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Pierre Durand. Nanacatlan. Société Paysanne et lutte des classes au Mexique. Montreal: Les Presses de 1'Université de Montréal. 1975. 257 pp. Tables, figures, maps, references, and bibliography. $14.50 Canadian, paper.

Judith Friedlander. Being Indian in Hueyapan. A Study of Forced Identity in Contemporary Mexico. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1975. 205 pp. Illustrations, references, bibliography, and index. $5.00 paper.  相似文献   

Remaking Micronesia: discourses over development in a Pacific Territory, 1944–1982. By David Hanlon. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 1998. xv, 240pp, photos, tables, notes, bibliog., index. ISBN 0824820118. $US34.95.

Representing the South Pacific: Colonial Discourse from Cook to Gauguin. By Rod Edmond. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997. xii, 307pp, illus., notes, maps, index. ISBN 052155054. $A75.00.

Papuan Borderlands: Huli, Duna, and Ipili Perspectives on the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Edited by Aletta Biersack. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1995. xii, 440pp, tables, maps, figs, bibliog., index. ISBN 0472106015 (hb). $US59.50.

Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific. Edited by Kalpana Ram and Margaret Jolly. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 305pp, index, maps, plates, bibliog., index. ISBN 0521586143. $A36.95.

Bwesou Eurijisi, le premier écrivain canaque. By Jean Guiart. Cahiers pour l'intelligence du temps présent 3. Nouméa, Le Rocher‐à‐la‐Voile, 1998. 154pp, map, illus., notes, bibliog.

Jules Calimbre, Chronique de trois générations, trois femmes et trois maisons. By Jean Guiart. Cahiers pour l'intelligence du temps présent 2. Nouméa, Le Rochcr‐à‐la‐Voile, 1998. 162pp, illus., notes, map, bibliog.

La Terre qui s'enfuit, Les pays canaques anciens, de La Foa à Moindou, Bourail el Kouaoua. By Jean Guiart. Cahiers pour servir à l'intelligence du temps présent 4. Nouméa, Le Rochcr‐à‐la‐Voile, 1998. 167pp, illus., map, bibliog.

Samoan Nursing: The Story of Women Developing a Profession. By Leslie Barclay, Jennifer Fenwick, Fa'amanatu Nielson, Barbara Postern‐Anderson, Pele Stowers and Jennifer Wilkinson. Sydney, Allen &; Unwin, 1998. xxvi, 146pp, map, chronology, glossary, index, list of contributers. ISBN 186448585X. $24.95.

Ono Ono Girl's Hula. By Carolyn Lei‐lanilau. Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1997. xvi, 180pp. ISBN 0299156346. $A17.95 (paper) $A34.95 (cloth library edition).

The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On: Yukiyukite Shingun. By Jeffrey Ruoff and Kenneth Ruoff. Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Flicks Books, 1998. Cinetek Series, vi, 58pp, cast list, notes, credits, index. ISBN 0948911050. £9.95.

The Last Colonies. By Robert Aldrich and John Connell. Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 285pp, notes, maps, tables, index. ISBN 052141461X. $59.95.

Papua New Guinea Records 1883–1942: Microfilm Collections. Compiled by Peter Nagle. Guide 4, Australian Archives, Canberra, 1998. 136pp. $A10.00.  相似文献   

Partant des termes très tranchés de la polémique qui s'est récemment élevée autour du cas Pierre Rivière, jeune parricide du XIXème siècle, révélé en 1973 par l'équipe de chercheurs réunis auprès de Michel Foucault au Collège de France, il s'agit de considérer une difficulté majeure posée à la discipline historique par l'oeuvre du penseur disparu : les conditions et les limites d'une activité interprétative. La méthode archéologique professée par Foucault prétendait surmonter les impasses évidentes de l'histoire des idées, traditionnellement entendue, sa naïve confiance en la continuité apparente des vocables, notamment ; elle ne parvient cependant à ses fins qu'au seul prix de l'oubli de ses propres conditions de possibilité, s'exposant ainsi au scepticisme qu'elle a elle‐même suscité. La question récurrente—et pourtant jamais abordée de front—du pouvoir atteste l'impossibilité ultime de la méthode foucaldienne de dépasser le point aveugle de sa propre légitimité. Loin qu'il faille tenir ses interpellations pour nulles et non avenues, “l'archéologie du savoir” ne peut, à ce compte, que fonctionner comme un puissant stimulant de l'opération historienne.  相似文献   

