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Book reviewed in this article:
The Mystical Teachings of al-Shādhill: Including His Life Prayers, Letters, and Followers. A Translation from the Arabic of Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat al-Asrar wa Tuhfat al-Abrar by Elmer H. Douglas. Edited with an Introduction and a Bibliography by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabī.
Nizam Ad-Din Awliya: Morals of the Heart. Translated and Annotated by Bruce B.
Traditional Islam in the Modern World. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Islam: An Introduction. By Annemarie Schimmel.
Al-Damurdāshl's Chronicle of Egypt. 1685–1755: al-Durra al-musana fī akhbār al-kināna. Translated and annotated by Daniel Crecelius and 'bd al-Wahhāb Bakr.
The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi ' as. By Joyce N. Wiley.
Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini. By H. E. Chehabi.
Iran's First Revolution: Shi ' ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1905–1906. By Mangol Bayat.
Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution. By David Menashri.
The Modern Uzbeks from the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History. By Edward A.
Religion, Learning and Science in the ' Abbasid Period. Edited by M. J. L. Young, J. D. Latham and R. B. Serjeant.
The Ismā ' ilīs: Their history and doctrines. By Farhad Daftary.
' Abū Tammām and the Poetics of the ' bbāsid Age. By Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych.
Images of Paradise in Islamic Art. Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom
Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs. By Zeynep çelik.
Islamic Art. By Barbara Brend.
Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era. By Masam Arai.
The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism and the Sheikh Said Rebellion, 1880–1925. By Robert Olson.
Islam and the Economic Challenge. By Muhammad Umer Chapra.
Palestinian Universities Under Occupation. By Anthony Thrall Sullivan.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2000,19(3):423-463
Book reviewed in this article:
From Reformation to Improvement. Public Welfare in Early Modern England. By Paul Slack.
The Polarisation of Elizabethan Politics. The Political Career of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex 1585–1597. By Paul E.J. Hammer.
The Stuart Parliaments 1603–1689 . By David L. Smith.
World Enough and Time. The Life of Andrew Marv dl. By Nicholas Murray.
The Age of Faction. Court Politics, 1660–1102. By Alan Marshall.
Radical Whigs and Conspiratorial Politics in Late Stuart England . By Melinda Zook.
Eighteenth Scotland. New Perspectives . Edited by T.M. Devine and J.R. Young
Unionist-Nationalism. Governing Urban Scotland, 1830–60 . By Graeme Morton.
An Appetite for Power. A History of the Conservative Party Since 1830 . By John Ramsden.
Gladstone. Heroic Minister 1865–1898 . By Richard Shannon.
Salisbury. Victorian Titan . By Andrew Roberts.
The Politics of Retirement in Britain, 1878–1948 . By John Macnicol.
Churchill. His Radical Decade . By Malcolm Hill.
Bonar Law . By R.J.Q. Adams. London: John Murray.
The British Conservative Party in the Age of Universal Suffrage, Popular Conservatism, 1919–1929 . By Neal McCrillis.
Labour in Crisis. The Second Labour Government 1929–1931 . By Neil Riddell.
Thatcherism and British Politics 1975–1999 . By Brendan Evans.
British Parliamentary Election Results 1983–1997 . Compiled and edited by Colin Railings and Michael Thrasher
Governing Scotland: Problems and Prospects. The Economic Impact of the Scottish Parliament . Edited by John McCarthy and David Newlands  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden .
The Life of Saladin from the Works of 'Imād ad-Din and Bahā' ad-Dīn . By Sir Hamilton Gibb
The Seljuk Vezirate. A Study of Civil Administration 1055–1194 . By Carla L. Klausner.
Family Laws of Iran . By Sayyid Ali Reza Naqavi.
Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt, An Essay in the Sociology of Religion . By Michael Gilsenan
W. Robertson Smith and the Sociological Study of Religion . By T. O. Beidelman
Kelantan: Religion, Society and Politics in a Malay State . Edited by William R. Roff
La Géographie humaine du monde Musulman jusqu'au milieu du 11e siécle: Géographie et géographie humaine dans la littérature arabe des origines à 1050 . By André Miquel
Atlas of the Biblical World . By Denis Baly and A. D. Tushingham.
