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<正>山西考古博物馆“考古的温度·山西十三五考古成果展”的展厅里,陈列着一组10件汉代带盖灰陶罐,这类陶罐在汉墓里其实很常见,制作也并不考究,咋一看无甚新奇,那为什么它们能入选此次展览呢?因为这些陶罐的肩部大多用墨书书写了文字,标明了容器内盛装的食品种类,具有不同一般的意义。  相似文献   

1991年5月16日,陕西省考古研究所、镐京考古队,在户县涝店乡、马营村南的“眉雩岭”上,砖瓦窑厂内,抢救清理了大型容器三足仓一个.“三足仓”是在三米深的淤泥层内,口南倒斜,仓南有陶盖一个,东侧有陶罐个.  相似文献   

壶,陶瓷容器,古亦称“康瓠”。《诗·七月》:“八月断壶”。毛传:“壶,瓠也”。《说文·壶部》:“壶,昆吾圜器也,象形。从大,象其盖也”。《说文·缶部》:“古者昆吾作陶”。壶本陶质,以器形似瓠(葫芦)而得名。《周礼·掌客》郑注:“壶,酒器也”,它多用以盛酒,也可以用于盛其他食物。陶壶的基本造型为小口直颈,球形或扁圆腹,平底或圈足或三足。  相似文献   

生活从每天的柴米油盐酱醋茶开始。在今天,我们对于那些盛装“味觉调剂品”的器皿可以有很多个性化的选择,古人就没有这么幸运了。比如在两千多年前的西汉,这个模样质朴的四联陶罐,就是那时生活在今天广州一带的人们使用的调味盒(亦有专家认为是干果盒)。它个头不高,仅10厘米上下,四个小罐相互联接,却互不相通,以此盛放不同的调味品或干果,不致相互混合、串味。  相似文献   

朱万章 《收藏家》2008,(5):49-55
“天风”一词最早出现在近代美术史上,是1930年的事。在这之前的1929年,岭南画派的创始人之一高奇峰(1889—1933年)因患肺病,迁入广州二沙岛梁培基开设之“颐养院”疗养,由德国医生柯道(H.F.Otto)主治,并尊医嘱以政府购画款在岛上自建一楼作养病之用。翌年,高氏肺病稍愈,遂搬入新楼,颜其额日“天风楼”。  相似文献   

北京糕点业这一行,各种字号繁多不一,各具特色,其历史最悠久者,当属“聚庆斋”。据考,它原名“聚庆斋京果铺”,开业于明代天顺二年(公元1458年)。门市在正阳门外大栅栏,前店后坊。故经营灵活,随节令推出各色糕点食品,严格遵循“不时不食”这一传统食俗(意思是食物要随节气而变化),根据北京农历的节令、习俗供应各式点心。  相似文献   

“宾连”纹瓦当考识方殿春(辽宁省文物考古研究所)绥中姜女石秦汉宫殿遗址出土一种大型瓦当(图一),此瓦当面径长52、尾长70厘米,堪称巨型瓦当,瓦当面上的纹饰稍细别致,一般称为“夔纹”。这种纹饰的瓦当,还见于秦始皇陵,因其形体大、数量少、纹饰美,则愈显...  相似文献   

一、“蜀汉五铢”钱的出土、整理概况 1980年,成都市郊区蒲江县天华镇(现名鹤山镇)堡顶村,农民挖农耕土时发现一陶罐,内盛小型五铢钱。蒲江县文物管理所的同志立即征收回该批小五铢。  相似文献   

冯治库 《丝绸之路》2014,(12):29-31
老子认识到了两种“无”,一种是绝对的、命名的、理论性的“无”,它是玄奥的,是人类思维的开端,是天地之始,它和命名的、绝对的“有”一起构成了“众妙之门”。只有命名了绝对的“无”和“有”,人类思维、认识之门才能打开。所以,这个“无”是理论的、抽象的概念。除了这种绝对的、命名的“无”之外,老子还深刻地认识到了“有”的否定性的“无”,认为这种“无”是和“有”相生的,并为“有”之用提供保障。老子还提出了两个层次的“无”之为(用):第一个层次是与“有”对应的“无”之为、之用,这是与存在、存在者(物)相关的“无”之用;第二个层次是讲人也就是主体不过分作为,要顺从自然。  相似文献   