Private Politics: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to ‘Big-man’ Systems. Edited by Martin A. van Bakel, Renée R. Hagesteijn and Peter van de Velde . The Politics and Finance of Provincial Government in Papua New Guinea. By Norman Bonney . Torres trait Islanders: Custom and Colonialism. By J. Beckett . Aging and Its Transformations: Moving Towards Death in Pacific Societies. Edited by Dorothy Ayers Counts and David R. Counts . Gender and Society in the New Guinea Highlands: an Anthropological Perspective on Antagonism Towards Women. By Marilyn G. Gelber . An Introduction to Aboriginal Societies. By W.H. Edwards . Cosmologies in the Making: a Generative Approach to Cultural Variation in Inner New Guinea. By Fredrik Barth . Cultural Models in Language and Thought. Edited by D. Holland and Naomi Quinn . Leslie A. White: Ethnological Essays. Edited by Beth Dillingham and Robert L. Carneiro . Wetan Fieldnotes: Some Eastern Indonesian Texts with Linguistic Notes and a Vocabulary. By J.P.B. de Josselin de Jong . The Heart of the Pearlshell: The Mythological Dimension of Foi Sociality. By James F. Weiner . Upon a Stone Altar: A History of the Island of Pohnpei to 1890. By David Hanlon . Copra Marketing and Price Stabilization in Papua New Guinea. A History to 1975. By Harry H. Jackman . Wealth of the Solomons: a History of a Pacific Archipelago, 1800–1978. By Judith A. Bennett . An Account in Two Volumes of Two Voyages to the South Seas. By Jules S-C. Dumont D'Urville — Translated and edited by Helen Rosenman . Connections: Essays on Black Literatures. Edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson . Anthropological Studies of Religion: An Introductory Text. By Brian Morris . Human Resources Development in the Pacific. Edited by C.D. Throsby . Intimations of Infinity: The Mythopoeia of the Iqwaye Counting System and Number. By Jadran Mimica . La Dernière Isle. By Joel Bonnemaison .  相似文献   

Pioneering in New Guinea. By James Chalmers. London : The Eeligious Tract Society, 1887. Price 16s.

Australian Defences and New Guinea. Compiled from the Papers of the late Sir Peter Scratchley, R.E., K.O.M.G. By C. Kinloch Gooke, B.A., L.L.M., Barrister‐at‐Law. London : Macmillan, 1887. Price 14s.

Shores and Alps of Alaska. By H. W. Seton Kaee, F.R.G.S. Pp. xiv. + 248. London : Sampson Low and Co., 1887. Price 16s.

The Ancient Cities of the Neiv World, being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America, from 1857–1882. By Désiré Charnay. With numerous Illustrations. Translated from the French by J. Gonino and Helen S. Conant. London : Chapman and Hall, 1887. Pp. xxxii. and 514.

Report on the Administration of the Punjab and its Dependencies for 1885–86. Lahore, 1887.

Précis de Géographic Élémentaire. Par Paul Chaix. Onzième. Édition, revue et modifiée. Geneva : Cherbuliez. 1887.

Lonqmani New Geographical Readers: The Seventh Reader.The Ocean, Currents, Tides, the Planetary System, and Phases of the Moon. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1887. Price 18. 9d.  相似文献   

The Dialect and Place‐Names of Shetland. Two Popular Lectures. By Jakob Jakobsen, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. Lerwick: T. and J. Manson, 1897.

Three Years in Savage Africa. By Lionel Dècle. With an Introduction by H. M. Stanley, M.P. With 100 Illustrations and five Maps, from original Photographs, Sketches, and Surveys by the Author. London: Methuen and Co., 1898. Pp. 503. Two Appendices and Index. 21s.

Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. By the Abbe J. A. Dubois. Translated from the Author's later French ms. and edited by Henry K. Beau‐champ. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1897.