An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire from Earliest Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century . By Donald Edgar Pitcher. Leiden: E. J. Brill
Concise Encyclopedia of the Middle East . Ed. Mehdi Heravi  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1990,9(1):197-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Scenes from Provincial Life: Knightly Families iri Sussex 1280–1400 . By Nigcl Saul.
Parliament and the Crown in the Reign of Mary Tudor . By Jennifer Loach.
Mary Stewart, Queen in Three Kingdoms . Edited by Michael Lynch
The Forced Loan and English Politics 1626–1628 . By Richard Cust.
Reluctant Revolutionaries: Englishmen and the Revolution of 1688 . By W. A. Speck.
A Kingdom without a King: The Journal of the Provisional Government in the Revolution of 1688 . Edited by Robert Beddard.
A Parliamentary History of the Glorious Revolution . Edited by David Lcwis Jones.
War and Economy in the Age of William III and Marlborough . By D. W. Jones.
Robert Harley: Speaker, Secretary of state and Premier Minister . By Brian W. Hill.
London Newspapers in the Age of Walpole. A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press . By Michael Harris.
Lord Bute: Essays in Reinterpretation . Edited by Karl W. Schweizer.
Subject Catalogue of the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 1801–1900 Edited by Petcr Cockton.
Patronage and Principle: A Political History of Modern Scotland . By Michael Fry.
Party and Politics, 1830–1852 . By Robert Stewart.
Later Victorian Britain 1867–1900 . Edited by T. R. Gourvish and Alan O'Day.
Florence Arnold-Forster's Irish Journal . Edited by T. W. Moody and R. A. J. Hawkins
The Climax of Liberal Politics: British Liberalism in Theory and Practice 1868–1918 . By Michael Bentley.
The Secret Lives of Trebitsch Lincoln . By Bernard Wasserstein.
The House of Lords . By Donald Shell.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Trends and Movements in Modern Arabic Poetry . By Salma Khadra Jayyusi.
The Islamic Near East and North Africa: An Annotated Guide to Books in English for Non-Specialists . By David W. Littlefield.
The History of the Maghrib: An Interpretive Essay . By Abdallah Laroui
Islamic History: A New Interpretation (AD. 750–1055), Volume II. By M. A. Shaban
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey. Volume I: Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280–1808 . By Stanford J. Shaw
Islam: Faith and Practice . By Manazir Ahsan.
Bilal (Peace Be Upon Him) In Hadith . Compiled by M. A. Qazi  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1996,15(3):417-454
Book reviewed in this article:
The Chief Governors: The Rise and Fall of Reform Government in Tudor Ireland, 1536–1588. By Ciaran Brady.
Natural Rights and the New Republicanism. By Michael P. Zuckert.
Lords of the Ascendancy. The Irish House of Lords and its Members 1600–1800. By Francis G. James.
Oliver Cromwell. By Peter Gaunt.
British Parliamentary Lists, 1660–1800. A Register. Edited by G. M. Ditchfield, David Hayton and Clyve Jones.
The Suffolk Poll Book 1710. (Raymonds Original Poll Books.) Exeter: S. A. and M. J. Raymond.
The Suffolk Poll Book 1790. (Raymonds Original Poll Books.) Exeter: S. A. and M. J. Raymond.
Lords of Parliament. Studies, 1714–1914. Edited by R. W. Davis.
The Sense of the People: Politics, Culture and Imperialism in England, 1715–1785. By Kathleen Wilson.
British 'Non-Elite' MPs, 1715–1820. By Ian R. Christie.
The Patriot Opposition to Walpole. Politics, Poetry, and National Myth, 1725–1742. By Christine Gerrard.
The Birth of Romantic Radicalism: War, Popular Politics and English Radical Reformism 1800–15. By Peter Spence.
Henry Brougham and his World: A Biography. By Trowbridge H. Ford.
Modern Wales. Politics, Places and People. By Kenneth O. Morgan.
The Liberal Ascendancy, 1830–1886. By T. A. Jenkins.
A Selection from the Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826–93) between September 1869 and March 1878. Edited by John Vincent.
The Age of Upheaval. Edwardian Politics 1899–1914. By David Brooks.
A Lonely Grave: The Life and Death of William Redmond. By Terence Denman.
Churchill and the Politics of War, 1940–1941. By Sheila Lawlor.
