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在璀璨的节日季,与爱的人一同欢庆和共度美好时光,是任何礼物都不可替代的美妙时刻。让北京丽思卡尔顿酒店优秀的绅士淑女们为您定制—次值得铭记于心的美食体验。玉、香溢和巴罗洛餐厅为圣诞节和新年等节日精心准备了一系列缤纷主题盛宴,大堂酒廊每年的传统泰迪熊下午茶,丽思卡尔顿酒吧侍酒师为您揭开节日序幕而精选的招牌美酒,还有满载节日祝福的特色圣诞礼篮。邀您与亲朋好友相聚,分享不容错过的精彩瞬间。  相似文献   

Rocky  毛毛 《世界》2008,(6):24-29
每年此时,度假与防晒都会成为关注度最高的字眼儿。老地方和老办法早已无法吸引我们善变的心思。带上最新款的防晒霜,去到那些新颖别致、阳光灿烂的新目的地,过个特立独行的假期,收获雀跃的心情,以及健康的肤色。  相似文献   

Jessie 《世界》2010,(5):24-26
新加坡是一个让人舒服的国家.城市道路宽阔整洁,大街小巷花团锦簇、树高枝茂。世界最忙碌的港口和转运港、世界首座夜间野生动物园、世界最高的人工瀑布、世界最大的喷泉等,如此多的世界之最着实让人大开眼界。利用五一小假期,带上银联卡来一场缤纷之旅。  相似文献   

基于旅游活动背景的我国现行休假制度刍议   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
程遂营 《人文地理》2006,21(5):51-54
按照我国现行的休假制度,公民的休假时间主要有三部分组成:双休日、"黄金周"和带薪假期。大众休闲与旅游活动也主要是在这三个时段进行。但由于双休日和带薪假期的局限性,3个"黄金周"实际上成为公众进行国内和出境旅游相对集中的时段。因为出游时间集中,"黄金周"旅游不可避免地带来各种各样的弊端,在一定程度上不利于我国旅游活动的健康发展。所以,改革现行的休假制度,适当增加传统节日作为休假时间,逐步推行和完善带薪假期制度,真正满足公众的旅游休闲需求,促进我国旅游业的可持续发展便显得十分必要。  相似文献   

<正>在去瑞士之前就对它充满了期待,虽然那里消费水平高得让人不免有点郁闷。大概与记忆中那挥之不去的阿尔卑斯山有关,总觉得在瑞士,连迎面吹来的风都带着雪的凉爽感。加之到访时气温并不高,空气也显得越发纯净了,还带着点清冽。碧蓝的湖水倒映着象征纯洁的白花,它代表着瑞士的颜色。  相似文献   

莎士比亚说:女人是水做的。梁实秋也说,女人是一泉活水。在女人水样柔情的怀抱里,女人会更自由,男人会更温暖。如果说水能够带给我们幸福感,那么 SPA 可能是你宠爱自己最极致的方式之一了。这种源自于古罗马时期的享乐方式,如今已经成为都市生活家及爱己主义者所崇尚的生活方式。越来越多的旅人已经开始将顶级 SPA 作为自己休闲度假的重要一站。  相似文献   

Viloet 《世界》2008,(11):160-161
冬天的步步临近是否让你有想逃离北半球的冲动?不妨飞到地球的底端(Down Under),到澳大利亚的阳光之州——昆士兰。壮观的大堡礁、迷人的海滩、葱郁的热带雨林、连绵起伏的山脉……来吧,到昆士兰,邂逅温暖的阳光!  相似文献   

正In recent years, visiting Tibet in winter has increasingly become a popular trend. Since last year, the tourism authorities of Tibet have introduced a series of favorable policies to promote Tibet as a winter destination. They succeeded in luring many tourists to Tibet. Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province is nothing short of a winter wonderland,  相似文献   