L'Algérie. Par Maurice Wahl, Docteur ès lettres, Inspecteur‐Général honoraire de l'Instruction publique aux Colonies. 3ème édition, revue et augmentée. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1897. Pp. 442. Price 5 Frs.

L'Italie: Géographique, Ethnologique, Historique, Administrative, Economique, Beligieuse, Littéraire, Artistique, Scientifique, etc. Paris: Larousse, 1897. Pp. 608. Price 5 fr.

The Pioneers of the Klondyke: being an Account of two years’ Police Service on the Yukon. Narrated by M. H. E. Hayne, N.C.O. of the N‐W. Mounted Police, and recorded by H. West Taylor. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1897. Pp. xii + 184. Price 3s. 6d.

The Gold Fields of the Klondike. Fortune‐Seekers’ Guide to the Yukon Begion of Alaska and British America. By John W. Leonard. London: T. Fisher Unwin, N.D. Pp. 216. Price 2s. 6d.

Imperial Defence. By Lieut.‐Col. Sir George S. Clarke, K.C.M.G., F.E.S. London: The Imperial Press, Limited, N.D. Pp. xv + 251. Price 5s. net.

With Nature and a Camera: being the Adventures and Observations of a Field Naturalist and an Animal Photographer. By Richard Kearton, F.Z.S., Author of British Birds’ Nests; Birds’ Nests, Eggs, and Egg‐collecting, etc. Illustrated by 180 Pictures from Photographs, by Cherry Kearton. 8vo. London, Paris, and Melbourne: Cassell and Co., Lim., 1897. Pp. xvi + 368.

La Face de la Tern (Das Antlitz der Erde). Par Ed. Suess. Traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur et annoté sous la direction de Emmanuel de Margerie avec une préface par Marcel Bertrand, de l'Académie des Sciences, Professeur à l'École nationale supérieure des Mines. Tome Ir, avec 2 cartes en couleur et 122 figures dont 76 exécutées spécialement pour l'édition française. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie., 1897. Pp. 835 + xv.

Anthropologische Studien über die Urbewohner Brasiliens, vornehmlich der Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz, und Amazonas (Purus‐Gebiet). Nach eigenen Aufnahmen und Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1887 bis 1889, von Dr. Paul Ehrenreich, Berlin. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tafeln. Braunschweig: Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1897. Pp. 165. Bibliography and 30 plates, 96 in text and 9 plates of vertex curves. Price 25 M.

Kleinasiens’ Naturschätze, Seine wichtigsten Tiere, Kulturpftanzen und Mineral‐schätze. Von Karl Kannenberg. Berlin: Bornträger, 1897. Pp. xii + 278. Price M. 14.

Thessalien und Epirus: Reisen und Forschungen im nördlichen Oriechenland. Von Dr. Alfred Philippson. Berlin: W. H. Kühle, 1897.

North America. Vol. I.—Canada and Newfoundland. By Samuel Edward Dawson, Litt.D. (Laval), F.R.S.C. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (new issue). London: Edward Stanford, 1897. Pp. xxiv + 719. Price 15s.

Geografia Commercial de la America del Sur. Por Carlos B. Cisneros y Romulo E. Garcia. Entregas 1 y 2. Lima: Imprenta de la Escuela de Ingerieros, 1897. Pp. 100.

Egypt. Handbook for Travellers. Edited by Karl Baedeker. 4th Eemodelled Edition. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. cciv + 395. Price 15 M.

Spain and Portugal. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. lxxxvi + 618. Price 16 M.

Ceylon. Von Emil Schmidt (Leipzig). Mit 39 Bildern und 1 Karte. Berlin: Schall und Grund, 1897. Pp. 323 + viii.

A. Hartleben's Kleines Statistisches Taschenbuch über alle Lander der Erde. Nach den neuesten Angaben bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Friedeich Umlauft. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1898. Pp. 98.

Verhandlungen des Zwölften Deutschen Geographentages zu Jena, 1897. Heraus‐gegeben von dem ständigen Geschäftsführer des Centralausschusses des Deutschen Geographentages, Georg Kollm, Hauptmann, a.d. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1897. Pp. lviii + 252.  相似文献   

E. Sidney Hartland 《Folklore》2013,124(4):321-332
Suomalaisia Kansansatuja. Finnish Folk-tales, pt. 2. Kingly Tales, vol. i. Helsingfors : 1893, pp. 272. By E. Sidney Hartland.