昆曲,原名“昆山腔”(简称“昆腔”),是中国古老的戏曲声腔、剧种,清代以来被称为“昆曲”,现又被称为“昆剧”。  相似文献   

Cooking pots made by craft specialists in a neighborhood in a small city in the Philippines are hand made, using the paddle and anvil technique, and then slipped with an iron-rich clay and polished with a marine shell. They are fired in an open fire, removed while very hot, and immersed in a bed of rice chaff. The result is a shiny black pot that is easily recognized in the market as being the product of this neighborhood. Such pots are valued by consumers as more beautiful and durable compared with pots made elsewhere. To see if the iron and carbon surface treatments improve the performance of the cooking pots, 50 pots were commissioned, with surfaces that varied from no treatment to slip only or carbon only as well as both carbon and slip. This collection was tested at the University of Arizona, and results clearly indicate that heating effectiveness is improved with both slip and carbon present. The surface treatments of red slip and smudge also affect the performance of pots for water permeability. However, our tests show no obvious relationships between strength and different surface treatments. The project illustrates the power of combining ethnoarchaeology with experimental studies in understanding artifact design.  相似文献   

为了解辽西地区新石器时代筒形罐的形制特点,从考古发掘报告中整理出595件有详细尺寸信息的筒形罐进行统计分析。从口部、腹部和装饰描述了外观形状特点,使用数理统计分析方法定量分析了口径与底径、口径与通高的构造关系。结果表明在不同文化时期筒形罐呈现明显不同的形制特点,而每个文化时期筒形罐的口径与底径、口径与通高在制作时均遵循了一定的比例关系,构造关系呈现相对稳定的状态。  相似文献   

李军 《收藏家》2013,(6):63-66
中国古代文人雅士常将笔、墨、纸、砚誉为"文房四宝",备加珍爱,乃至视为中国传统文化的象征之一,影响深远。与此相应,应笔而生、专用于插笔的文房用具"笔筒"亦深受文人雅士的推崇与青睐。据文献记载,"笔筒"一词最早出现于三国,如陆玑《毛诗草木鸟兽虫鱼疏》"螟蛉有子"篇便有蜾蠃"取桑虫负之于木空中,或书简笔筒中,七日而化为其子",但此处"笔筒"的真正含义是"笔套",并非我们今天所指的笔筒。  相似文献   

We present a quantitative model, based on the finite element analysis (FEA) approach, developed for predicting the failure of vessels under almost any possible loading conditions, by taking into account the shape. The vessel is divided into a large number of virtual elements, on which the strains, under any type of loading, are calculated by the parametric solution of a large number of equations. The inputs needed for the analysis are the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio of the material as well as the geometric characteristics of the vessel and the loading mode. The efficiency of the FEA approach is evaluated on ceramic pots manufactured for this purpose. The maximum strain experienced by the pots is calculated by FEA, under different loading modes and loads. The actual pots are subjected to mechanical loading and the load at failure was found to be within 10–20% of the calculated value. The model is also applied to archaeological pottery with a view towards predicting its mechanical behaviour.  相似文献   

Dunne  J.  Salvatori  S.  Maritan  L.  Manning  K.  Linseele  V.  Gillard  T.  Breeze  P.  Drake  N.  Evershed  R.P.  Usai  D. 《African Archaeological Review》2022,39(3):255-281

