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二十世纪二三十年代中国农村经济调查与研究评述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
侯建新 《史学月刊》2000,(4):125-131
农村始终是中国现代化建设最广阔、最深厚的基础,因此关于农村调查及发展研究倾注了几代中国人的心血。20世纪上半叶尤其二三十年代的中国农村调查与研究主要有:晏阳初、梁漱溟的乡村建设试验区以及社会学家李景汉的定县调查;陈翰笙领导的保定、无锡农村重点调查和全国性抽查;国民政府首次以国家机关名义进行的农村经济普查与定期统计。此外,还有南京金陵大学美国人卜凯组织的大规模的农村调查和日本人“满铁”的华北农村调查。这些农村调查的目的不一。深浅有别。但客观卜都为日后的中国农村经济研究留下了颇有价值的资料。  相似文献   

中国乡村地理学研究的重新定向   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
张小林  盛明 《人文地理》2002,17(1):81-84
本文首先分析了乡村地理学及其相邻学科(乡村经济学、乡村社会学)对乡村研究的基本内容,认为三者各有侧重,乡村地理学重点从地域空间的角度分析乡村的各种问题,乡村经济学主要关注乡村经济系统的组织与发展规律,乡村社会学则把重点放在乡村社会变迁上,但共同交叉之处甚多。乡村问题带有地域性、综合性特点,在当今城市化的背景下,乡村地域的功能在发生变化,乡村产业结构、社会结构均经历着由传统向现代的全面转型,当前我国乡村地理学需要重新定向,笔者建议以乡村社会经济变迁的研究为主线,加强经济、社会、地理的综合研究,探讨空间结构模式及其规律性,指导乡村发展的实践。  相似文献   

民国时期的乡村建设运动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐秀丽 《安徽史学》2006,5(4):69-80
民国时期领域广阔、面貌多样、时间持久、影响深远的乡村建设运动,不仅是农村落后破败的现实促成的,也是知识界对农村重要性自觉体认的产物.乡村建设的主要内容,包括扫盲和文化教育、引进和推广动植物良种、尝试建立农村医疗保健体系、移风易俗、倡导合作组织、加强农村自卫等方面.乡村建设运动的历史意义,不仅在于可为现实问题的解决提供某些参考,更在于其所遗留的丰富精神遗产.  相似文献   

在参阅大量国外学者关于中国农区发展相关文献的基础上,对国际主流学派就中国农区宏观和微观决策主体的国际地理学研究进行了评述。国际学术界重点关注的中国农区发展的热点问题包括农户外出务工背景及决策因素、乡镇企业发展与农业生产的矛盾关系、农区发展中的环境变化问题、农区家庭的收入与需求、对传统农业区位论的思考等。文章从五个方面进行了评价,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   


Yiwu has transformed from one of the poorest rural counties in the 1970s to one of the richest modern cities in China during the 2010s. This paper examines this significant historical transformation and its key contributing factors along the five dimensions: marketization, industrialization, urbanization, internationalization and digitalization. It also identifies what historical and contemporary factors stimulated the rapid growth of Yiwu and how Yiwu is a special case in comparison to other Chinese localities. This paper argues that business entrepreneurship, local government and their interaction have played particular roles in promoting Yiwu’s transformation. This study builds on and contributes to literature across the fields of development, entrepreneurship and anthropology. It demonstrates how entrepreneurship can promote development even if a region is lacking in what are often assumed to be necessary resources for development. However, for this to be the case there is the need for a supportive and risk-taking government.  相似文献   

1990年以来中国乡村地理学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文首先简要回顾了1990年以前中国乡村地理学的发展概况,然后从基础理论的发展、土地利用、经济、聚落、城市化、景观、文化、空间八个方面对1990年以来中国乡村地理学的主要研究内容进行了简略阐述。这一时期的研究紧跟乡村发展实际,在广度和深度上都有所拓展,众多学科的参与也使得内容与方法更加充实。但总的来看目前中国乡村地理学还很薄弱,许多基本问题还有待于学术界进一步研究。文章最后对其未来发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of studies have examined the introduction of Western learning into China after the late nineteenth century. Many of these works discuss how Chinese scholarship might have been reshaped by Western classification and structure of knowledge, and ask how it absorbed and adopted the vocabulary and language of Western learning. While defining the newly emerged idea of “national essence”, late Qing Chinese literati, notably the members of the Society for Preserving National Learning, also tried to incorporate Western scientific knowledge, as they understood and perceived it, into the framework of Chinese learning. From 1907–1911, more than a hundred botanical and zoological illustrations, drawn more or less according to Western scientific norm, appeared in Guocui xuebao, a journal published by the Society for Preserving National Learning. These pictures are an indication of the attempts made by late Qing Chinese literati to integrate Chinese and Western scholarship. Focusing on these drawings, this paper examines how the painter Cai Shou might have adopted and applied the natural history knowledge and the drawing techniques he acquired through various means. It also asks with what ideal late Qing and early Republican Chinese literati might have identified themselves.  相似文献   