<正>前阵子电影《澳大利亚》的热映,大堡礁招聘护岛人,给澳洲的美景制造了不少话题。即使8月正值那里的冬季,去旅游资源如此丰富的澳洲,到那里避避暑,或者故地重游一番,甚至去山上滑滑雪,都会是一次不错的旅行。  相似文献   

The present boundaries of Moscow's suburban zone are tested by delineating a so-called zone of active influence of Moscow city based on demographic structure and the significance of commuting to work in the city. The most favorable age-sex structure, with a high percentage of population in the working age groups and a relatively high percentage of children, is found in a zone within 50 to 60 kilometers from the city limits. This zone generates a daily flow of more than 500,000 commuters to places of employment in Moscow, 90 percent of whom spend less than 110 to 120 minutes traveling each way. These commuters represent about 2 percent of the total working-age population in the suburban zone. On the basis of the demographic structure and commuting linkages, Moscow's zone of active influence is therefore defined as the zone within which 90 percent of the commuters reside, or within 52 kilometers of the city limits. This conforms roughly to the present definition of the suburban zone.  相似文献   

孙烨  张宏磊  刘培学  张捷 《人文地理》2017,32(3):152-160
网络搜索引擎是旅游者获取旅游信息的最重要入口,百度指数通过反映关键词被搜索的次数表征旅游者的网络关注度。文章以三清山为例,首先利用协整理论及格兰杰因果检验分析了PC端和移动端百度指数与实际游客量之间的关系,进一步建立日游客量ARMA模型和分别加入PC 端和移动端百度指数的VAR模型,对游客量预测结果及预测能力进行比较分析,以期通过不同客户端、不同搜索关键词来填补游客量预测过程中旅游网络数据提取的单一性,得到更好的预测效果。发现移动端比PC端百度指数模型具有更好的预测效果,移动端比PC端百度指数对实际游客量的变动具有更好的解释能力。  相似文献   

Fifty-one waster sherds of Terra Sigillata (~20-0 b.c. ) from Arezzo, Italy and Lyons, France have been chemically analysed for twenty-eight elements by neutron activation and seven by X-ray fluorescence. Most of the elemental abundances were measured with high precision and cross-comparisons of the two techniques of measurement (and sample preparation) give added insight as to their relative precision, the calibration differences and the extent to which volatile materials such as carbonate or water influence the results. The sherds from Arezzo formed a homogeneous and distinctive chemical group while all but two of those from Lyons were classified into three such groups. Two of the Lyons groups (MML A and MML B) were from Montée de La Muette and one was from Loyasse. Four additional sherds from houses excavated in Strasbourg and one from Lyons, all of which bore the signature of the famous Anetine pottery-making firm of Ateius, were also analyzed by the same techniques. These signed sherds all had the same composition pattern and it closely matched one of those from Montée de La Muette (MML A) in Lyons. It is therefore suggested that these five sherds bearing the Ateius signature were made in the general vicinity of Lyons and were part of the output of an as yet unknown Gallic branch of the firm of Ateius.  相似文献   

近年来,居民时空间行为的社会分异已成为学者们广泛关注的话题。然而,已有关于居民时空间行为的社会分异研究中,缺少对于居民活动情境的社会分异的研究。因此,本研究基于时间地理学中对人类活动的情境嵌入性与情境的不同维度的相关理论,以北京清河街道为例,分析不同住房来源居民在日常情境、地理情境和社会情境下的时空间行为的社会分异,尝试从多个情境维度拓展对时空间行为社会分异的理解。研究发现,市场性住房居民“朝九晚五”的活动特征明显,活动同伴选择外向性突出;单位性住房居民职住相对接近,在社区空间内分配时间最长且活动目的多样;安置性住房居民活动较为分散,地理情境与社会情境都呈现出“家庭内向性”特征;保障性住房居民非工作活动的“滞后性”明显,对社区空间的时间分配总体较低。除住房来源因素与个人社会经济因素外,建成环境因素对于居民对社区空间的使用有显著影响。  相似文献   

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