Al-Khiday, located on the bank of the White Nile in Sudan, offers an exceptionally preserved stratigraphic sequence, providing a unique opportunity to use organic residue analysis to investigate diet and subsistence during the Khartoum Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic, a period of nearly 3500 years (7000–4500 cal BC). While the vast and diverse Mesolithic fish assemblage indicates a strong reliance on products from aquatic habitats, floodplains, vegetated marshes, and open water, results from the lipid residue analysis suggest that the fish were not cooked in ceramic pots, but consumed in other ways. Rather, pots were more specialized in processing plants, including wild grasses, leafy plants, and sedges. These results, confirmed by experimental analysis, provide, for the first time, direct chemical evidence for plant exploitation in the Khartoum Mesolithic. Non-ruminant fauna (e.g., warthog) and low lipid-yielding reptiles (e.g., Adanson’s mud turtle and Nile monitor lizard), found in significant numbers at al-Khiday, were likely also cooked in pots. There is little evidence for the processing of wild ruminants in the Mesolithic pots, suggesting either that ruminant species were not routinely hunted or that large wild fauna may have been cooked in different ways, possibly grilled over fires. These data suggest sophisticated economic strategies by sedentary people exploiting their ecological niche to the fullest. Pottery use changed considerably in the Early Neolithic, with ruminant products being more routinely processed in pots, and while the exploitation of domesticates cannot be confirmed by a small faunal assemblage, some dairying took place. The results provide valuable information on Early and Middle Holocene lifeways in central Sudan.


王建芙 《收藏家》2011,(7):41-46
笔筒是插笔的器具、文房用品之一,不仅有盛放毛笔的功用,也是一种颇具传统意味的中国艺术品。笔筒的产生、发展,至今已有几百年的历史,它是由笔架、笔船发展而来的。明中晚期以后,笔筒广泛置之于书桌案头,如同笔、墨、纸、砚一样,成为与读书人朝夕相伴的宠物。  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the fracture risk to buried ceramic pots and bones from the subsurface pressures generated by agricultural operations. A method for generating subsurface pressures at 0.25 m depth in a soil bin was developed and used to explore fracture failure of modern replicates of ceramic pots corresponding to different archaeological periods and aged medieval human bone. Application of conductive traces to the objects’ surfaces allowed detection of fracturing in real‐time without excavation. Predictive models relating fracture of objects to subsurface pressure application were developed by relating the probability of fracture to observed survival statistics at increasing subsurface pressures. Subsurface pressures of above 100 kPa were sufficient to fracture the more fragile pots at a probability level of 90%. The lowest subsurface pressure causing bone fracture was 280 kPa; however, no relationship was observed between subsurface pressure and bone fracture, probably due to variation in bone material. The subsurface pressures generated and applied are within the range reported from field measurements during typical agricultural operations. They indicate that measures to control the generation of subsurface pressures would be necessary to mitigate risk of harm from agriculture to buried archaeology; for example, via low‐pressure tyres, tracks and appropriate tillage.  相似文献   

This paper will present and discuss a multifaceted research project dealing with the production of cooking pots during the Iron Age II (ca. 1,000–586 BCE) Judah (modern Israel). In particular the new compositional analysis of 541 cooking vessels from 11 sites in Iron Age Judah will be presented. The study employs petrographic and chemical (NAA) analysis. The results of this ongoing research have already produced interesting information about production centers and movements of cooking pots in Iron Age II Judah. Apparently, the vast majority of the cooking pots sampled were made of a similar type of clay, related to terra rossa soil. This is true also for sites in the northern Negev and Judean Desert, where the type of soil was not available in the region of the sites. Furthermore, many of the cooking pots distributed around Judah were made in Jerusalem according to a well-located chemical profile (JleB). Other groups may represent Judean Shephelah production centers as the Lachish area as well as production centers in southern Israel or ancient Edom. The implications of the importation patterns of cooking pots by peripheral Judean sites will be discussed.  相似文献   

青树岭遗址是一处典型的屈家岭文化早期遗存,主要遗迹有房子、灰坑和灶。主要遗物有鼎、罐、有领罐、盆、豆、瓮等。青树岭遗址的发掘,为进一步弄清屈家岭文化早期的文化面貌提供了重要资料,同时对于解决屈家岭文化来源问题有着重要的学术意义。  相似文献   

统计分析的方法应用于考古学是以定量化的研究代替定性分析的过程。本文将因子分析的方法应用于郑州洛阳地区出土陶器器形的研究中,以描述陶鬲形制的变化,并检验此变化和商文化演进间的关系。  相似文献   

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