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james p.  jankowski 《外交史》2005,29(5):885-888
Book reviewed:
Salim Yaqub. Containing Arab Nationalism: The Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East . Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 2004. xiii + 377 pp. Illus., maps, notes, bibliography, index. $59.95 (cloth), $22.50 (paper).  相似文献   

苏州评弹在海外被誉为"中国最美的声音",吴侬软语作为人类问候外星人的66种语言中最后一缕声音载入航天器被送上了太空。苏州评弹,是江南一道不可不看的风景。  相似文献   

The Pacific Way: A Memoir. By Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 1998. xvi, 280 pp, maps, photos, index, gloss., apps. ISBN 0824818938. $US14.95 (paperback).

A Vision for Change: A. D. Patel and the Politics of Fiji. By Brij V. Lal. Canberra, National Centre for Development Studies, The Australian National University, 1998. xvii, 282 pp, map, photos, index, refs. ISBN 073152350. $A25 (paperback).

Hard Times on Kairiru Island: Poverty, Development, and Morality in a Papua New Guinea Village. By Michael French Smith. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1994. x, 278 pp, map, tables, photos, app., notes, gloss., bibliog, index. ISBN 0824815815.

Neither Cargo nor Cult: Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji. By Martha Kaplan. Durham, Duke University Press, 1995. xviii, 226 pp, maps, bibliog., index. ISBN 0822315785.

Footsteps in the Sea: Christianity in Oceania to World War II. By John Garrett. Suva and Geneva, Institute of Pacific Studies in association with World Council of Churches, 1992. 514 pp, maps, plates, bibliog. ISBN 9820200687. $US13.95 pb.

Where Nets Were Cast Christianity in Oceania Since World War II. By John Garrett. Suva and Geneva, Institute of Pacific Studies in association with World Council of Churches, 1998. 499 pp, maps, plates, bibliog. ISBN 9820201217. $US13.95pb.

Double Ghosts. Oceanian Voyagers on Euroamerican Ships. By David A. Chappell. Arrnonk, New York and London, M. E. Sharpe, 1998. xix, 231 pp, illus., notes, bibliog., index. ISBN 1563249987.

Living Tradition: A Changing Life in Solomon Islands. As told by Michael Kwa'ioloa to Ben Burt. London, British Museum Press, 1998. vi, 169pp. ISBN 0714125334.

The Cassowary's Revenge: the Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society. By Donald Tuzin. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998. xiii, 256 pp, bibliog., index, plates, maps. ISBN 0226819515.

Political Decentralisation in a Mew State: The Experience of Provincial Government in Papua Mew Guinea. Edited by R. J. May and A. J. Regan with A. Ley. Bathurst, Crawford House Publishing, 1998. xii, 431pp (paper).

Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Edited by Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998. xii, 367pp. ISBN 0226503046 (paper), 0226503038 (cloth).

Hannah Dudley: Hamari Maa. By Morven Sidal. Suva, Pacific Theological College [1998]. viii, 144 pp, appendix.

Great Powers and the Wider World. By John Dunbabin. London and New York, Longman, 1994. Two vols, 513 and 549pp respectively, indexes. £44 and £42 hardback; £17.99 and £16.99 paperback.

Trading Beyond the Mountains: the British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793–1843. By Richard Somerset Mackie. Vancouver, UBC Press, 1998. 444 pp, figs, maps, tables, bibliog., index. ISBN 0774805595. $29.95.

Beyond a Mountain Valley, The Simbu of Papua New Guinea. By Paula Brown. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1995. 296pp. ISBN 082481701X.  相似文献   

Carl Levy (ed.), Italian Regionalism. History, Identity and Politics, Berg, Oxford 1996, 197 pp., ISBN 1–85975–131–7 hbk, 1–85973–156–2 pbk, £12.95.  相似文献   

Nile Green 《Iranian studies》2010,43(3):305-331
This essay traces the circulation of the industrial commodities of lithographic presses and stones and compares the uses to which these commodities were put in Iran with other regions at the same time. Using Persian travelogues as sources on scientific exchange, the essay compares Iran's access to lithography with its spread through Europe, Russia and South and Southeast Asia. Using lithography as a gauge of Iran's integration into an industrializing global economy, it compares state-led Iranian attempts to access lithographic commodities with attempts by other regional powers to develop local sources for these ‘stones from Bavaria’. After tracing the role of Christian Evangelicalism in the technology's dissemination, the essay finally contextualizes Iranian uses of lithography in global developments in illustrated and newspaper printing.

Since the art of Lithography has risen to considerable celebrity, attempts have been made to discover the same species of stone…

– Aloys Senefelder, 1819

Recent interest in the historiography of ‘high politics’ has centred mainly on historians writing in the 1960s and 1970s, above all Maurice Cowling. Less attention has been paid to the modified agendas pursued by the next generation of scholars. This essay explores some pioneering attempts to make sense of the structural relationships between 19th‐century British ‘high politics’ and its ‘intellectual’ contexts, focusing on a cluster of seminal 1980s studies by the historians Michael Bentley, Richard Brent, Boyd Hilton, and Jonathan Parry. Together, these works demanded a fundamental rethinking of how Victorian politics operated.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):11-19