Georgian Folk-Tales, translated by Margery Wardrop. London: D. Nutt, 1894. Grimm Library, Vol.1. By E. Sidney Hartland.

Contes de la Haute Bretagne. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendée et d'Anjou.

Contributions a l'Étude des Contes Populàires. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue des Traditions Populaires, T. ix, Nos. I à 6. 1894.

Légendes du Pays de Páimpol. Par Paul Sébillot. Extrait de la Revue de Bretagne de Vendtfe et d'Anjou. 1894. All issued by Le Chevallier, Paris. By E. Sidney Hartland

Le Folk-Lore de Lesbos. Par G. Georgeakis et Léon Pineau. Paris: J. Maisonneuve, 1894. By E. Sidney Hartland

More Celtic Fairy Tales, selected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. London: David Nutt, 1894. By E. Sidney Hartland  相似文献   

Nouveau Monde et renouveau de l'histoire naturelle, vol. 2. Edited by Marie‐Cecile Benassy and Jean‐Pierre Clement. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1993. Pp. 135.

Langues et cultures en Amérique espagnole coloniale. Edited by Marie‐Cecile Benassy‐Berling, Jean‐Pierre Clement and Alain Milhou. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1993. Pp. 328.

Relecturas del Barroco de Indias. Edited by Mabel Moraña. Hanover, New Hampshire: Ediciones del Norte, 1994. Pp. xii, 334.

Early Images of the Americas: Transfer and Invention. Edited by Jerry M. Williams and Roberte. Lewis. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1993. Pp. xviii, 319.

Discursos sobre la “invención” de América. Edited by Iris Zavala. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 1992. Pp. 294.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Trading Nature: Tahitians, Europeans and Ecological Exchange: By Jennifer Newell Claude Lévi‐Strauss: the poet in the laboratory: By Patrick Wilcken A Certain Age: colonial Jakarta through the memories of its intellectuals.: By Rudolf Mrázek Beyond the Sacred Forest: Complicating Conservation in Southeast Asia.: Edited by Michael Dove, Percy Sajise and Amity Doolittle Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands: Studies in Form, Meaning, and Sociocultural Context: Edited by Alan Rumsey and Don Niles Villagers and the City. Melanesian Experiences of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.: By Michael Goddard (ed.) The Many Worlds of R.H.Mathews: in Search of an Australian anthropologist: By Martin Thomas  相似文献   

Les chemins de l'alliance. L'organisation sociale et ses représentations en Nouvelle-Calédonie. By A. Bensa and J.C. Rivièrre. Paris: Sélaf. 1982.  相似文献   

The earliest printed maps 1472–1500. By Tony Campbell. London: The British Library, 1987. ISBN 0 7123 0133 X. Pp. xii, 244, illus. £40.00 (cloth).

Die ?Caerte van oostlant? des Cornells Anthonisz‐ 1543: die alteste gedruckte Seekarte Nordeuropas und inhre Segelanweisung. By Arend W. Lang. Schriften des Deutschen Schifiahrtsmeums Bd. 8. Hamburg: Ernst Kabel Ver‐lag, 1986. ISBN 3 8225 0012 7. Pp 168, 108 plates. DM 68.00.

Gilded scenes and shining prospects: panoramic views of British towns 1575–1900. By Ralph Hyde. Catalogue of an exhibition held 9th October to 15th December 1985. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Centre for British Art, 1985. ISBN 0 930606 49 3. Pp. 207, illus. £23.00.

L'Inventaire du Monde: géographic et politique aux origines de I'Empire romain. By Claude Nicolet. Paris: Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1988. ISBN 2 213 02020 5. Pp. 345, illus. FF160.00 (paper).

Espace français: vision et aménagement, XVIe XIXe siècle. Exposition organisé par la Direction des Archives de France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Paris: Archives Nationales, 1987. ISBN 2 86000 135 2. Pp. 192, col. plates. FFI20 (paper).

