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L. Jia  C. Cai  H. Yang  H. Li  T. Wang  B. Zhang  L. Jiang  X. Tao 《Geofluids》2015,15(3):421-437
Petrographic features, C, O, S, and Sr isotopes were determined, and fluid inclusions (FI) were analyzed on various stages of vug‐ and fracture‐fillings from the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim basin, NW China. The aim was to assess the origin of pyrite and anhydrite and the processes affecting sulfur during diagenesis of the carbonates. Pyrite from seven wells has δ34S values from ?22‰ to +31‰. The pyrites with low δ34S values from ?21.8‰ to ?12.3‰ were found close to fracture‐filling calcites with vapor‐liquid double‐phase aqueous fluid inclusions homogenization temperatures (FI‐Th) from 55.7 to 73.2°C, salinities from 1.4wt% to 6.59wt% NaCl equiv and δ13C values from ?2.3‰ to ?14.2‰, indicating an origin from bacterial sulfate reduction by organic matter. Other sulfides with heavier δ34S values may have formed by thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) during two episodes. The earlier TSR in the Middle and Lower Cambrian resulted in pyrites and H2S having δ34S values from 30 to 33‰, close to those of bedded anhydrite and oilfield water (approximately 34‰). The later TSR is represented by calcites with δ13C values as light as ?17.7‰ and FI‐Th of about 120–145°C, and pyrite and H2S with δ34S values close to those of the Upper Cambrian burial‐diagenetic anhydrite (between +14.8‰ and +22.6‰). The values of the anhydrite are significantly lighter than contemporary seawater sulfates. This together with 87Sr/86Sr values of anhydrite and TSR calcites from 0.7091 to 0.7125 suggests a source from the underlying Ediacaran seawater sulfate and detrital Sr contribution.  相似文献   

L. Jiang  W. Pan  C. Cai  L. Jia  L. Pan  T. Wang  H. Li  S. Chen  Y. Chen 《Geofluids》2015,15(3):483-498
Permian hydrothermal activity in the Tarim Basin may have been responsible for the invasion of hot brines into Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. Studies have been undertaken to explain the origin and geochemical characteristics of the diagenetic fluid present during this hydrothermal event although there is no consensus on it. We present a genetic model resulting from the study of δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr isotope values and fluid inclusions (FIs) from fracture‐ and vug‐filling calcite, saddle dolomite, fluorite, barite, quartz, and anhydrite from Ordovician outcrops in northwest (NW) Tarim Basin and subsurface cores in Central Tarim Basin. The presence of hydrothermal fluid was confirmed by minerals with fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures being >10°C higher than the paleo‐formation burial temperatures both in the NW Tarim and in the Central Tarim areas. The mixing of hot (>200°C), high‐salinity (>24 wt% NaCl), 87Sr‐rich (up to 0.7104) hydrothermal fluid with cool (60–100°C), low‐salinity (0 to 3.5 wt% NaCl), also 87Sr‐rich (up to 0.7010) meteoric water in the Ordovician unit was supported by the salinity of fluid inclusions, and δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values of the diagenetic minerals. Up‐migrated hydrothermal fluids from the deeper Cambrian strata may have contributed to the hot brine with high sulfate concentrations which promoted thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) in the Ordovician, resulting in the formation of 12C‐rich (δ13C as low as ?13.8‰) calcite and 34S‐rich (δ34S values from 21.4‰ to 29.7‰) H2S, pyrite, and elemental sulfur. Hydrothermal fluid mixing with fresh water in Ordovician strata in Tarim Basin was facilitated by deep‐seated faults and up‐reaching faults due to the pervasive Permian magmatic activity. Collectively, fluid mixing, hydrothermal dolomitization, TSR, and faulting may have locally dissolved the host carbonates and increased the reservoir porosity and permeability, which has significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   

