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英国民族主义经由诺曼入侵后的孕育时期、清教运动的发展时期和帝国扩张的成型时期等三个阶段的发展,最终形成了第一个工业化民族的民族主义。在这一漫长的历史过程中,盎格鲁—撒克逊的部族传统与诺曼入侵者的较量,近代以来英国社会经济力量的变化,新兴阶级争取自身权益的努力,以及对外扩张获取经济利益的冲动,都对英国民族主义的形成产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

英国的资本主义工业化开始于18世纪60年代,实现于19世纪60年代。在整个工业化时期内,英国的农业也发生了巨大而深刻的变化。这个变化,一方面表现为通过圈地运动的加速进行使农村中资本主义土地所有制得以最终确立,另一方面则表现为农业生产技术的重大改良和革新。本文打算专门来探讨一下英国工业化时期内农业生产技术方面改良和革新的情况。  相似文献   

宗教改革时期是英国历史上一个重要的转折时期,宗教改革时期的政体研究是英国政治史研究中引人注目的一章。最近30年来,英国史学界中以G.R.埃尔顿为首的学派异军突起,大有左右都铎史研究领域之势。埃尔顿关于英国宗教改革时期政体问题的观点可以概括为:  相似文献   

扫烟囱男孩是工业革命时期英国一个特殊的童工类别,它是近代英国房屋建造观念变化以及英国人生活方式变化的产物。这些儿童人数虽不众多,但其苦难却特别深重。他们的历史折射出当时英国社会的特殊心态:普通大众的厌恶和同情,人道主义者的关注和改革,上流社会的漠然。最终,经历了一百多年的斗争,利用儿童扫烟囱的做法被立法禁止,但这段历史仍值得我们去反思:如何改善和救助现代社会中变相的扫烟囱儿童的命运?  相似文献   

在山东威海举办的“晚清时期英国在华租借地历史文化”国际学术研讨会上,来自世界各地的专家学者,以香港、威海两地特定时期的历史文化问题为主题,对近代英国在华租借地的历史事件、历史人物及相关研究进行了多方位的考察和讨论,丰富了晚清时期英国在华租借地研究的成果。  相似文献   

charity是英国历史上表示慈善的最常用词语,但其概念却在社会发展变迁过程中不断发生变化。它从对上帝之爱发展到侧重对邻人之爱,后泛指一切旨在解决社会问题的仁慈行为,到了现代社会其含义变得更日益多元。在这一历史发展过程中,charity不断被赋予新的内涵,其既反映了不同时期慈善主导话语权的变化,更体现了英国社会价值观念的变化,由此引发的慈善评判标准的改变也促进了慈善社会功能的不断增强。而charity理念的发展恰好与近代以来英国商业社会推崇的自由竞争潮流相生相克,慈善无意中悄然成为英国消解商业社会弊病的有效方式。因而,charity树起了英国社会进步的一面正义和友善的旗帜。由此可以说,厘清charity概念的源头流变十分重要,它可为慈善的未来发展提供更加开阔的视野。  相似文献   

伊丽莎白一世是英国历史上著名的女王,君临英格兰长达44年有余,大体相当于16世纪后半期(1558—1603年)。16世纪,特别是它的后半期,是英国社会变化剧烈的时期,这个国家正向着近代化的道路迈进。 16世纪英国农村发生明显变化。这一时期出版的许多农书记录了提高生产技术的经验。  相似文献   

王章辉 《史学月刊》2000,35(1):76-83
18世纪中期以后英国大农业的兴起和发展,从历史实际看,不仅没有导致英国农业的衰落,相反使英国农业进入了一个黄金时期;不仅没有削弱英国工业发展的基础,相反有利于工业资本的积累和农村人口向城市的流动,极大地推动了英国工业化的发展。英国丧失工业霸主地位、走向相对衰落,有着复杂的、多方面的原因,不能简单地归因于大农业。在吸收国外的研究成果时,盲目照抄,或根据某种需要而随意剪裁历史的做法,都是不可取的。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯指出作为政治公共领域前身的文学公共领域孕育于英国共和时期的咖啡馆中.在这一领域形成的过程中,作为文学公共领域的重要功能之一的文学“公共舆论”功能是在当时文学家的推动下建构而成.围绕关停英国咖啡馆这一历史事件,英国文学家也展开了一场通过文学作品干预“公共事务”的“演习”,其中安德鲁·马维尔的《两匹马的对话》一诗是文学公共领域践行“公共舆论”功能的典型个案.  相似文献   

饮茶在近代英国的本土化论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶作为中国先民的伟大发现,随着地理大发现后世界性经济文化交流的发展而传入西方,尤其在英国社会由上至下渐次传播开来,至18世纪末期基本实现普及。饮茶在英国社会被普遍接受为其本土化奠定了重要基础。饮茶的本土化其直接体现为饮茶方式的转变,英国人的饮茶偏好由绿茶逐渐转为红茶且添加牛奶和糖。此举不仅受到绿茶与红茶价格对比发生变化的影响,而且与红茶的温性属性且能更好地和牛奶、糖相结合有关。牛奶为英国饮食传统中的重要部分,糖的大量食用则是这一历史时期的社会风潮,该做法也暗合于当时人们关于饮食可以调整身体健康的社会认识。不仅如此,饮茶在英国的本土化更体现于其文化内涵的变化,它舍弃了中国茶文化所包含的精神追求,而更加重视家庭饮茶所蕴含的脉脉亲情。该变化一方面缘于传播媒介早期介绍饮茶时偏重于其实用功效,另一方面更是中英文化的不同取向影响的结果。  相似文献   


