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柯克的人身权利观念主要是指自由臣民的人身权利受到普通法和《大宪章》以及议会法令的保护,包括国王在内的任何人不得侵犯等内容。柯克的人身权利观念根源于普通法和《大宪章》。詹姆斯一世和查理一世在位期间皆信奉君权神授思想,试图推行异于英国传统的专制统治。柯克秉持普通法和英国的法治传统,依据既有的议会法令对王权的膨胀进行了持续的抗争。最终,柯克起草并推动议会通过了《权利请愿书》,否定了国王侵犯臣民人身权利的合法性,为保障臣民的人身权利提供了法律基础。柯克的人身权利观念和《权利请愿书》成为推动英国宪政与现代法治社会形成的源头活水。  相似文献   

于洪 《史学集刊》2015,(1):40-46
柯克的人身权利观念主要是指自由臣民的人身权利受到普通法和《大宪章》以及议会法令的保护,包括国王在内的任何人不得侵犯等内容。柯克的人身权利观念根源于普通法和《大宪章》。詹姆斯一世和查理一世在位期间皆信奉君权神授思想,试图推行异于英国传统的专制统治。柯克秉持普通法和英国的法治传统,依据既有的议会法令对王权的膨胀进行了持续的抗争。最终,柯克起草并推动议会通过了《权利请愿书》,否定了国王侵犯臣民人身权利的合法性,为保障臣民的人身权利提供了法律基础。柯克的人身权利观念和《权利请愿书》成为推动英国宪政与现代法治社会形成的源头活水。  相似文献   

英国中世纪教会法庭与国王法庭的权力关系刘城12—13世纪的英国,在宗教法以及教会法庭司法审判权初步形成的同时,国王法庭的司法审判权也扩展到了全国各地,并逐渐发展起普通法。在此之后直至16世纪宗教改革,宗教法与普通法这两种法律、教会法庭与国王法庭这两个...  相似文献   

从习俗到法治——试析英国法治传统形成的历史渊源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
英国的法律体系经由习俗到普通法,再到议会立法三个阶段的发展,最终确立了英国的宪政体系和法治传统。在这一漫长的历史过程中,自下而上的法律渊源,诺曼贵族的法制努力,以及英国社会经济力量的变化和各阶层的抗争,都对英国法治传统的形成产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

普通法法院自13世纪逐渐成为英国司法体系的主体。中世纪普通法法院拥有一种相对独立的地位,国王很少干涉法院的司法活动。但在17世纪,斯图亚特王朝历任君主不断加强对普通法法院的控制,力图将之驯服为王权的政治工具。在17世纪英国革命的推动下,法官的遴选与任职保障、固定高薪制和司法豁免权等制度相继建立,同时君主的法律特权受到严格限制。由此,普通法法院得以独立于王权。在此基础上,一套具有英国特色的司法独立模式得以成型,其最大特点在于:法院司法权的独立与"议会主权"原则的有机结合。这种模式与以美国为代表的、基于"权力分立"原则的司法独立模式存在明显差异。作为世界上最早实现司法独立的国家,英国的道路与经验对18世纪以后西方各国的司法现代化进程产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

16世纪的英国人看重议员身份并重视议会立法,说明英国此时已初步建立法治社会,法律受到尊重,且议会拥有立法权威。溯其迹象可追至中世纪。除了西欧封建制中的契约因素和英国在此基础上形成的普通法体系外,英国中世纪确立的法律专业性、"先在理性"原则及其对政治权力的制约倾向也不容忽视。从16到17世纪,英国宪政发展在什么程度上具有转型性质,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

于洪 《史学集刊》2017,(1):69-76
17世纪初,英国出现了法律史研究领域的著作,爱德华·柯克、约翰·塞尔登和马修·黑尔是英国法律史研究的先行者,他们阐明了普通法的历史渊源,维护了普通法的独立地位。梅因在继承柯克等人的法律历史主义观念的基础上,将实证主义方法引入了法律史研究,强调要在实际的历史进程中考察法律的发展状况。为此,梅因系统地批判了自然法学派和分析法学派的研究方法。梅特兰运用大量的诉讼卷宗与议会档案等原始文献,更加严谨而精细地研究了英国法律发展的进程,使得英国法律史研究具有了现代史学的特征,推动了英国法律史学成为法学中的独立学科。  相似文献   

17世纪初,英国出现了法律史研究领域的著作,爱德华·柯克、约翰·塞尔登和马修·黑尔是英国法律史研究的先行者,他们阐明了普通法的历史渊源,维护了普通法的独立地位。梅因在继承柯克等人的法律历史主义观念的基础上,将实证主义方法引入了法律史研究,强调要在实际的历史进程中考察法律的发展状况。为此,梅因系统地批判了自然法学派和分析法学派的研究方法。梅特兰运用大量的诉讼卷宗与议会档案等原始文献,更加严谨而精细地研究了英国法律发展的进程,使得英国法律史研究具有了现代史学的特征,推动了英国法律史学成为法学中的独立学科。  相似文献   