Les militaires et la cartographie des Pays‐Bas Méridionaux et de la Principauté de Liège à la fin du xviie et au xviiie siècle. By Claire Lemoine‐Isabeau. Centre D'Histoire Militaire, Travaux 19. Bruxelles: Musée Royal de L'Armée et Centre d'Histoire Militaire, 1984. ISBN 2 87051 0055. Pp.296, 30 plates. [Musée Royal de L'Armée et Centre d'Histoire Militaire, Pare du Cinquantenaire, 3, B‐1040 Bruxelles.]

Civil War maps: an annotated list of maps and atlases in the Library of Congress. Compiled by Richard W. Stephen‐son. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1988. ISBN 084405981. Pp. viii, 410, illus. US$46.00 (cloth).

Island, Grönland und das nördliche Eismeer im Bild der Kartographie seit dem 10. Jahrhundert. By Oswald Dreyer‐Eimbcke. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft im Hamburg 77. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1987. ISBN 3 515 05102 3. Pp. iv, 170, illus. DM65.00. [Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Birkenwaldstraße 44, Postfach 347, 7000 Stuttgart 1.]

L'analse de la carte ancienne: essai méthodologique: la carte du Bas‐Canada de 1831 de Joseph Bouchette. By Claude Boudrea. Rapports et Mémoires de recherche du CELAT 7. Québec: Université Laval, 1986. Pp. viii, 170, plates. [Centre d'études sur la langue, les arts et les traditions populaires des francophones en Amérique du Nord (CELAT), Faculté des Lettres, Universié Laval, Cité universitaire, Québec G1K 7PA.]

La Città de Napoli tra Vedutismo e Cartografia: Piante e Vedute dal XV al XIX Secolo. A cura di Giulo Pane e Vladimiro Valero. Napoli: Grimaldi &; C. Editori, 1987. Pp. 438, illus. [Grimaldi &; C. Editori, Via Bausan 61, 80121 Napoli.]

Exploration and mapping of the American West: selected essays. Edited by Donna P. Koepp. Map and Geography Round Table of the American Library Association, Occasional Paper 1. Chicago: Speculum Orbis Press for The Map and Geography Round Table of the American Library Association, 1986. ISBN 0 932757 01 4. Pp. viii, 184, illus. US$18.95 (cloth).

Explorations in the history of Canadian cartography: a collection of essays. Edited by Barbara Farrell and Aileen Desbarats. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives, 1988. ISBN 0 9690682 6 3. Pp. xii, 274, illus. CDN$25.00 (paper). [Associationof Canadian Map Libraries and Archives, c/o Cartographic and Architectural Archives Division, National Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON3.]

Jamaica surveyed: plantation maps and plans of the eighteen and nineteenth‐centuries. By B. W. Higman. Kingston, Jamaica: Institute of Jamaica Publications Ltd., 1988. ISBN 976 8017 08 2. Pp. xvi, 308, illus. £20.00 (paper) [Institute ofjamaica Publications Ltd., 2A Suther‐mere Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica.]

The Sanuto sixteenth‐century Venetian globe gores: Chicago: Holzheimer Research and Publications Project and Hermon Dunlap Center for the History of Cartography, 1987. 24 sheets. Published with: The Holzheimer Venetian globe gores of the sixteenth‐century by David Woodward. Madison: The Juniper Press, 1987. Pp. iv, 20. US$395.00 (boxed).

Printed maps of the British Isles 1650–1750. By Rodney W. Shirley. Tring: Map Collector Publications; London: The British Library, 1988. ISBN 0 7123 0142 9. Pp. 168, illus. £48.00 (cloth).

The city in maps: urban mapping to 1900. By James Elliot. Published by the British Library to accompany an exhibition held from June 1987 to December 1987. London: The British Library, 1987. ISBN 0 7123 0134 8. Pp. 88, 58 illus. £9.95 (paper).

Keyguide to information sources in cartography. By Alan G. Hodgkiss and Andrew F. Tatham. London: Mansell Publishing, 1986. ISBN 0 7201 1768 2. Pp. x, 253. £25.00 (cloth),

Maps and map‐makers of the Aegean. By Vasilis Sphyroe‐ras, Anna Avramea, and Spyros Asdrahas. Translated by G. Cox and J. Solman. Athens: Olkos Ltd., 1985. ISBN 0892414553. Pp.263, 166illus, col. plates. $100.00.

