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<正>A 8.1-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal on Apr.25 in 2015.The quake also strongly affected parts of Tibet.The township of Dram in Nyalam county of Shigatse is one of the most devastated areas.Given the local complexity of geological structure and the harm of aftershocks,after the earthquake,the government of Tibet Autonomous Region decided that the reconstruction of the township was based on transferring all the masses in Dram and relocating them in Samdrutse district  相似文献   


This article looks at the influence and reaction of Scottish local authorities in the implementation of the NHS (Scotland) Act, 1947. It examines the implementation of the Act through local authorities and the problems encountered in co-ordinating the NHS. Furthermore, it considers the problems encountered through the lack of clear dividing lines of responsibility between the three administrative areas of the NHS. It proposes that local authorities were seen as service providers within the NHS and were unable to assert any influence over the implementation of the NHS, apart from within their own health service sphere. The implementation of the Scottish NHS Act was full of inconsistencies and problems and was not as smooth as many historians would argue. The impact on patient care was the provision of an uneven service throughout Scotland.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):51-65

The critically important role of groups associated with the infant World Council of Churches in the process of introducing ‘human rights’ into the post-World War II international order, and then helping to define them in the Universal Declaration (1948), has been forgotten. It was asserted in those years that (at any rate Christian) faith is properly concerned with the inter-dependence of healthy religion and religiously neutral human-rights institutions. The principle was advanced, not only by Christians, that this conviction could be held in good conscience by any of the world-faiths. To open educational windows would increase knowledge of the beliefs of ‘the other’, and foster both self-criticism and mutual respect. This vision has been only very partially realised. Now, many difficult public issues spring from claims made by religious traditions, and many religious groups have rejected ‘universal’ human rights as a threat. This paper argues that the mutuality of religious faith and human rights needs to be re-enterprised urgently—and not only by elites—for the health of both and for the sake of containing violence. This is not a responsibility to which political authority—however religiously neutral—can or should remain indifferent.  相似文献   

Atthetimewhenthe500,000PeopleofQamdowerecelebratingthe5Othanniversaryoftheliberationoftheirarea,thebookQaIndoofnbet'Histo-ryTraditionandModemizationcameoffthepresses.WthLiGuanRwen,YangSongandGelegaschiefeditors,thebookisChina'sfirstacadendcworkexplainingthehistoryandstatusquooftheregioninasystematicway.Thebookcontainstheresultsofresearchintothetr8ditionalcultUreandmod-ernizationintheTibetan-inhabitedareasofChina,aprojectconductedundertheleadershipofGeleg.AdozenpeoplefromBeijing,Chengdu…  相似文献   

IinterviewedLobsangGyaincain,MayorofLhasa,inMay.Ifoundheisdevotedtohiswork,kindtohispeopleandbusiness-minded.KAMBAMANFROMQAMDO.LobsangGyaincainwasborninthefallof1957inZayaCounty,Qamdo.Hisparentswerehereditaryserfs.Motherwasforcedtodofarmworkafewdaysafterhisbirth.Shediedasaresultsoon.Fatherworkedhardertosupporthisfivesons.SuchhardtimelasteduntiltheDemocraticReformin1959.In1971,LobsangGyaincaingraduatedfromtheprimaryschool.HetookpartintheentranceexaminationheldbytheTibetInstitutef…  相似文献   

This essay considers the concept of "prophets of renewal" introduced by James Scott in The Art of Not Being Governed:An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia (2009),as seen in the context of the 1795-97 Miao revolt along China's Hunan-Guizhou border.The appearance ofa "Miao King" and four "Wu kings" centering anti-Qing resistance in an intractable highland-utilizing native legends,spirit possession,investment of officials,and multi-ethnic recruitment-suggests a case of"Zomia" (the vast Southeast Asian Massif) prophets in action,as Scott himself suggests.Closer examination,however,reveals a more complex and uncertain picture,characterized by division between rival lords and an overall dearth of institutional,ideological,or cosmological elaboration,all further obscured by a paucity of historical sources.The Miao kings might be seen as prophets of renewal in a general sense,but the fit is inexact.There is still value,however,in considering Scott's model in the study of this event.It enables a sharper conceptualization of the agency of the Miao people,while offering a case for comparison with analogous instances of religiously-based native resistance on other Qing frontiers.  相似文献   

颜鉴之 《文献》2005,(1):270-272
中华书局标点本《续资治通鉴长编》(以下简称《长编》)卷十六,开宝八年(975)九月有这样一条材料: 丁酉,以相州录事参军河南钱文敏为右赞善大夫、权知泸州.先是,藩镇多以笔牍私取官库钱,韩重赟领昭德时,颇仍旧弊,文敏不与.重赟怒,召文敏廷责之,文敏词不屈.重赟既死,上始闻其事,嘉文敏有守,故擢用焉,……①  相似文献   

在首届新方志和续修方志中,有许多设了群众团体志(编、篇),还有的将党派群团或党政群团写在一起,称党派群团志(编、篇)或党政群团志(编、篇)。少数则设社会团体志(编、篇),或合设党派社团志(编、篇)。究竟应叫“群团”,还是称作“社团”呢?对此,我们首先要弄清群团和社团的概念。  相似文献   

中日两国文化源远流长,在文化融合交汇的过程中,产生许多同形词.在这些同形词中必然存在异义词.本文所讨论的"绿"字,在中日两国语言中同时存在,其基本义相近,引申又有所不同.本文将从"绿"的基本义和引申义的解释和分析出发,试比较"绿"在现代中日两国语言中异同.  相似文献   

"丘"非"乡"而为"里"辨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴海燕 《史学月刊》2003,(6):123-124
~~ 名称 ?笔者认为 ,此处“丘亭”与“乡亭”的说法有类似之处。“乡亭”之名屡见于《汉书》 ,“乡”为地方行政组织的名称 ,则“丘亭”之“丘”是不是也可以作同类解释 ?故顾炎武《日知录》在此条下云 :“又必有人民 ,如今之镇集。”即顾氏以“镇集”释“丘”。再以息夫躬的情况而言 ,他为食邑千户之宜陵侯 ,虽被哀帝遣就国 ,怎能住到一个“空亭”、“野亭”之中 ?因此此“丘亭”之“丘”应为当时一级地方行政组织之名称。另外 ,还有一条史料也可以为此提供佐证 ,《史记·高祖本纪》云 :“汉王……引水灌废丘 ,废丘降 ,章邯自杀。更名…  相似文献   

吕小满 《民俗研究》2007,(1):145-163
上个世纪40年代,闻一多先生《说鱼》1一文在考释"鱼"字的隐义时附带谈及"鹭",将鱼、鹭两者释为男女关系的两方,这应该是"鹭"与其他象征之错综复杂关系的一个方面.本文认为"鹭"的杂多象征关系中还有一个被以往学者已注意到但尚未展开的方面,即鹭与舞、鹭与鼓的关系.  相似文献   

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