of their precise function, it is argued in this paper that nail-cleaner strap-ends of this type are unique to late Roman Britain and thus represent a distinct regional type. The use of nail-cleaner strap-ends can be viewed in the context of gender associations, military status and religious beliefs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological tool of statistical correction to assess the capacities of different Roman amphorae, whereby ceramic values are transformed into amounts of transported product. Based on scaled drawings of 1281 Roman amphorae, individual vessels’ capacities have been calculated by applying a CAD software to the inner profiles. Each vessel has been classified according to amphora types and the mean for each type has been calculated to produce a coefficient called Average Capacity (AC). The estimated capacities are highly reliable and show narrow confidence intervals. Therefore, they can be applied immediately as a correction factor in studies of quantification of amphorae aimed at characterizing trading dynamics. As such, we expect that future statistical studies of amphorae will include this statistical coefficient to produce more precise and reliable analysis of assemblages and, consequently, more accurate research on the Roman economy.  相似文献   

A previously outlined paradigm for laying out Roman camps was used to fit particular auxiliary units to certain small camps. A spreadsheet for estimating the numbers of cavalry and infantry within camps is described and illustrated by reference to the putative camps of a two-legion army group, a one-legion group and two subdivisions of a legionary army group. The same paradigm with different constants applied to forts and legionary fortresses with, on average, the intervallum 1/16th of the sq. root of the area it enclosed in the fort and 1/32nd in the fortress. In the forts of both auxiliary units and legionary vexillations, each notional cohort (480 infantry or 240 cavalry) was almost certainly intended to have eight actus quadrati (a.q.) within the intervallum. This allowed the forts later to contain larger auxiliary units. Dividing a fort's acreage by 3.25 indicates the number of notional cohorts for which it was probably first made. The vexillation fort at Longthorpe was probably intended for half a legion and the reduced fort built for two auxiliary units. In legionary fortresses each notional cohort had 12 a.q. The paradigm applied to the Heidenheim fort suggested that an ala milliaria comprised 24 turmae of 42 men. The fortress at York was probably first built as a legionary fort.  相似文献   

Medieval Pottery     
J. I. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):62-64
Excavation of an area of over 750 sq. m during 1992–94 and 1999 revealed a multi-period prehistoric site preserved beneath the Roman fort. Flints attested mesolithic activity. In the early Neolithic a segmented ditch may represent part of a causewayed enclosure. By c. 3000 cal. B.C. this had been superseded (in this area) by pits and shelters associated with flint-knapping. Finds, but not structures, attest a bronze-age presence. Within the period 390–170 cal. B.C. a roundhouse with cultivation plot, part of an unenclosed settlement, occupied the area. This had been burnt and was rich in carbonised plant remains which provided information about the arable economy and spatial variations in the use of the roundhouse interior. In the later Iron Age the area was reclaimed by cultivation associated with an unlocated settlement. The nature of the occupation on the eve of the Roman period is not known.  相似文献   

In order to investigate how the population diversity at major Romano-British urban centres compared to small towns and military outposts, we conducted multi-isotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium) analyses of bones (42 individuals) and teeth (26 individuals) of human skeletons from Cataractonium/Roman Catterick in North Yorkshire (U.K.). The results suggest a markedly less diverse population at Catterick than at the larger towns. Significant differences are observed between burials from the town and fort area and the suburb of Bainesse to the south, and it is suggested that these reflect a shift to more localised recruitment for the Roman army in the Late Roman period. Isotope data for the ‘Bainesse Eunuch’, an unusual 4th century burial that has been interpreted as the remains of a ‘transvestite’ priest of Cybele, are not ultimately conclusive but consistent with origins in Southern Britain or areas with a similar climate abroad.  相似文献   


Historic and place-name evidence suggests that a Roman road ran along the south-west flank of the Pennines from North Staffordshire to the Tame valley on the Lancashire–Yorkshire border. Place-names also suggest a series of camps or fort sites along the route. The hypothesis is supported by the context of a find of a coin of Augustus and by the probable remains of a camp rampart on Werneth Low at the entrance to Longdendale. It is proposed that the road was constructed for the pacification of Brigantia and afterwards was of little importance other than as a boundary which gave rise to the ‘lyme’ place-name elements found along the south-west Pennine edge.  相似文献   

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