England Arise! The Labour Party and Popular Politics in the 1940s. By Steven Fielding, Peter Thompson and Nick Tiratsoo.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2006,25(3):410-428

《Parliamentary History》2005,24(2):237-259
Book reviewed in this article:
Authority and Consent in Tudor England. Essays Presented to C. S. L. Davies .
Images and Cultures of Law in Early Modern England. Justice and Political Power, 1558–2660. By Paul Raffield.
The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell .
Parliaments, Nations and Identities in Britain and Ireland, 1660–1850 .
Parliamentary Politics of a County and Its Town. General Elections in Suffolk and Ipswich in the Eighteenth Century . By Susan Mitchell Sommers.
Britain and Ireland in the Eighteenth-Century Crisis of Empire . By Martyn J. Powell.
Sir Edward Newenham M.P., 1734–1814. Defender of the Protestant Constitution . By James Kelly.
George III. King and Politicians 1760–1770 . By Peter D.G. Thomas.
Friends of Religious Equality. Nonconformist Politics in Mid-Victorian England . By Timothy Larsen.
Governments, Labour, and the Law in Mid-Victorian Britain. The Trade Union Legislation of the 1870s . By Mark Curthoys.
The Struggle for Labour's Soul. Understanding Labour's Political Thought since 2945 .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Zwischen Hadīt und Theologie: Studien zum Entstehen prādestinatianicher Überlieferung . By Joaef van Ess.
Lettres de direction spirituelle, Ar-Rasā'il a     -     uġrā. Ibn 'Abbād de Ronda
Islamic Jurisprudence and the Rule of Necessity and Need . By Mohammad Muslehuddin
Popular Art in Afghanistan. Paintings on Trucks, Mosques and Tea-Houses . By Micheline Centlivres-Demont.
The Reign of al -     ākim bi amr Allāh (386/996/411/1021): A Political Study . By Sadik A. Assaad.
Separatism among Indian Muslims: The Politics of the United Provinces' Muslims 1860–1923 . By Francin Robinson.
Life and Times of Mohamed Ali . By Afzel Iqbal.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
International Congress for the Study of the Qur'ān , revised ed. Edited by A. H. Johns
Ibn Khaldān: An Essay in Reinterpretation. By Aziz Al-Azmeh
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection. By Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
Die Vorstellung vom Schicksal und die Darstellung der Wirklichkeit in der zeitgenossischen Literatur islamischer Länder. Edited by J. C. Bürgel and H. Fähndrich
Rings of Burnished Brass. Yūsuf Idrīs
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. By William C. Chittick
The Ahmadiyya doctrine of God. By Henry J. Otten
Issues in the Islamic Movement, 1981–1982 (1401–1402). Edited by Kalim Siddiqui
Mouvements populaires à Bagdad a l'epoque abbasside IXe-XIe siècles. By Simha Sabari
Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War. By Malcolm Cameron Lyons and D. E. P. Jackson.
The Middle East: Fourteen Islamic Centuries. By Glenn E. Perry
Islam in Tribal Societies From the Atlas to the Indus. By Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam. The Darul Islam in Indonesia. By C. van Dijk
Senegal: An African Nation between Islam and the West. By Sheldon Gellar  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1994,13(3):363-387
Book reviewed in this article:
Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550–1653. By Robert Brenner.
Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England. By Linda Levy Peck.
Civil War and Restoration in Three Stuart Kingdoms. The Career of Randal MacDonnell, Marquis of Antrim, 1609–83. By Jane H. Ohlmeyer.
Justice Upon Petition. The House Of Lords and the Reformation of Justice 1621–1675. By James S. Hart.
Proceedings in Parliament, 1628: vol. V, Lords Proceedings in 1628; vol. VI, Appendices and Index. Edited by Mary Freer Keeler, Maija Jansson Cole, and William B. Bidwell.
Not Peace but a Sword: The Political Theology offhe English Revolution. By Stephen Baskerville.
Politics Under the Later Stuarts. Party Conflict in a Divided Society 1660–1715. By Tim Harris.(Studies in Modem History.)
The Making of a Great Power: Late Stuart and Early Georgian Britain, 1660–1722. By Geoffrey Holmes.(Foundations of Modern Britain.)
