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Using individual-level, geocode data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth's 1997 cohort, I ask whether business dynamism in local labor markets, defined as the rates of job creation and establishment entry, affects the location decisions of labor force participants, and I examine how effects differ for highly and less educated labor force participants. I find that a one standard deviation increase in business dynamism is associated with a 2%–4% increase in the probability a college graduate chooses a metropolitan statistical area and an 8%–15% decrease for high school graduates with no college experience. These results support recent findings documenting a decrease in responsiveness to local labor market conditions and suggest that incentivizing job creation in local labor markets may not be enough to offset the trend of declining internal migration in the United States.  相似文献   

We examine residential location choice behavior in a metropolitan area of Japan that experienced seismic damage. We find that the internal structure of the affected area was reshaped, although, in the long term, its total population size was robust to this temporary shock. Before the earthquake, the population was evolving toward a state of equilibrium with dense locations in the core facing redevelopment barriers and, therefore, stagnation. In contrast, the periphery was becoming increasingly appealing and thus growing. Seismic damage allowed for redevelopment at higher density, making the adjusted equilibrium with dense locations grow again. In summary, the initially expanding periphery stagnated as an unintended consequence of urban redevelopment.  相似文献   

Lee BR 《家族历史杂志》2002,27(2):92-100
The events that took place in medieval English birthing chambers were witnessed and assisted by a company of women. Although these events may have been isolated, they did not exist in isolation. Rather, they interacted in complex ways with the lives and activities of the men in the manor hall. This article examines those interactions as they are evidenced in proof-of-age inquests, legal documents that record the recollections of husbands, fathers, and male relatives and neighbors regarding the events surrounding the birth of an heir to crown land. It concludes that even though men rarely entered the birthing chamber, their dynastic interests and social politics routinely penetrated its walls, blurring the boundary between private and public spheres, female and male space.  相似文献   

Postcolonial Indian women novelists writing in English have been deeply concerned with addressing the ways in which ‘home’ in patriarchal societies is an ambiguous space, characterized by unequal gender relationships that make it a terrain rife with violence, and feelings of alienation and discontent for women. Through the lens of two contemporary Anglophone novels by Indian women writers, Arundhati Roy’s (1997) The God of Small Things and Manju Kapur’s (2006) Home, this article evaluates the significance of the relationship between male identities, politics and domestic spaces in India. Focusing primarily on two bourgeois male characters, Estha and Vicky, the article examines, in depth, their painful coming-of-age in terms of the complex intersection of gender, class and age hierarchies in the domestic arena and demonstrates the centrality of the concept of home to their sense of self and space.  相似文献   


This article sheds light on a neglected aspect of the Greek paroikia of Odessa, its female component, in the late imperial period. By revisiting the 1897 All-Russian Census, it offers an insight into the demographic and social features of Greek women, and depicts their occupational position. It shows that middle-class and working women formed the majority of the Greek female workforce and suggests that their participation or non-participation in the labour market depended on the ability of the male breadwinner to support his household financially.  相似文献   

Higher mortality among unmarried persons compared with currently married ones has been reported in many previous studies. There is paucity of such studies in developing countries. We analysed the association between marital status and mortality in Kuwait, an oil-rich Gulf Muslim country. Data were obtained from the Public Authority for Civil Information that has maintained a linked record database of population characteristics with death notifications since 2005. Deaths during 2005–2010 were aggregated for the analysis. Age-specific death rates and standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated according to marital status (married, never married, divorced and widowed), age (15–49, 50–64 and 65+), gender, and nationality (Kuwaiti vs. non-Kuwaiti). Among Kuwaiti nationals, the SMRs for widowed, divorced, and never married were 1.75, 1.68 and 1.15 compared to the married. Higher mortality was found among unmarried men and women at almost all ages. These findings may be indicative of considerable public health problems such as higher disability and depression among the unmarried.  相似文献   

This article situates Florida's (2002) work on creative regions in the United States in the context of a critical discussion of place and gender and investigates the gender–class structure of his most and least creative regions. It analyzes the distribution of creative class, working class and service class occupations by gender within those 21 regions as well as earnings, household income, poverty and educational attainment using data from the US Census 2000. Women and men are compared within and across the two categories of most and least creative regions. The major finding is that the gender gap in earnings within categories of regions is larger than the creativity gap, i.e. the earnings gap within genders across regions. As new technology industries have been layered over old industries, altering spatial divisions of labor, gendered labor remains integrated in largely traditional ways.  相似文献   

明清时期安徽沿淮地区女性出现了游走乞讨与守家耕织的生存方式,既说明当地社会经济发展的滞后,又显现其存在着发展空间,反映了该区域社会经济发展的徘徊不前.部分女性施舍行为凸现了该区域贫富分化的加剧.沿淮女性的生存方式突破了传统社会"男耕女织"的理想模式,女性在经济活动中享受了与男性一样选择职业的自由.  相似文献   

This paper proceeds from the premise that historical geographers are not prejudiced against women, but many are unsure how to incorporate information on women into their research. The result unfortunately is a historical landscape in which only half of the residents normally are visible, despite many models of regional studies published in women's history. Historical geographers of rural Canada and the United States are to some extent limited by their frequent use of one narrative form, the national epic, that cannot readily portray women as important actors unless its essential plot line is reinterpreted in ways less familiar to geographers. Taking the examples of three western frontier women, I discuss how their narratives indicate ways to give a more balanced impression of both women and men in studies of regional economies and landscape modification. Incorporating female experience is likely to change some fundamental assumptions about the historical geography of the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

在中西化冲突与交融中,丁宝桢不可能与自己熟悉的化模式决裂,也不可能完全接受西方的价值观念,而是处于传统与现代的两难选择之中。  相似文献   

The uniqueness of this article is that it deals with long-distance bike commuting in pro-cycling Copenhagen and its environs. Informed by practice theory and sensuous studies of urban and sport practices, I discuss the ‘things and environments’, ‘meanings’ and ‘competences and biological bodies’ that typify long-distance commuter cycling. This article develops cycling literature and the ‘mobilities paradigm’ in the following ways: by outlining a practice approach to cycling; challenging the idea that commuter cycling is only for short distances; undermining the distinction between utility and sport cycling; and lastly by connecting the ‘mobilities paradigm’ with literature on active travel and sport studies.  相似文献   

The article explores the interactions of materials, skills and gender identity through examining DIY practices in New Zealand. It traces the relationship between materials used for home repairs, the competences needed to use them and the (re)production of specific gendered identities. It argues that housing and building materials were an important part of the European settler history of the country and this history forms the context within which New Zealanders work on their houses today. Drawing on interviews with 30 Pākehā homeowners, it explores how both men and women respond to the materials of their homes, how skills are acquired in relation to the demands of the materials used and how these skills become part of the (re)production of specific white, heterosexual gender identities. The figure of the ‘Kiwi bloke’ is discussed as an important imaginary in the negotiation of gender identities for both men and women. Interviewees saw their DIY activities in the light of the creation and re-creation of this specific national and gendered identity. The article reveals the intertwining of history and materiality in the continual negotiation and contestation of gendered identities.  相似文献   

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