Petrography, geochemistry (stable and radiogenic isotopes), and fluid inclusion microthermometry of matrix dolomite, fracture‐filling calcite, and saddle dolomite in Ordovician to Devonian carbonates from southwestern Ontario, Canada, provide useful insights into fluid flow evolution during diagenesis. The calculated δ18Ofluid, ΣREE, and REESN patterns of matrix and saddle dolomite suggest diverse fluids were involved in dolomitization and/or recrystallization of dolomite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dolomite of each succession vary from values in the range of coeval seawater to values more radiogenic than corresponding seawater, which indicate diagenetic fluids were influenced by significant water/rock interaction. High salinities (22.4–26.3 wt. % NaCl + CaCl2) of Silurian and Ordovician dolomite–hosted fluid inclusions indicate involvement of saline waters from dissolution of Silurian evaporites. High fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (>100°C) in all samples from Devonian to Ordovician show temperatures higher than maximum burial (60–90°C) of their host strata and suggest involvement of hydrothermal fluids in precipitation and/or recrystallization of dolomite. A thermal anomaly over the mid‐continent rift during Devonian to Mississippian time likely was the source of excess heat in the basin. Thermal buoyancy resulting from this anomaly was the driving force for migration of hydrothermal fluids through regional aquifers from the center of the Michigan Basin toward its margin. The decreasing trend of homogenization temperatures from the basin center toward its margin further supports the interpreted migration of hydrothermal fluids from the basin center toward its margin. Hydrocarbon‐bearing fluid inclusions in late‐stage Devonian to Ordovician calcite cements with high homogenization temperatures (>80°C) and their 13C‐depleted values (approaching ?32‰ PDB) indicate the close relationship between hydrothermal fluids and hydrocarbon migration.  相似文献   

As part of a preliminary geological characterization programme to assess the feasibility of an underground laboratory in granitic rock, a series of 17 deep boreholes (maximum depth, 900 m) was drilled by ANDRA in the Vienne district, France. A salinity gradient was demonstrated in the granitic waters with concentrations varying from approximately 1 g L?1 at 150 m depth at the top of the basement (beneath the sedimentary cover) to 10 g L?1 in the deeper part (from 400 to 600 m depth). Sr and B isotope ratios were measured in order to better understand the origin of the salinity and to evaluate the degree of water–rock interaction in the system. The results obtained were compared to those of mineral spring waters emerging from the granitic basement in the Massif Central. Evidence in support of a significant marine contribution include: (i) the Cl–Br investigations agree with a marine origin for the saline groundwaters without evolution from seawater; (ii) the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the Vienne deep groundwaters (0.7078–0.7084) is in agreement with a palaeo‐seawater isotopic signature; (iii) measured δ11B values for the deepest brine samples are enriched in 11B (up to 36.1‰) relative to the granitic springs. The combined use of δ11B, Cl, B, Br, Sr contents and 87Sr/86Sr ratios makes it possible to define and quantify a mixing model between marine and crustal end‐members in order to explain the origin of the deep saline groundwaters in the Vienne granitic rocks.  相似文献   

The Kalahari Goldridge deposit is located in the Archaean Kraaipan greenstone belt in the north-west province of South Africa. Gold mineralization in this deposit is hosted within banded iron formation which is flanked by a mafic schist in the footwall and clastic metasedimentary units in the hanging wall. Data from carbonate minerals from mineralized veins and bulk rock from the A and D zone ore bodies have helped to define the ultimate origin of the ore-forming fluids and their migration history. Carbon isotope ratios of carbonates from both the A and D zone ore bodies have tight clustering from −7.6 to −5.3‰ that indicates a unique origin for the ore-forming fluids associated with the mineralization at Kalahari Goldridge. The δ18O values of the carbonates have been influenced by temperature gradients and variable degrees of fluid–rock interaction promoting oxygen isotope exchange between ore fluid and host rocks. Minimum 87Sr/86Sr ratio values of 0.70354 in mineralized veins are most consistent with ore-forming fluids being relatively pristine with a mantle origin. Strontium and the corresponding ore-forming fluids were most likely derived from mantle-derived magmatic rocks probably represented by the meta-basaltic rocks that underlie the ferruginous package in the Kraaipan greenstone belt. Strontium isotopic composition of vein carbonates show considerable variation in 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.70354 to 0.73914. This is consistent with an ore fluid composition that has been modified by the addition of radiogenic Sr possibly during passage of fluid through siliciclastic country rock concomitant with the observed hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data from quartz and carbonate minerals in fracture fillings and ‘ironstone’ nodules from the South Wales Coalfield have been used to characterise the fluids generated during basin evolution and associated coalification. Carbonates grew first, probably at relatively shallow depths and low temperatures (<100°C). The carbonates exhibit a trend of increasing C‐isotopic values across the coalfield, ranging from δ13C = ?12‰ VPDB in the SE of the coalfield to 0‰ VPDB in the NW, possibly as a result of increasing methanogenesis in the deeper (NW) parts of the coalfield. Quartz formed at a later stage of basin formation, probably at temperatures between 150 and 200°C. Fluid inclusions in these minerals suggest that burial and coalification of the sediments were associated with mixed aqueous–petroleum fluids. Furthermore, the density of these petroleum fluids decreases towards the NW of the coalfield, where the rank of the associated coal increases to anthracite grade. The study confirms that the composition and temperature of these fluids closely correlate with the variations in coal rank, indicating a possible causal link. The data also give general support to models that propose regional fluid flow in the basin. and are consistent with the erosion of approximately 2 km of section which is not preserved today. A geothermal gradient (at maximum burial) of 45°C km?1 is proposed, and thus no exceptionally anomalous thermal regime is required to explain coal rank variation.  相似文献   

