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Various scholars have argued that the rise of modern information technology over the past century has coincided with a steady decline of traditional methods of learning and interpretation, and has contributed to the general sense of “worldlessness” or anomie. In the words of Paul Ricoeur, “we are overwhelmed by a flood of words, by polemics, by the assault of the virtual, which today create a kind of opaque zone.” Philology, the ancient discipline that grew in the past two centuries to encompass literary study, linguistics, and intellectual history, was originally conceived as a return to the past with the aim of retrieving the knowledge of bygone times. While the recent revival of interest in philology recognizes its importance to the humanities, it remains unnamed as such. The aim of my exploration of the history and practices of philology is to suggest how it can reinstate the presence of the past. With its attentiveness to language—undertaken in the silent spaces of private study, archive, and library—philology not only confirms the presence of the dead but also enacts a more fundamental return to “world.”  相似文献   

“三皇”曾是古史辨派学者们研究的重点,尤其是顾颉刚先辈对此颇有考证,但对医祀三皇的研究并不多,只是在《三皇考》中提及过。医祀三皇是元朝独有的现象,是医学发展到一定程度和元朝维护统治的必然产物;但它悖逆民族融合的潮流,因而未被后世承袭。  相似文献   

British August First celebrations were an important day of the year for Blacks in North America. Elite and aspiring organizers attempted to use the holiday as a sight of excellence. Partakers understood they were watched closely during commemorations and that their slightest imperfections could be magnified to unreasonable proportions. Thereby, Blacks felt it was essential to present themselves in near “perfection” to prove that they could be “upstanding citizens.” This article asserts that the standard of outright excellence Blacks attempted to execute on August First was neither achievable nor performed by Whites at celebrations like July Fourth. While Whites could be the notorious offenders of uncivilized and imperfect behavior, First celebrations were to be as the Liberator proclaimed an “array of virtue, loveliness, moral heroism, and true piety.” In all, when Blacks utilized the power to assemble, it was viewed more as a potential site of lawlessness and subversion, despite their efforts.  相似文献   

The history of the science of room acoustics in the 19 century is studied with the example of the buildings of churches. Many architects of this century tried to make use of the acoustical laws in their plans, but only a few physicists did research work in this field.  相似文献   

This article provides an account of the Enlightenment dispute over hermeneutical skepticism with particular reference to the idea of hermeneutical probability in the philosophical work of Christian August Crusius. The essay sheds new light on the hermeneutical issues addressed in the philosophical school of the so-called Thomasians based mainly in Leipzig in the first half of the eighteenth century (inter alia Rüdiger, Hoffmann, and Crusius). The paper deals with Crusius’ wide-ranging efforts to cope with the uncertain character of most parts of human knowledge and his attempts to construct a workable theory of hermeneutical probability. This raises points of central interest relating to probabilism in the methodology of textual interpretation and connects Crusius to contemporary discussions of hermeneutical skepticism.  相似文献   

This article examines the political uses of classical architecture in the late eighteenth-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It focuses specifically on the direct connection between the rise of the classical idiom on the eve of the collapse of the Commonwealth and the ill-fated idea of political recuperation of the deteriorating and dysfunctional state under the aegis of King Stanis?aw August Poniatowski (r. 1764–95). In particular, it outlines the extent and character of Polish-Lithuanian architectural classicism’s political engagement in the last decades of the eighteenth century. It also underscores the specific role of this architectural idiom as a political symbol and instrument of propaganda, which served to represent the idea of restoring political order to the Commonwealth and building a strong and self-sustaining political community headed by the king. Finally, it presents a selection of characteristic buildings and publications that contributed to this political discourse, and examines the ways classical architecture retained a political importance in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795.  相似文献   

伊斯兰革命有两支主力军,一支是以霍梅尼为核心的宗教势力,另一支是伊朗左翼知识分子和它领导的左翼运动.如果说,1953年的"8·19"政变导致知识分子的不满和愤怒主要限于国王对帝国主义势力的无耻依赖,出卖国家尊严的卖国行径,从而使知识分子开始放弃对巴列维王朝的忠诚的话,那么,1963年的"库姆事件"对知识分子造成的影响是使大批知识分子对国家的疏离感进一步加深,特别是青年学生进一步向"左"转,进一步激进化,进一步强化对巴列维王朝敌对情绪,加速他们走上武装反抗巴列维王朝的革命道路.  相似文献   

曹晋  吴娟 《史学月刊》2006,(1):80-83
贺萧(GailB.Hershatter)教授长于研究现代中国社会与文化史、劳工史、妇女史、性史、女性主义理论。其专著《危险的愉悦:20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性》在学界受到好评。  相似文献   


During the Napoleonic Wars the military croquis, or sketch map, played an important role in the spatial management of the various campaigns. Presumably, many of these sketch maps were destroyed or discarded after their immediate use. Those that survive have received little scholarly notice. Attention is drawn in this article to a large and well-documented collection produced during the campaign in Russia in 1812 and subsequently amassed by the Saxon cartographer Ferdinand Heinrich August von Larisch. The operational value of the military croquis is examined and the relationship between cartographic poetics and historical representation considered.  相似文献   

韩裔女作家柳美里的"滞日"创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳美里,滞日韩裔女作家,滞日经历对其文学创作有着深刻的影响。她把痛苦生活的模本作为创作的原型,通过作品《水边的摇篮》以及《家庭电影》、《生》的四部曲等作品,对家庭崩溃进行回忆,对家庭的含义及家庭重构进行重新理解,深刻地刻画出"滞日"一族的生活状态及心理状态。柳美里自身也在通过创作来寻找自身的存在价值和意义。她的文学作品因触及日本社会文化的某些本质方面,而成为日本文学的有机构成。  相似文献   