The Age of Oligarchy: Pre-Industrial Britain, 1722–1783. By Geoffrey Holmes and Daniel Szechi.(Foundations of Modern Britain.)
The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture. By R. O. Bucholz.
A Patriot Press. National Politics and the London Press in the 1740s. By Robert Harris.(Oxford Historical Monographs.)
The Insatiable Earl. A Life Of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. By N. A. M.Rodger.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1999,18(1):81-105
Book reviewed in this article:
Lay Taxes in England and Wales 1188–1688. By M. Jurkowski, C. L. Smith and D. Crook.
Images of Rule. Art and Politics in the English Renaissance, 1485–1649. By David Howarth.
Inventing a Republic. The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649–1653. By Sean Kelsey.
Tudor Government. Structures of Authority in the Sixteenth Century. By David Loades.
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works. By Francis Bacon. Edited by Brian Vickers.
The English Levellers. Edited by Andrew Sharp.
Peerage Creations 1649–1800. A Chronological List of Creations in the Peerages of England and Great Britain. Compiled by J. C. Sainty.
Officials of the Royal Household, 1660–1837. Part 2: Departments of the Lord Steward and the Master of the Horse. Compiled by J. C. Sainty and R. O. Bucholz.
The Early Parties and Politics in Britain, 1688–1832. By Brian Hill.
Divided Loyalties, The Question of the Oath for Irish Catholics in the Eighteenth Century. By Patrick Fagan.
Maps of the Mediterranean Regions. Published in British Parliamentary Papers 1801–1921. By Susan Gole.
Print Politics. The Press and Radical Opposition in Early Nineteenth-Century England. By Kevin Gilmartin.
Gladstone. Edited by Peter J. Jagger.
The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846–1886. By K. Theodore Hoppen.
Benjamin Disraeli Letters. Volume Six, 1852–1856. Edited by M. G. Wiebe, Mary S. Millar and Ann P. Robson.
Irish Home Rule 1867–1921. By Alan O'Day.
Facing Fascism. The Conservative Party and the European Dictators, 1935–1940. By N. J. Crowson.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in This Article:
Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought, 1882–1948.
State, Power, and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East.
Postmodernism, Reason and Religion
Postmodernism and Islam: Predicament and Promise.
Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy. Edited by Charles Butterworth.
The Encyclopædia of Islam.
The Hadj: An American's Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Islamic Spirituality: Manifestations.
Comparing Muslim Societies: Knowledge and the State in a World Civilization.
Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571–1640.
Domains of Fear and Desire.
Islam, Democracy, the State and the West: A Round Table with Dr.     asan Turābī.
The Arab World: Society, Culture and State.
Islamic Resurgence: Challenges, Directions and Future Perspectives. A Round Table with Kurshid Ahmad.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1987,6(2):330-364
Book reviewed in this article:
Tudor Ireland: Crown, Community and the Conflict of Cultures 1470–1603. By Steven G. Ellis.
The Reign of Elizabeth I . Edited by Christopher Haigh.
The Road to Revolution: Scotland under Charles I, 1625–37. By Maurice Lee, jr.
Dangerous Positions: Mixed Government, the Estates of the Realm, and the Making of the 'Answer to the XIX Propositions'. By Michael Mendle.
The Jewish Community in British Politics. By Geoffrey Alderman.
The Cross of Saint Patrick: The Catholic Unionist Tradition in Ireland. By John Biggs-Davison and George Chowdharay-Best.
English Society 1688–1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice during the Ancien Regime. (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics). By J. C. D. Clark.
Goodwin Wharton. By J. Kent Clark.
The Scottish Enlightenment and the Militia Issue. By John Robertson.
Lord Grenville 1759–1834. By Peter Jupp.
Henry Brougham: His Public Career 1778–1868. By Robert Stewart.
The Ballot Question in Nineteenth-Century English Politics. By Bruce L. Kinzer.
'Orator Hunt: Henry Hunt and English Working-Class Radicalism. By John Belchem.
Catholic Emancipation: Daniel O'Connell and the Birth of Irish Democracy 1820–30. By Fergus O'Ferrall.
Gladstone, Politics and Religion: A Collection of Founder's Day Lectures Delivered at St. Deiniol's Library, Hawarden, 1967–83. Edited by Peter J. Jagger.
The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the Era of Disraeli and Gladstone. By Marvin Swartz.