Thermally re‐equilibrated fluid inclusions are reported in natural fissure quartz (qtz1) from polymineralic veins in the diagenetic‐anchizonal clastic sedimentary rocks of the Ciñera‐Matallana coal basin (Variscan, NW Spain). Euhedral quartz formed during early fissure opening from an immiscible fluid mixture composed of a low salinity aqueous solution and a CH4‐rich vapour phase, at temperatures of about 110–120°C and pressures ranging from 15 to 56 MPa. Five textural types of re‐equilibration are recognised in progressive order of inclusion modification: scalloped, hairy, annular‐ring shaped, haloes and decrepitation clusters. These textures resulted from a combination of brittle fracturing and dissolution and re‐precipitation of quartz, with preferential loss of water. The thermal peak was short‐lived, but was high enough to induce extensive decrepitation of fluid inclusions in vein quartz throughout the entire basin. Enhanced temperatures can be related to the intrusion of diorites in the basin. Careful analysis of textural features in fluid inclusions from diagenetic and very low‐grade metamorphism environments constitutes a useful tool for recording basin thermal history.  相似文献   

Structure‐ and tectonic‐related gas migration into Ordovician sandstone reservoirs and its impact on diagenesis history were reconstructed in two gas fields in the Sbaa Basin, in SW Algeria. This was accomplished by petrographical observations, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope geochemistry on quartz, dickite and carbonate cements and veins. Two successive phases of quartz cementation (CQ1 and CQ2) occurred in the reservoirs. Two phase aqueous inclusions show an increase in temperatures and salinities from the first CQ1 diagenetic phase toward CQ2 in both fields. Microthermometric data on gas inclusions in quartz veins reveal the presence of an average of 92 ± 5 mole% of CH4 considering a CH4‐CO2 system, which is similar to the present‐day gas composition in the reservoirs. The presence of primary methane inclusions in early quartz overgrowths and in quartz and calcite veins suggests that hydrocarbon migration into the reservoir occurred synchronically with early quartz cementation in the sandstones located near the contact with the Silurian gas source rock at 100–140°C during the Late Carboniferous period and the late Hercynian episode fracturing at temperatures between 117 and 185°C, which increased in the NW‐direction of the basin. During the fracture filling, three main types of fluids were identified with different salinities and formation temperatures. A supplementary phase of higher fluid temperature (up to 226°C) recorded in late quartz, and calcite veins is related to a Jurassic thermal event. The occurrence of dickite cements close to the Silurian base near the main fault areas in both fields is mainly correlated with the sandstones where the early gas was charged. It implies that dickite precipitation is related to acidic influx. Late carbonate cements and veins (calcite – siderite – ankerite and strontianite) occurred at the same depths resulting from the same groundwater precipitation. The absence of methane inclusions in calcite cements result from methane flushing by saline waters.  相似文献   

