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In 1999 the AOC Archaeology Group excavated the cemetery of All Hallows by the Tower, London, UK, prior to redevelopment. The majority of the burials are post‐medieval, dating from circa 1776 to 1835. Skeleton (4105) was buried with a lead coffin plate. The data on the coffin plate revealed that the skeleton was that of Ann Sumpter, who died aged 31 years on the 25 May 1794. The skeleton displays pathology that is indicative of a metastatic carcinoma. A precise diagnosis is not possible, but given the individual is female it is statistically most likely the secondaries have originated from a breast or lung tumour. Breast tumours are thought to have been more common than lung tumours in the past, and therefore the most probable diagnosis is a breast carcinoma. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初奕劻外交活动真相   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
19世纪末20世纪初,中国外交矛盾交织.庆亲王奕劻以皇族特殊身份进入中央政权,执掌军政外交,参与处理清廷与义和团、八国联军进犯北京和列强签订<辛丑议和条约>等.从中看出奕劻外交中的特点及经验教训,将给人们以启迪.  相似文献   

王振忠 《安徽史学》2011,(5):13-29,116
在中韩文化交流史上,18世纪是个重要的转折时期。一方面,从这一时期开始,朝鲜人逐渐调整心态,对盛清时代的来临,作了全新的认识。而在另一方面,随着东亚形势的变化,以及朝鲜燕行使者孜孜不倦的公关活动,中国官方对燕行使团成员的限制逐渐放宽。在这一世纪,燕行使团渐渐摆脱了朝鲜馆内序班(中国胥吏)的控制,直接与琉璃厂的书商等展开频繁的交流。由于琉璃厂是当时北京雅俗文化的中心,这不仅极大地丰富了书籍采买的来源,而且,通过持续不断的观察,以及与不同阶层的接触和交流,也使得朝鲜人对于中国社会的了解更为全面。  相似文献   

Reconsideration of the materials of lighting from a number of Early Greek sites leads to a review of the long-standing scholarly argument about an abrupt break in the use of typologically distinctive lamps in the period between the 11th and early 7th centuries BC. According to this, there is a marked absence of easily identifiable lamp-types, after the elaborate stone and clay Minoan and Mycenean series. Drawing on a combined approach to both its literary and archaeological aspects, I shall attempt to re-assess the truth of this 'traditionally' negative argument. In particular, certain pottery series, such as bowls, kothons and similar categories of plain pots with wide geographical distribution and popularity from the Mycenaean to Historical times (mainly until the 3rd century BC) will be reviewed and suggested as possible sources of light. In addition, I shall suggest — with the aid of a simple experiment — other simple ways of lighting a lamp by means directly available from nature.  相似文献   

In the beginning of the 18th century Halle Pietists tried to establish a specific approach to sickness and healing. They constructed close links between physical illness on the one hand and the religious concept of individual piety, penance and rebirth on the other. This new' pietist medicine largely depended on Georg Ernst Stahl's medical theory, which was not pietist in itself, but was adopted and simplified by pietist physicians. Although conclusive and rhetorically present in programmatic texts, pietist medicine turned out to be less influential on medical practice than expected.  相似文献   

从16世纪至18世纪,澳门因其特殊的地理位置和社会背景成了东西文化、宗教交流的基地,对于推动国际间的交流与融合有着特别重要的地位。  相似文献   

This paper considers some aspects of the sugar-refining industry in Britain from the 16th to the 19th century. The pottery types involved are defined, and illustrated by examples from different parts of the country. The method of manufacturing sugar loaves is discussed, and the technology is placed in a wider context, drawing upon archaeological and historical evidence from the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   

This article presents data and analysis, summarizing the materials of the general censuses, mainly of 1989 and 2002. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of demographic composition and linguistic processes among the indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. The size and the distribution of 38 ethnic groups belonging to the multinational environment of the former USSR (with a size of not less than one thousand people) are presented for every region of Western Siberia (from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District to the Altai Republic). Different patterns of distribution, clusters of territories with similar ethnic composition, shares of indigenous, migrant non-Russian, and ethnic Russian population in each region are reported. At the end of the 20th century, the most remote territories of the Far North (Yamal) and the mountainous region of the Altai show the greatest specifi city.  相似文献   

In the 18th century, medical practice was essentially based on communication. Cranial trepanation, however, was usually performed on an unconscious person. Here the dialogue ceased. It was the only operation which had to be attempted without the positive consent of the patient. Thus trepanation challenged the surgeon's skill not only with its intricate surgical practice, but also with its unusual social setting. The present paper illustrates possible ways out of the "trap of trepanation" by interweaving two points of view. On the one hand, a general account is given on the basis of surgical publications written by Lorenz Heister and his contemporaries. On the other, the unpublished sources of the Heister correspondence serve to reconstruct the case of Heinrich Wilhelm Bachmann, a German merchant who fell victim to a traffic accident and underwent trepanation in 1753. The case study shows how the physician in charge counterbalanced the patient's inability to communicate by strengthening the remaining network of professionals, and ultimately confirming his decisions by use of the post-mortem.  相似文献   

赵大莹 《文献》2020,(2):55-66
本文以惠泽霖《北堂图书馆西文善本目录》著录的题识信息为基础,结合部分罗马耶稣会档案馆旧藏档案、埃武拉公共图书馆档案和来华传教士信件等资料,通过对乾隆朝以前北京东堂的创设和变迁情况的梳理,可知东堂藏书空间的变化。将惠泽霖著录、高华士整理部分藏书题识,与现存藏书比对与复校,对题识内容进行了分类、翻译和分析,展现出清中前期东堂藏书收集、管理与利用的历史,以及东堂藏书的专题特色与流动脉络。  相似文献   

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