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面对新时代美好生活需要的现实背景和学术界“日常生活转向”的理论动态,本文回顾和梳理了旅游情境“家”的渊源流变、理论视角、研究内容,并进行评述与展望。结果表明:旅游情境“家”具有多元性和杂合性,包含物质和精神两层涵义;该研究领域呈现出多学科视角、多文化背景、多类型案例、多层次内容等特点,在概念、理论、内容、方法等方面有待提升;未来研究需进一步丰富“家”的旅游学内涵、探讨休闲旅游的生活意蕴、剖析“家”的精神文化内容、促进研究手段与方法多元化。  相似文献   

张林  高安刚 《人文地理》2013,28(4):96-102
回顾了国外和国内关于国家竞争力研究的讲展,继波特的国家竞争力之后,国外相关研究开辟了新的研究内容和方向,表现为三种趋势:对波特竞争力模型的补充与质疑;寻找有效衡量竞争力的指标;研究影响国家竞争力的因素。为国家或区域的政策制定者提供服务,以便有效的提高国家竞争力,是贯穿其中的一条主线。但国内研究相对滞后,尤其是在理论模型的创新上。受波特"钻石模型"的启发,基于系统论,提出了一个新的解释国家竞争力的理论模型——"S"模型。"S"模型中竞争力主要由"功能"来体现,并建立了"要素一结构一环境一功能"竞争力分析框架,以期为提高国家竞争力(功能)提供现实的思考路径。  相似文献   

徐小波  吴必虎 《人文地理》2013,28(6):133-141
生活环境作为居民传统生活方式的形塑产物,是历史街区保护的重要内容。旅游开发为历史街区发展提供了一种现代途径,也干扰历史街区的空间转变。旅游影响对居民生活惯习的介入效应调整旅游历史街区生活环境的存续-发展结构。扬州"双东"历史街区旅游发展对生活环境具有较大影响。居民围绕生活环境质量和旅游支持性形成三类亚群。旅游影响以不同方式介入居民生活环境,应结合具体情况确定生活环境维护导向。传统生活方式与现代发展诉求、生活环境整体转变与街区居民个体利益之间的矛盾是维护"双东"生活环境遭遇的现实困境。  相似文献   

哈格斯特朗与布迪厄作为同一时代的学术巨擘,他们的时间地理学与实践理论皆在各自学科领域占据着重要的研究阵地,然而由于学科体系的分化,两种学术理论至今仍“各自为战”。本研究希望以时间地理学与实践理论的互构为契机,拓展空间理论图景。首先,本文分析了时间地理学与实践理论在认识论层面上的亲和性;其次,阐述了时间地理学与实践理论在方法论层面上的地理空间与社会空间以及它们的应用场景;第三,在认识论与方法论的基础上,通过贯通时间地理学与实践理论的概念,提出了一套“地理空间-群体-社会空间”研究框架;最终,在实践层面上提出了研究展望。值此,希望为探索社会空间综合体的本质与深化关于空间议题的思考增加新的体悟。  相似文献   

赵燕慧  路紫  白龙 《人文地理》2018,33(3):20-26
跟踪心理地理学相关网站信息和心理地理学情境主义“漂移”论代表性研究成果,开发一个二维的心理应激主观评测方法,通过情境下的深度访谈旨在从情境再现时空难暴露人群心理活动视角揭示其心理应激作用机制,将其具体概括为一个由时间过程特征和空间接近特征、个体心理应激行为和群体心理应激行为、消极心理反应和积极心理反应组成的相对应与互转化的组合范式,进而进行风险感知水平、心理意识力、区域差异的讨论,以说明情境“漂移”论对心理应激研究的支持。这项研究的特色在于将空难暴露人群心理应激机制研究建立在心理地理学情境“漂移”论的基础上,从而体现心理地理学的学科意义。  相似文献   

江苏省县域经济集聚和收敛的空间计量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探索性空间数据分析和空间计量分析方法,以实际人均GDP为测度指标,对江苏省65个县市的经济空间集聚、增长收敛性以及收敛机制进行讨论。研究发现1993-2009年实际人均GDP显示出越来越高的全局正相关,局部空间相关性也有增强的趋势。空间计量分析结果表明江苏省县域经济存在着β收敛,分时段研究为不同研究时段选择恰当的空间收敛模型后,收敛速度加快。技术扩散收敛机制和资本收敛机制分别在研究区间的前期和后期占主导作用,收敛机制的转变与江苏省在20世纪90年代末开始实行的区域协调发展政策密切相关。  相似文献   

杨莎莎  魏旭  魏雪纯  魏然 《人文地理》2022,37(5):150-161
在城市群的形成发育过程中,伴随着城市群内部文化、旅游、科技产业资源优化再配置和协同集聚效应的共同作用,城市群“文化—旅游—科技”产业融合发展水平表现为随时间序列呈指数式增长的攀升态势。本文通过对城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律的基本原理进行分析,建立相关数理模型得到几何表达式;继而构建城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展的评价指标体系,运用引入时间调整系数改进的耦合协调度模型,计算得到中国城市群及所辖城市的产业融合发展水平并进行时空演化分析;最后使用模拟验证的方法对中国城市群“文—旅—科”产业融合发展水平攀升规律进行拟合验证,探究中国城市群的产业融合发展路径。  相似文献   