政治与法律的良性互动——英国法治道路成功的根本原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程汉大 《史学月刊》2008,(12):73-79
政治和法律既相辅相成,又相反相克。二者关系结构的不同,直接影响着甚至决定着一个国家的法治文明进程。英国的法治道路是一条较为顺畅的成功之路,其成功的根本原因在于政治与法律之间建立和保持了一种良性互动关系。16世纪以前,适度强大的政治权威促成了英国法治传统的生成以及自治型、制度化普通法体系的建立和衡平法的产生。16~17世纪,借助于普通法制度积极有效的制衡作用,英国有幸绕过了绝对专制统治的历史弯路,先于其他各国跨入了现代法治社会。认真总结英国法治经验,对于当前我国的法治建设事业无疑是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

12世纪末13世纪初,英国形成了以长子继承制为主要特征的普通法继承规则。在强大封建王权的支持下,这种继承规则迅速占据主导地位,之前在英国广泛存在的诸子平分制、幼子继承制等财产继承习俗则被局限于部分地区。上述财产继承模式在之后的数个世纪里一直保持其稳定架构,长子继承制从未遭遇大规模挑战。但自16世纪上半期起,以英国学界为主的社会各界掀起了一场关于财产继承模式的大讨论。这场大讨论参与学者众多,规模空前,延宕一个世纪有余,对英国历史文化的多个层面均产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

This article argues that St. George Tucker, during his tenure as Professor of Law and Police at the College of William and Mary from 1790 to 1804, transformed American law professors, as distinguished from their English counterparts, into teachers who have primarily focused on educating students for the practice of nearly all areas of law, and who have influenced the development of law through legal scholarship and activism.  相似文献   

The lectures on American pragmatism given by the French sociologist Emile Durkheim in 1913 in Paris were first published in French in 1955 and finally translated into English and published in 1983 as Pragmatism and Sociology. For obvious reasons they have attracted considerable attention from philosophers and sociologists, especially the latter, in both continental Europe and the English speaking world. Durkheim's motives in giving the lectures have been scrutinized, his interpretations of the pragmatists widely discussed and his criticisms of William James, John Dewey, and F. S. C. Schiller have met with mixed receptions. However, after years of scholarly discourse on his motives, interpretations and criticisms, there is no common agreement on the significance and meaning of Pragmatism and Sociology. We briefly address the disagreement over Durkheim's motives in the introductory section before turning to our interpretation in the body of the article. There we focus on his criticisms of the pragmatists’ views on the aims and nature of knowledge, which is a classic confrontation between French rationalism à la Durkheim and American pragmatism of the James/Dewey variant.  相似文献   

Georg Simon Ohm's work in the field of electricity led to what is now considered to be the most fundamental law of electrical circuits, Ohm's Law. Much less known is that only months earlier, Ohm had published another law—one that differed significantly from the now accepted one. The latter entailed a logarithmic relation between the length of the conductor and a parameter that Ohm called “loss of force.” This paper discusses how Ohm came up with an initial law that he felt compelled to correct a few months later. We analyze Ohm's publication as well as his laboratory notes, relating them to our own laboratory experiences while using the replication method to study his work. We also discuss the conceptual background of Ohm's work. We conclude that he was significantly influenced by French studies in the field of electricity, most notably the ones by Charles Augustin Coulomb.  相似文献   

薛成有 《攀登》2008,27(5):130-132
法律的运行过程是法律从产生到实施的全部过程,包括法律的制定、遵守、执行三个阶段。如果从观念、制度与行为的关系角度来看待法律运行过程,我们就会发现,法律的运行实际上是从观念到制度,再从制度到观念,最后从观念到行为的变量转化过程。  相似文献   


It is common in discourse surrounding Québécois and Puerto Rican nationalism to discuss both regions in terms of their linguistic marginality to Anglo-majorities found in Canada and the USA, respectively. As two areas faced with the common American task of inventing a national identity in displaced settings in the New World, English becomes an easy “other” against which the French Quebecker and Spanish Puerto Rican may define themselves. However, language becomes a problematic means of definition when considered in relation to its intrinsically Old World origins. This paper reexamines Quebec and Puerto Rican nationalism from a larger New World perspective that focuses on the role of American landscapes and settings in conjunction with the traditional linguistic approach.  相似文献   

来君 《攀登》2009,28(1):103-106
构建和谐社会必须树立法律信用。法律信用是指法律严格遵守其所明示的、确定的规则和内容。以它对公平和正义的理性追求和坚定实践所赢得的社会主体对它的信任。法律信用是法律作为制度规范整体所具有的信用,法律既有信用又能够被信仰,是法治的美好前景与和谐社会的坚强后盾。  相似文献   

This article argues that the nature and character of separation of powers in Australia has been fundamentally shaped and defined by the High Court, which chose a Blackstonian, common law conception of separation of judicial powers in preference to the principles elaborated in The Federalist and articulated in the American Constitution. But the Court's recent jurisprudence, including its admission that it makes the law, has presented unprecedented theoretical and political challenges to the concept of separation of judicial power in Australia, including a transformation in the role of the attorneygeneral, the creation of new institutions and a move towards an American conception of checks and balances. Thus this article suggests that the Court continues to exercise a profound influence on the formulation of separation of powers in Australia.  相似文献   

In this paper I compare the development of English and American philanthropy. A brief history of the background of English land holding and social relationships, stressing paternalism and security, is compared with that of changing American views on giving that are linked with progress and individual achievement. In both instances I use Mauss's theory of the gift. This includes such matters as the gift becoming part of the giver, the importance of emotional rather than contractual commitment to exchange, and the use of sanctions in encouraging reciprocity. Examples are provided of these attributes in comparing the giving of three well known English philanthropists with three American counterparts from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

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