Highly saline, deep‐seated basement brines are of major importance for ore‐forming processes, but their genesis is controversial. Based on studies of fluid inclusions from hydrothermal veins of various ages, we reconstruct the temporal evolution of continental basement fluids from the Variscan Schwarzwald (Germany). During the Carboniferous (vein type i), quartz–tourmaline veins precipitated from low‐salinity (<4.5wt% NaCl + CaCl2), high‐temperature (≤390°C) H2O‐NaCl‐(CO2‐CH4) fluids with Cl/Br mass ratios = 50–146. In the Permian (vein type ii), cooling of H2O‐NaCl‐(KCl‐CaCl2) metamorphic fluids (T ≤ 310°C, 2–4.5wt% NaCl + CaCl2, Cl/Br mass ratios = 90) leads to the precipitation of quartz‐Sb‐Au veins. Around the Triassic–Jurassic boundary (vein type iii), quartz–haematite veins formed from two distinct fluids: a low‐salinity fluid (similar to (ii)) and a high‐salinity fluid (T = 100–320°C, >20wt% NaCl + CaCl2, Cl/Br mass ratios = 60–110). Both fluids types were present during vein formation but did not mix with each other (because of hydrogeological reasons). Jurassic–Cretaceous veins (vein type iv) record fluid mixing between an older bittern brine (Cl/Br mass ratios ~80) and a younger halite dissolution brine (Cl/Br mass ratios >1000) of similar salinity, resulting in a mixed H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 brine (50–140°C, 23–26wt% NaCl + CaCl2, Cl/Br mass ratios = 80–520). During post‐Cretaceous times (vein type v), the opening of the Upper Rhine Graben and the concomitant juxtaposition of various aquifers, which enabled mixing of high‐ and low‐salinity fluids and resulted in vein formation (multicomponent fluid H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2‐(SO4‐HCO3), 70–190°C, 5–25wt% NaCl‐CaCl2 and Cl/Br mass ratios = 2–140). The first occurrence of highly saline brines is recorded in veins that formed shortly after deposition of halite in the Muschelkalk Ocean above the basement, suggesting an external source of the brine's salinity. Hence, today's brines in the European basement probably developed from inherited evaporitic bittern brines. These were afterwards extensively modified by fluid–rock interaction on their migration paths through the crystalline basement and later by mixing with younger meteoric fluids and halite dissolution brines.  相似文献   

The boron stable isotope ratio δ11B of 12 water samples representative of three chemical facies (fresh Na‐bicarbonate, brackish Na‐chloride, saline, and brine Ca‐chloride) has been analyzed. Interpretation of the δ11B data, along with the chemical compositions, reveals that Na‐carbonate waters from the Northern Apennine are of meteoric origin, with boron contributions from clay desorption and mixing with seawater‐derived fluids of Na‐chloride or Ca‐chloride compositions. The comparison of our new results with the literature data on other sedimentary basins of Mediterranean, and worldwide, confirms the contribution of Na‐bicarbonate waters to the genesis of mud volcano fluids. The Na‐chloride sample of Salvarola (SAL), which may represent the end‐member of the mud volcanoes, and the Ca‐chloride brine water from Salsomaggiore (SM) indicate boron release from clays compatible with the diagenetic process. The empirical equation: relating boron concentration and the stable isotope composition of the fluids observed in this study and the literature is proposed to trace the effect of diagenesis in sedimentary basins. A geothermometer associated to the diagenetic equation is also proposed: The application of this equation to obtain reservoir temperatures from δ11B compositions of waters should be carefully evaluated against the results obtained from other chemical and isotopic geothermometers from other basins around the world.  相似文献   

