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钟离国历史与文化的考古学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱华东 《安徽史学》2011,(5):117-122
近年来有关钟离国的考古发现证实了春秋时期钟离国的存在,从中可解析出大量相关历史文化信息,弥补了文献的不足。从钟离国遗迹、遗物出发,结合文献材料,说明春秋钟离国可能为楚之封邑,在金文中可考世系仅有五代。钟离国埋葬方式另辟蹊径,殉葬风俗根深蒂固,用土颜色意味深远,文化上深受阴阳五行观影响。其文化表明该支钟离国族可能源自东夷地区。  相似文献   

In China, there are places that are rich in gem‐quality turquoise resources, including north‐west Hubei Province and the nearby Baihe County in Shaanxi Province, and many ancient mining sites, although the mining history remains a mystery. Based on the compositional data from reference samples of known deposits, a comparison of the major and trace element contents of archaeological turquoise may help with determination of artefact provenance. This paper discusses new evidence of provenance‐tracking of turquoise in this area, obtained from geochemical analyses using REE and other trace elements of 22 turquoises and their surrounding rock samples from six ancient mines and three archaeological sites. The results indicate that the three archaeological turquoises from the tomb of the Middle Spring and Autumn Period (580–560 bc ) and the Warring States Period (476–221 bc ) in Hubei Province were made of raw material from north‐west Hubei Province and the nearby Baihe County in Shaanxi Province. [Correction added on 29 October 2014, after first online publication: In the preceding sentence, the correct dates for the Middle Spring and Autumn Period, and the Warring States Period have been added]  相似文献   

试论中国地域文化的地理特征   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本文提出中国地域文化形成于春秋战国时期,经过长期发展演变,至今可以分为十六个地域文化区,文章概括了各区的地理特征,并分析其形成原因,对弘扬传统文化,热爱乡土,开展文化交流有重要意义。  相似文献   

Xiaoshan in Zhejiang Province was an important ceramic production area in ancient China. During recent years, local archaeologists have found a number of mound tombs dating to the Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period. Many shards of stamped stoneware and proto‐porcelain have been unearthed from these tombs. In this paper, we report how we collected ceramic shards from tombs and samples from local ancient kilns as reference materials in order to clarify their relationship. We have used the energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence technique to analyse the chemical composition of the ceramic samples. The results indicate that some of the tomb artefacts may be imported from other production areas. We infer that the other tomb samples were produced at local kilns, but due to production process–related compositional differences, there are small differences in chemical composition between different categories of samples.  相似文献   

原始瓷的三种年代测定方法结果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规的热释光细粒混合矿物法、热释光前剂量饱和指数法以及单片再生剂量光释光法三种测年方法,对中国上海、浙江萧山地区出土的7件西周、春秋、战国以及汉代的原始瓷样品进行了年代测定,并对测得的每个样品的3个年代结果与已知年代进行比对。用热释光细粒混合矿物法测定得到了较为理想的年代结果,与样品的已知年代结果相比吻合得较好。用热释光前剂量饱和指数法测定得到了该方法的上限饱和年代,即距今1800年左右。用再生剂量光释光法测定得到了这些样品的年代,只是实际年代的50%-80%左右,结果不太理想。因此,采用热释光细粒混合矿物法测定这类样品的年代,只要解决了制样问题,还是目前较好的测年方法。  相似文献   

清初《春秋》经学力求杜绝宋元以来《春秋》经解之中的空虚、穿凿,顾炎武提倡、鼓励广辑传注解经,《左传》因产生年代最古,以及详实的叙事,在众多传注中确立了它的学术优先地位。顾炎武将《左传》杜注带入研究视野,其方法影响及乾嘉汉学,但又明显带有清初经学的特点,而顾炎武对《左传》义理的质疑则承袭了历来学者对《左传》义理的不信任,带有普遍共通性。  相似文献   

叶文宪 《史学月刊》2001,4(3):34-40
春秋战国时期中国社会发生的变化一直被看作是“从奴隶社会转变为封建社会”,其实是中国社会发生了转型。这一社会转型是中国从封建分权的王国时代进入了专制集权的帝国时代。  相似文献   

