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Summary. A ship's Master has to ensure that goods are loaded in such a combination, and stowed in such a manner, that his ship has a safe freeboard and adequate stability. In antiquity these considerations would have been evaluated from experience and by inherited rules of thumb, whereas today stowage factors are used. Greek decorated pottery, with a relatively high stowage factor, is most unlikely to have been used as ballast in the ancient Mediterranean, but small consignments may have been used as 'space-fillers'.  相似文献   

西非萨赫勒地带荒漠化和人地关系地域系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁登山 《人文地理》1996,11(3):34-39
西非萨赫勒地带是世界最严重的荒漠化地区,国际社会对这里荒漠化问题的关注最终发展成为世界范围内大规模的防治荒漠化运动。本文提出了萨赫勒地带荒漠化四个机制模式,并分析了当人地关系地域系统的组成,系统内各要素之间的相互作用及其特征,并在此基础上阐述了该地带荒摸化的实质。  相似文献   

A recent project to investigate the stone artefacts preserved in the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin has been undertaken, with the aim of supplying their systematic classification and suggesting the provenance site of the original raw materials. This paper focuses on seven sculptures dating back to the New Kingdom (18th–19th Dynasties): the statue of Ramses II, three of the 21 sculptures of the goddess Sekhmet, the statue of the goddess Hathor, the Ram‐headed Sphinx and the sarcophagus lid of Nefertari. Petrographic observations have shown that all the sculptures are made of granitoid rocks, with variable composition from granite to granodiorite and tonalite. The observation of strong macroscopic analogies with the so‐called black and red granites outcropping in the Aswan area has suggested a common origin of all the raw materials used for their manufacture. In order to verify this provenance hypothesis, several samples were collected in the Aswan quarry districts. According to results of a minero‐petrographic and geochemical comparison between the statues and the Aswan quarry samples, it was possible to identify the source area of the stone sculptures and finally to highlight the importance of an archaeometric approach to the solution of archaeological problems.  相似文献   

The geography and internal structure of Ukrainian block settlements in western Canada illustrate the strength of social ties transferred from the homeland. Settlements were structured according to kinship, village, district, provincial, and national loyalties. In this respect the internal geography of Ukrainian block settlements in Canada replicated that of the western Ukraine in microcosm. Although Settlement within a familiar social- cultural milieu offered many advantages for the immigrant, the ultimate result was not always beneficial, since a determination to pursue social advantage in settlement led to the occupation of much agriculturally marginal land.
La géographie et la structure interne des implantations en masse des Ukrainiens dans l' ouest du Canada montrent la force des liens sociaux transmis du pays ď origine. Ces implantations furent structurées en fonction d'affinityés provenant de liens soit de parenté ou de loyauté qui existaient à des niveaux diffgrents, tel que dans le village, ou dans le quartier, au même en province ou dans des coins lointains du pays. A cet égard, la géographie interne de ce type d'implantation au Canada fut la réplique en microcosme de celle de l' ouest de l' Ukraine. Bien que l' implantation au sein d'un milieu socio-culturel connu ait offert beaucoup d'avantages à l' immigrant, le résultat final n'a pas toujours étéà son avantage, surtout lorsque la détermination de maintenir ces liens sociaux mena à l' occupation de nombreuses terres qui étaient faibles en rendements agricoles.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper considers the evidence for the origins and development of the lake settlement tradition of Scotland and Ireland in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Considering a crannog 'event horizon' around the mid-first millennium BC, dating and structural evidence are compared and contrasted, and the evidence for non-domestic activity including ritual and votive deposition is contextualized. It is argued that the concurrent appearance of crannogs with the flourish of domestic monumentality in Scotland and Ireland can be seen as a consequence of the fusion of ritual and domestic spheres of life in the later first millennium BC, integrating the themes of architectural monumentality and the Iron Age reverence of water.  相似文献   

In this essay I discuss Koselleck's thesis on the dissolution of historia magistra vitae in modernity with a view to exploring how the modern historiographical engagement with Thucydides entails qualifications of this argument. Focusing on Barthold Georg Niebuhr's contextualization of Thucydides in a new temporality of “ancient and modern history,” I examine how modernity is caught between conflicting notions of its own prehistory, and that this conflict suggests that the forward‐leaping qualities of Neuzeit were co‐articulated with other temporal notions, and particularly an idea of historical exemplarity associated with historia magistra vitae. This plurality of times highlights an agonistic temporality linking antiquity and modernity: a model of conflicting times inscribed in a dialogue through which modern historiography interrupted the “useful” history of antiquity, while simultaneously being itself interrupted by it. By following this dialogue, I seek to test two interrelated hypotheses: a) that modernity produced a multitemporal scheme in which the ideas of differential time and the future were intertwined with a notion of historia magistra vitae as meaningful and sense‐bearing time; and b) that contradictions in this scheme arising from the modern confrontation with Thucydides's poetics challenges the opposition between historia magistra vitae and modern historical sense and configures a temporality that is self‐agonistic in the sense that it confronts historical actors before and beyond the terms through which they may be able to give it meaning. Formulated as a poetics of the possible, this notion is approached as a corrective alternative to the modern consideration of the future as distanced from the space of experience, but nonetheless as grounded in actuality and therefore largely mastered by human knowledge and action.  相似文献   