针对学术界对华侨联合会研究文章不多的现状,分析了华侨联合会产生的历史背景和特点,阐述了其在民国初年团结华侨积极参加民国的政治、经济、外交、教育等活动。争取华侨权益,以及对民初历史产生的积极影响和历史功绩。回顾这段历史,对于团结海外华侨,发扬其爱国主义精神,引导他们积极参加祖国的现代化建设和统一事业,共同实现中华民族的伟大复兴有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the early years of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its conceptualization of ‘rural welfare’, an approach that foresaw the modernization of agricultural societies and the alleviation of poverty through improvements in labor, housing, health, education of people working in agriculture. Based on the correspondence of FAO officials and experts, the paper shows how in the late 1940s, the Rural Welfare Division, under the leadership of its Director Horace Belshaw, promoted a low-modernist and local-sensitive approach to rural development that emphasized the subjectivity of welfare and that was skeptical of top-down development programs. As the paper argues, Belshaw's holistic understanding of rural communities was abandoned in the early 1950s in favor of an increasingly technical development consultancy, characterized by short-term interventions rather than by an intellectual and scientific debate about the larger implications of development.  相似文献   

郭连文  张妍  徐虹  张行发 《人文地理》2022,37(5):171-182
乡村振兴背景下,谋求适合乡村内生式发展的有效治理路径是实现可持续发展的关键。本文基于权威善治视角,探讨陕西省袁家村发展旅游以来治理结构演变过程与内在机理。研究发现:(1)地方权威主义治理主体扮演“决策者”“引领者”“代理人”等多重角色,并在旅游发展不同阶段发生角色变迁。(2)乡村旅游目的地治理结构从单一主体向“双轨”治理演化。其中,利益相关、产业规模扩张和制度安排为其演化提供了动力与保障。对现实的启发是,发挥好正式与非正式制度的协同互动作用,将有利于实现目的地乡村自治、德治、法治“三治融合”的现代化治理体系。  相似文献   

关晓红 《近代史研究》2012,(1):29-49,160
辛亥各省光复政权乃至民初政府的省制,多在清末外官改制和各省独立自治的基础上加以变通,共和制下如何确定中央与地方的关系,省制成为关键。民初朝野舆论相持最久、困扰最多的省制方案与争论,不宜单从民主与专制较量的角度立论,还应考虑时人对国家统一的向往与对分裂的隐忧。中国历史文化中,分合与治乱兴衰紧密联系。省制模式中集权与分权、官治与自治的平衡取舍,既与民主、专制相关联,也与统一或分裂的抉择相始终。由于以省为地方自治层级范围过大,东西方各国无此先例,单一制与联邦制均不适合,民初省制因此成为本土国情与域外制度纠结甚深的焦点。这一难解的症结,或许仍将对中国的政治体制改革产生深远影响。  相似文献   

The life of the Ming scholar and Catholic convert Xu Guangqi 徐光啟 (1562–1633) drew unprecedented attention throughout China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Writers and public figures across China’s rapidly changing society praised Xu as an ideal model for modern Chinese citizens. This sudden celebrity may seem surprising, as Xu’s name had fallen into obscurity in the centuries following his death, and his life and works were only remembered by descendants and local people in his hometown of Shanghai. Why was Xu’s legacy revived three hundred years later, and what relevance did it actually have for Chinese society in the twilight of the Qing dynasty and the Republican period? This article tackles these questions by tracing the reestablishment and development of the new Jesuit mission in Shanghai since 1842. It investigates how the memory of Xu was recovered and reinserted in the public imagination of modern China.  相似文献   

熊鹰  许方政  刘丹  魏晓  侯珂伦 《人文地理》2021,36(2):102-109
农村社区作为推进城乡一体化以及实施乡村振兴战略的重要节点,是统筹城乡发展,推进新型城镇化的有机载体.本文梳理了近年来我国农村社区研究的热点领域及相关成果,基于CiteSpace分析了该领域的主要进展及存在的问题,并提出了今后研究的方向与重点.农村社区研究在理论构建、治理体系、建设模式、规划策略及研究方法等方面均取得了一...  相似文献   

