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耿栋 《旅游》2012,(4):76-81
开车行驶在也许是百年前外国探险家进入青藏高原走过的路,眼前的一切并没有让我感到惊叹不已。一百多年来,青藏高原已经发生了巨大的变化,野牦牛、野驴和羚羊踏出来的道路已经变成了宽敞的公路或者砂石路,抑或是窄小的摩托车道,沿着这样的路我们可以深入到更深更远的无人区,那里曾经是生活在青藏高原的精灵们的家园。  相似文献   

篮子俊和陈思予是两个年岁相仿的年轻人,一年前的秋天他们驾驶着房车从北京出发,开启了漫游全国的模式。一年后的秋天,他们行至西藏。一年来的房车之旅,让他们的生活和工作空间浓缩到了5平方米之间。当一个个地理坐标变成了星星,闪烁在每一段他们曾驻足的地点,当每日的餐食随地域而丰富多变,他们终于达成了当初的愿望:跟着自己的心前行,不判断是否远大,只判断是否温暖。  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which the languages of space and time condense and how the values of spatiotemporal fluidity and fixity are gendered. It considers several narratives from South Pentecost, Vanuatu, stories of primordial beings and of more proximate ancestors which alike stress women's association with flight and flood. Such narratives are situated in the context of labour migration in colonial history and more recent patterns of migration to towns. Here too, the movement of men and women is differentially constructed. These processes are considered in the context of recent feminist theories of the relation of spatiality and temporality, in modernity and ‘postmodernity’.  相似文献   

Robert E. Thibault 《对极》2007,39(5):874-895
Abstract: The tensions between capitalism and community have created a situation where, from the depths of multinational corporate headquarters to the diverse urban streets of America, the latter is now being co‐opted by the former. Couple this with the current neoliberal order being imposed on the world by multilateral institutions, high‐ranking government officials, and the corporate elite, and you have an economic imperial agenda being carried out in all corners of the globe. In this article, I take a dialectical and investigative approach in critiquing the neoliberal ideology that dictates how the work of community development corporations is funded and controlled. Much of today's reality within community development consists of an environment where funding restrictions undermine community power, community development trumps community organizing, professionalization creates a disconnect between community development staff and community members, and competition for funding forces organizations to spend more time on funders' needs than the needs of the communities they serve. J P Morgan Chase is profiled to illustrate how economic neoliberal globalization and so‐called community capitalism shape the modern community development movement. I conclude with an analysis of how empowerment, organizational democracy, and collective ownership have the potential to open up spaces of hope for urban communities in the United States who have been forced to live under the hegemony of economic neoliberal globalization.  相似文献   

The concept of indigeneity is founded on an historical relation: my people were here before yours and are therefore legitimate occupiers of this land. This aspect of indigeneity, and its concomitant claim to justice, is most clearly articulated in the indigenous politics of postcolonial nations and the rhetoric of indigenous leaders. The discourses of politicians who invoke five centuries of oppression are frequently heard and easily accessible but much less so are the views of indigenous people far from the arena of metropolitan politics. In its focus on European colonisation and conquest the standard understanding of indigeneity necessarily invokes Western concepts of identity and being focused primarily on descent and a particular relationship to history, that of being a conquered people. This paper looks at how the people of one Aymara‐speaking hamlet understand their history and their place in it. It explores the profound differences in historical consciousness to that of “mainstream” indigeneity and raises questions about how people relate to their past; the importance of the Conquest to indigenous people; and, consequently, the consequences a differently rooted identity may have for the contemporary politics of indigeneity.  相似文献   