We present a structural, microstructural, and stable isotope study of a calcite vein mesh within the Cretaceous Natih Formation in the Oman Mountains to explore changes in fluid pathways during vein formation. Stage 1 veins form a mesh of steeply dipping crack‐seal extension veins confined to a 3.5‐m‐thick stratigraphic interval. Different strike orientations of Stage 1 veins show mutually crosscutting relationships. Stage 2 veins occur in the dilatant parts of a younger normal fault interpreted to penetrate the stratigraphy below. The δ18O composition of the host rock ranges from 21.8‰ to 23.7‰. The δ13C composition ranges from 1.5‰ to 2.3‰. This range is consistent with regionally developed diagenetic alteration at top of the Natih Formation. The δ18O composition of vein calcite varies from 22.5‰ to 26.2‰, whereas δ13C composition ranges from ?0.8‰ to 2.1‰. A first trend observed in Stage 1 veins involves a decrease of δ13C to compositions nearly 1.3‰ lower than the host rock, whereas δ18O remains constant. A second trend observed in Stage 2 calcite has δ18O values up to 3.3‰ higher than the host rock, whereas the δ13C composition is similar. Stable isotope data and microstructures indicate an episodic flow regime for both stages. During Stage 1, formation of a stratabound vein mesh involved bedding‐parallel flow, under near‐lithostatic fluid pressures. The 18O fluid composition was host rock‐buffered, whereas 13C composition was relatively depleted. This may reflect reaction of low 13C CO2 derived by fluid interaction with organic matter in the limestones. Stage 2 vein formation is associated with fault‐controlled fluid flow accessing fluids in equilibrium with limestones about 50 m beneath. We highlight how evolution of effective stress states and the growth of faults influence the hydraulic connectivity in fracture networks and we demonstrate the value of stable isotopes in tracking changes in fluid pathways.  相似文献   

The chemical evolution of fluids in Alpine fissure veins (open cavities with large free‐standing crystals) has been studied by combination of fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry, LA‐ICPMS microanalysis, and thermodynamic modeling. The quartz vein systems cover a metamorphic cross section through the Central Alps (Switzerland), ranging from subgreenschist‐ to amphibolite‐facies conditions. Fluid compositions change from aqueous inclusions in subgreenschist‐ and greenschist‐facies rocks to aqueous–carbonic inclusions in amphibolite‐facies rocks. The fluid composition is constant for each vein, across several fluid inclusion generations that record the growth history of the quartz crystals. Chemical solute geothermometry, fluid inclusion isochores, and constraints from fluid–mineral equilibria modeling were used to reconstruct the pressure–temperature conditions of the Alpine fissure veins and to compare them with the metamorphic path of their host rocks. The data demonstrate that fluids in the Aar massif were trapped close to the metamorphic peak whereas the fluids in the Penninic nappes record early cooling, consistent with retrograde alteration. The good agreement between the fluid–mineral equilibria modeling and observed fluid compositions and host‐rock mineralogy suggests that the fluid inclusions were entrapped under rock‐buffered conditions. The molar Cl/Br ratios of the fluid inclusions are below the seawater value and would require unrealistically high degrees of evaporation and subsequent dilution if they were derived from seawater. The halogen data may thus be better explained by interaction between metamorphic fluids and organic matter or graphite in metasedimentary rocks. The volatile content (CO2, sulfur) in the fluid inclusions increases systematically as function of the metamorphic grade, suggesting that the fluids have been produced by prograde devolatilization reactions. Only the fluids in the highest grade rocks were partly modified by retrograde fluid–rock interactions, and all major element compositions reflect equilibration with the local host rocks during the earliest stages of postmetamorphic uplift.  相似文献   