Maps with the news: the development of American journalist cartography. By Mark Monmonier. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1989. ISBN 0 226 53411 1. Pp. xiv, 331, illus. £19.95 (cloth).

Origem e desenvolvimento da cartografia Portugesa na Epoca dos descrobrimentos [The origins and development of Portuguese cartography at the time of the Discoveries]. By Alfredo Pin‐heiro Marques. Descoberta do Mundo. [Lisbon]: Imprensa Nacional ‐ Casa da Moeda, 1987. Pp. 228, 16 illus. 2,100 Escudos (cloth).

The charts &; Coastal views of Captain Cook's voyages, 1: The voyage of the Endeavour 1768–1771. Edited by Andrew David, Riidiger Joppien and Bernard Smith. Hakluyt Society Extra Series 43. London: The Hakluyt Society (with Australia Academy of the Humanities), 1988. ISBN 0 904180 23 9. Pp. lxiv, 328, illus. £100.00 (cloth). [The Hakluyt Society, c/o The British Library, Map Library, Great Russell Street, London WCIB 3DG],

Plantation acres: an historical study of the Irish land surveyor and his maps. By J. H. Andrews. Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation, 1985. ISBN 0 901 905 35 6. Pp. xxiv, 462, illus, 29 plates. £16.50 (cloth). [Ulster Historical Foundation, 68 Balmoral Avenue, Belfast BT9 6NY, Northern Ireland].

Indian maps and plans from earliest times to the advent of European surveys. By Susan Gole. New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1989. ISBN 8h 85054 58 4. Pp.207, Illus. £45.00. [Jaya Books, 240b Kentish Town Road, London NW5 1DD, or South Asia Books, PO Box 502, Columbia, Missouri 65205],  相似文献   

Mythes et Légendes D'Australie : Études D'Éthnographie et de Sociologie. Arnold van Gennep. Paris, E. Guilmoto, N.D. [Preface Dated November, 1905.] By. E. Sidney Hartland.

The Cult of the Heavenly Twins. By J. Rendel Harris, M.A., D. Litt. (Dubl). Cambridge University Press. 1906. By R H. Connolly.

The Jâtaka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Vol V. Translated By H. T. Francis, M.A. Cambridge: 1905. By W. Crooks.

Simla Village Tales, or Folk-Tales from the Himalayas. By A. E. Dracott. London: John Murray, 1906. By W. Crooks.

The Childhood of Fiction. By J. A. MacCulloch. London: John Murray, 1905. By W. Crooks.

Recueil De Memoires et de Textes Publiés en L'honneur du XIV Congrès des Orientalistes. Pierre Fontana, Algiers, 1905. By J. B. Andrews.  相似文献   

Mercedes Agulló y Cobo. La Poesía española en 1961. (Cuadernos Bibliográficos, VII). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid, 1963, Pp. 62.

Frederick B. Arlz. From the Renaissance to Romanticism. Trends in Style in Art, Literature, and Music, 1300–1830. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1962, Pp. x, 311.

Theodore Besterman. Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century. Geneva: Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1962. Pp. 263.

Germaine Brée. Gide. Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963. Pp. 302.

Lucile Kathryn Delano. Spain, Reality and Legend. Rock Hill, South Carolina: Winthrop College, 1964, Pp. 145. $1.50.

Wallace Fowlie. A Reading of Proust. New York: Doubleday &; Co., 1964. Pp. 307.

Edward Inman Fox. Azorín as a Literatury Critic. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1962. Pp. 176.

Rinaldo Froldi. Il Teatro valenzano e l'origine della commedia baroca. (Istituto di letteratura Spagnola e ispano-Americana della Università di Pisa). Pisa: Editrice Tecnico-Scientifica, 1962. Pp. 112.

Peter Gay. The Party of Humanity. Essays in the French Enlightenment. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964. Pp. 290.

Herbert S. Gershman, Kernan B. Whitworth, Jr. Anthology of Critical Prefaces to the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1962. Pp. vii, 233.