The current Israel-Palestine peace process is expected to result in a final territorial solution and the ultimate formation of a separate Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. By all definitions, such a state would be small in terms of its population size, its areal extent, and its economic capacity. Given existing conditions, a West Bank and Gaza state would suffer from problems of structural scarcity as experienced by many other small states. This would be exacerbated were the boundaries of the new state with Israel to be closed, thus severing existing economic links. Drawing on models of small state behaviour, this paper studies the possible ways in which a West Bank and Gaza state could overcome these structural deficiencies in both the short and long-terms, including full and independent control of the state's resources, investment in industrial and construction infrastructure, and through becoming an important regional and global gateway for the Arab world as a whole. Les pourparlers actuels visant la négotiation ?un traité de paix entre ?Israël et la Palestine mèneront vraisemblablement à une solution territoriale définitive qui sera manifestée par la création ?un état palestinien indépendant. Cet état comprendrait la Rive Gauche et le territoire de Gaza. Par définition, il s'agirait ?un état dont la population, la superficie et les moyens de production seraient modestes. Étant donné les conditions actuelles, le nouvel état comprenant la Rive Gauche et le territoire de Gaza, tout comme les autres états de petite taille, ferait face à des déficiences structure!les. Si la frontière entre le nouvel état et Israël était fermée, ce qui aurait pour effet de rompre les liens économiques actuels, ces déficiences se feraient davantage sentir. Ce travail se propose ?examiner, à?aide de modèles portant sur le fonctionnement des états de petite taille, les stratégies visant à pallier ces déficiences, à court terme comme à long terme. Les stratégies à?étude comprennent: (a) la prise de contrôle totale des ressources du nouvel état par son gouvernement indépendant, (b) ?aménagement ?infrastructures dans les domaines de ?industrie et de la construction par des investissements dans ces domaines et (c) la mise en valeur du nouvel état comme porte ?entrée régionale et globale vers ?ensemble du monde arabe.  相似文献   

旅游业与包括住宅产业在内的房地产业之间存在着显著的正外部效应。这使得旅游房地产成为旅游城市发展经济的一个重要推动力。然而,随着国内旅游房地产开发的热度不断提升,旅游业对旅游城市住宅市场的负外部效应也日益凸显。西方学者的研究表明这些负外部效应主要源自为发展旅游业而实施的较严格的控制性规划以及旅游地产开发带来的第二住宅现象。特别是第二住宅已经成为导致我国部分旅游城市住宅市场失衡的重要诱因。为了保障本地居民的居住需求,促进旅游业与旅游城市经济、社会的和谐和可持续发展,政府应当采取必要的手段矫正旅游房地产开发对本地住宅市场的负外部性。  相似文献   

In South Africa, the provision of collective consumption and urban racial segregation have always been closely connected. This article examines changes in apartheid urban policy with specific reference to two predominantly working-class colored suburbs on the periphery of Johannesburg: Eldorado Park, begun in the mid-1960s during a period of relative growth and stability, is largely an expression of socialized housing produced by an interventionist state and construction of this suburb, despite its racially exclusive character, appears to fit all too well within the theory which sees collective consumption in terms of the reproduction of labor power. However the apartheid regime, confronted by a deepening economic and political crisis, later withdrew from the provision of collective consumption, and appears to be abandoning its racist urban policies and ideology. Thus construction of Ennerdale, beginning in the mid-1970s occurred within a context of privatization and austerity. Analysis of the apparent “deracialized” and market-oriented provision of urban goods and services in Ennerdale reveals, at a local level, contradictions of South African crisis policies.  相似文献   

论文提出了评价产业衰退地域的指标体系,构建了基于综合评分和自组织神经网络的评价和分类模型,把我国中西部老工业基地划分为产业衰退特征明显的、具有较强的产业衰退特征、呈现出一定的产业衰退特征和产业衰退特征不明显的4大类城市,并分析了各种类型城市的特征和存在的问题。  相似文献   

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