The excavation of the only Cistercian abbey firmly established on the Isle of Man produced clear evidence of its church plan, its various modifications and its modest architectural pretensions. The burials contained some grave goods and displayed early methods of burial. An unexpected feature was a chapel attached to the east end of the north transept north chapel.  相似文献   

This paper considers some aspects of the sugar-refining industry in Britain from the 16th to the 19th century. The pottery types involved are defined, and illustrated by examples from different parts of the country. The method of manufacturing sugar loaves is discussed, and the technology is placed in a wider context, drawing upon archaeological and historical evidence from the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   

Analysis of paint residues and paint equipment from North European shipwrecks together with archival research provides evidence of pigments and colours used. The limitations of pictorial sources and contemporary models is contrasted.  相似文献   

The European witch-trials became numerous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A large number of witches were imprisoned and many of them were executed at the stake. The ubiquitous social strain brought on the witch-hunt, and the witch became the scapegoat. Study on the witch-hunt provides a special perspective on the transition of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  相似文献   

The significance of war in the development of the medieval English parliament is well known. The origins of the speakership are located in the context of the Hundred Years War, which began in 1337 and in which the English were still embroiled at the time of the Good Parliament of 1376. It was at this parliament that the Commons first chose a spokesperson, Sir Peter de la Mare, knight of the shire for Herefordshire. This article considers the military careers of de la Mare and his successors to the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453. Did the war have an impact on the choice of Speaker? Was a military man chosen for parliaments where military matters were to be discussed? We know the identity of the Speaker in 53 of the 64 parliaments between 1376 and 1453. Several served more than once, so that we are left with a group of 33 individuals to analyse. An overall trend is discernable. Up to 1407 all known Speakers were belted knights, and most had extensive military experience before they took up office. Only five of the 19 parliaments between 1422 and 1453 had Speakers of knightly rank: otherwise, Speakers with legal and administrative, rather than military, experience were chosen. In the years from 1407 to 1422 the speakership was occupied by a mixture of soldiers and administrators many of whom were closely connected to the royal duchy of Lancaster and to revival of English aggression towards France from 1415 onwards.  相似文献   

In the 17th and 18th century republic of letters the problem of scientific fraud was met with a discourse of charlatanism. Departing from Johann Burchhard Menckes famous treatise on the Charlatanry of the learned the following essay traces how the accusations of academic and scientific misconduct put in terms of 'charlatanry' primarily helped to produce the new species of the erudite 'charlatan'. Facing a growing complexity of scientific culture this new frame of meaning, structured by numerous examples of scientific misconduct offered a new way of orientation in the world of learning. But besides its cognitive impacts the discourse of charlatanry allowed to create symbolic boundaries, which determined decisions upon the affiliation or non affiliation to the new forming scientific community by separating honourable from dishonourable scientific personae. Speaking of charlatanry therefore always implied a social distinction as much as a scientific. The discourses on charlatanry also mirror differentiations within the scientific field. At first dominated by a critique built on courteous or bourgeois values, the scientific field later on developed its own criteria of appraisal like authorship, originality, transparency etc. Attracting the attention of a further growing public sphere, the explicit verbalisation of claims not relating to the value system of a republic of letters primarily concerned with the production and distribution of knowledge finally led up to a more implicit moral economy of science. A change that at a large scale level can be described both as an internalisation of the values of scientific conduct and differentiation between justiciable and unjusticiable transgressions of the norms set up by the scientific community.  相似文献   

The European witch-trials became numerous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A large number of witches were imprisoned and many of them were executed at the stake. The ubiquitous social strain brought on the witch-hunt, and the witch became the scapegoat. Study on the witch-hunt provides a special perspective on the transition of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. __________ Translated from Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), 2007, (8): 64–71  相似文献   

中共十六大与八大的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
八大是中国共产党成为执政党后召开的第一次全国代表大会,这次代表大会分析了生产资料所有制的社会主义改造基本完成后的形势,提出了全面开展社会主义建设的任务,在指导思想、政治路线和组织路线上都有重要建树,对探索中国特色社会主义的道路产生了深远的影响。十六大是中国共产党执政52年后在新世纪召开的第一次全国代表大会,也是中国共产党在开始实施社会主义现代化建设第三步战略部署的新形势下召开的一次具有深远影响的重要大会。对八大和十六大进行比较研究,可以发现其一脉相承的内在联系,可以加深对十六大确立的指导思想、奋斗目标、组织路线的认识。  相似文献   

16-19世纪澳门“黑人”来源考述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对大量中西文资料的整理、分析和考证后认为,16—19世纪澳门“黑人”的来源是多方面的,主要来自东南部非洲(包括西北非洲佛得角群岛)、伊朗(主要指霍尔木兹)、印度(主要指科罗曼德尔)及马拉巴尔、孟加拉、马六甲及帝汶。  相似文献   

Military orders have historically played a key role in defining borders, both in a mental sense, by favouring an awareness of alterity in the most peripheral territories (Christians against Muslims and Christians against Pagans), and also in more direct ways, as owners of land in these territories. This article1 discusses both the influence, in the broadest sense, of territory and periphery upon the medieval military orders, and the relationship between the crown and the military orders. It will be done through a comparative historical analysis of two cases: Portugal and Denmark in the 12th–16th centuries. Both countries were placed at the periphery of the Western world in the Middle Ages, and they were both active agents in the Crusading movement.  相似文献   

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