'The West March on the Anglo-Scottish Border in the twelfth century and the origins of the Western Debatable Land'. Although there was a frontier zone between medieval England and Scotland where March Law applied, within that zone there was, at any rate in time of peace between the Crowns, an ascertainable frontier line. Two conflicting views on the location of this line west of the Cheviot are reviewed and a third proposal advanced. From William II's conquest of Cumberland in 1092 up to 1552, the line lay along the River Esk and Liddel Water, except when the Scots possessed Cumberland and Westmorland in 1136–1157 and 1216–1217. After 1136, David I granted to the lords of the English barony of Liddel additional land comprising the parishes of Kirkandrews-on-Esk and Canonbie, north of the Esk. From 1157, the barony remained a cross-Border holding until the Scots dispossessed the English lords of Kirkandrews and Canonbie between 1300 and 1318. The English lords continued to claim that land, however, and their claim was assigned to the English Crown after 1349. At that point, what had been a claim to private rights started to become confused with national sovereignty. In 1552, arbitrators partitioned what had become known as the Western Debatable Land, a no-man's-land, and the Border then assumed its present line.  相似文献   

ZhegarisanancientperformingartfeaturingstorytellingandsingingverypopularamongTibetans.EVOLUTION.Zhegarwasperformedmainlybypeopleholdingwhitericeandotherkindsofcereals.LegendhasitthatitoriginatedfromtheTibetantribes,andfellintothecategoryofasorcerer'sdance.Later,itmergedwithstreetperformances,andwasadaptedintoZhegarbyTangdongGyaiboandotherTibetanOperamasters.Thisisreflectedeveninthelibretto:Drivenbyexcitement,IaddlaudatorywordsintoZhegarWithwordsasdew,IexpressmyhappymindthroughZhegar.…  相似文献   

This essay argues that, just like liberalism and communism, fascist ideology was based on a specific philosophy of history articulated by Giovanni Gentile in the aftermath of World War I. Gentile's actualist notion that history “belongs to the present” articulated an immanent vision of the relationship between historical agency, representation, and consciousness against all transcendental conceptions of history. I define this vision as historic (as opposed to “historical”) because it translated the popular notion of historic eventfulness into the idea of the reciprocal immanence of the historical and the historiographical act. I further show that the actualist philosophy of history was historically resonant with the Italian experience of the Great War and was culturally modernist. I insist, however, that the actualist catastrophe of the histori(ographi)cal act was also genealogically connected to the Latin‐Catholic rhetorical signification of “presence” that had sustained the development of Italian visual culture for centuries. Accordingly, I argue that the fascist translation of actualism into a historic imaginary was at the root of Italian fascism's appeal to both masses and intellectuals. Fascism presented itself as a historic agent that not only “made history,” but also made it present to mass consciousness. In fact, I conclude by suggesting that the fascist success in institutionalizing a proper mode of historic representation in the 1920s, and a full‐blown historic culture in the 1930s, may have also constituted a fundamental laboratory for the formation of posthistoric(al) imaginaries.  相似文献   

薛惠芝 《民俗研究》2002,(3):126-137
“花儿”又称“少年”,是流传于我国青海、甘肃、宁夏等省的一种民歌,她是我国民歌中的一束奇葩。它具有独特的风格,纯粹是劳动人民的艺术创作。她是西北高原上的回、汉、藏、撒拉、土、东乡、保安、裕固等各族劳动人民最喜闻乐唱的,不论是七八十岁的老汉,五六岁的小孩,男男女女都会唱。  相似文献   

Terry Pratchett 《Folklore》2013,124(2):159-168
St Edmund, King and Martyr survived the Reformation as a hero and emblem of East Anglian regional identity. This article traces the development of the post-Reformation Edmund in ‘popular’ sources, including his continuing presence in the landscape and the influence of the nineteenth-century ‘cult of commemoration’ on perceptions of the saint.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest in translation in the last two decades, there has been no investigation of the translation of historiography and its transformation from one language to another. This article takes as a case study the translation into French of Ibn Khaldûn, the fourteenth–century North African historian. It considers specifically the translation done by William de Slane in the context of the colonization of Algeria. The Histoire des Berbères , the French narrative of Ibn Khaldûn that relates to the history of Arabs and Berbers in the Maghreb, has become since then the source of French knowledge of North Africa. It is upon that French narrative that colonial and post–colonial historians have constructed their knowledge of North Africa, of Arabs, and of Berbers. The article shows how a portion of the writing of Ibn Khaldûn was translated and transformed in the process in such a way as to become a French narrative with colonial categories specific to the nineteenth century. Using a semiotic approach and analyzing both the French text and its original, the article shows how colonialism introduced what Castoriadis calls an "imaginary" by transforming local knowledge and converting it into colonial knowledge. In showing this the essay reveals that not only is translation not the transmission of a message from one language to another, it is indeed the production of a new text. For translation is itself the product of an imaginary, a creation–in Ricoeur's words, a "restructuring of semantic fields."  相似文献   

朱椿为明代蜀府第一代蜀王,时称贤王;而张三丰是明清时期名望颇高的道士.明清文献记载二人曾有所往来,朱椿亦称张三丰为"吾师".但关于张三丰本身就存有较大争议.通过阅读署名为蜀王朱椿和张三丰对二人交往事的记载、以及其他人对此事的记载,并将这些记载进行分析与对比,从中发现包括朱椿与张三丰所作的诗歌在内的所有相关的文献记载,在二人交往的时间、地点、互赠诗歌内容等方面都存有疑议与彼此矛盾处.从而可以得出朱椿与张三丰本是无关联的两个历史人物,却被持有不同目的的人捆绑在一起.  相似文献   

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