安徽当涂船里山遗址发现后良渚阶段至春秋时期地层堆积及柱洞、灰坑等遗迹,并出土铜器、陶器、原始瓷器、石器等重要遗物。根据地层、遗迹间的叠压关系以及出土遗物的情况,可将遗址分为三期:龙山文化晚期至夏初期、西周晚期和春秋早中期。其中龙山文化晚期至夏初期遗存较为丰富,为了解姑溪河流域后良渚阶段至夏时期该地区考古学文化提供了宝贵资料。  相似文献   

祭祀祖先的范围,即仪典中祭祀哪些祖先,不但是祖先崇拜的基本问题,并且还折射出生者与祖先之间的关系,以及人们对家族、血缘的认知等等。春秋时期是社会变动较为剧烈的时期,在这一变化的时代,祭祀对象发生若干变化,祖先崇拜也展现出新的特点。总体而言,春秋时人重视近祖,也注重远祖,在选择所祭对象时,春秋时人以满足现实需求为目的,祭祀祖先有其灵活的一面而并无统一的标准。可堪注意的是,春秋时人擅于追溯远祖,春秋金文中出现了对祝融、成汤等远祖的追记,而不再如西周时人一般只将祖先追踪至文王武王时代。此外,春秋时人对于英雄祖先十分崇拜,并将这一风尚提升至礼的高度予以阐述。春秋时人追忆远祖,对儒家"慎终追远"的观念有深刻的影响;春秋时人崇拜英雄祖先,对于这一时期人们创造出共同的英雄祖先有直接的影响。  相似文献   

今日照市春秋时属莒国领域。2008年3月日照市东港区首次发现春秋时期樊国铭文青铜器,这是继山东发现黄国太子伯克盆、陈国大丧史仲高钟铜器后的又一次新发现,为研究春秋时期莒国与樊国的关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This paper conducts a thorough investigation into the graves dating from the early Western Zhou to the middle Spring and Autumn period where fish-shaped coffin ornaments were unearthed, summarizes the characteristics of these fish-shaped coffin ornaments in terms of shapes and regions, and discusses the relationship between the distribution of the string coffin ornaments in the graves and the age of the graves and the status of the grave owners. The development of the string coffin ornaments including the fish-shaped ones is divided into three major stages in this paper, namely the period from the early period of the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the early period of the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the period from the late period of the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle Spring and Autumn period, and the period after the middle Spring and Autumn.  相似文献   

马超 《四川文物》2020,(2):36-42
妀善鼎的年代或以为是战国早期,或以为是春秋早期,从该鼎的纹饰、器形、铭文字体来看,其年代最有可能是春秋晚期,或提前至春秋中期后段。该鼎的国别旧被认为是山东纪国,但是春秋早期之时这个位于山东的姜姓纪国已经被齐国所灭,金文中以""为国名者尚有一个箕国,此国春秋晚期尚存,且地望与燕国临近,两国关系密切。器主自称"妟生",金文中"妟"声之字常读为"燕","妟生"意即燕国之甥。从鼎的年代以及器主自称两方面考虑,妀善鼎应属于箕国,该鼎的出现也证明了箕国的灭亡应在春秋中期以后,合于《路史》"春秋犹有箕、崇之国"的记载。  相似文献   

安徽省南陵县是长江下游地区最早而且规模最大的冶炼中心之一,其古代矿冶遗址可上溯至西周晚期。本研究对南陵出土的不同年代和类别的青铜器样品进行了金相检测及合金成分定量分析。结果表明,只有容器存在铜铅二元合金和铜锡铅三元合金,但是热锻淬火的容器却不含铅,含锡量恰好位于适合该工艺操作并具有良好性能的区间。兵器、工具、车马饰均为铜锡二元合金,说明当时的工匠对于合金成分配比与性能的关系有明确的认识。越式鼎腹部样品具有热锻淬火马氏体组织,同样的金属结构还见于汉代铜锣等乐器、峡江地区战国中晚期青铜剑、江都大桥镇南朝青铜器窖藏出土的多件青铜容器,而镇江地区出土吴国青铜戈则具有铸造淬火组织,工艺稍有差别。这些器物中发现高锡青铜淬火组织不是偶然的,高锡青铜热锻淬火技术至少可以上溯至春秋战国时期,用以改善高锡青铜的机械性能。  相似文献   