An integrated fluid inclusion and stable isotope study was carried out on hydrothermal veins (Sb‐bearing quartz veins, metal‐bearing fluorite–barite–quartz veins) from the Schwarzwald district, Germany. A total number of 106 Variscan (quartz veins related to Variscan orogenic processes) and post‐Variscan deposits were studied by microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, and stable isotope analysis. The fluid inclusions in Variscan quartz veins are of the H2O–NaCl–(KCl) type, have low salinities (0–10 wt.% eqv. NaCl) and high Th values (150–350°C). Oxygen isotope data for quartz range from +2.8‰ to +12.2‰ and calculated δ18OH2O values of the fluid are between ?12.5‰ and +4.4‰. The δD values of water extracted from fluid inclusions vary between ?49‰ and +4‰. The geological framework, fluid inclusion and stable isotope characteristics of the Variscan veins suggest an origin from regional metamorphic devolatilization processes. By contrast, the fluid inclusions in post‐Variscan fluorite, calcite, barite, quartz, and sphalerite belong to the H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 type, have high salinities (22–25 wt.% eqv. NaCl) and lower Th values of 90–200°C. A low‐salinity fluid (0–15 wt.% eqv. NaCl) was observed in late‐stage fluorite, calcite, and quartz, which was trapped at similar temperatures. The δ18O values of quartz range between +11.1‰ and +20.9‰, which translates into calculated δ18OH2O values between ?11.0‰ and +4.4‰. This range is consistent with δ18OH2O values of fluid inclusion water extracted from fluorite (?11.6‰ to +1.1‰). The δD values of directly measured fluid inclusion water range between ?29‰ and ?1‰, ?26‰ and ?15‰, and ?63‰ and +9‰ for fluorite, quartz, and calcite, respectively. Calculations using the fluid inclusion and isotope data point to formation of the fluorite–barite–quartz veins under near‐hydrostatic conditions. The δ18OH2O and δD data, particularly the observed wide range in δD, indicate that the mineralization formed through large‐scale mixing of a basement‐derived saline NaCl–CaCl2 brine with meteoric water. Our comprehensive study provides evidence for two fundamentally different fluid systems in the crystalline basement. The Variscan fluid regime is dominated by fluids generated through metamorphic devolatilization and fluid expulsion driven by compressional nappe tectonics. The onset of post‐Variscan extensional tectonics resulted in replacement of the orogenic fluid regime by fluids which have distinct compositional characteristics and are related to a change in the principal fluid sources and the general fluid flow patterns. This younger system shows remarkably persistent geochemical and isotopic features over a prolonged period of more than 100 Ma.  相似文献   

Y. Song  Z. Hou  Y. Cheng  T. Yang  C. Xue 《Geofluids》2016,16(1):56-77
Extensive quartz–carbonate–Cu sulfide veins occur in clastic rocks and are spatially related to Paleocene granites in the western border of the Lanping Basin, western Yunnan, China. Abundant aqueous‐carbonic fluid inclusions occur in these veins but their origin is debated. In the Jinman–Liancheng deposit, individual primary inclusion groups contain either exclusively liquid‐rich inclusions (Gl), or coexisting liquid‐rich and vapor‐rich inclusions (Glv). Microthermometry and estimate of CO2 content indicate that type Gl inclusions either have homogenization temperatures (Th) 238–263°C and contain c. 3.9–5.5 mole % CO2, or have Th 178–222°C and contain c. 1.6–3.2 mole % CO2. Type Glv inclusions are thought to represent samples of fluid unmixing that occurred at 183–218°C. At that time, the liquid phase in the unmixing fluid may contain c. 2.0–3.3 mole % CO2. As such, the correlation of CO2 content with Th for type Gl inclusions is thought to be caused by fluid unmixing with decreasing temperature and subsequent CO2 escape. δ18O and δD values of the parent water mainly fall in the field below that of primary magmatic water, indicative of fluid derivation from degassed (in open system) magmatic water, with no contributions from basinal or meteoric water. Initial Sr isotopic compositions of hydrothermal carbonates suggest that the fluid was magmatic, probably derived from the Paleogene granites. δ13CPDB values (?4‰ to ?7‰) of the hydrothermal carbonates and δ34SVCDT values of sulfides (mainly ?11‰ to +5‰) indicate that the carbon and sulfur can be derived from (degassed) magma and/or nonmagmatic sources. The CO2‐rich and magmatic‐water‐derived fluid at Jinman–Liancheng differs from the CO2‐poor and basinally derived fluid in sediment‐hosted stratiform Cu (SSC) deposits, which suggests that there are no genetic linkages between the vein Cu and SSC deposits in the Lanping Basin.  相似文献   