The use of bone as fuel during the lower Aurignacian in the Pataud rock shelter was studied. An anterior study allowed us to dismiss the hypothesis of an imbalance between wood availability and the use of bone as fuel. An experimental study of bone combustion shows the specific properties of bone as fuel. We have proposed that the combustion of a mixture of material (wood and bone) is more effective as source of heat than the combustion of wood alone and the higher the proportion of bone the longer the combustion lasts. Lastly, we observed that the combustion of bone favours two kinds of heat transfer: radiation and convection, but that it is completely ineffective for conduction. The results show that the use of bone could result from an intentional management of fuel in relation with the function of the settlement. It also could be a response to the disadvantage of using wood in a Palaeolithic camp.  相似文献   

Paul Mellars has long used cave and rockshelter ungulate faunal assemblages from southwestern France to argue that the early Upper Palaeolithic people of this region focused their hunting on reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), and that such specialized hunting distinguishes the Upper from the Middle Palaeolithic in at least this region. We examine this argument quantitatively, using a sample of 133 Mousterian, Châtelperronian, and Aurignacian ungulate assemblages. We show that only five Aurignacian assemblages, from three sites, stand out in terms of the degree to which their ungulate faunas are dominated by a single taxon. We also show that some Mousterian cave and rock shelter ungulate assemblages are more heavily dominated by large bovids than Aurignacian assemblages are dominated by reindeer, and that Mellars' argument is highly dependent on the exclusion of open sites from the analysis and on the numerical threshold he has selected to indicate hunting specialization.  相似文献   

通过多理论思辨,本文认为地方感理论研究中,不同流派之间存在的三对矛盾:流动性与在地性的矛盾,历时性与即时性的矛盾,个体经验与集体意识的矛盾。为调和这三对矛盾,本文探索新的研究方法,即地方感的心象运动路径,主要包括以下内容:①心象与心象运动的概念;②心象运动的认识论;③心象运动论的研究方法。通过这些理论探索,提出地方感研究的新路径,为城市政府的社区管治、提升居民的归属感提供政策参考。  相似文献   

本文系统地阐述了我国核电站近十多年来呈现出大规模发展的态势。认为从我国的具体国情出发,需要在全国部分人口与经济密集、大中城市相对比较集中的地区设立核电布局的“禁区”。渤海沿岸是国家的政治核心与经济枢纽,渤海及其附近区域核污染关系到国家的安全。本文着重分析了渤海沿岸地带核电站发展的情况,并且认为渤海沿岸地带应该成为国家最主要的核电“禁区”,根据我国核电站发展的态势,建议在“十四五”时期,我国需要对近十年来的能源政策进行调整,要充分考虑到中国国情与国家利益,审视其可行性与合理性。在“核电绝对安全”的神话一再被破灭的情况下,重新调整核电发展方针,实行总量控制乃至逐步减少。  相似文献   

文本、冲突与展演视角下的西方记忆地理研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄维  梁璐  李凡 《人文地理》2016,31(4):17-25
本文尝试从文本、冲突与展演视角评述近年来西方人文地理学领域发表的记忆研究论文,研究发现,尽管研究议题趋于多样化,但都表达对记忆政治性、叙事本质以及展演性的关注,具体表现在对纪念景观空间叙事的文本政治学分析,大尺度记忆场域中的记忆构建主体多元化、空间占有与反抗以及记忆创伤等记忆政治议题,个体记忆如何被身体贮存、携带甚至时空迁移并通过身体实践而被再次激活等方面。在社会转型时期城市空间与人口结构剧烈变化背景下,如何借鉴与应用西方记忆地理学相关理论,更深入地剖析具有本土特色的案例素材,应成为我国记忆地理学未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Jensen  Uffa 《German history》2007,25(3):348-371
This article attempts to relate modern anti-Semitism to theincreasingly close interactions of Jews and non-Jews in an ageof political emancipation and social integration. It arguesthat the changing mutual perceptions of Jews and Protestantsin the German educated bourgeoisie are of central importancein this regard. In nineteenth-century Germany, literature movementssuch as realism, and various human sciences such as anthropology,Protestant theology or philology provided ample material fordiscussing the Jewish character. These fields suggest four waysof perceiving Jews: the Jew as parvenu, as Talmudist, as materialistand as nomad. Indeed, bourgeois Jews themselves contributedto these literary and scholarly debates. Their discussions werefrequently shaped by the attempt to confront anti-Jewish misconceptions.Moreover, they propagated their own interpretation of the Jewishcharacter: the figure of the humanistic Jew. This Jewish interpretation,which identifies a universal mission, proves to have a twofoldnature: it is not only a counter-attack against anti-Semiticpolemics, but also a particular result of the peculiar Jewishadaptation of bourgeois culture. As the article argues, however,this humanistic perception of Jewish identity caused concernon the Protestant side, which led to further polemics and thusfurther Jewish defence. The resulting spiral of problematicperceptions was the consequence of the growing social intimacyof bourgeois Jews and Protestants in nineteenth-century Germany.Modern anti-Semitism, it is thus argued, can be interpretedas a specific form of rejection of ambivalence and the establishmentof neat binary codes in the confusing closeness of Jews andnon-Jews.  相似文献   