J. D. Hubert. Molière and the Comedy of Intellect. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. Pp. xvi, 275.

Willis Knapp Jones, ed. Spanish-American Literature in Translation. New York: Ungar, 1963. Pp. xxi, 469.

Maxim Newmark. Dictionary of Spanish Literature. Paterson, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams and Company, 1963. Pp. 352.

Muriel Rukeyser, ed. and translator. Selected Poems of Octavio Paz. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1964. Pp. 171.

Nilida Salvador. Revistas argentinas de vanguardia (1920–1930). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1962. Pp. 109.

Baltasar Samper. Investigación folklórica en México. I. México: Departamento de Bellas Artes, 1962. Pp. 653.

Friedrich Soleürr. Miguel de Unamuno. Dichterphilosoph des tragischen Lebensgefuhls. Bern and München: Francke Verlag, 1962. Pp. 169.

Francis Steegmuller. Apollinaire. New York: Farrar, Straus and Co., 1963. Pp. 365.

Phillip A. Wadsworth. Tristan l'Hermite: Poésies, choisies et annotées. Paris: Seghers, 1962. Pp. 150.  相似文献   

Elie Dimitras. Enquêtes sociologiques sur les émigrants grecs. Premiere enquête: “Avant le départ de Grèce.” Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. viii + 117pp. Tables, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Elie Dimitras. Enquêtes sociologiques sur les émigrants grecs. Deuxième enquête: “Lors du séjour en Europe occidentale.” Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. viii + 219 pp. Tables, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Elie Dimitras in collaboration with Evan Vlachos. Sociological Surveys on Greek Emigrants. Third survey: “Upon the return to Greece.” Athens: National Centre of Social Research, 1971. xii + 131 pp. Tables, figures, notes, and appendix. $3.00.

Bernard Kayser, Pierre‐Yves Pechoux, and Michel Sivignon. Exode rural et attraction urbaine en Grèce. Athens: Centre national de recherches sociales, 1971. 233 pp. Tables, figures, photographs, map, and appendixes. $7.00.

John I. Baxevanis. Economy and Population Movements in the Peloponnesus of Greece. Athens: National Centre of Social Research, 1972. 86 pp. Tables, figures, maps, illustrations, notes, appendix, and bibliography. $7.00.  相似文献   


Le globe est composé de 12 fuseaux, actuellement collés cote à cote. La diamètre est de 73,5 cm.

Les planches originales, gravées sur cuivre, au nombre de 12, devaient mesurer 40 × 60 cm environ.

Les contours et la nomenclature sont postérieurs à 1581 et antérieurs à 1587. Six cartouches sont restés vides. 80 légendes sont inscrites sur diverses parties du monde.

L'auteur, anonyme, s'est servi d'une carte d'Ortelius ‐ dont on ne connait qu'un tirage unique ‐ publiée par Gérard de Jode en 1564, et d'une carte de Postel faite en 1581, dont il n'existe aussi qu'un tirage unique de 1621, ainsi que des cartes du Theatrum d'Ortelius de 1570. Certaines parties du monde, prises à Postel, furent utilisées par Cornelius de Jode dans son Speculum en 1593.

Le globe est antérieur à la grande mappemonde de Plancius de 1592, il est probablement anversois et aurait été établi dans l'entourage de Gérard de Jode. C'est aussi un unicum.

Le cartouche décoratif du 12e fuseau représente un personnage, peut‐être l'auteur, le graveur ou l'éditeur.  相似文献   

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La Traversée de l'Afrique du Zambèze au Congo Français. Par Edouard Foá. Paris: Librairie Plon. Pp. xii + 323.

Eaglehawk and Crow: A Study of the Australian Aborigines. By John Matiiew, M.A., B.D. London : David Nutt; and Melbourne : Melville, Mullen, and Slade, 1899. With Illustrations and a Linguistic Map. Pp. xvi. and 288. Price 18s. net.

Origin and Character of the British People. By Nottidge Charles Macnamara. London : Smith, Elder, and Co. 1900. Pp. 234. With 33 Illustrations. Price 6s.

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Narrative of Cruises in the Mediterranean during the Greek War of Independence, 1822–26. By William Black, L.E.C.S.E., Surgeon H.M.S. Chanticleer. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Limited, 1900. Price 14s.

