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Up until recent years, Corded Ware has remained poorly studied in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, located in north‐eastern Europe. Traditionally, this region has been considered marginal in terms of Corded Ware, but new research has started to change this view. This paper presents the Corded Ware material known up to the current date (2016) from the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland, i.e. the Karelian Isthmus and Ingria (western Leningrad oblast, Russia); currently ca. 30 sites and ca. 60 stray finds are known in the research area. Based on this and previously published data from the adjoining regions, features related to the material culture, the contact networks, and the chronology of Corded Ware are discussed. Even though focusing the research may skew the picture, there are good grounds to propose, that there was a distinctive Corded Ware sphere of interaction in the eastern area of the Gulf of Finland, also including areas in north‐eastern Estonia and south‐eastern Finland. Due to its particular cultural background, local preferences, and consequently, development trajectories, the area had a clear regional character. Further, populations inhabiting it also maintained active contacts with other Corded Ware groups in the sphere of Baltic Sea and further to the east, as well as with non‐Corded Ware settlers of north‐eastern Europe.  相似文献   

董浩军 《旅游纵览》2010,(10):23-27
《旅行的艺术》这部电影,一直存在我的手机里,是我的保留剧目,无论到哪儿我都带着它。片中引用了美国思想家爱默生说过的一句话:不要走已知的路,踏上未知的路,然后留下足迹。我想这就是对旅行最好的诠释。别担心你的准备不足,不要怕前方充满未知,只要你有一颗热爱生活的心,就背起背包出发,去体验充满激情的征程吧。  相似文献   

A hierarchy of industrial areas in Eastern Europe is described, consisting of 40 industrial regions, about 200 industrial nodes, and numerous industrial centers and ordinary industrial places. Evidence of the formation of a higher-ranking industrial macroregion covering the border area of East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia is adduced. Six other entities of industrial macroregion rank are identified in the rest of Europe (including the European USSR east to the Urals).  相似文献   

目次一牛河梁与西水泉遗址的分组研究二其他遗址出土遗存的组别与年代三红山文化的阶段划分与年代判定从目前的考古发现和研究结果来看,红山文化的起始年代约为公元前4500年,结束年代约为公元前3000年。在这前后历时约1500年的时间跨度里,红山文化本身到底应该划分为几个发展阶段,学术界的认识大致经历了一个由浅入深、由模糊到逐渐清晰的过程。以年代先后为序,可将以往观点归纳总结如下。1985年,郭大顺、马沙从当时新发现的各遗址材料间的差  相似文献   

“Crisis” in cultural policy is a widespread phenomenon, whose meaning can be exemplified in case of opera. The Berlin, Paris and London opera houses hit a crisis at the end of the twentieth century. At the core of these crises and the discussions surrounding them were funding problems – which were also a point of academic interest. But beyond that, opera seemed to be an arena of discourse where creeping conflicts in the political system and society were debated as fundamental crises of a most cherished cultural heritage. This paper examines how, in these cases, “crisis” proves to be a cultural phenomenon in itself, displaying a symbolic and functional character rather than being defined by references to specific matters and qualities.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1983 the Swedish labour movement discussed a proposal to establish wage earner funds that would gradually shift the ownership in medium to large companies from employers to workers. This article starts by shedding light on the genesis of the proposal in the 1960s and 1970s and the reactions it provoked in Swedish society. Focus then switches to how the Meidner plan was understood in Italy in a time of pronounced social conflict marked, on one hand, by the redefinition of the relationship between trade unions and politics and, on the other hand, by soaring opposition among the various trade unions and the growing distance between the two major leftist parties. These divisions reverberated on the ways the wage earner funds – in their various versions – were understood by the organizations of the Italian labour movement; the assessment of the plan's feasibility and its applicability to the Italian case came to reflect conflicting views on industrial and economic democracy and on the relationship between Nordic social-democracies and Italian reformism.  相似文献   

The author argues against the widespread view (stated in several articles in Soviet Geography) that labor-intensive industries should be kept out of Siberia because of the shortage of labor resources in that region. Taking the specific example of labor-intensive machinery industry such as instrument-making, as opposed to steel-intensive industry, he points out that labor-intensive plants, by virtue of their smaller size, usually have smaller labor requirements than large heavy-machinery manufacturing plants. Moreover, he argues, location must not be based on total population or total labor resources of a region, but on the availability of so-called free (nonemployed) labor resources, which consist largely of women and of young people just entering upon a career. This category of labor resources happens to be greater in the eastern regions than in the western regions of the Soviet Union. In fact, one reason for the net out-migration from Siberia, according to the author, is that second and third members of households find it difficult to obtain jobs in a regional economy that is largely oriented toward male employment (in extractive industry, timber felling, etc.). The introduction of labor-intensive industries into existing Siberian industrial complexes would thus help provide employment to other household members and eliminate one reason for out-migration.  相似文献   