2006年12月,武汉大学历史地理研究所与钟祥市博物馆合作,对位处钟祥汉西地区的罗山遗址进行了田野考古调查,发现这是一处保存较好的东周时期遗址,具体年代约为春秋中晚期至汉晋,战国遗物较多见。结合文献分析,我们认为该遗址可能为春秋中期南迁的古都国、汉晋都县所在。  相似文献   

中国早期失蜡铸造问题的考察与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就先秦时期青铜器中四类无法按分块陶范铸造工艺解释的纹饰或附件——器物通体饰难于整体脱范的纹饰,纹饰凹槽内宽外窄,形成倒勾纹饰,纹饰边缘上翘,形成翻边的纹饰以及无范线绞股绳索状附件进行了技术分析或模拟试验,认为中国失蜡铸造技术起源于焚失法;焚失法最早见于商代中晚期:焚失法铸造技术在无范线失蜡法技术出现之后逐渐消亡;至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡铸造技术已相当成熟。所谓中国青铜时代“没有失蜡法铸造器例”之说实属无稽之谈。  相似文献   

一、合家山地理位置及出土器物概况合家山地处云南西部弥渡县红岩乡东部,1995年,该地共出土铜器45件(报道了44件,实地考察45件),石、陶范23件以及陶质的残坩埚和风管,因这批材料未经科学发掘,无地层和出土物关系,故报道中根据器形、纹饰的情况将时代定为春秋晚期至战国中期,并推测这是一处青铜时代的冶铸遗址[1]。  相似文献   

试论楚国铁器的使用和发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
我国出土的早期铁器大都集中于楚国,目前出土的楚国早期铁器从上个世纪70年代的10余件增加到40余件,时代上限从春秋晚期上溯到了春秋中期。楚国最早的铁器发现在今鄂西,开始使用的铁器主要为农具,还有一些小型利器。至春秋晚期,楚国已有了锻造的铁器。楚国铁器,从战国初开始容器变大,刀剑变长,新器形大量出现。到战国中期,精工铁器和铜铁合铸的铁足铜鼎流行。楚国大约从春秋中期开始冶铁、用铁,到春战之交,社会已进入了铁器时代。  相似文献   

Attempts were made to detect ancient DNA (aDNA) in samples of 88 human skeletons from eight Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in Greece and Crete. Ancient DNA was absent in specimens from Nea Nikomedia, Lerna, Karaviádena (Zakro), Antron Grave Circle A and Mycenae Grave Circle A. For each of three skeletons from Antron Grave Circle B that were sampled, polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) gave products for nuclear but not mitochondrial DNA, but amplicon yield was low and inconsistent with replicate PCRs failing to give reproducible results. With specimens from Mycenae Grave Circle B, evidence for mitochondrial aDNA was obtained for four of the 22 skeletons that were studied, and at Kouphovouno evidence for mitochondrial and/or nuclear aDNA was obtained with eight of the 20 skeletons that were examined. We conclude that, although aDNA might be present in some Eastern Mediterranean skeletons from later centuries of the Bronze Age, it is not commonly found in material from this period and is likely to be absent from older material.  相似文献   

再议辉县琉璃阁春秋大墓的国别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对琉璃阁春秋大墓随葬青铜器形制和纹饰的排比分析,对其年代进行了推断;根据墓葬规模以及随葬礼乐器的规格对墓主身份进行了分析。同时,结合相关历史文献记载,论证了墓主应为春秋中晚期晋国的范氏卿族。  相似文献   

Whetstone-as-funerary-object was a common practice seen in tombs at the Jinsha site. Commonly found in the tombs at the Jinsha site, whetstones could have been a signifier of professional soldiers or violence groups in the ancient Shu culture, thus a product of the stratified ancient Shu society. Whetstones have been largely discovered in boat-coffin burials. The practice took form no later than the early Western Zhou dynasty, went on the decline in the late Spring and Autumn period, and came to an end in the Warring States period. The burial custom in question reflects the rise and fall of Jinsha as the central settlement area, and is a likely result of the two major transitions the ancient Shu society underwent over the period from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period. The ancient Shu society experienced regime changes and went under the reign of reshuffling rulers in the late Spring and Autumn period; as a result, the emerging ruling elite abandoned the old whetstone-as-funerary-object practice, and embraced the new world.  相似文献   

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