姜晓晖 《人文地理》2021,36(6):87-95
自改革开放以来,持续了近40年的飞速发展和规模扩张,我国的城市发展步入了“后城市化”时代。“快速扩张下”的城市收缩现象越来越引起理论和实务层面的关注,其中空间层面的资源不匹配和不协调是带来城市收缩的重要原因。基于“空间—行为”互动理论,尝试从“制度—政策—行为”层面的空间不匹配,解释城市收缩的逻辑归因。其中,制度空间通过“经济体制转型”和“社会结构变迁”,带来收缩城市在空间和社会上的两极分化;政策空间基于政治体制、社会政策带来城市发展的不平衡;行为空间嵌入个体、群体、家庭行为中,通过职住分离、就业环境等带来个体“空间—行为”的不匹配。最后,提出深化经济制度改革,促进收缩型城市再“更新”、关照区域政策平衡,扩大收缩型城市的公共服务供给、坚持“以人为本”,让城市成为“人”的“家”等治理导向与政策尝试。  相似文献   

Kauders  Anthony D. 《German history》2007,25(2):240-257
This review article seeks to advance the notion of democracyas action as a concept for the study of (West) German democracy.It suggests that it would be preferable to define democracyas practical rather than speculative so as to show how democraticculture, far from being merely an object of reverence, emergedin the form of serious disputes and equally serious displacements.Because democracy is the régime within which the strugglefor democracy finds legitimacy, the study of democracy meansexamining how men and women invoked democracy in the strugglefor what they believed were democratic goals and aspirations.Among the books under review, three in particular seem bestto anticipate future research in the area, in that they examinepost-1945 German democratization in an anti-teleological vein,mindful of conflict and the competition for power.  相似文献   

盛垒 《人文地理》2013,28(5):105-116
基于随机前沿生产函数构建的区域知识溢出模型,实证分析了中国省区层面的外资R&D空间溢出效应及其差异。结果显示,我国外资R&D活动不仅对本省存在溢出影响,对邻省亦有重要贡献;东部省区同时受益于其东、中部邻省的外资R&D溢出效应,但中西部省区均只从同一区域且邻近省份的外资R&D活动获益。研究还发现,我国三大区域内部均已结成紧密的省际空间联系,外资R&D双向溢出显著;但东部与中部省区的空间关联度不强,外资R&D呈单向溢出格局;而中部与西部之间目前仍存在明显的空间分割特征,造成彼此之间互无溢出。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the vertebral artery (VA) and two pathological conditions which affect it—tortuosity and aneurysm—are described. The changes which these lesions produce in the cervical vertebrae are also described and we present two cases in which these changes have been found. One case is of a female aged at least 45 years at the time of death from a 15th century medieval cemetery site in Britain with what we consider to be tortuosity of the VA. The second case is of a male aged between 25 and 35 years at the time of death from a Coffin period site in Japan, dating to ca 1600 years BP. The changes in this skeleton are considered to be more in keeping with a diagnosis of aneurysm of the VA. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《魏书.礼志》第一卷主要是记载北魏自道武帝拓拔珪建国至孝文帝元宏时各种祭祀的演变,从中我们可以看出,拓拔鲜卑在政治信仰上极其复杂曲折的汉化过程。  相似文献   

New human remains have been found during recent excavations conducted in the lower section of Visogliano dolina (Trieste, Italy). They are represented by teeth and a fragment of particularly robust mandible that for their morphological and morphometrical characters can be generically attributed to archaic Homo sapiens. The lithic industry is formed by flakes, carinated points, scrapers, choppers and chopping tools and is characteristic of the Italian Pebble Culture. Sediments, pollen and faunal remains indicate that this part of the deposit was formed during interglacial climatic conditions in the early, but not initial phase of Middle Pleistocene (isotopic stadium 13 or 11).  相似文献   

This lecture is concerned with some historical issues of “China,” “territory,” “culture” and “identity” that are placed against the background of politics, culture and scholarship in contemporary China. I want to draw attention to the question of how historians understand and interpret “China.” It addresses the following questions. First, where did the idea of “China” come from? and how did it become a topic of scholarly research? What kind of dilemmas does “China” confront in its current condition and historical interpretation? Second, how do various new historical theories and methods in international academic circles enrich our understanding of “China”? Third, how does China’s history and reality challenge the theories of “empire” and “nation-state”? Fourth, is it possible to write “East Asian history”? Does “national history” prove still effective in describing China or East Asia?  相似文献   

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