地域文化与旅游规划   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
乌恩 《人文地理》2001,16(1):24-26
旅游业作为一项与文化相关程度极高的产业,它的各个部门和环节无时无处不是在与文化发生着联系,而在旅游规划这一"经过一系列选择决定合适的未来行动的过程"[1]当中,文化尤其是地域文化,它既是一个原则和视角,又是重要的素材。本文试对文化在旅游形象策划、旅游产品规划、旅游商品开发规划、旅游市场营销和旅游管理中的运用作初步探讨。  相似文献   

EDXRF was used to analyse the composition of 88 Iron Age copper and copper alloy coins excavated from the site of a pre-Roman shrine and Roman temple at Harlow, Essex. Most of the coins are local to the Essex-Hertfordshire region, with a few of Kentish origin. The earliest struck base metal issues were struck from almost pure copper, but from the late first century BC, their composition shows more variety. Particularly interesting are a group of types belonging to the Romanizing phase of Tasciovanus'coinage, which were struck in brass and possibly represent a distinct denomination. Roman coinage and other metalwork imports from the Roman world presumably provided the initial impetus, and the ultimate source of the brass. However, this experiment was relatively short lived. Cunobelinus, who ruled eastern England during the earlier first century AD, mainly employed bronze to strike his abundant base metal coinage. The products of his Colchester mint reveal a consistently different composition from those struck at his unlocated second mint in the Hertfordshire area, although the precise alloy does vary, sometimes within the same type. This suggests that unlike gold and silver issues, the source and purity of the metal used for minting base metal coinage was not always critical.  相似文献   

甘肃省文物考古研究所 《考古学报》2021,(3):425-428,中插5,429-462,后插1-后插12
石家墓地位于甘肃庆阳宁县早胜镇西头村,在马莲河以东、九龙河以南、无日天沟河以北的早胜原上.墓地东为遇村南沟,与国家级文物保护单位遇村遗址隔沟相望.沟内常年有泉水流淌,经古峪沟,汇入泾河支流马莲河(图一).  相似文献   

中国国家线性文化遗产网络构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化与快速城市化背景下,中华大地上的文化遗产受到了前所未有的威胁与破坏,特别是在国家历史上对维护国家政治稳定、经济发展、社会进步与文化交流发挥过重要作用的线性文化遗产亟待引起重视并得到系统保护。本文着重探讨了国家线性文化遗产网络的构建途径。通过将文献研究与专家问卷德尔斐法相结合,判别出了由19个线性文化遗产约250,000km线性要素所构成的国家线性文化遗产网络。以期在国土尺度上建立一个集生态与文化保护、休闲游憩、审美启智与教育等多功能为一体的线性文化遗产网络,在中华大地上形成一个彰显民族身份、延续历史文脉、保障人地关系和谐的文化"安全格局"。  相似文献   

岭南文化对广东外省人群体影响之探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从文化地理学的角度,以文化问卷调查为基础,采用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,探讨了岭南文化对广东外省人群体的影响特征。笔者发现:岭南文化影响广东外省人群体的总体特征呈中间型,南方群体、男性群体比北方群体、女性群体易于接受岭南文化。并得出几点结论:在文化扩散的早期阶段,等势文化之间的影响排斥性较明显,表层文化相对于深层文化接受大于排斥,文化距离对深层文化的扩散起决定影响,经济条件对表层文化的传播起关键作用。  相似文献   

夕阳余晖,炊烟袅袅,飞鸟归巢,一条静静的小河上,农民们正坐着渡船驶向彼岸,对岸的树林里露出了教堂的一角,低沉而洪亮的钟声正从那向四周荡漾……这是19世纪俄罗斯画家列维坦描绘的田园风光,其中有着奇特球形圆顶的东正教堂已经成为俄罗斯的一道别致景观。  相似文献   

Peat-bog sites are unique archaeological sources due to their ability to preserve organic remains which otherwise decompose in mineral soils. This opens up a wide range of prospects for the use of science-based methods in paleoenvironmental research. Relatively few peat-bog sites are known in Russia; most are located in the Eastern Urals and in the forest zone of the Russian Plain. At the Uralian sites, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sculptures, vessels, transportation means, hunting and fi shing tools, and details of structures made from organic materials have been discovered. All these are highly relevant to archaeological reconstruction. Along with fi nds from numerous sites in mineral soils they provide a basis for multidisciplinary approaches to reconstructing the environments, lifestyles, and ideologies of prehistoric Northern Eurasia.  相似文献   

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