With international arrivals surpassing 1.5 billion for the first time in 2019 the long-term evolution of tourism demonstrates prolific path dependence with a decade of growth since the global financial crisis. This latest period of unfettered international tourism development has come to an abrupt end as the impact of COVID-19 has brought the sector to a near standstill. As the world grapples with the realities of the global pandemic there is an opportunity to rethink exactly what tourism will look like for the decades ahead. Key concepts in evolutionary economic geography, especially path dependence/creation and institutional inertia/innovation, show variations in pathways for travel and tourism in a COVID-19 world. A path that leads to transformation in tourism can be realized if sufficient institutional innovation occurs on both the demand and supply side of tourism that can foster the emergence of new paths. COVID-19 presents a once in a generation opportunity where the institutional pump is primed for transformation. Whether that leads to a radical transformation of the tourism sector remains to be seen, but the imprint it will leave on both the demand and supply of tourism will have long-term, incremental impacts for years to come and ultimately move us closer towards the transformation of tourism.  相似文献   

邵双平 《风景名胜》2010,(12):12-12
人生有时需要换一个眼光,看风景也是。 我相信时间也是一种风景,我们每一个人都身处其中,不知道面对即将流逝的2010年,你有什么感受,有什么话要说?作为一本风景旅游杂志,当我们在回望中梳理这一年的时候.发现风景除了作为风景本身的存在之外,还有那么多更丰富的意味。  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1991,35(4):322-323

Book reviewed in this article:
Bernard Williams, Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy  相似文献   

One of the significant developments in the interdisciplinary field of judgment and decision making is the classification of environments as a function of (a) their capacity to enable people to learn from experience (kind environments vs. wicked environments) and (b) the consequences of having failed to understand and adapt to them (exacting environments vs. lenient environments). Based on the premise that ‘environment’ is a key geographical concept, I explore the usefulness of appropriating these classifications in geography and argue that they can stimulate normative work on the possible contours of a better world as well as illuminate in novel ways long‐standing geographical concerns with the problematic of fairness.  相似文献   

The child's world has been left out of archaeological research. The subject's main contribution is in the field of social history. Special attention is given to cultural transference. A definition of the child's world together with methodological, historical, and ethno‐cultural aspects is presented. A review is given of Scandinavian research history on the subject. Classification and problems in distinguishing children in the material record are discussed. Archaeology's main obstacle is in its restricted knowledge of the ancient adult world. The study of human osteological material and tests on lithic material is looked upon as promising.  相似文献   

人有偏爱。比如坐公交车,我偏爱坐八十三路、四十三路。西宁诸多公交线中,这是两条近两年新辟的线路,上线的全是新款城运客车,人性化设计:车体宽敞、坐椅舒适、车窗宽大。运营初始就有了自己的特色,有这感触的,非我一人。我是退休赋闲人,坐公交车十有八九为了消闲。居家附近有这两路车的站点,上车无论早晚大多有座位。我对这两路公交车的偏爱,是从搭乘消闲中形成的。比起城区其它老资格的公交线路,这两路车走的不是城内耳目详熟的中心路段。恰恰就是避开了几十年一贯的恒定走势,坐车如我的,坐车上看来看去,看出不少的感想,一吐为快。从报社…  相似文献   

中国宗法社会发展到宋代,产生了大量脱离社会秩序的游民,形成游民阶层,在游民中产生了通俗文化、通俗文学。游民不同于宗法人之处,在于他们有反社会性、主动进击精神和帮派意识,义气是他们联系的纽带。产生于游民的通俗文化、通俗文学,包括《三国演义》《水浒传》等,又为游民的组织、活动提供了理论武器。从游民文化看中国历史,是审视传统文化的另一个视角。  相似文献   

中国宗法社会发展到宋代,产生了大量脱离社会秩序的游民,形成游民阶层,在游民中产生了通俗文化、通俗文学.游民不同于宗法人之处,在于他们有反社会性、主动进击精神和帮派意识,义气是他们联系的纽带.产生于游民的通俗文化、通俗文学,包括《三国演义》《水浒传》等,又为游民的组织、活动提供了理论武器.从游民文化看中国历史,是审视传统文化的另一个视角.  相似文献   

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