本文认为1962年中印边界冲突前,随着美国南亚政策的调整,美巴的盟友关系出现了潜在的裂缝.中印边界冲突发生后,美国在未同巴基斯坦磋商的情况下向印度提供军事援助,导致美巴关系fla~T危机.冲突停止后,美巴关系继续恶化,1965年印巴战争爆发后降到了历史的最低点.本文也认为美巴关系发生剧变有非常复杂的原因.  相似文献   

1961年美蒋关于外蒙古联合国代表权问题的争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐小松 《史学月刊》2003,22(1):61-65
20世纪60年代,国际社会支持中国恢复联合国席位的力量日益增加,为了阻止中国进入联合国,美国搬出外蒙古问题,企图通过让外蒙古进入联合国这一“迂回”手法,达到保护国民党席位的目的。在策划该计划的过程中,美蒋发生了激烈争吵。经过数轮讨价还价,美蒋最终达成妥协,从而为外蒙古进入联合国打开了方便之门。  相似文献   

美国对1962年中印边界冲突的反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王琛 《史学月刊》2002,6(1):89-97,120
美国对1962年中印边界冲突反应与它的南亚政策息息相关。从印巴分治直到中美和解前夕,美国的南亚政策始终有服务于全球冷战的两个目标:力促印巴和解以防止共产主义集团乘机介入;以一切可能的手段使印度放弃中立政策并加入到西方集团。中印边界冲突在美国政府的南亚政策渐入困境时发生,给了美国决策者以莫大的期望,他们企图以其所谓的天赐良机达至以上主要针对中国的冷战目标。然而,中国正确政策及出神入化的实践大大强化了美国在南亚地区既有的结构性困境,使肯尼迪政府利用中印冲突的图谋以失败而告终。  相似文献   


Tracing the relationship between P.H. [Patrick Henry] Pearse (1879–1916) and Thomas MacDonagh (1878–1916), this essay explores the impact their friendship had on their careers as writers and critics. Their work together in St Enda’s, the school for boys founded by Pearse in 1908, provides a significant context for this exploration. There, while working with MacDonagh, Pearse made drama an important part of school life and started writing plays for public performance. Meanwhile, their collaboration in putting together the St. Enda’s school journal, An Macaomh (1909–1913), helped to hone MacDonagh’s skills as a literary critic and to prepare for his later editorial role at the Irish Review (1911–1914). Attention then turns to how MacDonagh’s views on Irish literature and his translations from Old Irish influenced his friend’s development as both a critic and poet. Paticular consideration is paid to “Mise Éire”, one of Pearse’s best-known poems. Finally, similarities are considered between MacDonagh and the hero of The Wandering Hawk (1915–1916), Pearse’s unfinished, English-language, school story for children. Taken together, these various investigations reveal that, despite differing temperaments and at times divergent approaches to Irish writing, Pearse and MacDonagh enjoyed a mutually stimulating friendship that impacted positively on their literary careers.  相似文献   

Spatial planning affects the way in which cities are created and developed, as well as their economics and welfare. It does so by constructing institutional frameworks that frequently undergo states of contradiction and demands for adjustment and revision. This situation is particularly evident by looking at the way in which urban facilities have been planned during the twentieth century. The article explores the issue of urban facility planning in Italy by taking into account the adaptations of the institutional framework governing and regulating their supply. In particular, it explores the central contradictions which guided reforms and revisions of urban facility planning in Italy, starting from the post-war period until now, and the main problems left unsolved after years of attempts at innovation aiming at a more flexible and quality-oriented approach. In order to contribute to this debate, specific policy implications and devices are presented.  相似文献   

李维明 《南方文物》2010,(4):93-100
邹衡先生曾在北京大学考古系从事考古教学数十年,通过课堂教学和田野实习,培养了一批又一批的本科生和研究生。这些学生毕业后,多数为考古学研究不同程度地作出了贡献。因此,邹衡先生也是一位考古教育家。  相似文献   

根据《包山楚简》所记文书的有关材料可知,《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(五).竞建内之》篇的所谓篇名“竞建内之”四字,其意是指楚人景建献纳简书。根据《大戴礼记》、《逸周书.官人》等材料可证,《上博(五).鲍叔牙与隰朋之谏》篇中的“”,可能当读为“考度”。  相似文献   

何炳松指出历史学与自然科学在研究方法、研究目的和研究对象上均有很大不同,由此得出历史学是一门主观推理的学问,历史学不必像自然科学那样寻求历史发展的因果规律,历史认识会随时代的变化而变化,体现了历史相对主义的思想特征。另一方面,他指出,历史学与自然科学都旨在求真,历史学为了求得历史真相,必须在充分搜集史料的基础上,对史料进行科学的考订和分析,然后用科学的方法进行编撰,这又是一种实证史学的方法论。因此,简单将他定位为中国现代相对主义史学家是片面的。  相似文献   

张萍 《攀登》2005,24(4):123-124
形象思维和逻辑思维是两种性质不同的思维方式,但是,在艺术和文学等的创作实践中,两者却能够统一起来,并且在创作的每个阶段上都交互影响。形象思维始终占据着主导地位,逻辑思维从属于形象思维,帮助它塑造出具体真实的形象。  相似文献   

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