Austen Chamberlain: Gentleman in Politics. By David Dutton.
The First Labour Party 1906–14. Edited by K. D. Brown.
Victor Grayson: Labour's Lost Leader. By David Clark.
Lloyd George: From Peace to War 1912–1916. By John Grigg.
The Changing Constitution: Edited by Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1992,11(2):300-330

Book reviews     
Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage. By D. A. Bullough.
The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe . By Valerie I. J. Flint.
Dark Age Naval Power . By John Haywood.
Goths and Romans 332–489. By P. J. Heather.
The Goths in the Fourth Century . By Peter Heather and John Matthews
The External School in Carolingian Society . By M. M. Hildebrandt.
Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for her Son , by Dhuoda.
Wulfstan of Winchester: The Life of St æthelwold . Edited by Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterbottom.
The End of Ancient Christianity. By Robert Markus.
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse . By Averil Cameron. Berkeley
The Annals of St-Bertin (Ninth-century Histories, volume I). Translated and annotated by Janet L. Nelson
Ireland and Northern France AD 600–810. Edited by Jean-Michel Picard
The Making of England: Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture AD 600–900. Edited by L. Webster and J. Backhouse  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1996,15(2):253-284

《Parliamentary History》1992,11(1):157-177
Book reviewed in this article:
'Observations, Rules and Orders of the House of Commons': An Early Procedural Collection. Edited by W. R. McKay.
Clerks in the House of Commons 1363–1989: A Biographical List. By W. R. McKay.
English Politics in the Thirteenth Century. By Michael Prestwich.
The Governance of Late Medieval England, 1272–1461. By A. L. Brown.
Mary Tudor: A Life. By David Loades.
Elizabeth I. By Christopher Haigh.
The Writings of William Walwyn. Edited by Jack R. McMichael and Barbara Taft.
The Cavalier Parliament and the Reconstruction of the Old Regime, 1661–1667. By Paul Seaward.
Letters of George Lockhart of Carnwath, 1698–1732 . Edited by Daniel Szechi.
An Economic History of the English Poor Law, 1750. By George R. Boyer.
Government and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators and Professionals, 1860–1919. Edited by Roy MacLeod.
Katharine Atholl 1874–1960: Against the Tide . By S. J. Hetherington.
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy. By David Cannadine.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Fundamentals of Islam . By Haji Mirza Mehdi Pooya.
Islam and the Plight of Modern Man . By Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Recueil des sources arabes concernant I'Afrique Occidentale du VIIIe au XVle siècle (bild al-sdn) . Translation and notea by Joseph M. Cuoq, preface by Raymond Mauny.
Les Musulmans en Afriqua . By Joseph M. Cuoq.
Recueil d'Études sur les Moriscos Andalous en Tunisia . Edited by Miguel de Epalzs and Ramón Petit.
Riza Shah Pahlavi: The Resurrection and Reconstruction of Iran 1878–1944 . By Donald N. Wilber.
Mudror to Lauanne: Britain's Frontier in West Asia, 1916–1923 . By Briton Cooper Bosch.
Sources de I'Histoire de I'Afrique au Sud du Sahara dans les Archives et Bibliothèques française . II Bibliothèques Vol. 4 of Guide to the Sources of the History of Africa .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic.
Jordan in the 1967 War.
Generals In Politics: Pakistan, 1958–1982.
The Middle East Remembered.
Middle East and Islam; A Bibliographical Introduction Supplement 1977–1983.
Kitāb Tathqīf al-Ta'f bi'l-Mu     tala     al-Sarīf par Taqī al-Dīn 'Abd al-Ra     mān b. Mu     ibb al-Dīn Mu     ammad al-mad al-     alabī appelé Ibn Nāir al-ayš.
Mannerism in Arabic Poetry: A Structural Analysis of Selected Texts (3rd Century A. H./9th Century A. D.5th Century A. H./llth Century A. D.)
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest.
Mysticism and Dissent. Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Inn.
Religious Ecstasy.
Eschatological Themes in the Qu'n.
How to Understand Islam.
Dynamics of Urban Life in Pre-Mughal India.
Agricultural, Industrial and Urban Dynamism under the Sultsas of Delhi 1206–1555.
Islam: Politics and Religion in the Muslim World.  相似文献   

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