This paper examines the politics of rural water governance in China through a governmentality lens and village water intervention case. The China Rural Drinking Water Safety Project (RDWSP) was an attempt to control water, while also serving as a tool of power to impel the rural population towards national development goals. The authors analyzed official documents and conducted interviews in a village in Shandong Province to investigate the RDWSP's rationale and practices, as well as how water access and management were negotiated by rural water users. The paper argues that (1) confronted with a decline in local governance capacity and in an effort to rectify the mistakes of the supply-driven, technocratic paradigm, the RDWSP attempted to integrate social, environmental and economic concerns but did not achieve that goal; (2) the decline in local governance capacity and people's pragmatic everyday strategies contributed to an individualized approach to solving water problems, reflected in people's disengagement from the government project and local participation, an effect that may sustain people's marginalization and exclusion from good-quality water access and management. Using the Chinese water project as an example, the paper contributes to the debate on state-induced water control versus civil society “counter-conduct” formed by daily interactions. Furthermore, it enriches the study of politics in general by presenting the state as a site of contested institutionalization and ongoing negotiations, confronted by everyday narratives and encounters with marginalized citizens that go far beyond and are far more complex than overt resistance or covert weapons of the weak.  相似文献   

本文在中部六省社会经济统计数据基础上,结合50个村529份问卷调查数据,从聚居形态、聚居空间、聚居功能、聚居主体以及聚居设施等方面对中部地区农村聚居现状进行全面分析,研究结论显示:中部地区农村聚居密度不均,规模各异,形态多样,总体分布较散;住宅占地面积较大,一户多宅现象明显,农户集中居住意愿强;生产生活形态多样化趋势开始出现,"劳务输出+传统农业"型村庄依然占主体;农户兼业行为增加,幸福感增强,但新型社会问题显现;基础设施相对滞后,公共服务有待完善。针对其现状特征及存在的问题,提出四种适宜的农村聚居调控模式,即转型升级模式、整治更新模式、保护控制模式、迁并转移模式,并深入比较分析了各类型模式的调控主体、调控对象、调控机制、调控路径差异,认为不同类型、不同区域的农村,应选择适宜的农村聚居调控模式,因地制宜,分类实施。  相似文献   

近年来民间信仰问题研究的回顾与思考:社会史角度的考察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王健 《史学月刊》2005,(1):123-128
民间信仰问题是当前社会史研究中的一个重要领域,其研究取得一定的成绩,使得民间信仰成为了深入理解中国传统社会的一个很好的突破口。当然,研究中也存在诸多不足,最主要的问题是概念运用的随意性太大。在研究方法上,一方面受到了包括社会人类学、社会学、民俗学等诸多学科的影响,另一方面传统的史学研究方法也应得到重视。  相似文献   

农区地理学国际研究进展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
基于对国际文献和中国实际的分析和思考,总结了农区地理学的发展特点和新近研究动向。认为社会学、人类学和政治经济学对农区研究的关注,从不同角度影响着农区地理学的研究内容和思维变化。人文地理学的文化转向,也带来了农区地理学的相应转向。西方发达国家农区地理学的新近研究方向包括:后生产型农区发展、全球化与农区业发展、农区结构变化、农区基础设施、农区管制等。基于以上分析并结合中国实际,文章对中国农区地理学的研究思路进行了思考。  相似文献   

甄修钰  张新丽 《历史研究》2012,(3):143-155,192
马克思分析前资本主义时代社会形态的方法论是从分析农村公社开始的。农村公社具有公有制和私有制二重性,前资本主义社会的历史发展过程就是农村公社中的公有制如何被私有制败坏的历史过程。深入研究马克思在各个时期研究农村公社的动机和方法论,不仅有助于我们认识马克思研究前资本主义时代社会形态这一方法论的科学性,而且有助于我们走出社会形态划分的争论和"亚细亚生产方式"问题的困境。  相似文献   

中国农村经济研究会是大革命失败以后中国思想界矛盾斗争的产物,是在陈翰笙领导的农村调查的基础上产生的,还与陈在中央研究院的工作受阻有关。它从1933年成立到1951年解散,工作重心和会址数度变迁,在各地均开展了卓有成效的活动。该会具有鲜明的学术特色;保持"合法性"是其在国统区生存的基本策略;中共对该会的政治指导是通过在其中工作的中共党员的自觉行动实现的。中国农村经济研究会是左翼文化运动的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

This article examines the intersection of law, gender, and modernity during the transitional Republican era (1912–49). It approaches the topic through a critical reading of the Republican Civil Code of 1929–30, and related commentary on the code by Chinese legal experts. By analyzing the gender assumptions embodied in several newly emergent categories of legal regulation, including legal personhood, minimum marriage age, consent, domicile, surnames, marital property, and child custody, the article’s line of questioning reveals how gender meanings helped to shape modern concepts like universality, equality, and freedom. The findings illustrate the ways in which Republican civil law broke with late imperial legal and gender norms tied to Confucian patrilineal ideology and in addition established new legal and gender meanings that helped to consolidate Chinese politics on a republican basis and to reconfigure modern gender difference on a conjugal basis.  相似文献   

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