Quartz veins in the early Variscan Monts d’Arrée slate belt (Central Armorican Terrane, Western France), have been used to determine fluid‐flow characteristics. A combination of a detailed structural analysis, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope analyses provides insights in the scale of fluid flow and the water–rock interactions. This research suggests that fluids were expelled during progressive deformation and underwent an evolution in fluid chemistry because of changing redox conditions. Seven quartz‐vein generations were identified in the metasedimentary multilayer sequence of the Upper Silurian to Lower Devonian Plougastel Formation, and placed within the time frame of the deformation history. Fluid inclusion data of primary inclusions in syn‐ to post‐tectonic vein generations indicate a gradual increase in methane content of the aqueous–gaseous H2O–CO2–NaCl–CH4–N2 fluid during similar P–T conditions (350–400°C and 2–3.5 kbar). The heterogeneous centimetre‐ to metre‐scale multilayer sequence of quartzites and phyllites has a range of oxygen‐isotope values (8.0–14.1‰ Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water), which is comparable with the range in the crosscutting quartz veins (10.5–14.7‰ V‐SMOW). Significant differences between oxygen‐isotope values of veins and adjacent host rock (Δ = ?2.8‰ to +4.9‰ V‐SMOW) suggest an absence of host‐rock buffering on a centimetre scale, but based on the similar range of isotope values in the Plougastel Formation, an intraformational buffering and an intermediate‐scale fluid‐flow system could be inferred. The abundance of veins, their well‐distributed and isolated occurrence, and their direct relationship with the progressive deformation suggests that the intermediate‐scale fluid‐flow system primarily occurred in a dynamically generated network of temporarily open fractures.  相似文献   

Human osteological samples (n = 23) taken from different anatomical parts of 11 individuals from the early modern (16th–18th century AD) site of Roccapelago (Modena, Italy) were systematically analysed for δ13C, δ15N and trace elements to investigate their diet. δ13C and δ15N correlate and show a high variability between individuals, attesting to the dietary contribution of C4 plants. This is supported by pollen analysis of the burial site samples, which revealed the presence of maize. δ15N correlates with Sr/Ca, suggesting that the main protein source could have been milk and dairy. We therefore interpret the strong correlation between δ13C and δ15N as evidence for C4‐plant foraging practice and the exploitation of livestock for meat and milk, combined with possible direct intake of C4 plants. The Roccapelago site represents an important case study to track the evolution of the post‐medieval diet and the introduction of maize cultivation in southern Europe, as also attested by historical sources.  相似文献   

The calc‐alkaline plutonic complex from Charroux‐Civray (north‐western part of the French Massif Central) displays multiphase hydrothermal alteration. Plutonic rocks, as well as early retrograde Ca–Al silicate assemblages, which have crystallized during cooling and uplifting of the plutonic series, are affected by multiphase chlorite–phengite–illite–carbonate alteration linked to intense pervasive fluid circulation through microfractures. The petrographic study of alteration sequences and their associated fluid inclusions in microfissures of the plutonic rocks, as well as in mineral fillings of the veins, yields a reconstruction of the PTX evolution of the Hercynian basement after the crystallization of the main calc‐alkaline plutonic bodies. This reconstruction covers the uplift of the basement to its exposure and the subsequent burial by Mesozoic sediments. Cooling of the calc‐alkaline plutonic series started at solidus temperatures (~650°C), at a pressure of about 4 kbar (1 bar = 105 N m?2), as indicated by magmatic epidote stability, hornblende barometry and fluid inclusion data. Cooling continued under slightly decreasing pressure during uplift down to 2–3 kbar at 200–280°C (prehnite–pumpellyite paragenesis). Then, a hot geothermal circulation of CO2‐bearing fluids was induced within the calc‐alkaline rocks leading to the formation of greisen‐like mineralizations. During this stage, temperatures around 400–450°C were still high for the inferred depths (~2 kbar). They imply abnormal heat flows and thermal gradients of 60–80°C km?1. The hypothesis of the existence of one large or a succession of smaller peraluminous plutons at depth, supported by geophysical data, suggests that localized heat flows were linked to concealed leucogranite intrusions. As uplift continued, greisen mineralization was subsequently affected by the chlorite–phengite–dolomite assemblage, correlated with aqueous and nitrogen‐bearing fluid circulations in the temperature range of 400–450°C. In a later stage, a continuous temperature decrease at constant pressure (~0.5 kbar) led to the alteration of the dolomite–illite–chlorite type in the 130–250°C temperature range.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in the shells of the freshwater Unio mollusc yield information on the isotopic composition of the water in which the shell was formed, which in turn relates to climatic conditions prevailing during the bivalves’ life span. Here we analysed shells from one modern Unio, from a modern lake shore in Anatolia, and 4 subfossil Unio shells from Çatalhöyük (dated between 7200 BC and 5000 BC, Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods). Sequential carbon and oxygen isotope analysis along the surface of the shells provides information on seasonal or shorter-term variability of lake waters during the lifetime of the organisms. δ18O values of the modern shell are consistent with it being collected from a dammed portion of the Seyhan River that does not undergo intensive summer evaporation. This is in contrast to many of the surface water bodies in Anatolia which suffer extensive evaporation in the arid summers. δ18O values of the subfossil shells from the Çatalhöyük middens indicate that the bivalves came from lakes which evaporated extensively during the summer months but were replenished by high winter rainfall, suggesting that the subfossil shells lived in relatively small lakes or ponds. Stable isotope analysis along the growth of freshwater bivalves is one of the few methods for investigating seasonal water fluctuations in the past. These results may alter current interpretations on the environment of Çatalhöyük during the Neolithic, although more work is needed to confirm these initial findings.  相似文献   