British America. ("The British Empire Series.”) London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Limited, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, 1900.

Bilder aus dem Kaukasus. Neue Studien zur Kenntnis Kaukasiens. Von C. von Hahn, Professor am I. Gymnasium zu Tiflis. Leipzig : Dunckler und Humbolt, 1900. Pp. 335. Price 6 M.

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Die Insel Giglio. Prague : Heinr. Mercy Sohn, 1900. Folio. Pp. 127.

Nelson's Supplementary ReaderThe Story of the North‐West and North‐East Passages. By C. G. Cash, F.R.S.G.S. London, Edinburgh, and New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1899.

La Spéléologie on Science des Cavernes. Par E. A. Martel (Scientia, Mars 1900). Paris : G. Carré et C. Naud. Pp.126. Price 2 frcs.

Dent's County Guides.I. Hampshire with the Isle of Wight. By George A. B. Dewar, John Vaughan, and others. II. Norfolk. By William A. Duff. London : J. M. Dent and Co., 1900. Price 4s. 6d. net each.

Sir Stamford Raffles. England in the Far East. By Hugh E. Egerton, M.A. ("Builders of Greater Britain” Series.) London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 290. Price 5s.

Khaki in South Africa. China of To‐day: The Yellow Peril. London : George Newnes, Ltd., 1900. Price 5s. each.

How to read the War News from China. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1900. Pp. 142. Price 1s.

The Dominion of Canada: With Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Second revised edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. 1900. Pp. lxii + 268. Price M. 5.  相似文献   

Urban publics - the self-conscious interest groups that emerged to characterize much of the social and political climate of city life - claimed attention, contended for influence, and celebrated their values through performances of a wide variety of rituals in urban public space. In this paper our attention will focus on one dramatic and important episode expressing the nature of public ritual in Confederation-era Canada: the memorialization of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, assassinated in Ottawa, and buried in Montreal on Easter Monday, April 13, 1868. In paying homage to McGee, urban publics in Montreal and across the Dominion seized an almost unparalleled opportunity to bear witness to their images of themselves, in the very particular circumstance of an intensely felt moment in time. The nature of this ritual allows us to explore one significant aspect of a social geography of the city that is otherwise not easily recoverable and often forgotten: the evanescent but powerfully signifying geography of behaviour in public space. Les publics urbains - ces associations gênées qui ont émergé pour dépeindre I'essentiel du climat politique et social de la vie en ville - se faisaient remarquer, préten-daient à I'influence, et célébraient leurs valeurs à travers des performances de rites d'une grande variété dans un espace urbain public. Dans cette dissertation nous exa-minerons surtout un épisode dramatique et important qui exprime la nature du rituel public dans le Canada de I'ère de la Confédération: La commémoration de Thomas D'Arcy McGee, assassinéà Ottawa, et enterréà Montréal le 13 Avril 1868 - le lundi de Pâques. En rendant hommage à McGee, les publics urbains à Montréal et à travers la Confédération profitèrent d'une occasion sans pareil pour porter témoignage des images qu'ils se faisaient d'eux-mêmes, dans la circonstance très particulière d'un moment perçu très intensément dans le temps. Le caractère de ce rituel nous permet d'explorer un aspect important d'une géographie sociale de la ville qui, autrement, n'est pas facilement récupérable et sou-vent oubliée: La géographie éphéèere, et pourtant puis-samment significative, du comportement dans I'espace public.  相似文献   

Martin Lovelace 《Folklore》2013,124(1):102-104
Il Kalevala, O La Poesia tradizionale dei Finni, studio storico - critico sulle origini belle grandi epopee nazionali. DEL DOMENICO COMPARETTI. Firenze, 1891.

DER KALEVALA, ODER DIE TRADITIONELLE POESIE DER FlNNEN, ETC. Von DOMENICO COMPARETTI. (The authorised German edition.) Halle, 1892. By John Abercromby.

Vestiges de Paganisme dans la Région situé entre les cours supérieurs de l'oka et du Don. Par N. Troitzky. Congrès international d' Archiologie préhistorique et d' Anthropologie. Moscou, Août 1892, t. i. By A. C. Haddon.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》2001,10(2):273-316

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