Intra‐individual variations in carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope measurements of dentine collagen in ungulate teeth can be related to diet and environmental changes at different periods during the life of the animal. A protocol of serial sampling of first, second and third molar roots was applied to modern caribou (17–27 months old) of the Qamanirjuaq herd (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus), Canada. Based on a previous study, we predicted that M2 would reflect winter, M3 summer and M1 a complete year in terms of the isotopic record. Relatively high δ15N values (ca. 6 to 8‰), previously attributed to winter stress, were found in different molars of different specimens, reflecting a period of growth between April 1966 to April 1967. Previous results on other teeth from the same population confirmed that a high δ15Ncoll value signal corresponded to the winter of 1966/67. This temporary increase in δ15N value was probably linked to diet and/or environmental change. Collagen from M1 reflects the first winter whereas M2 and M3 reflect the second winter of life of young caribou. A longer time record including summer is represented by the bone collagen of the mandible. Results obtained on molar roots and mandible bone of the modern caribou of Banks Island herd (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) confirmed this seasonal record. Such collagen isotopic analysis on M1, M2 and M3 roots and jawbone can be applied to reindeer found in archaeological sites. Mandibles retaining deciduous premolars are preferable to avoid the possible loss of the winter tooth signal observed in animals older than 2 years. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Seferihisar–Balçova Geothermal system (SBG) is characterized by complex temperature and hydrochemical anomalies. Previous geophysical and hydrochemical investigations suggest that hydrothermal convection in the faulted areas of the SBG and recharge flow from the Horst may be responsible for the observed patterns. A numerical model of coupled fluid flow and heat transport processes has been built in order to study the possible fluid dynamics of deep geothermal groundwater flow in the SBG. The results support the hypothesis derived from interpreted data. The simulated scenarios provide a better understanding of the geophysical conditions under which the different fluid dynamics develop. When recharge processes are weak, the convective patterns in the faults can expand to surrounding reservoir units or below the seafloor. These fault‐induced drag forces can cause natural seawater intrusion. In the Melange of the Seferihisar Horst, the regional flow is modified by buoyant‐driven flow focused in the series of vertical faults. As a result, the main groundwater divide can shift. Sealing caprocks prevent fault‐induced cells from being overwhelmed by vigorous regional flow. In this case, over‐pressured, blind geothermal reservoirs form below the caprocks. Transient results showed that the front of rising hot waters in faults is unstable: the tip of the hydrothermal plumes can split and lead to periodical temperature oscillations. This phenomenon known as Taylor–Saffman fingering has been described in mid‐ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Our findings suggest that this type of thermal pulsing can also develop in active, faulted geothermal systems. To some extent, the role of an impervious fault core on the flow patterns has been investigated. Although it is not possible to reproduce basin‐scale transport processes, this first attempt to model deep groundwater geothermal flow in the SBG qualitatively supported the interpreted data and described the different fluid dynamics of the basin. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 388–405  相似文献   

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